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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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Having problems updating docker. Says update available but after update still says update available?


Same issue here.


This is either an issue with unraid webui (dockerman) and/or an issue with docker hub, both of which are out of my control unfortunately, you can either wait for a new update to come through and maybe this will resync what dockerman thinks you have and what is on docker hub, or simply delete the container AND image, and then re-pull down again.

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1. I added the ca/client certificates and client.key to the same folder where I placed the .ovpn file - is this correct? (Directions are vague)




2. Looking at the "auth" file (to get admin/pw for CouchPotato), all it says is: "localclient:(huge series of numbers and letters):10" no username:password, how do I get this?


ok in that case you need to add in another line, so the entire contents of the auth file will look something like this:-




3.The container log continually builds and moves, only pausing a few times, is this normal and due to inactivity?


not exactly sure what you mean by builds and moves, are you on about console output when pulling down the image and creating the container or are you on about the supervisord.log file?.


4. I can access the webgui and log in successfully - I decided to browse the logs and found several Warnings. Can you please tell me if these warnings are something to be concerned over and if so, how to fix them? These didn't happen concurrently as I've posted them, I just did this for the sake of space saving.


Fri Jun 3 23:27:25 2016 us=552163 WARNING: file 'credentials.conf' is group or others accessible

Fri Jun 3 23:27:25 2016 us=832137 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this

Fri Jun 3 23:27:26 2016 us=238841 WARNING: 'link-mtu' is used inconsistently, local='link-mtu 1554', remote='link-mtu 1558'

Fri Jun 3 23:27:26 2016 us=238874 WARNING: 'mtu-dynamic' is present in remote config but missing in local config, remote='mtu-dynamic'


Thank you.


these are all warnings that the ovpn configuration options in the file you have dont line up exactly with how the server is configured at the other end (vpn providers end), you can either tweak your ovpn file so that it does use the options its warning about, or ignore them, i would probably go with the ignore option, its an ovpn file that the provider has created, so i would assume the options are "good enough" for it to work correctly, the choice is of course yours :-).

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1. I added the ca/client certificates and client.key to the same folder where I placed the .ovpn file - is this correct? (Directions are vague)




2. Looking at the "auth" file (to get admin/pw for CouchPotato), all it says is: "localclient:(huge series of numbers and letters):10" no username:password, how do I get this?


ok in that case you need to add in another line, so the entire contents of the auth file will look something like this:-




3.The container log continually builds and moves, only pausing a few times, is this normal and due to inactivity?


not exactly sure what you mean by builds and moves, are you on about console output when pulling down the image and creating the container or are you on about the supervisord.log file?.


4. I can access the webgui and log in successfully - I decided to browse the logs and found several Warnings. Can you please tell me if these warnings are something to be concerned over and if so, how to fix them? These didn't happen concurrently as I've posted them, I just did this for the sake of space saving.


Fri Jun 3 23:27:25 2016 us=552163 WARNING: file 'credentials.conf' is group or others accessible

Fri Jun 3 23:27:25 2016 us=832137 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this

Fri Jun 3 23:27:26 2016 us=238841 WARNING: 'link-mtu' is used inconsistently, local='link-mtu 1554', remote='link-mtu 1558'

Fri Jun 3 23:27:26 2016 us=238874 WARNING: 'mtu-dynamic' is present in remote config but missing in local config, remote='mtu-dynamic'


Thank you.


these are all warnings that the ovpn configuration options in the file you have dont line up exactly with how the server is configured at the other end (vpn providers end), you can either tweak your ovpn file so that it does use the options its warning about, or ignore them, i would probably go with the ignore option, its an ovpn file that the provider has created, so i would assume the options are "good enough" for it to work correctly, the choice is of course yours :-).


Thank you very much Bin!


In regards to 3. - if I right click and go to logs for the DelugeVPN container and just sit there idle, doing nothing, the log is continually building in size and scrolling as it adds more logs entries. Was curious why this was? I hope I'm describing it better for you..



A more serious matter was found yesterday once I had all my paths set and started to grab files via SickRage. SR would drop the torrents into DVPN but none of them would download. I use IPT and was getting "Error" on the tracker announce links used. I have no clue what this means and it took me a lot of research just to find that out. The URLs are from stackoverflow and empire.me.


My account is in good standing with IPT. I haven't tried downloading outside of deluge/containers/unraid however. I restarted all services and powercycled the server just to make sure. All my share and download settings are good, too. It seems like a vpn/ipt/deluge conflict somewhere here and I'm hoping you're perhaps familiar with this and could help. Later I'm going to go check with my VPN provider that the settings I'm using are for premium servers and not free (which block p2p) but I think that's fine.


Thanks again for your time and dedication to this.

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I do have it set to custom and i got the vpn cert file from ipvanish config files site http://www.ipvanish.com/software/configs/ ..

Any other ideas?


hmm very odd, so you have this file in /config/openvpn/:-



is that correct?, looking at that cert it isnt from PIA (see attachment), im pretty sure the crt file you have in /config/openvpn/ is not the one from the above url, can you double check please, also just ensure there is only a single crt file in there, it could be picking up the PIA cert in there if you previously had it set to pia before switching to custom.


edit - keep in mind ipvanish does NOT support incoming ports (port forwarding), so using ipvanish for torrents is going to be slow at best (https://support.ipvanish.com/customer/portal/articles/1969161-port-forwarding)


I ended up switching to PIA for faster speeds.  Thanks.


My next issue is that even though I have the download directory set to /data it keeps saving my downloads to /downloads .. Any idea on how to make it save there permanently?  I have the /data directory setup in the configuration file

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In regards to 3. - if I right click and go to logs for the DelugeVPN container and just sit there idle, doing nothing, the log is continually building in size and scrolling as it adds more logs entries. Was curious why this was? I hope I'm describing it better for you..


yeah this is normal, what your seeing is the log output for the container, it will increase in size as things are logged, if you want to see the entire log then look at the file /config/supervisord.log


A more serious matter was found yesterday once I had all my paths set and started to grab files via SickRage. SR would drop the torrents into DVPN but none of them would download. I use IPT and was getting "Error" on the tracker announce links used. I have no clue what this means and it took me a lot of research just to find that out. The URLs are from stackoverflow and empire.me.


My account is in good standing with IPT. I haven't tried downloading outside of deluge/containers/unraid however. I restarted all services and powercycled the server just to make sure. All my share and download settings are good, too. It seems like a vpn/ipt/deluge conflict somewhere here and I'm hoping you're perhaps familiar with this and could help. Later I'm going to go check with my VPN provider that the settings I'm using are for premium servers and not free (which block p2p) but I think that's fine.


im not sure why you cant connect to the tracker, its possible that this particular private site doesnt permit deluge, or this particular version of deluge (latest), worth contacting admins at IPT and see what they say. It also possible that IPT block access to their tracker if its accessed via a VPN tunnel, not a lot you can do if thats the case, other than switch to another private torrent site, i dont use IPT so i cant really comment on whether they block or not.

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I do have it set to custom and i got the vpn cert file from ipvanish config files site http://www.ipvanish.com/software/configs/ ..

Any other ideas?


You should be able to set it to /data once during a torrent download and it should be remembered - its is case sens.....





hmm very odd, so you have this file in /config/openvpn/:-



is that correct?, looking at that cert it isnt from PIA (see attachment), im pretty sure the crt file you have in /config/openvpn/ is not the one from the above url, can you double check please, also just ensure there is only a single crt file in there, it could be picking up the PIA cert in there if you previously had it set to pia before switching to custom.


edit - keep in mind ipvanish does NOT support incoming ports (port forwarding), so using ipvanish for torrents is going to be slow at best (https://support.ipvanish.com/customer/portal/articles/1969161-port-forwarding)


I ended up switching to PIA for faster speeds.  Thanks.


My next issue is that even though I have the download directory set to /data it keeps saving my downloads to /downloads .. Any idea on how to make it save there permanently?  I have the /data directory setup in the configuration file

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Having problems updating docker. Says update available but after update still says update available?


Same issue here.


This is either an issue with unraid webui (dockerman) and/or an issue with docker hub, both of which are out of my control unfortunately, you can either wait for a new update to come through and maybe this will resync what dockerman thinks you have and what is on docker hub, or simply delete the container AND image, and then re-pull down again.


Hi Binhex i cant reinstall delugevpn after having deleted it. I get following errors.

Pulling image: binhex/arch-delugevpn:latest
IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from binhex/arch-delugevpn. 
IMAGE ID [a3ed95caeb02]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [af2bff008299]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [3d8de81ecefc]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [8fd4090c821b]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [fbc488e73d97]: Already exists. 
IMAGE ID [136af2acfbfa]: Pulling fs layer. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [e87355edd5cd]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 422 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [eab10fbc41a3]: Pulling fs layer. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [4982d59cf7d7]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [e4707c851f55]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 2 MB. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [baa9d87d8d71]: Pulling fs layer. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [9d2fa6591ebb]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 1 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [2dbfcd5304ec]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [af646dc4ce1f]: Pulling fs layer. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [58eab22145fe]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 1 KB. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 
IMAGE ID [51afa166eaf9]: Pulling fs layer. Downloading 100% of 98 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete. 


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="binhex-delugevpn" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "VPN_ENABLED"="yes" -e "VPN_USER"="vpn username" -e "VPN_PASS"="vpn password" -e "VPN_REMOTE"="nl.privateinternetaccess.com" -e "VPN_PORT"="1194" -e "VPN_PROTOCOL"="udp" -e "VPN_PROV"="pia" -e "ENABLE_PRIVOXY"="no" -e "LAN_NETWORK"="" -e "DEBUG"="false" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8112:8112/tcp -p 58846:58846/tcp -p 8118:8118/tcp -v "path for downloads":"/data":rw -v "/mnt/cache/appdata/binhex-delugevpn":"/config":rw binhex/arch-delugevpn
Unable to find image 'binhex/arch-delugevpn:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from binhex/arch-delugevpn
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
af2bff008299: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
3d8de81ecefc: Already exists
8fd4090c821b: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
fbc488e73d97: Already exists
136af2acfbfa: Pulling fs layer
e87355edd5cd: Pulling fs layer
eab10fbc41a3: Pulling fs layer
4982d59cf7d7: Pulling fs layer
e4707c851f55: Pulling fs layer
baa9d87d8d71: Pulling fs layer
9d2fa6591ebb: Pulling fs layer
2dbfcd5304ec: Pulling fs layer
af646dc4ce1f: Pulling fs layer
58eab22145fe: Pulling fs layer
51afa166eaf9: Pulling fs layer
9d2fa6591ebb: Waiting
2dbfcd5304ec: Waiting
af646dc4ce1f: Waiting
58eab22145fe: Waiting
51afa166eaf9: Waiting
baa9d87d8d71: Waiting
4982d59cf7d7: Waiting
e4707c851f55: Waiting
e87355edd5cd: Download complete
eab10fbc41a3: Download complete
136af2acfbfa: Verifying Checksum
136af2acfbfa: Download complete
baa9d87d8d71: Download complete
4982d59cf7d7: Verifying Checksum
4982d59cf7d7: Download complete
136af2acfbfa: Pull complete
136af2acfbfa: Pull complete
e87355edd5cd: Pull complete
e87355edd5cd: Pull complete
e4707c851f55: Verifying Checksum
e4707c851f55: Download complete
eab10fbc41a3: Pull complete
eab10fbc41a3: Pull complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Verifying Checksum
2dbfcd5304ec: Download complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Verifying Checksum
9d2fa6591ebb: Download complete
4982d59cf7d7: Pull complete
4982d59cf7d7: Pull complete
e4707c851f55: Pull complete
e4707c851f55: Pull complete
baa9d87d8d71: Pull complete
baa9d87d8d71: Pull complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Pull complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Pull complete
58eab22145fe: Verifying Checksum
58eab22145fe: Download complete
af646dc4ce1f: Verifying Checksum
af646dc4ce1f: Download complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Pull complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Pull complete
af646dc4ce1f: Pull complete
af646dc4ce1f: Pull complete
58eab22145fe: Pull complete
58eab22145fe: Pull complete
51afa166eaf9: Verifying Checksum
51afa166eaf9: Download complete
51afa166eaf9: Pull complete
51afa166eaf9: Pull complete
docker: layers from manifest don't match image configuration.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.

The command failed.

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In regards to 3. - if I right click and go to logs for the DelugeVPN container and just sit there idle, doing nothing, the log is continually building in size and scrolling as it adds more logs entries. Was curious why this was? I hope I'm describing it better for you..


yeah this is normal, what your seeing is the log output for the container, it will increase in size as things are logged, if you want to see the entire log then look at the file /config/supervisord.log


A more serious matter was found yesterday once I had all my paths set and started to grab files via SickRage. SR would drop the torrents into DVPN but none of them would download. I use IPT and was getting "Error" on the tracker announce links used. I have no clue what this means and it took me a lot of research just to find that out. The URLs are from stackoverflow and empire.me.


My account is in good standing with IPT. I haven't tried downloading outside of deluge/containers/unraid however. I restarted all services and powercycled the server just to make sure. All my share and download settings are good, too. It seems like a vpn/ipt/deluge conflict somewhere here and I'm hoping you're perhaps familiar with this and could help. Later I'm going to go check with my VPN provider that the settings I'm using are for premium servers and not free (which block p2p) but I think that's fine.


im not sure why you cant connect to the tracker, its possible that this particular private site doesnt permit deluge, or this particular version of deluge (latest), worth contacting admins at IPT and see what they say. It also possible that IPT block access to their tracker if its accessed via a VPN tunnel, not a lot you can do if thats the case, other than switch to another private torrent site, i dont use IPT so i cant really comment on whether they block or not.


Yikes - I found the issue! Deluge was setup for UDP - my credentials were for TCP!


So torrents are finally downloading but I'm getting this strange thing where once I start it I'm getting max speed and on max torrents, then after 1 minute the speeds die down and eventually stop. Restarting Deluge is the only thing that fixes it, any clue what it could be? Bad server? I have plenty of connections and peers out there...strange.



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So torrents are finally downloading but I'm getting this strange thing where once I start it I'm getting max speed and on max torrents, then after 1 minute the speeds die down and eventually stop. Restarting Deluge is the only thing that fixes it, any clue what it could be? Bad server? I have plenty of connections and peers out there...strange.
How does your VPN provider handle forwarded ports? This container is set up to handle PIA forwarded ports automatically, if you are using another provider you have to figure out what port number is open and forwarded to you, and manually set the incoming port in the deluge settings. If you don't have it set correctly, that could cause speed (and connectivity) issues.
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So torrents are finally downloading but I'm getting this strange thing where once I start it I'm getting max speed and on max torrents, then after 1 minute the speeds die down and eventually stop. Restarting Deluge is the only thing that fixes it, any clue what it could be? Bad server? I have plenty of connections and peers out there...strange.
How does your VPN provider handle forwarded ports? This container is set up to handle PIA forwarded ports automatically, if you are using another provider you have to figure out what port number is open and forwarded to you, and manually set the incoming port in the deluge settings. If you don't have it set correctly, that could cause speed (and connectivity) issues.


Please disregard Jon, I was running TCP unknowingly and link saturation was killing my connection. Switched to UDP and it's smooth sailing!


Thanks for your help.

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New issue, new post. Downloads are working great but instantly go to "Queued 100%" once they're finished downloading. No files are in the designated /data path.


The files are not in my shares, I have no clue where they went, searched file titles and everything. It's almost like it's on some seedbox or something but I'm using a VPN?

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New issue, new post. Downloads are working great but instantly go to "Queued 100%" once they're finished downloading. No files are in the designated /data path.


What do you have for your path settings in the docker setup?  i.e. /data  =>  /mnt/user/downloads


Yes - and I apologize again. I swear they just bulk uploaded out of nowhere. I kept refreshing all the pages and Cache space was not budging, now it just magically appeared. I didn't touch anything..another odd issue magically resolved.



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How do I had files to deluge for seeding? I had to reinstall deluge and lost my active download and seeded files. When I go to add these files back in, it looks to my personal pc, not my server. Tried browsing through my pc to the network share on the server with the files but it comes back c:/fakepath/....


Basically I need to add these files, not sure how since.

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By the way, anyone getting such an error when attempting to load privoxy in the browser?


Invalid header received from client.


Yup :( same here for some time now. Something must've changed with the latest update....


i think you guys might be misunderstanding how to use privoxy, you dont point your browser AT privoxy, you configure the browser to USE the proxy, if you just try going to http://<server ip>:8118 then yes you will receive the above message, instead you should be doing something like this (example is for chrome):-


To set up or change network connections, follow these steps:

Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar.

Select Settings.

Click Show advanced settings.

In the "Network" section, click Change proxy settings

Now in LAN settings enter in ip of your server and port of 8118

Click OK and test


Tested and working with the latest docker image.

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Any reason why DelugeVPN would not upload seeding files? I'm not getting IPT credit for my seeding time and they're claiming it's the container. Any thoughts or settings I should be double checking?

Which VPN provider and endpoint are you using?


I'm using CyberGhost - OpenVPN settings (Netherlands)

Per their FAQ, allowing P2P and opening ports are 2 different things. The premium service allows P2P, but they don't open ports for you. Since you do not have an open port to allow unsolicited incoming connections, you are not available for uploading to IPT. The only connections your client is making is to download, and if the peer you are downloading from also needs parts that you have, you will upload to them while you have that connection open, but as soon as the torrent client closes that connection you can no longer seed to them.


TLDR, get another VPN provider that allows incoming ports. PIA is the easiest to set up, as all the configuration is done for you in the container.

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Any reason why DelugeVPN would not upload seeding files? I'm not getting IPT credit for my seeding time and they're claiming it's the container. Any thoughts or settings I should be double checking?

Which VPN provider and endpoint are you using?


I'm using CyberGhost - OpenVPN settings (Netherlands)

Per their FAQ, allowing P2P and opening ports are 2 different things. The premium service allows P2P, but they don't open ports for you. Since you do not have an open port to allow unsolicited incoming connections, you are not available for uploading to IPT. The only connections your client is making is to download, and if the peer you are downloading from also needs parts that you have, you will upload to them while you have that connection open, but as soon as the torrent client closes that connection you can no longer seed to them.


TLDR, get another VPN provider that allows incoming ports. PIA is the easiest to set up, as all the configuration is done for you in the container.


Thank you for taking the time to provide me this. I have their premium service. If I'm understanding you correctly there is nothing that can be done here to make this work and I should get rid of this VPN?

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Hi, all. I just tried to re-download DelugeVPN and I'm getting this when unraid tries to install the docker:


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="binhex-delugevpn" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e TZ="America/Earth" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "VPN_ENABLED"="yes" -e "VPN_USER"="TookThisOut" -e "VPN_PASS"="TookThisOutToo" -e "VPN_REMOTE"="nl.privateinternetaccess.com" -e "VPN_PORT"="1194" -e "VPN_PROTOCOL"="udp" -e "VPN_PROV"="pia" -e "ENABLE_PRIVOXY"="no" -e "LAN_NETWORK"="" -e "DEBUG"="false" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8112:8112/tcp -p 58846:58846/tcp -p 8118:8118/tcp -v "/mnt/user/addonfiles/dockers/delugevpn/config":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user/Files/Downloads/Torrents/deluge/":"/data":rw -v "/mnt/user/Files/Media/Videos/Movies/":"/CompletedMovies":rw -v "/mnt/user/Files/Media/Videos/Shows/":"/CompletedShows":rw binhex/arch-delugevpn
Unable to find image 'binhex/arch-delugevpn:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from binhex/arch-delugevpn
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
af2bff008299: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
3d8de81ecefc: Already exists
8fd4090c821b: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
fbc488e73d97: Already exists
136af2acfbfa: Pulling fs layer
e87355edd5cd: Pulling fs layer
eab10fbc41a3: Pulling fs layer
4982d59cf7d7: Pulling fs layer
e4707c851f55: Pulling fs layer
baa9d87d8d71: Pulling fs layer
9d2fa6591ebb: Pulling fs layer
2dbfcd5304ec: Pulling fs layer
af646dc4ce1f: Pulling fs layer
58eab22145fe: Pulling fs layer
51afa166eaf9: Pulling fs layer
9d2fa6591ebb: Waiting
2dbfcd5304ec: Waiting
4982d59cf7d7: Waiting
e4707c851f55: Waiting
af646dc4ce1f: Waiting
58eab22145fe: Waiting
baa9d87d8d71: Waiting
51afa166eaf9: Waiting
136af2acfbfa: Verifying Checksum
eab10fbc41a3: Download complete
e87355edd5cd: Verifying Checksum
e87355edd5cd: Download complete
4982d59cf7d7: Verifying Checksum
4982d59cf7d7: Download complete
baa9d87d8d71: Verifying Checksum
baa9d87d8d71: Download complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Verifying Checksum
9d2fa6591ebb: Download complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Verifying Checksum
2dbfcd5304ec: Download complete
e4707c851f55: Verifying Checksum
e4707c851f55: Download complete
af646dc4ce1f: Download complete
58eab22145fe: Verifying Checksum
58eab22145fe: Download complete
136af2acfbfa: Pull complete
136af2acfbfa: Pull complete
e87355edd5cd: Pull complete
e87355edd5cd: Pull complete
eab10fbc41a3: Pull complete
eab10fbc41a3: Pull complete
4982d59cf7d7: Pull complete
4982d59cf7d7: Pull complete
e4707c851f55: Pull complete
e4707c851f55: Pull complete
baa9d87d8d71: Pull complete
baa9d87d8d71: Pull complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Pull complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Pull complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Pull complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Pull complete
af646dc4ce1f: Pull complete
af646dc4ce1f: Pull complete
58eab22145fe: Pull complete
58eab22145fe: Pull complete
51afa166eaf9: Verifying Checksum
51afa166eaf9: Download complete
51afa166eaf9: Pull complete
51afa166eaf9: Pull complete
docker: layers from manifest don't match image configuration.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.

The command failed.

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Hi, all. I just tried to re-download DelugeVPN and I'm getting this when unraid tries to install the docker:


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="binhex-delugevpn" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e TZ="America/Earth" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "VPN_ENABLED"="yes" -e "VPN_USER"="TookThisOut" -e "VPN_PASS"="TookThisOutToo" -e "VPN_REMOTE"="nl.privateinternetaccess.com" -e "VPN_PORT"="1194" -e "VPN_PROTOCOL"="udp" -e "VPN_PROV"="pia" -e "ENABLE_PRIVOXY"="no" -e "LAN_NETWORK"="" -e "DEBUG"="false" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8112:8112/tcp -p 58846:58846/tcp -p 8118:8118/tcp -v "/mnt/user/addonfiles/dockers/delugevpn/config":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user/Files/Downloads/Torrents/deluge/":"/data":rw -v "/mnt/user/Files/Media/Videos/Movies/":"/CompletedMovies":rw -v "/mnt/user/Files/Media/Videos/Shows/":"/CompletedShows":rw binhex/arch-delugevpn
Unable to find image 'binhex/arch-delugevpn:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from binhex/arch-delugevpn
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
af2bff008299: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
3d8de81ecefc: Already exists
8fd4090c821b: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
fbc488e73d97: Already exists
136af2acfbfa: Pulling fs layer
e87355edd5cd: Pulling fs layer
eab10fbc41a3: Pulling fs layer
4982d59cf7d7: Pulling fs layer
e4707c851f55: Pulling fs layer
baa9d87d8d71: Pulling fs layer
9d2fa6591ebb: Pulling fs layer
2dbfcd5304ec: Pulling fs layer
af646dc4ce1f: Pulling fs layer
58eab22145fe: Pulling fs layer
51afa166eaf9: Pulling fs layer
9d2fa6591ebb: Waiting
2dbfcd5304ec: Waiting
4982d59cf7d7: Waiting
e4707c851f55: Waiting
af646dc4ce1f: Waiting
58eab22145fe: Waiting
baa9d87d8d71: Waiting
51afa166eaf9: Waiting
136af2acfbfa: Verifying Checksum
eab10fbc41a3: Download complete
e87355edd5cd: Verifying Checksum
e87355edd5cd: Download complete
4982d59cf7d7: Verifying Checksum
4982d59cf7d7: Download complete
baa9d87d8d71: Verifying Checksum
baa9d87d8d71: Download complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Verifying Checksum
9d2fa6591ebb: Download complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Verifying Checksum
2dbfcd5304ec: Download complete
e4707c851f55: Verifying Checksum
e4707c851f55: Download complete
af646dc4ce1f: Download complete
58eab22145fe: Verifying Checksum
58eab22145fe: Download complete
136af2acfbfa: Pull complete
136af2acfbfa: Pull complete
e87355edd5cd: Pull complete
e87355edd5cd: Pull complete
eab10fbc41a3: Pull complete
eab10fbc41a3: Pull complete
4982d59cf7d7: Pull complete
4982d59cf7d7: Pull complete
e4707c851f55: Pull complete
e4707c851f55: Pull complete
baa9d87d8d71: Pull complete
baa9d87d8d71: Pull complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Pull complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Pull complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Pull complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Pull complete
af646dc4ce1f: Pull complete
af646dc4ce1f: Pull complete
58eab22145fe: Pull complete
58eab22145fe: Pull complete
51afa166eaf9: Verifying Checksum
51afa166eaf9: Download complete
51afa166eaf9: Pull complete
51afa166eaf9: Pull complete
docker: layers from manifest don't match image configuration.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.

The command failed.


i had same happen to me. I couldnt update docker so i removed and tried reinstalling and got same error messages as you.

I am hoping binhex will see this and reply soon!

Link to comment

Hi, all. I just tried to re-download DelugeVPN and I'm getting this when unraid tries to install the docker:


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="binhex-delugevpn" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e TZ="America/Earth" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e "VPN_ENABLED"="yes" -e "VPN_USER"="TookThisOut" -e "VPN_PASS"="TookThisOutToo" -e "VPN_REMOTE"="nl.privateinternetaccess.com" -e "VPN_PORT"="1194" -e "VPN_PROTOCOL"="udp" -e "VPN_PROV"="pia" -e "ENABLE_PRIVOXY"="no" -e "LAN_NETWORK"="" -e "DEBUG"="false" -e "PUID"="99" -e "PGID"="100" -p 8112:8112/tcp -p 58846:58846/tcp -p 8118:8118/tcp -v "/mnt/user/addonfiles/dockers/delugevpn/config":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/user/Files/Downloads/Torrents/deluge/":"/data":rw -v "/mnt/user/Files/Media/Videos/Movies/":"/CompletedMovies":rw -v "/mnt/user/Files/Media/Videos/Shows/":"/CompletedShows":rw binhex/arch-delugevpn
Unable to find image 'binhex/arch-delugevpn:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from binhex/arch-delugevpn
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
af2bff008299: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
3d8de81ecefc: Already exists
8fd4090c821b: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Already exists
fbc488e73d97: Already exists
136af2acfbfa: Pulling fs layer
e87355edd5cd: Pulling fs layer
eab10fbc41a3: Pulling fs layer
4982d59cf7d7: Pulling fs layer
e4707c851f55: Pulling fs layer
baa9d87d8d71: Pulling fs layer
9d2fa6591ebb: Pulling fs layer
2dbfcd5304ec: Pulling fs layer
af646dc4ce1f: Pulling fs layer
58eab22145fe: Pulling fs layer
51afa166eaf9: Pulling fs layer
9d2fa6591ebb: Waiting
2dbfcd5304ec: Waiting
4982d59cf7d7: Waiting
e4707c851f55: Waiting
af646dc4ce1f: Waiting
58eab22145fe: Waiting
baa9d87d8d71: Waiting
51afa166eaf9: Waiting
136af2acfbfa: Verifying Checksum
eab10fbc41a3: Download complete
e87355edd5cd: Verifying Checksum
e87355edd5cd: Download complete
4982d59cf7d7: Verifying Checksum
4982d59cf7d7: Download complete
baa9d87d8d71: Verifying Checksum
baa9d87d8d71: Download complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Verifying Checksum
9d2fa6591ebb: Download complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Verifying Checksum
2dbfcd5304ec: Download complete
e4707c851f55: Verifying Checksum
e4707c851f55: Download complete
af646dc4ce1f: Download complete
58eab22145fe: Verifying Checksum
58eab22145fe: Download complete
136af2acfbfa: Pull complete
136af2acfbfa: Pull complete
e87355edd5cd: Pull complete
e87355edd5cd: Pull complete
eab10fbc41a3: Pull complete
eab10fbc41a3: Pull complete
4982d59cf7d7: Pull complete
4982d59cf7d7: Pull complete
e4707c851f55: Pull complete
e4707c851f55: Pull complete
baa9d87d8d71: Pull complete
baa9d87d8d71: Pull complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Pull complete
9d2fa6591ebb: Pull complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Pull complete
2dbfcd5304ec: Pull complete
af646dc4ce1f: Pull complete
af646dc4ce1f: Pull complete
58eab22145fe: Pull complete
58eab22145fe: Pull complete
51afa166eaf9: Verifying Checksum
51afa166eaf9: Download complete
51afa166eaf9: Pull complete
51afa166eaf9: Pull complete
docker: layers from manifest don't match image configuration.
See '/usr/bin/docker run --help'.

The command failed.


i had same happen to me. I couldnt update docker so i removed and tried reinstalling and got same error messages as you.

I am hoping binhex will see this and reply soon!


not sure what to suggest guys  :o no probs pulling the image here, just deleted container and image and re-pulled, just double check your docker.img file isnt full.


IMAGE ID [latest]: Pulling from binhex/arch-delugevpn.
IMAGE ID [16e43af323cc]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [4f6ed557289d]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [4d9daf21d95a]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [00b8b808de91]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [d04880ba1834]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [a8ab08f55f12]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [e8e169863d5d]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [119378b30328]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [defa72c47d69]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [4331fec333df]: Pulling fs layer.
IMAGE ID [3690474eb5b4]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [ef8087407002]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [f0177b93d923]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [88ddd658ad05]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [861dddddf812]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [0d06a065191d]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [0b0fa826dd60]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [8d6ab9d5b3ca]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [8718746f5603]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [3a8c3933b085]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [ed9add2ecef6]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [59e0f60d7e61]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [e89c600e41b6]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [823b4a37f37a]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [aeb2676648d9]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [aeb2eec6c118]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [055bfd3bfa53]: Already exists.
IMAGE ID [defa72c47d69]: Downloading 100% of 32 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete.
IMAGE ID [119378b30328]: Downloading 100% of 32 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete.
IMAGE ID [e8e169863d5d]: Downloading 100% of 32 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete.
IMAGE ID [4331fec333df]: Downloading 100% of 32 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete.
IMAGE ID [16e43af323cc]: Downloading 100% of 309 B. Verifying Checksum. Download complete.
IMAGE ID [4d9daf21d95a]: Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete.
IMAGE ID [16e43af323cc]: Extracting.
IMAGE ID [4f6ed557289d]: Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete.
IMAGE ID [00b8b808de91]: Downloading 100% of 3 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete.
IMAGE ID [16e43af323cc]: Pull complete.
IMAGE ID [4f6ed557289d]: Extracting.
IMAGE ID [d04880ba1834]: Downloading 100% of 2 KB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete.
IMAGE ID [4f6ed557289d]: Extracting. Pull complete.
IMAGE ID [4d9daf21d95a]: Extracting. Pull complete.
IMAGE ID [00b8b808de91]: Extracting. Pull complete.
IMAGE ID [d04880ba1834]: Extracting. Pull complete.
IMAGE ID [a8ab08f55f12]: Downloading 100% of 98 MB. Verifying Checksum. Download complete. Extracting. Pull complete.
IMAGE ID [e8e169863d5d]: Extracting. Pull complete.
IMAGE ID [119378b30328]: Extracting. Pull complete.
IMAGE ID [defa72c47d69]: Extracting. Pull complete.
IMAGE ID [4331fec333df]: Extracting. Pull complete. Digest: sha256:ee90070d5657a08f8ece0362497cdbd238a9104452e6e3f56a5d06dbb5c5f5ed. Status: Downloaded newer image for binhex/arch-delugevpn:latest.


root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name="binhex-delugevpn" --net="bridge" --privileged="true" -e VPN_ENABLED="yes" -e VPN_USER="" -e VPN_PASS="" -e VPN_REMOTE="" -e VPN_PORT="1194" -e VPN_PROTOCOL="udp" -e VPN_PROV="pia" -e ENABLE_PRIVOXY="no" -e LAN_NETWORK="" -e DEBUG="true" -e PUID="99" -e PGID="100" -e TZ="Europe/London" -p 1210:8112/tcp -p 58846:58846/tcp -v "/mnt/cache/cache-only/config/delugevpn/":"/config":rw -v "/mnt/cache/cache-only/data/":"/data":rw binhex/arch-delugevpn

The command finished successfully!

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