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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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I'm not in China now but could test via team viewer

The work around was to not have CA download the appfeed, but rather you supply it yourself (assuming that you could d/l or transfer it via other means).  Only 2 lines of code to add.  Just can't remember exactly if that would have helped you out or not.  Nothing I can do about the actual downloads from dockerHub / gitHub
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  • 2 weeks later...

I did a quick search and nothing immediately came up and I realize this is probably something really stupid on my part but why don't I have the option to ADD?

ADD what?


A docker -- isn't there supposed to be an ADD button or some way to install the docker?

That would be under the docker tab. Maybe you need to enable dockers in your settings to display the tab.

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I did a quick search and nothing immediately came up and I realize this is probably something really stupid on my part but why don't I have the option to ADD?

ADD what?


A docker -- isn't there supposed to be an ADD button or some way to install the docker?

That would be under the docker tab. Maybe you need to enable dockers in your settings to display the tab.


It was disabled but I found it and enabled it before posting my question but nothing changed.


There currently is no docker tab.

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I did a quick search and nothing immediately came up and I realize this is probably something really stupid on my part but why don't I have the option to ADD?

Glad that the problem is solved, but didn't CA show you under every icon that docker was not enabled?  (Plugins would still be installable via CA)


Trying to see if I have a bug here or not.

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Is there anyway to restore just a single appdata folder from the backup?  I don't want to restore them all. Can I just move all the other folders out of the backup folder and leave just the one I want and then restore?

No.  You would have to manually copy it back to the appdata folder.  Doing what you suggest would delete everything else in the appdata folder.


If you're running 6.2RC3+, then its easy as you can just copy / paste the folder (as 6.2 support symlinks through user shares)


On 6.1, I would do it through something like Dolphin or Krusader docker apps and copy directly from the disk share

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I've been trying to get into the CA settings so that I can enable the 'Enable additional search results from dockerHub' as noted here:



But, every time I go to CA settings (Apps -> Installed Apps -> Community Applications -> Settings, it just sends me back to the main CA page.  I can never get into the actual settings page.  I'm able to access the settings to other plug-ins. 


I thought maybe it was related to enable browser pop-ups (I saw a warning about allowing them before clicking the "Get more results..." button, but that didn't fix it.  I removed the CA plug-in and added it again, same thing.


Any idea on how I get into the CA settings?


FYI, running 6.2.0-rc4



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Go to the settings tab.  The settings button taking you to the apps tab is an oversight of mine in the .plg file


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Gah!  I checked there however I was looking for a CA icon under Settings and not an entire section.



That would be because of what CHBMB calls bloat.  [emoji2]


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk



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CA's actually in the middle of a top down rewrite and CHBMB laughed his head off at one of the new features that was an unintended consequence of the rewrite.  I'll be pumping out a beta version tonight just to verify that rewrite up to this point still works


Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk



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Beta Testers Required


CA is being revamped from top to bottom, and I've started on the major routine within it, namely the display engine. 


The original engine was 352 lines, and my new replacement is now 110 lines (I anticipate that as the revamp continues into the appfeed section, the engine will wind up being only ~30 lines).  This part of the revamp actually winds up opening up the system for car repair advice (and a new advanced feature that is an accidental side-effect that would definitely qualify as bloat if I added it on purpose - more on that next week), but there's limits to what I can actually test.  I believe everything is working correctly, but I have been mistaken before.


If you want to take part, then download this file to your flash drive:


https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2016.08.21.txz and then do:

installpkg /boot/community.applications-2016.08.21.txz


Everything on your server will be safe.  To remove the beta version, ideally reboot your server (you'll be automatically reverted to your last installed version) as this will keep your appdata backup settings, or uninstall and reinstall the plugin (which will remove your appdata backup settings)



Joking aside about CA bloat, everything included is related to its mission of filling in the holes in unRaid's app management system, and features will get added as unRaid continues to evolve, but because this project has thus far been ongoing for almost 1.5 years, some of the coding is outdated (and I've learned a hell of a lot doing this) that there are far better ways of doing things now, as the old code is actually holding CA back at the moment.

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