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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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I click detect and nothing happens. Page flashed briefly and then just sits there. How long should it take?. Meanwhile the only sensor it has set (from previous versions) is the CPU. All fields other than "Available drivers:" text box are disabled.


Try this and post the output:


wget http://www.lm-sensors.org/svn/lm-sensors/trunk/prog/detect/sensors-detect -O /tmp/sensors-detect
yes ''|perl /tmp/sensors-detect 2>&1|grep -Po "^Driver.{2}\K[^\']*"

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I click detect and nothing happens. Page flashed briefly and then just sits there. How long should it take?. Meanwhile the only sensor it has set (from previous versions) is the CPU. All fields other than "Available drivers:" text box are disabled.


Its been known to take 2 to 3 minutes depending on what sensors your motherboard has. Im going off my personal experience as documented in this thread. Its possible other systems could take 3 seconds or could take 10 minutes or more. But during this time the page showed as busy with the browser status spinning until it completes.

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I click detect and nothing happens. Page flashed briefly and then just sits there. How long should it take?. Meanwhile the only sensor it has set (from previous versions) is the CPU. All fields other than "Available drivers:" text box are disabled.


unRAID has the following drivers available:


asus_atk0110 coretemp f71805f f71882fg f75375s fam15h_power it87 k10temp k8temp nct6775 w83627ehf w83627hf w83781d w83791d w83792d w83793 w83795 w83l785ts w83l786ng 


You can try with each one of them, specially "f71805f f71882fg f75375s", that are Finteck's drivers.

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I click detect and nothing happens. Page flashed briefly and then just sits there. How long should it take?. Meanwhile the only sensor it has set (from previous versions) is the CPU. All fields other than "Available drivers:" text box are disabled.


Try this and post the output:


wget http://www.lm-sensors.org/svn/lm-sensors/trunk/prog/detect/sensors-detect -O /tmp/sensors-detect
yes ''|perl /tmp/sensors-detect 2>&1|grep -Po "^Driver.{2}\K[^\']*"


from telnet:



Tower login: root


Linux 3.17.4-unRAID.

Last login: Sun Jan 18 20:04:32 -0800 2015 on /dev/pts/0 from Toshiba.home.

root@Tower:~# wget http://www.lm-sensors.org/svn/lm-sensors/trunk/prog/detect/se'>http://www.lm-sensors.org/svn/lm-sensors/trunk/prog/detect/se

nsors-detect -O /tmp/sensors-detect

--2015-02-04 15:14:15--  http://www.lm-sensors.org/svn/lm-sensors/trunk/prog/det


Resolving www.lm-sensors.org (www.lm-sensors.org)...

Connecting to www.lm-sensors.org (www.lm-sensors.org)||:80... conne


HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 209836 (205K) [text/plain]

Saving to: ?Çÿ/tmp/sensors-detect?ÇÖ


100%[======================================>] 209,836      149KB/s  in 1.4s


2015-02-04 15:14:17 (149 KB/s) - ?Çÿ/tmp/sensors-detect?ÇÖ saved [209836/209836]


root@Tower:~# yes ''|perl /tmp/sensors-detect 2>&1|grep -Po "^Driver.{2}\K[^\']*






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okay now what do I do with that information? I tried putting fam15h_power the "available drivers" box and hit Detect and nothing happened as far as I can tell.


I followed these steps also, and got these drivers...





I already had coretemp working, but wanted to see if nct6775 would give me fan speed info, so I put that in the available drivers box, hit detect, then hit load drivers, and now I have more stuff available in my dropdown boxes; see attached.


I don't really know which one goes with which, but it feels like progress.


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okay now what do I do with that information? I tried putting fam15h_power the "available drivers" box and hit Detect and nothing happened as far as I can tell.


I followed these steps also, and got these drivers...





I already had coretemp working, but wanted to see if nct6775 would give me fan speed info, so I put that in the available drivers box, hit detect, then hit load drivers, and now I have more stuff available in my dropdown boxes; see attached.


I don't really know which one goes with which, but it feels like progress.


I use coretemp - Physical id 0 to CPU and SYSTIN to Motherboard.

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thanks gfjardim for all you do for us, i certainly appreciate it.


bonienl, I'd like to suggest the icons might be changed to something that identifies the CPU and MB, instead of the temp icons, which are exactly the same, so it's not immediately obvious which temp is which.


Not a big deal, if either one gets too high, I'd look into it, but since it seems to be a work in progress, I thought I'd throw that out there :)


Thank you

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Would it be possible to add a display for the highest disk temperature? ... and then add fan speed control! :o


This one?




That's the one!  So you've taken Dan Stroot's/D Langdon's plugin, and integrated into Dynamix?  It just needs the highest drive temperature adding to the footer bar, alongside CPU and System temps.


Great stuff!

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That's the one!  So you've taken Dan Stroot's/D Langdon's plugin, and integrated into Dynamix?  It just needs the highest drive temperature adding to the footer bar, alongside CPU and System temps.


Great stuff!


Yes, I modified that script to import variables from a file. It's working fine right now.


Will keep you posted about any news.

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That's the one!  So you've taken Dan Stroot's/D Langdon's plugin, and integrated into Dynamix?  It just needs the highest drive temperature adding to the footer bar, alongside CPU and System temps.


Great stuff!


Yes, I modified that script to import variables from a file. It's working fine right now.


Will keep you posted about any news.


gfjardim has made some excellent extensions to the Dynamix system temp plugin, when time permits I make a new version available through the plugin manager.


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i'm having an issue with the s3 sleep plugin, whereby on boot the included/excluded disks are not being set correctly.  Once the server has booted i have to go into the s3 sleep settings page and toggled, excluded "yes, except cache" off and then back on again to have the disk settings set correctly.


Some information is included http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37598.0 along with a seperate issue i'm having

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i'm having an issue with the s3 sleep plugin, whereby on boot the included/excluded disks are not being set correctly.  Once the server has booted i have to go into the s3 sleep settings page and toggled, excluded "yes, except cache" off and then back on again to have the disk settings set correctly.


Some information is included http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=37598.0 along with a seperate issue i'm having


I have a look.

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New plugin Dynamix System AutoFan


Thanks to the great contribution of gfjardim, a new plugin has seen the daylight !


This plugin allows the automatic control of the system fan and is a front-end to the "autofan" script, made by several contributers on this forum.


The Dynamix version is a restyled version, it makes use of the built-in file saving and program starting features. This means it won't use the 'go' file. If there are any references in that file, they should be removed manually.


Install the plugin using the plugin manager. Copy & paste the URL below to the install field.

System AutoFan - https://raw.github.com/bergware/dynamix/master/unRAIDv6/dynamix.system.autofan.plg

Enjoy this new member in the Dynamix family, keep in mind though this is still under development  :)


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I'm having a problem with the s3 sleep plugin. It appears to have installed correctly, but the "Execute function" does not work. I have tried the s3 sleep and Power down settings to no avail.

Here are some of my settings:


Wait for array inactivity = no

Extra delay after array inactivity= 60

Wait for network inactivity = no


I can power down or enter sleep mode if I do it from the Array Operation page, but it will not do these automatically.


Can someone help me work through this problem?




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I'm having a problem with the s3 sleep plugin. It appears to have installed correctly, but the "Execute function" does not work. I have tried the s3 sleep and Power down settings to no avail.

Here are some of my settings:


Wait for array inactivity = no

Extra delay after array inactivity= 60

Wait for network inactivity = no


I can power down or enter sleep mode if I do it from the Array Operation page, but it will not do these automatically.


Can someone help me work through this problem?




How did you set the other conditions "Wait for device inactivity" and "Wait for user login inactivity" ?


Only when all enabled conditions are met then sleep/shutdown will be activated. The sleep button on the Array Operation page does the same action but immediately and unconditionally.


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Thanks, Bonienl, for the reply. Here are my settings


Exececution Function: Shutdown


Excluded days: None


Excluded hours: None


Wait for array inactivity: No


Extra delay after array inactivity: no entry (Using default 30 min)


Wait for network inactivity: No


Ethernet interface: eth0


Network idle threshold: Silent Traffic (0 kbs)


Wait for device inactivity (IP address): no entry


Wait for user login inactivity: No


Set WOL options before sleep:  g


Additional comments

1.On my initial installation of the s3 sleep plugin I lost my formatting for the web gui. However, I was able to restore that by clicking on something, of which I don't remember what that was. I did an uninstall and re-installed the plugin, but that made no difference.


2. I had been using s3 sleep successfully as a part of umMenu with ver 5 of unRaid. I decided to move on to ver 6.12 beta and did a fresh install. I followed this up by installing PhAzE'S Media Browser server Plugin. After working with this combination for a few days, I installed the s3 sleep plugin. It just has never worked as far as I know.

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