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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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21 hours ago, jakeortman said:

force install back to a version that works on 6.8.3?

Uninstall the plugin, and then install via this URL




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I've been having a weird issue with unpinning apps. I believe the issue was introduced with the GUI overhaul in 2021.10.17 or one of the following patches. This occurs if I install an app that was pinned before the update. The "pin" changes from green to black when the app is installed, but still shows up in my list of pinned apps. Pinning and unpinning an app without installing it works as expected. The same goes for unpinning apps that were pinned before the GUI overhaul, but has not been installed. Unpinning an app that was pinned before the overhaul but installed after works as intended. Unpinning an app that was pinned and installed after the overhaul works as intended.


Is it just me?

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On 6.9.0


Beta worked perfectly for me. Updated to latest CA. Initial load works fine and I can browse apps but if I try to use the CA search bar...when the search executes I get the loading icon for a second before it freezes, along with the entire page. Network tab (devtools) shows no console errors, Notify.php and exec.php returning 200s.


Also tried 2021.10.20-x86_64-1.txz with no change in behavior.

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16 hours ago, dockeith said:

I've been having a weird issue with unpinning apps. I believe the issue was introduced with the GUI overhaul in 2021.10.17 or one of the following patches. This occurs if I install an app that was pinned before the update. The "pin" changes from green to black when the app is installed, but still shows up in my list of pinned apps. Pinning and unpinning an app without installing it works as expected. The same goes for unpinning apps that were pinned before the GUI overhaul, but has not been installed. Unpinning an app that was pinned before the overhaul but installed after works as intended. Unpinning an app that was pinned and installed after the overhaul works as intended.


Is it just me?

I can't replicate.  Which apps in particular

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Install the latest community applications. Just restart unraid and click apps to prompt an error,How to solve it(This problem did not occur before this plug-in was updated)



Fatal Docker Image Error

Your docker image or folder is either read-only or completely full. Issues will result because of this. You should create a new post in the Unraid forums and include your diagnostics




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Is there a way to revert to a previous update? I feel like the new GUI really needs some quality of life fixes.


Just a short list that I noticed when installed:

- You don't scroll back to top when going to the next page via pagination.

- There's no option to choose from on how many apps are shown on a page.

- The back button does NOT work and it's really annoying.

- No more menu links to random apps, new apps, top apps etc.

- The menu animations when collapsing are quite slow.

- Clicking on an app collaps a menu on the right. Perhaps make it scrollable too when not on the white, but also on the gray overlay (left side).

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17 hours ago, yoyomama said:

this is my log and the app taking forever to refresh and most of the time I have to force it with plugin too



After the system actually loaded the page, it took 1 second to display the home page.  What is the delay?  Simply getting to the page?  (ie: was the spinner on Chrome's tab still spinning indicating the Chrome is still grabbing the information prior to CA actually loading?)

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18 hours ago, Joopie said:

There's no option to choose from on how many apps are shown on a page

That hasn't been in CA since 2015, but is coming back soon

18 hours ago, Joopie said:

- The back button does NOT work and it's really annoying.


It's never been there.  Complete redesign from top down to implement and instead of showing a URL that is simply https://xxx.unraid.net/Apps would change to https://xx.unraid.net/Apps/AFewHundredCharactersHeres which I absolutely hate as I don't particularly trust that type of URL whenever I see it, and is also a big security risk with certain aspects of what CA is able to do.


18 hours ago, Joopie said:

- No more menu links to random apps, new apps, top apps etc.


All consolidated on the home page


18 hours ago, Joopie said:

Clicking on an app collaps a menu on the right. Perhaps make it scrollable too when not on the white, but also on the gray overlay (left side).

Why would you want to be able to scroll the main area when the side bar is open?  Half of the app icons are covered up by the sidebar to begin with...

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Is there a way to get back the "old" view of CA?
The new GUI is designed great, ofc, but i love the old way where i can read the quickinfo what the app is for.
Now i only can see this for spotlighted apps and it needs "timewasting" additional clicks to find out what apps are out there.
This is what i want for every app:

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9 hours ago, Squid said:



After the system actually loaded the page, it took 1 second to display the home page.  What is the delay?  Simply getting to the page?  (ie: was the spinner on Chrome's tab still spinning indicating the Chrome is still grabbing the information prior to CA actually loading?)

it's UnRaid App and Plugin loading it spinning forever or unable to install plugins. 

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On 10/20/2021 at 6:22 PM, SplitHoirzon said:

Im having the problem with the spinner never going away and my CA never loads.  Here are my Debug logs.

CA-Logging-20211020-1120.zip 1.38 kB · 2 downloads

Is your "default font size" and "minimum font size" same in your browser settings? I have same problem if the values are same. But for example default 16 and minimum 14 and everything works fine. Only tried with Vivaldi.

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1 hour ago, ChrisTech said:

Is there a way to download dockers from DockerHub now?


you always can add them manually by "add container" and fill out the fields and the variables you need/want, the automated part is gone by now, you mostly had to add all the variables anyway manually so i guess as it wasnt plug & play anyhow it was dropped afaik.

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1 hour ago, alturismo said:

ou mostly had to add all the variables anyway manually so i guess as it wasnt plug & play anyhow it was dropped afaik.

Exactly.  Seemed to me to be completely pointless to have a GUI when no matter what you had to go to dockerhub to find out everything you needed to add in anyways.  So I forced you to do that.


Unfortunately, most people don't understand that change and thought I was taking something away from them.  Which I'm not.  But, I have given in to pressure and it will get re-added on the next release.

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