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[CONTAINER] CrashPlan & CrashPlan-Desktop

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Cannot read from Windows Registry on a Linux system

Cannot write to Windows Registry on a Linux system

Encrypted Bin Pass= '**'

Encrypted Hex Pass= '**'

Warning: could not find self.pem

No installed websockify, attempting to clone websockify...

_XSERVTransSocketOpenCOTSServer: Unable to open socket for inet6

_XSERVTransOpen: transport open failed for inet6/**:1

_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to open listener for inet6

_XSERVTransmkdir: ERROR: euid != 0,directory /tmp/.X11-unix will not be created.


I'm getting the exact same thing on a fresh install. Previously, this docker was working flawlessly prior to the latest update.


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Any ideas on this one guys:


I mounted a (empty) xfs drive at /mnt/crashplan and added that to the docker as /Write and /mnt/crashplan.


Problem comes to writing to it - crashplan simply wont, instead writing to 'cache' which eventually fills up and crashes it.


Tried root:root and nobody:user permissions, ln -s to a folder where I know it writes to (E.g. if I point /Write to /mnt/cache/Data it works!?!).


I've even started the archive creation off on the cache disk, stopped it, moved it to /mnt/crashplan where it sees the archive but then can't write to it even when selected as 'Read/Write'


I don't understand why this isn't working - any ideas why the crashplan docker plainly refuses to write to a manually mounted disk!?

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Any ideas on this one guys:


I mounted a (empty) xfs drive at /mnt/crashplan and added that to the docker as /Write and /mnt/crashplan.


Problem comes to writing to it - crashplan simply wont, instead writing to 'cache' which eventually fills up and crashes it.


Tried root:root and nobody:user permissions, ln -s to a folder where I know it writes to (E.g. if I point /Write to /mnt/cache/Data it works!?!).


I've even started the archive creation off on the cache disk, stopped it, moved it to /mnt/crashplan where it sees the archive but then can't write to it even when selected as 'Read/Write'


I don't understand why this isn't working - any ideas why the crashplan docker plainly refuses to write to a manually mounted disk!?

If you're using 6.2, you need to map the drive with the "slave" option (but then it will need to be mounted within /mnt/disks)


If your not using 6.2, then you have to stop the entire docker service (not just crashplan) and then restart it for any app to see the mapping

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Any ideas on this one guys:


I mounted a (empty) xfs drive at /mnt/crashplan and added that to the docker as /Write and /mnt/crashplan.


Problem comes to writing to it - crashplan simply wont, instead writing to 'cache' which eventually fills up and crashes it.


Tried root:root and nobody:user permissions, ln -s to a folder where I know it writes to (E.g. if I point /Write to /mnt/cache/Data it works!?!).


I've even started the archive creation off on the cache disk, stopped it, moved it to /mnt/crashplan where it sees the archive but then can't write to it even when selected as 'Read/Write'


I don't understand why this isn't working - any ideas why the crashplan docker plainly refuses to write to a manually mounted disk!?

If you're using 6.2, you need to map the drive with the "slave" option (but then it will need to be mounted within /mnt/disks)


If your not using 6.2, then you have to stop the entire docker service (not just crashplan) and then restart it for any app to see the mapping


Thanks. Found the answer just before seeing this!!


Working a treat now :)

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I have the same problem running Chrome on Win7 - cannot control the cursor <with my mouse> over the CrashPlan app in the VNC window... ("Local Cursor" is grayed out within the VNC settings)

But using IE on the same PC it works fine...  (Local cursor is enabled within the VNC settings)


I've isolated the issue, it seems to be related to my laptop having a touchscreen. I can "touch" the CrashPlan app via noVNC just fine using my laptops touch screen using Chrome browser, but soon as I use the mouse it stops!


Something about using a mouse on a touchscreen enabled device and noVNC over the Chrome browser... breaks.



My 2c.


This is spot on - my computer 1 is a laptop with touchscreen (Lenovo Y2P) - I have a nagging feeling that if I'd stayed with W8, I wouldn't have been facing this. Not very happy with the W10 upgrade overall :-/






Seems this is a NoVNC problem - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/novnc/bOpKeuZCd7s

I'm experiencing the same in Chrome on a laptop with a touch screen


Gfjardim, could you add the patch included in the link above to fix the inability to use the mouse in novnc?



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I had this issue.. it dissapeared when i removed kaspersky from my system... So at least it was virusscanner related..


Thanks, that is exactly what it was for me too. I added the ip address to the web filtering in eSET Smart Security and good to go now!

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I'm curious how people are using this. I think the ideal scenario is that I would backup my computers to my file server and then use Crashplan on the file server to provide a remote backup of everything. Then you can use the single PC Crashplan account. However, it doesn't seem like using Crashplan for the local backup is a great idea because then you have nested Crashplan backups and would need to recover twice to get the files back right? Just seems like that adds another layer of risk. However, it would be simpler to use if I was just using Crashplan everywhere.


Perhaps it would be better to use something like a folder sync (maybe Carbon Copy Cloner on a mac) to do the local backup? Then you just have the raw files to backup with Crashplan. I'm thinking of my Music and Photos folders in OS X for example and would just sync them with user shares.


What are people's strategies here?



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Unraid1 is my main file storage, not local machines.... Mapped to 'documents' on my Linux laptop(home project files & taxes), my wife's PC(FAM photos), and our business rig(business docs).  I use rsync to clone these drives to Unraid2.  Crasplan runs on Unraid2. 

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So I have UnRaid on two machines, and one is set up as a Crashplan backup server for the main UnRaid server.  I want to put the backup machine at my brothers house for safety purposes.  How do I set Crashplan up over at my brother's house so that I can continue backing up my main server.  I feel like this is easier than I am making it out to be, but I am just a little stumped at the moment.  Any help is very much appreciated.



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Hey i have been using this docker for a while but every month or so its stops working VNC just shows a black screen and i get email reports that crashplan has no backed up in a couple of days.  Any idea whats causing this?



Any Idea whats going on>?


After the update today it works again

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Hi all,


Trying to backup several PC's to unraid but I am getting an error that says "out of space - Insufficient space"


I know there is enough space on this share.


It sounds like your backups are being stored in the docker.img instead of your array.  Review the first post in this thread for help setting it up.

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So I have UnRaid on two machines, and one is set up as a Crashplan backup server for the main UnRaid server.  I want to put the backup machine at my brothers house for safety purposes.  How do I set Crashplan up over at my brother's house so that I can continue backing up my main server.  I feel like this is easier than I am making it out to be, but I am just a little stumped at the moment.  Any help is very much appreciated.




See the first post in this thread.

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I'm curious how people are using this. I think the ideal scenario is that I would backup my computers to my file server and then use Crashplan on the file server to provide a remote backup of everything. Then you can use the single PC Crashplan account. However, it doesn't seem like using Crashplan for the local backup is a great idea because then you have nested Crashplan backups and would need to recover twice to get the files back right? Just seems like that adds another layer of risk. However, it would be simpler to use if I was just using Crashplan everywhere.


Perhaps it would be better to use something like a folder sync (maybe Carbon Copy Cloner on a mac) to do the local backup? Then you just have the raw files to backup with Crashplan. I'm thinking of my Music and Photos folders in OS X for example and would just sync them with user shares.


What are people's strategies here?




Note that you cannot backup a backup:



The easiest thing would be a Crashplan subscription on every computer (their family plan is a pretty good deal if you have > 2 systems)


Otherwise, your plan to sync files to unraid and then back them up should work well.

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Hi all,


Trying to backup several PC's to unraid but I am getting an error that says "out of space - Insufficient space"


I know there is enough space on this share.


It sounds like your backups are being stored in the docker.img instead of your array.  Review the first post in this thread for help setting it up.


I reviewed it, I thought I had it setup correctly.. I tried to start over and am getting "backup location is not accessible" error






I created a new share called "CrashplanTower" and started getting that error, i went back to the old share, and am Still getting the error.



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Where does your "default backup archive location" point?


Did you see my screenshots?

The default location only affects new backups. You might have to change the location for the existing backups manually. I'm not in front of a computer so I can't double check right now.

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I just reinstalled the crashplan docker because I had the black screen issue before (described a few pages back)

But now, when I try to enter the webUI I get:


"Failed to connect to server (code: 1006)"


Does anyone know how to solve this please?


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