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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Plex Media Server

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I changed my mind and purchased an HDHomeRun Extend.  Installation with Plex seemed to go smoothly, but I couldn't figure out why I couldn't do any Live Streaming from my iOS device.  There wasn't a program guide for it or anything.  Then I noticed the version of Plex i had was something like 1.5 and I believe Plex needs to be 1.75 or above to accomplish Live Streaming.
I suspect this is all happening because the initial docker I installed is not the one listed in this thread.  It probably is not being updated as often as the linuxserver.io version of Plex.  I've been using this other docker for Plex for ages, but it would be nice to have more recent updates for it.
So I'm thinking about switching over to this one.  My question is, I guess there really isn't a smoother way of doing this...right?  My guess is I need to remove the Plex Docker I have now via the unRaid Dashboard, delete all the folders that might be left over on my cache drive for the Plex Server, and then install the linuxserver.io version from Community Apps basically from scratch.  Does this make the most sense?  

Depending on what the other one is, you may be able to switch to the lsio one directly. Take a backup of your plex config folder if you don't want to lose it. Then remove the existing container and image. Don't remove the config folder. Install the lsio plex from community applications and set it to use the same config folder. Many people had success with that transition. In the container settings, set the version variable to latest and if you're logged into plex with a plexpass account, it will update to the latest plexpass version on start.

Since you don't really mind starting over, worst case, you'll delete the plex config folder and start fresh. Nothing to lose.
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1 hour ago, JP said:

So I'm thinking about switching over to this one.  My question is, I guess there really isn't a smoother way of doing this...right?  My guess is I need to remove the Plex Docker I have now via the unRaid Dashboard, delete all the folders that might be left over on my cache drive for the Plex Server, and then install the linuxserver.io version from Community Apps basically from scratch.  Does this make the most sense?  

Instead of deleting your plex appdata, you should be able to use it by pointing this docker to that appdata folder, assuming you have done things "normally". Then you won't have to rescan your media, and won't lose the various things Plex keeps track of for you, such as whether or not you have already watched a movie, or where to resume if you start a movie backup up.

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Awesome.  Thanks guys.  It appears to have worked just as you said it would.  I haven't stress tested anything yet, but so far so good and now I'm watching Live TV on my iPhone.  To me, unRAID with Dockers is just so amazing.  Thanks again.

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hi everyone, 

i would like to set up plex server to be give access to my ios and android devices in my network (plexpass)... however, more important i wouldn't want to start buying extra SSD's to save the metadata.


i would like all heavy metadata files to either be saved in my array (shares) or can i configure the docker (unraid app), to be set up so it could use the existing metadata currently saved.  obviously, the docker will still run from my cache ssd.


is there someone that can suggest how to configure this, or if it can't be done? 

using unraid 6.3.2

thanks everyone


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hi everyone, 
i would like to set up plex server to be give access to my ios and android devices in my network (plexpass)... however, more important i wouldn't want to start buying extra SSD's to save the metadata.
i would like all heavy metadata files to either be saved in my array (shares) or can i configure the docker (unraid app), to be set up so it could use the existing metadata currently saved.  obviously, the docker will still run from my cache ssd.
is there someone that can suggest how to configure this, or if it can't be done? 
using unraid 6.3.2
thanks everyone

If you have plex set up to create index files, they take up a lot of space. They are all in a folder called "media" I believe and when I had a smaller cache drive, I had moved that to the array and put a symlink in its place
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Hello everyone,


I recently had to delete all my dockers due to an error on my behalf and am in the process of re-installing them. I deleted the docker image and restarted from the beginning, when selecting the same configurations as before, I receive this error:


 " root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="plex" --net="host" -e TZ="America/New_York" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -e "VERSION"="latest" -v "/mnt/user/Media/Movies/":"Movies 1":rw -v "/mnt/user/Media/TV-Shows/":"TV Shows 1":rw -v "/mnt/user/appdata/plex":"/config":rw linuxserver/plex
/usr/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: Invalid bind mount spec "/mnt/user/Media/Movies/:Movies 1:rw": Invalid volume destination path: 'Movies 1' mount path must be absolute..
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.

The command failed."


Can anyone point me in the right direction of what I am doing wrong? or how to fix this?



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2 minutes ago, mikegiann said:


Hi and thanks for the help. I just tried to remove the space and still the same error. I deleted the Movies1 entry and just added the Movies, no space and no numbers after and still get the same error.

Does /mnt/user/Media/Movies/ exist?

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Just now, CHBMB said:

Does /mnt/user/Media/Movies/ exist?

Yes, I did not do anything with the shares, just deleted the dockers and copied the parameters prior to deleting them so that i can add everything the way it was before. If I ssh to the server and go to /mnt/user/Media/Movies/ I do see the listing with all my movies.

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got a update today (PlexMediaServer 1.7.5 (PlexPass)) and saw this message.

# NOTE: Your system does not have udev installed. Without udev #
# you won't be able to use DVBLogic's TVButler for DVR #
# or for LiveTV #
# #
# Please install udev and reinstall Plex Media Server to #
# to enable TV Butler support in Plex Media Server. #
# #
# To install udev run: sudo apt-get install udev #
# #

DVR still works fine, but a don't have no liveTV or other new stuff...

i use a HDHomeRun EXPAND...

Non of my client have any ability to LiveTV (Android smartfone, pmp, plex web, openpht)

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got a update today (PlexMediaServer 1.7.5 (PlexPass)) and saw this message.
################################################################### NOTE: Your system does not have udev installed. Without udev ## you won't be able to use DVBLogic's TVButler for DVR ## or for LiveTV ## ## Please install udev and reinstall Plex Media Server to ## to enable TV Butler support in Plex Media Server. ## ## To install udev run: sudo apt-get install udev ## ###################################################################

DVR still works fine, but a don't have no liveTV or other new stuff...
i use a HDHomeRun EXPAND...
Non of my client have any ability to LiveTV (Android smartfone, pmp, plex web, openpht)

If you don't have that specific tuner, it won't affect you
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I've never used dockers before and currently have plex running on dedicated hardware but thinking of consolidating and tossing up between lsio docker or VM.


How do updates work in a docker? Can you use plex in-built update function or does the whole docker image need to be updated each time?

Can you 'reboot' a single docker, or would you need to ssh in to kill the PMS process and re-load, or even does the whole UnraidOS need a reboot to flush everything properly?

Are there any other drawbacks like codecs/data mapping that might be managed easier in a VM?



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4 hours ago, nicr4wks said:

I've never used dockers before and currently have plex running on dedicated hardware but thinking of consolidating and tossing up between lsio docker or VM.


How do updates work in a docker? Can you use plex in-built update function or does the whole docker image need to be updated each time?

Can you 'reboot' a single docker, or would you need to ssh in to kill the PMS process and re-load, or even does the whole UnraidOS need a reboot to flush everything properly?

Are there any other drawbacks like codecs/data mapping that might be managed easier in a VM?



It is very easy to restart a docker from the unRAID webUI. When this docker is restarted, it checks for a new version of plex and downloads it. You shouldn't use the plex in-built update. It is also possible to specify specific plex version for this docker to download instead of the latest.

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I don't know if anyone has figured this out yet, but now that we can record Live TV via PLEX it seems to me the next great function would be having an effective way of stripping out commercials.  I think I've seen a few people reference COMSKIP before, but I'm not sure anyone has ever gotten it working with PLEX yet or if there is a better alternative out there.  If someone already has this figured out, please let me know.  Thanks!

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21 hours ago, JP said:

I don't know if anyone has figured this out yet, but now that we can record Live TV via PLEX it seems to me the next great function would be having an effective way of stripping out commercials.  I think I've seen a few people reference COMSKIP before, but I'm not sure anyone has ever gotten it working with PLEX yet or if there is a better alternative out there.  If someone already has this figured out, please let me know.  Thanks!

I found this one today but haven't figured out how to get it working in UNRAID.

Perhaps some more experienced users might be able to chime in and help out.

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On 6/30/2017 at 6:29 AM, kazoodude said:

I found this one today but haven't figured out how to get it working in UNRAID.

Perhaps some more experienced users might be able to chime in and help out.


Here is a way to do it assuming you already have linuxserver container running on your server:

1. go to: \\Tower\flash\config\plugins\dockerMan\templates-user

2. copy my-plex.xml to my-k-plex.xml

3. edit the new xml file and change line tree and four per below and save


4. Stop your current linuxserver docker container and add a new container using the k-plex template that you just created.

5. After the container is running follow the instructions from https://hub.docker.com/r/kmcgill88/k-plex/

6. Done.


Enjoy and send your thanks to linuxserver, kmcgill88 and erikkaashoek.


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I tried to update the plex container but i'm getting the following error and now the plex container wont launch:


It looks like when the container updated, it did not remove the previous container and therefore cannot start the new one, right? How would i go about to solve this?

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2 minutes ago, peeqi said:

I tried to update the plex container but i'm getting the following error and now the plex container wont launch:


It looks like when the container updated, it did not remove the previous container and therefore cannot start the new one, right? How would i go about to solve this?

Remove the container from within the docker tab, then re-add it either via the template drop down (user-template: my-plex), or via Apps Tab, previous apps.


Either way, after the download is done everything will be back to normal.

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4 minutes ago, Squid said:

Remove the container from within the docker tab, then re-add it either via the template drop down (user-template: my-plex), or via Apps Tab, previous apps.


Either way, after the download is done everything will be back to normal.



I seem unable to delete the image.

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18 minutes ago, peeqi said:

I tried to update the plex container but i'm getting the following error and now the plex container wont launch:


It looks like when the container updated, it did not remove the previous container and therefore cannot start the new one, right? How would i go about to solve this?

Delete the orphan

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