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[Plugin] IPMI for unRAID 6.1+

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it is in /dev but not under sdx, nvme0n1.  After rereading your post it makes sense,  as long as temp fan control is based on my spinners and not on my NVME I'm good with that!

block/         disk/            hpet      loop-control  mapper/  md6               net/                ptmx   ptyp5   sdb1  sdg   sdk1  sdp   sg15  shm/     tty12  tty20  tty29  tty37  tty45  tty53  tty61  ttyp2    vcs2   vcsa4
bsg/           dri/             hwrng     loop0         md1      md7               network_latency     ptp0   ptyp6   sdc   sdg1  sdl   sdp1  sg2   stderr@  tty13  tty21  tty3   tty38  tty46  tty54  tty62  ttyp3    vcs3   vcsa5
btrfs-control  fb0              initctl|  loop1         md10     md8               network_throughput  ptp1   ptyp7   sdc1  sdh   sdl1  sg0   sg3   stdin@   tty14  tty22  tty30  tty39  tty47  tty55  tty63  ttyp4    vcs4   vcsa6
bus/           fd@              input/    loop2         md11     md9               null                pts/   random  sdd   sdh1  sdm   sg1   sg4   stdout@  tty15  tty23  tty31  tty4   tty48  tty56  tty7   ttyp5    vcs5   vfio/
char/          full             ipmi0     loop3         md12     mem               nvme0               ptyp0  rtc@    sdd1  sdi   sdm1  sg10  sg5   tty      tty16  tty24  tty32  tty40  tty49  tty57  tty8   ttyp6    vcs6   vga_arbiter
console        fuse             kmem      loop4         md2      memory_bandwidth  nvme0n1             ptyp1  rtc0    sde   sdi1  sdn   sg11  sg6   tty0     tty17  tty25  tty33  tty41  tty5   tty58  tty9   ttyp7    vcsa   vhost-net
core@          hidraw1          kmsg      loop5         md3      mouse@            nvme0n1p1           ptyp2  sda     sde1  sdj   sdn1  sg12  sg7   tty1     tty18  tty26  tty34  tty42  tty50  tty59  ttyS0  urandom  vcsa1  xconsole|
cpu/           hidraw3          kvm       loop6         md4      mpt2ctl           port                ptyp3  sda1    sdf   sdj1  sdo   sg13  sg8   tty10    tty19  tty27  tty35  tty43  tty51  tty6   ttyp0  vcs      vcsa2  zero


ipmi temp control.png


Edited by Korny
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ASRock EP2C602 should work now with fan control. Just click the Configure button first to setup the fans. If it's not working then to debug, you can stop the service in the webgui and run "ipmifan --debug -f" and let that run for a bit. It will log the actual command used in the fan control log plus print out all the variables.

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4 hours ago, dmacias said:

ASRock EP2C602 should work now with fan control. Just click the Configure button first to setup the fans. If it's not working then to debug, you can stop the service in the webgui and run "ipmifan --debug -f" and let that run for a bit. It will log the actual command used in the fan control log plus print out all the variables.

Thanks for your help,  I think I figured out its my ssd thats not in the array that its reading, I set it to ignore the disk but we will see, again thanks

frontfan settings.jpg

Edited by Korny
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On 2017-10-27 at 9:58 AM, dmacias said:

ASRock EP2C602 should work now with fan control. Just click the Configure button first to setup the fans. If it's not working then to debug, you can stop the service in the webgui and run "ipmifan --debug -f" and let that run for a bit. It will log the actual command used in the fan control log plus print out all the variables.

Just upgraded to the newest version and it works perfectly with my dual asrock board! Thank you!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey @dmacias


In this file:

line 24 is causing me problems:

<?if ($display['refresh']>0 || ($display['refresh']<0 && $var['mdResync']==0)):?>
    timers.systemTemp = setTimeout(systemTemp,<?=max(abs($display['refresh']),20000)?>);

Looking at Tools -> Vars, my main server has:
   [refresh] => -1000
   [mdResync] => 0
so the if statement triggers and it renders like this on the page:

function ipmiTemp() {
  $.get('/plugins/ipmi/include/ipmi_temp.php',{unit:'C',dot:'.'},function(data) {
    if (data) showFooter(data,'temps');
    timers.systemTemp = setTimeout(systemTemp,20000);

However, when the page loads it throws this error on the browser console:

Uncaught ReferenceError: systemTemp is not defined
    at Object.success (Main:271)
    at i (dynamix.js:4)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (dynamix.js:4)
    at z (dynamix.js:6)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (dynamix.js:6)

I noticed this a few days ago when I was on 6.3.5. Am now on 6.4.0_rc14 and have the same error.  What happened to the systemTemp function?


As a second issue... the "page update frequency" setting was removed from 6.4:
So I'm not sure where I'm supposed to set the value of $display['refresh'] any more?

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Hey [mention=11874]dmacias[/mention]
In this file:
line 24 is causing me problems:
<?if ($display['refresh']>0 || ($display['refresh']<0 && $var['mdResync']==0)):?>    timers.systemTemp = setTimeout(systemTemp,<?=max(abs($display['refresh']),20000)?>);<?endif;?>

Looking at Tools -> Vars, my main server has:
   [refresh] => -1000
   [mdResync] => 0
so the if statement triggers and it renders like this on the page:

function ipmiTemp() {  $.get('/plugins/ipmi/include/ipmi_temp.php',{unit:'C',dot:'.'},function(data) {    if (data) showFooter(data,'temps');    timers.systemTemp = setTimeout(systemTemp,20000);  });}ipmiTemp();

However, when the page loads it throws this error on the browser console:

Uncaught ReferenceError: systemTemp is not defined    at Object.success (Main:271)    at i (dynamix.js:4)    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (dynamix.js:4)    at z (dynamix.js:6)    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (dynamix.js:6)

I noticed this a few days ago when I was on 6.3.5. Am now on 6.4.0_rc14 and have the same error.  What happened to the systemTemp function?

As a second issue... the "page update frequency" setting was removed from 6.4:
So I'm not sure where I'm supposed to set the value of $display['refresh'] any more?

Changing systemTemp to ipmiTemp should fix it. I swear I had changed that at some point when I kanged that from the dynamix system temp plugin. I've never seen that we error though. I'll look into the refresh var.
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So I'm rocking a SuperMicro X11 board, and it's trying to control my fans, but they will momentarily drop down and then go right to full-speed. Is there a way I can go about removing every single IPMI config thing I've done and start fresh? Using the cold reset button, reinstalling the application, and changing the fan modes in the official IPMI aren't helping me.

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59 minutes ago, cyriouslydylan said:

So I'm rocking a SuperMicro X11 board, and it's trying to control my fans, but they will momentarily drop down and then go right to full-speed. Is there a way I can go about removing every single IPMI config thing I've done and start fresh? Using the cold reset button, reinstalling the application, and changing the fan modes in the official IPMI aren't helping me.

You may have to factory reset the bmc. Also remove the .config files from the ipmi plugin directory on the flash drive. And make sure that the load config toggle switch is off on the sensor editor.

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Thank you for the great plugin. I do have an issue with it on my Supermicro X10SLL board. It does not control my fans even though I have set fan control set to yes. I have the latest BIOS and IPMI firmware installed. It reads all of the sensors fine just doesn't control the fans. I have removed and reinstalled the plugin a few time to no avail.

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Thank you for the great plugin. I do have an issue with it on my Supermicro X10SLL board. It does not control my fans even though I have set fan control set to yes. I have the latest BIOS and IPMI firmware installed. It reads all of the sensors fine just doesn't control the fans. I have removed and reinstalled the plugin a few time to no avail.
Do you have 4-pin fans?
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Yes, sorry I should have listed that I do have PWM fans. I think I may be on to the cause, I was using a PWN fan splitter for my 2 hard drive fans,  I just removed it and I think it is working now. Will have to test a bit more. Thank you for the quick response. I will let you know. 

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Yes, sorry I should have listed that I do have PWM fans. I think I may be on to the cause, I was using a PWN fan splitter for my 2 hard drive fans,  I just removed it and I think it is working now. Will have to test a bit more. Thank you for the quick response. I will let you know. 
I have the same board. I'm swapping it to my main server right now. It was in my backup and I can confirm fan control does work with it.
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19 hours ago, dmacias said:

I have the same board. I'm swapping it to my main server right now. It was in my backup and I can confirm fan control does work with it.

Working great now, thank you for the plugin. I am going to get a SilverStone CPF04 PWM Fan Hub to run my hard drive fans off of, I have used them before and they have worked well. Supermicro only having one FANA zone header on their motherboards makes no sense.

Edited by Lothar
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5 hours ago, Lothar said:

Working great now, thank you for the plugin. I am going to get a SilverStone CPF04 PWM Fan Hub to run my hard drive fans off of, I have used them before and they have worked well. Supermicro only having one FANA zone header on their motherboards makes no sense.

Nice, I hadn't seen the CPF04 before. You could use a splitter with the rpm wire disabled to one fan. I have the 2 Noctua drive cage fans connected to FANA with the Noctua splitter which is missing the rpm pin 3 from one side.

Edited by dmacias
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I am having some issues when powering down one of my servers, it simply hangs (see the pic). I had just updated the BMC firmware so I thought that could be the problem. I downgraded the firmware but no luck, still same problem.

I decided to power down my two other servers and got into same problem.

Decided to uninstall the IPMI plugin on all three servers and they all power down as they should. Reinstalling the plugin will bring back the problems again.

Can I get some guidance for troubleshooting this pls…. (my signature is updated with current config)

unRAID2 pwr down.png

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