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[Support] binhex - DelugeVPN

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5 hours ago, littlered said:


I have tried with both udp and tcp ports and I still can't get it to work :/ I also tried changing the VPN_DEVICE_TYPE from tap to tun but no luck. I am attaching another supervisord.log



the contents of the ovpn file doesnt look good:-


2017-07-17 23:09:25,480 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Contents of ovpn file /config/openvpn/._client.ovpn as follows...

2017-07-17 23:09:25,482 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mac OS X        	2ATTR. Ccom.apple.quarantine;*$com.apple.metadata:_kMDItemUserTagsDe%com.apple.metadata:kMDItemWhereFroms0081;596d7a1e;Google\x20Chrome;F2614E9B-846F-40D5-ADDA-3DC905E8E04Dbplist00	bplist00_^https://sw1.celo.net/config/aG9tZWxlc3NhX0FVVE9MT0dJTg==/X19OT05FX18=/HqDdECsnl653/client.ovpn_!https://sw1.celo.net/?src=c


please delete file ._client.ovpn as its getting picked up (will pick up first found ovpn file)

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19 hours ago, binhex said:


the contents of the ovpn file doesnt look good:-


2017-07-17 23:09:25,480 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
[debug] Contents of ovpn file /config/openvpn/._client.ovpn as follows...

2017-07-17 23:09:25,482 DEBG 'start-script' stdout output:
Mac OS X        	2ATTR. Ccom.apple.quarantine;*$com.apple.metadata:_kMDItemUserTagsDe%com.apple.metadata:kMDItemWhereFroms0081;596d7a1e;Google\x20Chrome;F2614E9B-846F-40D5-ADDA-3DC905E8E04Dbplist00	bplist00_^https://sw1.celo.net/config/aG9tZWxlc3NhX0FVVE9MT0dJTg==/X19OT05FX18=/HqDdECsnl653/client.ovpn_!https://sw1.celo.net/?src=c


please delete file ._client.ovpn as its getting picked up (will pick up first found ovpn file)


There is no such file tho...I have tried looking for a hidden file as well, but all I see are the client.ovpn and credentials.conf files.

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7 hours ago, littlered said:


There is no such file tho...I have tried looking for a hidden file as well, but all I see are the client.ovpn and credentials.conf files.


OK well it certainly did exist at the time the container was started, just to be sure can you do the following:-


1. stop the container

2. delete folder /config/openvpn

3. start container

4. copy the ovpn config file and any certificates to /coonfig/openvpn/ folder (should be re-created on start of the container)

5. restart the container


If still no joy then please post the supervisord.log file again with debug turned on.

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Hi all


I have just re-spun up an instance of deluge-vpn on my QNAP using docker. Hopefully you can still offer support even though I am not on unRAID. I used to use your docker but had a few issues getting it started again after a hiatus and have only just got it back up.


The issue I am having, is that even though I have specified umask=000 as a variable, I am getting file permission issues in both Radarr and Sonarr. I am using PUID=0 and PGID=0. I like keeping it simple as its just media files, not that important. The errors I am seeing make it seem like the umask env variable is not being acknowledge (redacted file name).

Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Radarr: /data/complete/Movies/xxxx
Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /data/complete/Series/xxxx
My full docker run command is as follows.

docker run -d --cap-add=NET_ADMIN

-p xxx:8112

-p xxx:8118

-p 58846:58846

-p 58946:58946


-v /share/Downloads:/data 

-v /share/Container/container-config/delugevpn:/config

-e TZ=xxx


-e VPN_USER=xxx 

-e VPN_PASS=xxx 


-e VPN_PORT=1198



-e VPN_PROV=pia






-e DEBUG=no

-e UMASK=000

-e PUID=0

-e PGID=0



Any idea what I can do to fix this, other than monitoring downloads and manually changing permissions...

Edited by tbgoose
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binhex, thanks for this great docker.  I've longed use this and your SABnzbd VPN docker, both great.


The other day I had an issue where I tried to change the password of the docker and it didn't work, I ended up getting locked out when I re-started the docker.  So I deleted the docker, deleted the binhex-delugevpn folder under config and re-installed using the same saved info from the previous docker.


Now I can't get it to startup at all, with new errors that are detailed in the attached log file.  When you have a second, can you please check and see if there is something I'm missing?  It's all the same as what worked 48 hours ago so I'm really at a loss.  I removed the PIA user name and password from the attached file.


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I've got a strange issue with deluge.  It's paused, but still using data.  I can see from my router that there's a steady stream of data being used by unRAID.  nothing should be using data, except for maybe a systemic check for updates, but all my dockers should be paused.  While trying to figure out what was using this data, I stopped the Deluge docker , and it stopped.  I restarted Deluge and the data stream resumed.  not super scientific, but it does seem to be Deluge using the (very small amount of) data.


Any way to diagnose this further?

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Has anyone else had an issue where it's started removing torrents any time the docker is restarted?  I've had it happen 4 or 5 times now over the last month.  The data is still there and I just re-add the torrent and point it to the data and after it re-checks its fine.  All of my torrents that I've had for over a month stay but anything added within the last month vanishes.  It happens every weekend when my CA Backup runs and also has happened 2 times during power outages we've had due to bad weather.  Normally, if it was only happening during the power outages then that'd make sense as it may have not saved the state of the docker but the fact that it has happened during backups as well is really odd to me.

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8 hours ago, ChaOConnor said:

binhex, thanks for this great docker.  I've longed use this and your SABnzbd VPN docker, both great.


The other day I had an issue where I tried to change the password of the docker and it didn't work, I ended up getting locked out when I re-started the docker.  So I deleted the docker, deleted the binhex-delugevpn folder under config and re-installed using the same saved info from the previous docker.


Now I can't get it to startup at all, with new errors that are detailed in the attached log file.  When you have a second, can you please check and see if there is something I'm missing?  It's all the same as what worked 48 hours ago so I'm really at a loss.  I removed the PIA user name and password from the attached file.



The reason you are seeing the retries is because you are connecting to an endpoint that doesn't support port forwarding, i agressively try to re-detect a port forward and because its failing to do this (because of your selected endpoint) it then retries, if you leave it it should eventually give up and allow you to continue (note the retry count at the end of the log).


so you have two options:-


1. set the STRICT_PORT_FORWARD=no (not recommended as your dl/ul speeds will be low)

2. connect to an endpoint that does support port forwarding (highly recommended!), list of endpoints that support port forwarding:-


[info] ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com (CA Toronto)
[info] ca.privateinternetaccess.com (CA Montreal)
[info] nl.privateinternetaccess.com (Netherlands) - recommended due to high bandwidth availability
[info] swiss.privateinternetaccess.com (Switzerland)
[info] sweden.privateinternetaccess.com (Sweden)
[info] france.privateinternetaccess.com (France)
[info] ro.privateinternetaccess.com (Romania)
[info] israel.privateinternetaccess.com (Israel)


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9 hours ago, JustinChase said:

I've got a strange issue with deluge.  It's paused, but still using data.  I can see from my router that there's a steady stream of data being used by unRAID.  nothing should be using data, except for maybe a systemic check for updates, but all my dockers should be paused.  While trying to figure out what was using this data, I stopped the Deluge docker , and it stopped.  I restarted Deluge and the data stream resumed.  not super scientific, but it does seem to be Deluge using the (very small amount of) data.


Any way to diagnose this further?


it probably is DHT, have you tried turning this off and all the other 'network extras'? (see screenshot) also make sure privoxy isnt being used


Screen Shot 2017-07-20 at 11.09.56.png


edit - sorry i just re-read your post, when you say deluge is paused do you mean all torrents in deluge or do you mean the deluge docker container itself?,  if your talking about the container then i cannot see how this is possible?! o.O

Edited by binhex
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Awesome, thank you for the info, I'll make that change tonight!


4 hours ago, binhex said:


The reason you are seeing the retries is because you are connecting to an endpoint that doesn't support port forwarding, i agressively try to re-detect a port forward and because its failing to do this (because of your selected endpoint) it then retries, if you leave it it should eventually give up and allow you to continue (note the retry count at the end of the log).


so you have two options:-


1. set the STRICT_PORT_FORWARD=no (not recommended as your dl/ul speeds will be low)

2. connect to an endpoint that does support port forwarding (highly recommended!), list of endpoints that support port forwarding:-


[info] ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com (CA Toronto)
[info] ca.privateinternetaccess.com (CA Montreal)
[info] nl.privateinternetaccess.com (Netherlands) - recommended due to high bandwidth availability
[info] swiss.privateinternetaccess.com (Switzerland)
[info] sweden.privateinternetaccess.com (Sweden)
[info] france.privateinternetaccess.com (France)
[info] ro.privateinternetaccess.com (Romania)
[info] israel.privateinternetaccess.com (Israel)



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On 7/19/2017 at 7:32 AM, binhex said:


OK well it certainly did exist at the time the container was started, just to be sure can you do the following:-


1. stop the container

2. delete folder /config/openvpn

3. start container

4. copy the ovpn config file and any certificates to /coonfig/openvpn/ folder (should be re-created on start of the container)

5. restart the container


If still no joy then please post the supervisord.log file again with debug turned on.




No luck :(


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12 hours ago, binhex said:


ok a few problems:-


1. modify the openvpn config file and remove this line and then save the file:-


dev tap


2. change your VPN_DEVICE_TYPE to 'tun'

3. change the VPN_PORT to 443 (spotted in log it should be 443 not 1194)




Still no luck...I tried removing and re-adding the docked container, but that didn't work either. I am including another log.



Thanks for your help and patience, btw! Much appreciated! 

Edited by littlered
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On 7/20/2017 at 6:10 AM, binhex said:


it probably is DHT, have you tried turning this off and all the other 'network extras'? (see screenshot) also make sure privoxy isnt being used


Screen Shot 2017-07-20 at 11.09.56.png


edit - sorry i just re-read your post, when you say deluge is paused do you mean all torrents in deluge or do you mean the deluge docker container itself?,  if your talking about the container then i cannot see how this is possible?! o.O

It seems to have been coincidental.  I still have unRAID using bandwidth, but now when I stop the Deluge container, the uploading continues.  I've posted in the main unRAID help thread.  Sorry for the seemingly false alarm.

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On 17/07/2017 at 0:43 PM, binhex said:


ive not seen that before, it might be due to misconfiguration of the LAN_NETWORK, you sure you have this configured correctly?:-


LAN_NETWORK defined as ''


if you dont know how to find this value out then see the FAQv in my sig.


Yep, all correct.


However, I discovered and fixed the issue. It seems chrome was auto-filling some boxes when I saved the container, as soon as I used edge to save all was well again. I reproduced the problem a few times just to make sure.


Thanks for looking.

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Every time I manually change the incoming ports in the Deluge WebUI it eventually reverts back.


Manually editing core.conf does the same.


Any idea why this is?


I have Deluge behind a VPN and also a proxy (xxxx.deluge.net) so I want it to come in on port 443.

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14 minutes ago, nlash said:

Every time I manually change the incoming ports in the Deluge WebUI it eventually reverts back.


Manually editing core.conf does the same.


Any idea why this is?


I have Deluge behind a VPN and also a proxy (xxxx.deluge.net) so I want it to come in on port 443.


are you using provider PIA?

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Just now, binhex said:


thats the reason it keeps changing then, i automatically do the assignment of the incoming port for you, you shouldnt be changing this manually as it wont work otherwise, why dp you want to change it?


My speeds are dreadful if I don't change it. I've tried various PIA servers and I get sub 2MB/s speeds on a 500MB/s connection on them all.


If that's what's required to be behind the PIA VPN in Deluge, so be it, I just wasn't sure as I'm fairly new to all of this.


Thank you for all the help.

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4 minutes ago, nlash said:


My speeds are dreadful if I don't change it. I've tried various PIA servers and I get sub 2MB/s speeds on a 500MB/s connection on them all.


If that's what's required to be behind the PIA VPN in Deluge, so be it, I just wasn't sure as I'm fairly new to all of this.


Thank you for all the help.


What endpoint are you connecting to? if its an endpoint that doesnt support port forwarding (used for incoming connections) then your speeds will be terrible whatever port you change it to. 


If your connecting to a endpoint that does support port forwarding then changing the incoming port to anything other than the one that is automatically assigned will mean your speeds will be awful.


fyi here is a list of the endpoints that support port forwarding:-


info] ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com (CA Toronto)
[info] ca.privateinternetaccess.com (CA Montreal)
[info] nl.privateinternetaccess.com (Netherlands) - recommended due to high bandwidth availability
[info] swiss.privateinternetaccess.com (Switzerland)
[info] sweden.privateinternetaccess.com (Sweden)
[info] france.privateinternetaccess.com (France)
[info] ro.privateinternetaccess.com (Romania)
[info] israel.privateinternetaccess.com (Israel)


in short, don't change the incoming port and ensure your connecting to one of the endpoints above to get max speed

Edited by binhex
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21 minutes ago, binhex said:


What endpoint are you connecting to? if its an endpoint that doesnt support port forwarding (used for incoming connections) then your speeds will be terrible whatever port you change it to. 


If your connecting to a endpoint that does support port forwarding then changing the incoming port to anything other than the one that is automatically assigned will mean your speeds will be awful.


fyi here is a list of the endpoints that support port forwarding:-


info] ca-toronto.privateinternetaccess.com (CA Toronto)
[info] ca.privateinternetaccess.com (CA Montreal)
[info] nl.privateinternetaccess.com (Netherlands) - recommended due to high bandwidth availability
[info] swiss.privateinternetaccess.com (Switzerland)
[info] sweden.privateinternetaccess.com (Sweden)
[info] france.privateinternetaccess.com (France)
[info] ro.privateinternetaccess.com (Romania)
[info] israel.privateinternetaccess.com (Israel)


in short, don't change the incoming port and ensure your connecting to one of the endpoints above to get max speed


I've been connecting to nl.privateinternetaccess.com and have tried others on that list. Speed never exceeds 2MB/s. 


Everything is working fine—just slowly :S.

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13 minutes ago, nlash said:


I've been connecting to nl.privateinternetaccess.com and have tried others on that list. Speed never exceeds 2MB/s. 


Everything is working fine—just slowly :S.


ok well sounds like your doing everything ok, one other thing to mention is i have had issues with low speeds with Deluge when the option 'Rate limit IP overhead' is ticked (see screenshot for how it should be set)


p.s one thing to mention is watch your bits and your bytes, your connection will be in bits (small b) as in 500 Mb/s whereas downloads from deluge are in Bytes (big B), as in 2 MB/s, in order to convert your connection you need to divide by 8 to get your max download speed for Deluge in Bytes:-


500 / 8 = 62.5 MB/s 


so i realise this is still significantly higher than your current max of 2MB/s but just to manage your expectations here, your realistic max speed is going to be around 50-60 MB/s.


Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 14.50.23.png

Edited by binhex
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4 minutes ago, binhex said:

p.s one thing to mention is watch your bits and your bytes, your connection will be in bits (small b) as in 500 Mb/s whereas downloads from deluge are in Bytes (big B), as in 2 MB/s, in order to convert your connection you need to divide by 8 to get your max download speed for Deluge in Bytes:-


500 / 8 = 62.5 MB/s 


so i realise this is still significantly higher than your current max of 2MB/s but just to manage your expectations here, your realistic max speed is going to be around 50-60 MB/s.



Ah yeah, I realized that after I submitted. 


Anyway, here is how my Deluge is set up and the speed I'm getting:


Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 9.03.53 AM.png

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5 minutes ago, nlash said:


Ah yeah, I realized that after I submitted. 


Anyway, here is how my Deluge is set up and the speed I'm getting:


Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 9.03.53 AM.png


you probably want to limit your upload rate, failure to do this can mean your upload rate will choke your connection and cause your dl speeds to be low, i advise setting your upload rate to 3/4 of your max upload line speed, again keeping in mind bits and bytes :-).

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