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Upgrading unRaid-5 to unRaid-6

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There used to be one area it would get stuck at during boot for about 1 minute.


If you have the "fix common problems" plugin installed, it's most likely responsible for the boot delay.

Will not be the cause - the delay the OP talked about was on a v5 install!

Probably some plugin, I think sabnzbd would do this.
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I used method 1 on a 5.0.4 that was running for a long time. I uninstalled my Dynamix plugins just in case. Everything went perfectly. I now have 6.2.4 with all my shares and user logins.

It decided to do a parity check after the first boot. Only 7 hours remaining. :)

It booted a lot faster than 5.0.4. There used to be one area it would get stuck at during boot for about 1 minute.


One question about the "build-in" Dynamix? It doesn't seem to be live updating anything. The dashboard works and shows live CPU usage, but the Main page doesn't update. I have to keep pressing F5 to refresh the screen and show the current progress/stats. I liked the old Dynamix in 5.0.4, everything updated in realtime.

Something strange I've noticed about the update. I've opened two browsers to the Main page, IE and Firefox. During a parity check they both have the same status, nothing changes. But if I press F5 in either of my browsers to refresh the page, not only does that browser page update, but the other browser page also updates. It's like me pressing F5 forces unRAID to spit out a page update. Anyone seen anything like this?


Thanks a lot for everyone's hard work.


Look at    'Setting"  >>>  'Display' and then the  "Page update frequency:" setting.  Use 'Help' to determine which one is set and which one you want to use. 

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Look at    'Setting"  >>>  'Display' and then the  "Page update frequency:" setting.  Use 'Help' to determine which one is set and which one you want to use.

In fact, use Help a lot. The Help button is a toggle, and if you turn it on it will stay on until you turn it off. With Help on, the webUI actually has pretty good explanations of each page. Many people don't even seem to be aware that the Help feature exists.
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In fact, use Help a lot. The Help button is a toggle, and if you turn it on it will stay on until you turn it off. With Help on, the webUI actually has pretty good explanations of each page. Many people don't even seem to be aware that the Help feature exists.

Hmm, is Help on by default for a new install?


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In fact, use Help a lot. The Help button is a toggle, and if you turn it on it will stay on until you turn it off. With Help on, the webUI actually has pretty good explanations of each page. Many people don't even seem to be aware that the Help feature exists.

Hmm, is Help on by default for a new install?



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Look at    'Setting"  >>>  'Display' and then the  "Page update frequency:" setting.  Use 'Help' to determine which one is set and which one you want to use.


I've checked there and it has been on Real-time. To make sure I'm not mistaken here, does everyone's Reads/Write on the Main page update in real time? Mine does not, or even the device status when a new drive powers up I don't see the green status light. I open a separate window and stream a file and nothing changes in the browser until I hit the F5 key. The System Status works in the Dashboard but the Statistics/Array Status does not. Dynamix in v5 worked in real time for Reads/Writes.


When I'm on the Main page I do see some network traffic coming in, about 113kbps every 3 seconds. The network traffic goes away when I go to a different tab or close the browser. So it's like the data is being sent then received, but it's just not being displayed.

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Look at    'Setting"  >>>  'Display' and then the  "Page update frequency:" setting.  Use 'Help' to determine which one is set and which one you want to use.


I've checked there and it has been on Real-time. To make sure I'm not mistaken here, does everyone's Reads/Write on the Main page update in real time? Mine does not, or even the device status when a new drive powers up I don't see the green status light. I open a separate window and stream a file and nothing changes in the browser until I hit the F5 key. The System Status works in the Dashboard but the Statistics/Array Status does not. Dynamix in v5 worked in real time for Reads/Writes.


When I'm on the Main page I do see some network traffic coming in, about 113kbps every 3 seconds. The network traffic goes away when I go to a different tab or close the browser. So it's like the data is being sent then received, but it's just not being displayed.


"Real time" stats on v6 are updated about once every minute.


For the devices spin up/down status go to Settings -> Disk settings -> Tunable (poll_attributes), default is very high at 1800 secs, adjust to lower value like 60, don't set it too low or it will have a negative impact on parity check speed.

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In unRAID 6 a separation has been made between GUI updates, emhttp updates and SMART updates.


The main reason to do this separation is to have as low as possible impact on array operation while obtaining the information.


The setting "Page update frequency" under Display settings determines how fast the GUI refreshes the display. Keeping this on real-time esnures the GUI displays any changes as soon as possible.


emhttp updates (disk and array values) occur every minute, but are initially disabled. To enable these type of updates it is required to enable notifications (see settings page).


SMART updates are handled separately, as johnnie.black indicated the "Tunable (poll_attributes)" settings determines how often SMART values (including disk temperature) are obtained. By default this is 30 minutes, but can be lowered at the expensive of possible impact on disk operation.


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emhttp updates (disk and array values) occur every minute, but are initially disabled. To enable these type of updates it is required to enable notifications (see settings page).


Ok, turning on "System notifications" seemed to have done the trick. The array Reads and Writes are now updating. But at an excruciatingly slow speed of 1 minute as you mentioned. Is there anyway to lower that setting? I swear Dynamix in v5 updated every 2 seconds or something. It's easy to spot visual changes with a 2 second delay. With a 1 minute screen update it's hard to determine if there's a rogue device leeching something. Not quite "real-time".

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The one minute interval was chosen to minimize impact on regular hard disk operation, this can not be changed (but maybe in future when an alternative of emhttp is used).


unRAID v6.3 supports reading of disk I/O activity in the GUI, which works at intervals of 10 seconds, you can use that to follow disks in more "real-time".


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  • 1 month later...

Just to add my experience in case someone else is still having troubles...


I upgraded to 6.3.2 today and had similar problems to others in the past. I ran the script and the USB stick would not boot. Said the Linux Kernel was missing. Here are the steps I had to take to fix it...


1. I took the USB stick out and put it into a Windows Machine.

2. Downloaded the latest version of unRAID from the website (6.3.2)

3. Tried to copoy copy the syslinux folder from the download to the USB stick, which failed

4. The USB stick had what appeared to be a file called syslinux on it already, so it would not copy the syslinux directory to the USB stick, so deleted that file on the USB stick

5. Successfully copied the downloaded syslinux directory to the USB stick

6. Ran make_bootable.bat from the root of the USB stick

7. Let it compete and safely "remove hardware" and eject the USB stick.

8. Put the USB stick back into the unRAID server and booted up.



From that point on, everything worked fine. Thanks for the help from the previous posters in this thread.


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  • 2 months later...

Hey all,

Just tried Method 1. Plugin install fails with:


unzip: command not found

unzip error 0


Does the plugin not download infozip anymore? I didn't see it go by on the console. I am upgrading from v5.0.5.




Edited by buzzra
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34 minutes ago, buzzra said:

Hey all,

Just tried Method 1. Plugin install fails with:


unzip: command not found

unzip error 0


Does the plugin not download infozip anymore? I didn't see it go by on the console. I am upgrading from v5.0.5.




Well, apparently the infozip package is downloaded and installed, but the unzip command is not found.



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24 minutes ago, buzzra said:

Well, apparently the infozip package is downloaded and installed, but the unzip command is not found.



Aaaannd... My upgrade is complete. I used the removepkg command to remove infozip, and did the wget and installpkg commands to manually re-install it. I then re-ran the installplg command and all is up and working! Here is the wget command for infozip:

wget http://slackware.cs.utah.edu/pub/slackware/slackware-13.1/slackware/a/infozip-6.0-i486-1.txz -O /boot/extra/infozip-6.0-i486-1.txz



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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
13 minutes ago, shanehm2 said:

I am currently running 5.0.5 should this method work for me ?



I believe it will but you might want to read this thread as it will point you to several other ways to do the upgrade:





Before you do anything else, I would like to advise you to shutdown your server, pull the flash drive out and make a complete backup copy before you do anything else.  You will probably not need that copy  but not making it could give you a real headache if something does go wrong.  


The simpler your system is from a configuration standpoint (plugins in particular), the few issues you are likely to encounter.  The WIKI contains solutions to virtually every problem that was encountered during hundreds (if not thousands) of upgrades.

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  • 1 year later...

I built a server in 2012 with an AMD Sempron 145 on a Zotac GF6100-E-E motherboard and 7 drives. The server had been running V.4 and then was upgraded to V.5-rc5 about a year later. It has been running without an issue until I decided to upgrade to V.6 in the last week.  I followed Frank1940's upgrade steps and the upgraded server was up and running. When I run the New Permissions from Tool, the process run hours without completion. I have run the process several times but it always hung without a successful completion. I am attaching the diagnostics file below and hope someone may help!




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Sep 29 21:55:37 Tower emhttpd: cmd: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/newperms /mnt/cache|/mnt/disk1|/mnt/disk2|/mnt/disk3|/mnt/disk4|/mnt/disk5|/mnt/disk6|/mnt/disk7|/mnt/user/appdata|/mnt/user/Books|/mnt/user/Dell Windows 7 Data|/mnt/user/Documentary|/mnt/user/domains|/mnt/user/Home Video|/mnt/user/iPhoto Library|/mnt/user/iPhoto Library 1|/mnt/user/isos|/mnt/user/Kids Cartoon|/mnt/user/Macbook gloria backup|/mnt/user/MacbookProBackup|/mnt/user/Movies|/mnt/user/Music|/mnt/user/Music Video|/mnt/user/Network Trash Folder|/mnt/user/Pictures|/mnt/user/system|/mnt/user/Temporary Items|/mnt/user/TimeMachine|/mnt/user/TV Series|/mnt/user/Videos

Based on this, you selected both All disks, and All shares.  Effectively that means that it's going to run twice.  Not a real issue though.


On the popup that appeared, did you see any text as it went through and did its thing (disk 1, disk 2, etc)

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Thank you, Squid!


It showed the process from disk 1, and go on, until hung on a disk (different disk on different run). Should I select "All disks" and "Al shares", or what should I suppose to select? As I have shares of the media files such as pictures and videos but also those of the windows and mac backups including  TimeMachine, iTunes Media,  would those shares be a problem in running New Permissions?

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Doesn't matter which you pick (if you select all).  It's more for fine-tuning and not having the tool run against them.  It may take awhile (I'd let it run overnight), and note that closing the window / browser / and if the client ever happens to turn off / go to sleep etc then the process does get interupted (and you probably will never see any further updates within the popup window)

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