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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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Just a quick query,
When I go in to "Cleanup Appdata" it shows my current Sonarr folder as available to delete. The reason for this is that I changed my docker for Sonarr but the new docker uses the same appdata folder as the old one. Is there a way to stop Cleanup Appdata from thinking that this is an abandoned folder?
In CA go to previous apps and delete (hit red x) the other template

Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk

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16 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

Click it.


Oh I have. What I want is more information on how these default permissions affect user shares. Like, if I send a file to an SMB share from a logged in user, are these the same permissions that the OS would have set?


What are the repercussions of running this tool?


Can any user access to files be damages by doing this?


You know, a discussion on the tool. Was there never anything like that published when the tool was made? Like there's a page for CA AutoUpdate (

) etc.




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I do maintant 3 Dockers :


  • UniFi
  • UniFi-Video-Controller (NVR)
  • PlexConnect

The issue I have is now, my 2 UniFi dockers are not displayed anymore, only the PlexConnect is returned if searching "pducharme".


I wonder why ? and how to get it back on the results? (probably me that didn't do a thing that prevent it from being removed... )


@Squid If you can give me instructions :)


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4 hours ago, Pducharme said:



I do maintant 3 Dockers :


  • UniFi
  • UniFi-Video-Controller (NVR)
  • PlexConnect

The issue I have is now, my 2 UniFi dockers are not displayed anymore, only the PlexConnect is returned if searching "pducharme".


I wonder why ? and how to get it back on the results? (probably me that didn't do a thing that prevent it from being removed... )


@Squid If you can give me instructions :)


If you got to statistics within CA and look at template errors you'll see why CA is automatically dropping them.

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My Apps screen fails to load and I see only script. The beginning of the error reads Download of appfeed failed.

And then....

Community Applications requires your server to have internet access. The most common cause of this failure is a failure to resolve DNS addresses. You can try and reset your modem and router to fix this issue, or set static DNS addresses (Settings - Network Settings) of and and try again.

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1 hour ago, Bugman1400 said:

My Apps screen fails to load and I see only script. The beginning of the error reads Download of appfeed failed.

And then....

Community Applications requires your server to have internet access. The most common cause of this failure is a failure to resolve DNS addresses. You can try and reset your modem and router to fix this issue, or set static DNS addresses (Settings - Network Settings) of and and try again.


I'm also seeing the same.... I even changed my DNS settings to googles like it suggested and still no dice.... Restarted modem and router... and that didn't work either...


I tried legacy mode and that doesn't work either.... I did receive json payload for a few apps... but it just spit it out like a string

"apps": 475,
"requests": 726,
"last_updated": "28th August 2017 at 14:00:00",
"last_updated_timestamp": "1503925200",
"applist": [
"TemplateURL": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/htpcmanager.xml",
"Beta": "False",
"Category": "MediaApp:Video MediaApp:Music MediaApp:Other",
"Date": "2016-08-08",
"Name": "htpcmanager",
"Changes": "[center][img width='300px' src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linuxserver/docker-templates/master/linuxserver.io/img/linuxserver_small.png'][/center]\n\n[center][font size=4]Htpcmanager Change Log[/font][/center]\n[font size=4]2016-08-08[/font]\nRebase to alpine linux\n[font size=4]2016-01-14[/font]\nRemove loglevel from run command, user can set in webui\n[font size=4]2015-11-12[/font]\n- Change log level to info\n[font size=4]2015-10-07[/font]\n- Add psutil pip package\n",
"Support": "http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=43318.0",
"Description": "Htpcmanager, a front end for many htpc related applications. Hellowlol version.\n [br][br]\n [b][u][span style='color: #


i reinstalled the plugin and tried to pull a few times and it eventually worked? not sure if source for repo lists were down or not

Edited by tyty123
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9 hours ago, Bugman1400 said:

My Apps screen fails to load and I see only script.

Can you elaborate and post a screen shot?  Not sure what you mean exactly by see only script.


9 hours ago, tyty123 said:

I tried legacy mode and that doesn't work either....

This implies that both the application feed and GitHub were both down at the same time.  The two different methods (appfeed and legacy) hit completely different sources.  Probably the problem lied somewhere from your ISP.



I tried this morning and everything is all hunky-dory...


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Oddly enough, things seem to be okay now....without having to do a thing. Perhaps it was an ISP issue or the app feed and Github server or the access to them were down. I'm not sure where tyty123 is located but, I am located in NC and use Spectrum. All other Internet access seemed to be unaffected at the time. Oh well.

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  • Limit display to 6.4RC8Q's limit of 1920 pixels (previously CA and unRaid supported any arbitrary maximum window width)
  • Only display Legacy mode option in case of an appfeed download error
  • Under certain circumstances, random app of the day could actually be blacklisted or incompatible
  • Minor CSS changes.

If any author / maintainer wishes to use Legacy Mode at will (to see how their template will display within CA rather than waiting for the next appfeed update), the button can be displayed by going to CA's general settings and turning on developer mode.

Edited by Squid
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3 minutes ago, isvein said:

If I come accross dockers that I think should be part of the "app store" that is not in it yet, where should I post that?

But I'm tougher on "requirements" for newbie maintainers, especially if they're not doing the maintenance on the docker files themselves

Edited by Squid
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  • 2 weeks later...



Mainly an update to bullet proof CA (at least the important parts  9_9)


  • Fixed: If multiple browser tabs opened to apps tab, detect if app database is out of sync between windows and update tab accordingly.
  • Fixed: Prevent possibility of duplicate app appearing in app of the day.
  • Enhanced: Previously, app of the day would return errors if unRaid CSS and window width support horizontal resolution greater than 5700 pixels.
  • Changed: Clicking Repository from popup will now search for applications contained within the repository
  • Added: App info popup now has link to go directly to docker hub page for application
  • Changed: Allow moderation to whitelist an application without appfeed update
Edited by Squid
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I created a new docker container on my template repository. Everythink is working fine. The only think is that "Community application" can not find the version. I think the problem is that I am using not the latest tag.

Support-Thread: Link
Template on GitHub: Link
Regards Thomas

CA is passing the template fine as you'll see on the template screen. What you're seeing is unraid 6.3 not properly handling any tag other than latest when checking for updates. That's fixed in 6.4

Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk

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  • 1 month later...



I've been busy


  • Fixed: Templates created by authors running unRaid 6.4 would not populate the Network type properly when adding the application
  • Enhanced: Ability to black list a particular application from a specific author instead of the application as a whole *
  • Removed: CA Modules from the Section.  All applications are now treated equal and others created by myself will no longer appear separately
  • Added: Ability to delete any private docker application from the list of available apps **
  • Enhanced: Many CSS and coding improvements with a net result of the CA application being roughly 30% of the previous release's size
  • Changed: Access to CA's settings is now done via the Apps Tab (Settings link) instead of via the Settings Tab
  • Fixed: Under certain circumstances, some Stats could be out to lunch
  • Changed: On a brand new install of CA, no additional plugins are installed (Previously Appdata Backup/Restore, Auto Update, and Cleanup Appdata would be installed).  These plugins can still be installed via searching in CA or selecting the Plugins category.


* I've noticed a couple of applications within the lists that are actually 100% duplicates of each other (ie: multiple templates referring to the same identical dockerHub repositories).  This included:

  • mongo-db
  • Gitlab-CE

I've removed / blacklisted the duplicated template based upon some reasonable (albeit subjective) criteria including

  • Who had theirs in CA first
  • Which author is more active / more likely to actually support the application

This step will remove confusion for the user on which of those above mentioned apps to install when the duplicated template adds no value to the unRaid community.  Note that things like Binhex-Plex vs LinuxServer Plex et al are NOT duplicated templates and are unaffected by this change


** If you have dockerHub searches enabled, then you've probably got a growing list of applications (appearing under the Uncategorized section, or whenever you search) that you may (or may not) need any more after adding them and are only cluttering up the displays.  Previously you could always have deleted those templates from the CA folder on the flash drive.  Now, you can delete those unused / uneeded private applications directly via CA's GUI.  On any display of available applications, a private app/template will now have a Red-X allowing you to delete the template to clean up your system.


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