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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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Can't really just shut down all my VM's and look... only PC I have at the moment, and due to a bug in unraid (or some kind of weird acronyms) it doesn't release the keyboard back to unraid after shutting down the VM. Something to do with SeaBIOS still being active somehow even though it's shut down? *shrug*


Anyway. I just need a better UPS I guess.

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Can't really just shut down all my VM's and look... only PC I have at the moment, and due to a bug in unraid (or some kind of weird acronyms) it doesn't release the keyboard back to unraid after shutting down the VM. Something to do with SeaBIOS still being active somehow even though it's shut down? *shrug*


Anyway. I just need a better UPS I guess.


Can you remotely log into the shell and try to shutdown from there?


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"remotely" implies I have access to a different machine or device capable of remoting into the PC I'm shutting down. So unfortunately not. I have 0 other devices or PC's as I spent my budget on a gaming capable machine that I'd also like to be a nas and have some other VM's on for my dev stuff. If I knew I had to have several other PC's and laptops and devices just to connect to this, I would just have bought a NAS and spent the remainder of my budget on laptops and PC's. I know I sound a little bit annoyed here. Cause I am. Guess I need a stiff drink and some sleep.

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"remotely" implies I have access to a different machine or device capable of remoting into the PC I'm shutting down. So unfortunately not. I have 0 other devices or PC's as I spent my budget on a gaming capable machine that I'd also like to be a nas and have some other VM's on for my dev stuff. If I knew I had to have several other PC's and laptops and devices just to connect to this, I would just have bought a NAS and spent the remainder of my budget on laptops and PC's. I know I sound a little bit annoyed here. Cause I am. Guess I need a stiff drink and some sleep.


List up all of your hardware and, perhaps, someone will have a method by which you can get access to the unRAID console via an attached keyboard and monitor.  I assume that you must have those two items as you are using a a couple of VM's. 


Another suggestion would be to have a friend with a laptop who would be willing to come over to your place for the evening.  I believe some tablets can even be used to access the GUI. 



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"remotely" implies I have access to a different machine or device capable of remoting into the PC I'm shutting down. So unfortunately not. I have 0 other devices or PC's as I spent my budget on a gaming capable machine that I'd also like to be a nas and have some other VM's on for my dev stuff. If I knew I had to have several other PC's and laptops and devices just to connect to this, I would just have bought a NAS and spent the remainder of my budget on laptops and PC's. I know I sound a little bit annoyed here. Cause I am. Guess I need a stiff drink and some sleep.


How did you set it up in the first place?

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I have the latest gigabyte x99 board (x99p-sli) so far so good with unraid.

However, the sensors-detect only finds coretemp so i can only see cpu temperatures.

How do i get it to detect fan speeds, motherboard temp etc? There was one 'unknown' chip in the sensors-detect output but Im not sure what that was for.


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I have the latest gigabyte x99 board (x99p-sli) so far so good with unraid.

However, the sensors-detect only finds coretemp so i can only see cpu temperatures.

How do i get it to detect fan speeds, motherboard temp etc? There was one 'unknown' chip in the sensors-detect output but Im not sure what that was for.

There may be a new version of sensors-detect than the one included. See here
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Would it be possible in SystemTemp to add the option to show the temp of multiple CPUs if multiple CPUs are installed?


The attached image shows my options but I can only choose 1:


I am pleading a bit of ignorance at this point.  Aren't these cores all on the same chip and cooled by the same CPU cooler?  Is there really that much difference in temperatures of the various cores that the small difference would effect the safety/operation of the system?


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Each chip has 4 cores.

For some reason (documented around the web) coretemp lists the cores of each CPU as:


core 0

core 1

core 9

core 10


I could choose 1 core from each CPU as a reference of CPU temp, but being able to show temp of each CPU would allow me monitor for cooling problems on each CPU (Separate Fans).


That make sense?


Edit: For clarity.


The output of sensors:


root@Tower:/etc/sensors.d# sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0:     +20.0°C  (high = +61.0°C, crit = +71.0°C)
Core 1:       +19.0°C  (high = +61.0°C, crit = +71.0°C)
Core 9:       +19.0°C  (high = +61.0°C, crit = +71.0°C)
Core 10:      +23.0°C  (high = +61.0°C, crit = +71.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0:       +24.0°C  (high = +61.0°C, crit = +71.0°C)
Core 1:       +20.0°C  (high = +61.0°C, crit = +71.0°C)
Core 9:       +23.0°C  (high = +61.0°C, crit = +71.0°C)
Core 10:      +20.0°C  (high = +61.0°C, crit = +71.0°C)

Adapter: SMBus I801 adapter at 3000
temp1:        +25.2°C  (low  =  +0.0°C)
                       (high =  +0.0°C, hyst =  +0.0°C)
                       (crit = +75.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C)

Adapter: SMBus I801 adapter at 3000
temp1:        +26.0°C  (low  =  +0.0°C)
                       (high =  +0.0°C, hyst =  +0.0°C)
                       (crit = +75.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C)




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When I start my array and from what I recall from the original cache_dir plugin it would scan all my drives and it would appear to work and show reads in my Array Devices.


With cache_dirs version: 2.1.1 when it runs it doesn't seem to update my Array Devices with reads and when I set it purposely to Include TV and Include Movies and I visit a Share TV it spins up 4 of my drives opposed to showing me cached folders in Windows Explorer.



I'm going to enable user share scanning and see if it improves my caching.


So Odd, when I open with windows and I do have thumbnails disabled it spins up drives, but when I scan with Kodi on my Mac it doesn't spin up any drives.


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I originally posted this problem in the WIP File Integrity Plugin thread but I noticed that the plugin is listed in this thread now so I thought it might be better to post here as well. I can't get the plugin the ignore excluded folders when running checks. I use my unRaid for TimeMachine backups but since TimeMachine will write to the backup file without modifying the date stamp this plugin detects the file as corrupted. Posts in the linked thread will show more info, but basically, I have excluded the TM shares in settings and this has no effect on the File Integrity plugin. Every time the plugin runs a check I get hundreds of warnings for corrupted files in the excluded folders. I've tried all 3 hashing methods. Even tried re-naming the share folders. Same results each time. Not sure what to try next?

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BTW, I also seem to be experiencing an issue with caching plugin, entering a folder on my Macbook causes the associated drive to spin up.


I can't help with your first question, but this one is familiar, should probably be part of a FAQ somewhere.  CacheDirs forces the caching of the directory entries, which is all that is needed for simple folder browsing.  But user workstation tools often want more, associated metadata such as thumbnails.  Since that's still only on disk, it has to spin up.


You'll have to wait for a Mac user to provide you with the appropriate instructions to avoid requiring extraneous metadata from networked folders and files.

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Can anyone help me with my issue of local master not showing up in the menubar or SMB settings?

I'm running 6.1.8.

What do you see under Workgroup settings? Maybe a screen shot.




I see nothing additional at all, just the standard options :(


UPDATE: Tried one more reinstall and it's working, albeit I see no icon in the header, only in the SMB settings.

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Can anyone help me with my issue of local master not showing up in the menubar or SMB settings?

I'm running 6.1.8.

What do you see under Workgroup settings? Maybe a screen shot.




I see nothing additional at all, just the standard options :(


UPDATE: Tried one more reinstall and it's working, albeit I see no icon in the header, only in the SMB settings.

I think it only displays in the header if your server IS the local master. Haven't tried it lately since I have given that duty to my ASUS router.
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Can anyone help me with my issue of local master not showing up in the menubar or SMB settings?

I'm running 6.1.8.

What do you see under Workgroup settings? Maybe a screen shot.




I see nothing additional at all, just the standard options :(


UPDATE: Tried one more reinstall and it's working, albeit I see no icon in the header, only in the SMB settings.

I think it only displays in the header if your server IS the local master. Haven't tried it lately since I have given that duty to my ASUS router.


This is the case.  My Media server is setup to to be able to always win the 'election' and it has the symbol displayed.  Obviously, my Test Bed server is not the Local Master and it has no symbol!

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Can anyone help me with my issue of local master not showing up in the menubar or SMB settings?

I'm running 6.1.8.

What do you see under Workgroup settings? Maybe a screen shot.




I see nothing additional at all, just the standard options :(


UPDATE: Tried one more reinstall and it's working, albeit I see no icon in the header, only in the SMB settings.

I think it only displays in the header if your server IS the local master. Haven't tried it lately since I have given that duty to my ASUS router.


This is the case.  My Media server is setup to to be able to always win the 'election' and it has the symbol displayed.  Obviously, my Test Bed server is not the Local Master and it has no symbol!


My server is the local master, but I only get the icon in the SMB settings, not in the header...

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Tried one more reinstall and it's working, albeit I see no icon in the header, only in the SMB settings.

I think it only displays in the header if your server IS the local master.


Perhaps bonienl might consider changing the display for more consistency, show Local Master: yes/no always.  Or show Local Master: Tower or Local Master: Jupiter or Local Master: MyWinServer or Local Master: ASUSrouter, etc.

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