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11 minutes ago, ZaFord said:

@trurl @Squid OK, Thanks Guys.  :)


I'm sure it said on the manual page that it was min 2GB RAM and 1GHz CPU.

But, Yeah its right there on the Download page 4GB RAM  :$


I guess I'll go check eBay...

Thanks again Guys.

It USED to be 2GB RAM as the minimum requirement for Unraid v6 but as the functionality has increased so has the RAM requirement.    Unraid runs from RAM so every bit of functionality added incurs a RAM cost.

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Ref this topic: 



For quite a while now (could very well be 2 years or more by this point as this happens with multiple Mac OS releases and Safari versions that clicking the apps tab will freeze the entire window.


Also happens across three different Macs (Top of which I have now sold, so it does not seem to be related to Apple Silicon/Intel.


I've tried various things but nothings worked - I simply head to Chrome to install stuff.

How do we go about fixing this?


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So far as Safari compatibility is concerned, I have no problems with it.  On occasion I spin up a Mac VM to test and it always passes no problems.  Could it be an add-on to Safari thats giving you issues?  By and large users have no problems with Safari at all.


Best suggestion is to grab CA's diagnostics and upload them here. 


Settings - Community Applications.  Enable Debugging

Apps - Wait up to 5 minutes then go back to Settings, Community Applications.

Download the debug log and upload it here.


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This might be a dumb question, but has the option to search dockerhub for dockers and convert them into templates been removed? I've tried looking in the options but nothing is there, and searching for apps doesn't give an option to search dockerhub with no results - I saw there was something about a disclaimer in the changelog, but I didn't see anything like that?

(I've been using my server internet-less for a few months due to infrastructure stuff, so apologies if I have missed anything obvious!)

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I'm having issues, too. Mine is showing:


plugin: updating: community.applications.plg

Cleaning Up Old Versions
Fixing pinned apps
Setting up cron for background notifications

plugin: downloading: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Squidly271/community.applications/master/archive/community.applications-2023.02.25-x86_64-1.txz ... done
plugin: bad file MD5: /boot/config/plugins/community.applications/community.applications-2023.02.25-x86_64-1.txz


But the Apps tab is behaving as if I don't have CA installed at all.

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Update: now working and I am the fool.

I seem to be stuck in limbo between 2023.02.17 and 2023.02.25, the plugin status is "pending" and I am unable to attempt the install again. Is there a command I can run to stop the pending operation or is a reboot going to be needed?


It seems by posting on the forum it suddenly affects the status/aura of my unraid, and causes me to be a complete liar. It seems even after waiting an abnormal amount of time and it still not working, coming to the forum and 'complaining' causes it to magically fix just to spite me. :) 


Sorry for wasting anyone's time.

Edited by twistedsanity
My server wants me to be a liar
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/18/2023 at 4:33 PM, Interstellar said:

Ref this topic: 



For quite a while now (could very well be 2 years or more by this point as this happens with multiple Mac OS releases and Safari versions that clicking the apps tab will freeze the entire window.


Also happens across three different Macs (Top of which I have now sold, so it does not seem to be related to Apple Silicon/Intel.


I've tried various things but nothings worked - I simply head to Chrome to install stuff.

How do we go about fixing this?


Actually, i have the same problem... I used it with no problems with safari for 2-3 month already until last week. I don't get why it stopped working, i didn't install any new plugin or anything like that. Maybe when i updated to the last version?

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7 hours ago, lory995 said:

Actually, i have the same problem... I used it with no problems with safari for 2-3 month already until last week. I don't get why it stopped working, i didn't install any new plugin or anything like that. Maybe when i updated to the last version?

Any safari updates happen?


I've never been able to replicate the problem some people have with Safari.  But, after tax time is over and I send the government the blood of my first born child (and those yet to come) I'm planning on grabbing a MacBook Air so I can stop using a VM for this...


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On 3/24/2023 at 8:27 PM, Squid said:

Any safari updates happen?


I've never been able to replicate the problem some people have with Safari.  But, after tax time is over and I send the government the blood of my first born child (and those yet to come) I'm planning on grabbing a MacBook Air so I can stop using a VM for this...


Ahahahah blood problems we all share unfortunately....... 
Anyway i'm not aware of any last updates, it's been quite some time since i did the last one. At least one i'm aware of: one of the best features of macOS is one of the worst one too for the savvys... it does all automatically in background without you needing to do anythin nor breaking your balls with notifications, but even if 99.5% of the time everything just works when it doesn't you really need to go look behind the curtains via cli without a clear starting point. And as per the previous guy with the same problem, when the solution it's as easy as just a couple click to open brave it's rarely worth the trouble... 

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Sorry for the newb question, but I have searched all over the place and I can't find and answer. Where can I add a new repository? It seems like there use to be a place under the Docker tab, but that has been removed in factor of Community Applications. However, I have looked all over Community Applications and I can't find where to add a new repository. Please let me know. Thanks!

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CA can manage a "private" repository by placing the applicable xml files within /config/plugins/community.applications/private/SomeFolderNameHere on the flash drive


Realistically though, I can't think of any reason why anyone would want to add in a repository akin to how the docker system used to work, hence why it was removed from the OS

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1 hour ago, Squid said:

CA can manage a "private" repository by placing the applicable xml files within /config/plugins/community.applications/private/SomeFolderNameHere on the flash drive


Realistically though, I can't think of any reason why anyone would want to add in a repository akin to how the docker system used to work, hence why it was removed from the OS

Well here is my problem. I had a Channels DVR docker installed and working fine. I recently was trying to get hardware encoding working in Channels DVR. As part of that, I downloaded an alternative Channels DVR docker that was meant for Intel hardware encoding. Well I got the hardware encoding working, but a bunch of other things broke. I decided to revert back to the original docker (or what I thought was the original docker) using the Channels DVR template I already had, and everything started to work again except one feature. I eventually realized I had a second Channels DVR template and after applying that, everything including the broken feature started to work again.

Well this is when I decided that maybe it was best to go get the official docker from the Channels DVR developer Fancy Bits. Well when I look in Community Applications, I find a couple non-official Channels DVR dockers (the hardware encoding ones I mentioned earlier), but not the official one from Fancy Bits. Looking at the support site for Channels DVR, I found the following article for how to add Channels DVR for UnRaid, but it has the old instructions of adding the repository under the Dockers tab:


I am trying to figure out how to add this repository to Community Apps so I can download and install the official Channels DVR docker from Fancy Bits. In searching around on how to add additional repositories, it seems like the instructions for a lot of other apps/repositories have these same outdated instructions.

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Hello -


Community applications was working for 2+ months, but started getting this error recently:


Warning: file_put_contents(): Only -1 of 54 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php on line 714

My flash disk, RAM, and array/cache disks have free space. When I run "df -h", I get the below output:


root@LIBRARY:~# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs           16G  3.7G   12G  24% /
tmpfs            32M   32M     0 100% /run
/dev/sda1       7.7G  668M  7.0G   9% /boot
overlay          16G  3.7G   12G  24% /lib/firmware
overlay          16G  3.7G   12G  24% /lib/modules
devtmpfs        8.0M     0  8.0M   0% /dev
tmpfs            16G     0   16G   0% /dev/shm
cgroup_root     8.0M     0  8.0M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs           128M   33M   96M  26% /var/log
/dev/md1         13T  9.7T  3.2T  76% /mnt/disk1
/dev/md2         13T  9.6T  3.2T  76% /mnt/disk2
/dev/md3         13T  9.6T  3.2T  76% /mnt/disk3
/dev/md4         13T  9.6T  3.2T  76% /mnt/disk4
/dev/md5         13T  8.4T  4.4T  66% /mnt/disk5
/dev/md6         13T  6.4T  6.4T  51% /mnt/disk6
/dev/md7         13T  6.5T  6.3T  51% /mnt/disk7
/dev/md8         13T  6.4T  6.4T  51% /mnt/disk8
/dev/md9         13T  6.4T  6.4T  51% /mnt/disk9
/dev/md10        13T  6.4T  6.4T  51% /mnt/disk10
/dev/sdf1       932G  100G  829G  11% /mnt/cache
shfs            128T   79T   49T  62% /mnt/user0
shfs            128T   79T   49T  62% /mnt/user
/dev/loop2       20G   11G  9.3G  53% /var/lib/docker
/dev/loop3      1.0G  4.1M  905M   1% /etc/libvirt


Attached are my logs.



This error is referenced in a similar thread, but it didn't seem like OP was able to identify the root-cause. 




Does anyone know a more permanent fix for this, or a resolution without having to reboot the server? Hoping for a way to purge that log file.


Edited by limitz
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