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[Plugin] Linuxserver.io - Unraid DVB

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On 9/27/2018 at 1:50 AM, samo said:

Tried to update to 6.6.0 LibreELEC but got DVB Adapter Drivers: Not Detected for my Sony PlayTV.


Went back to 6.5.3 and it's working as expected:

unRAID Version: 6.5.3
Linux Kernel Version: 4.14.49
DVB Version: LibreELEC
Driver Version: 1.2.2
DVB Kernel: Detected
DVB Adapter Drivers: Detected
DVB Adapter 0: DiBcom 7000PC
DVB Adapter 1: DiBcom 7000PC



Missing drivers?


I had the same problem with my GeniaTech mygica T230 USB DVB-T2/C stick . Maybe in the build for 6.6.1 it will be resolved :)

Edited by Mettbrot
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Is there any way to support this specific device?


unRAID Version:6.6.1

Linux Kernel Version:4.18.10

DVB Version:TBS (Open Source) & LibreELEC ATSC-C, DVB-C, DVB-S(2) & DVB-T(2)

Driver Version:290918

Problem is that it requires patches:






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Is there any way to support this specific device?
unRAID Version:6.6.1
Linux Kernel Version:4.18.10
DVB Version:TBS (Open Source) & LibreELEC ATSC-C, DVB-C, DVB-S(2) & DVB-T(2)
Driver Version:290918

Problem is that it requires patches:
It's possible, but I'm not applying patches for one device. Might break things for everyone else.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

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18 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

Problem is that it requires patches:
It's possible, but I'm not applying patches for one device. Might break things for everyone else.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

Gotcha, I'll return it to get something supported, I selected it by looking up device ids, and that one had to have duplicate device id for older model that is supported while this one causes issues😃

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Hmm... i installed the newest version of unraid and reinstalled the plugin, still im not able to get beyond "Updating available builds".


Which DNS Name it does try to resolve when clicking on the plugin?

On 5/23/2018 at 3:04 PM, CHBMB said:

ping -c4 mirror.linuxserver.io

See if that works from your Unraid machine, if it doesn't and your plugin is the most recent version (2018.03.14) then it's something your end.




I have read through the forums and found only one reference to anything like what I am experiencing. When loading the plugin, everything comes up, but there are no dropdowns to choose from on either the custom or stock lists. the dropdown fields are not even present. I have tested the troubleshooting steps above and both pass. (I am on the latest build - 18-9-16 - and i get responses to the ping above. I know it is something on my machine, but I have uninstalled a reinstalled, upgraded from unraid 6.53 to 6.61, and tried to look through the source code of the webpage to see if I could see anything in there that would be broken. I have used safari, chrome, and firefox and all render the page the same way - without the dropdowns.


What am I missing?

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1 hour ago, Steve-0 said:

Hmm... i installed the newest version of unraid and reinstalled the plugin, still im not able to get beyond "Updating available builds".


Which DNS Name it does try to resolve when clicking on the plugin?




I have read through the forums and found only one reference to anything like what I am experiencing. When loading the plugin, everything comes up, but there are no dropdowns to choose from on either the custom or stock lists. the dropdown fields are not even present. I have tested the troubleshooting steps above and both pass. (I am on the latest build - 18-9-16 - and i get responses to the ping above. I know it is something on my machine, but I have uninstalled a reinstalled, upgraded from unraid 6.53 to 6.61, and tried to look through the source code of the webpage to see if I could see anything in there that would be broken. I have used safari, chrome, and firefox and all render the page the same way - without the dropdowns.


What am I missing?

OMG.... I just saw that my clock was set 1 month ahead to Nov 3, 2018.... set to correct date and it works just fine. Nothing to see here.........

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey I don't know if this is the right place to ask for support but: after I've updated to 6.6.1 using unraid DVB the options to install a different build are just gone within the plugin. I am now unable to downgrade to a earlier version. I only got the option download and install (grey) and cancel (orange) Any advice?

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Hi I’m trying to get all of the OTA digital DVB-T2 channels available from freeview HD here in the UK.

I'm using silicon labs si2168 pci dvb-t2 tuner. Everything is working perfectly I can get a guide tune channels etc.

However when I scan channels there are no HD channels present only SD ones. Everything updated to latest version plex pass I don't think this is a problem with plex.


I'm reading about a kernel patch that is applied to the ubuntu kernel?




Apparently the 4.10 works perfectly with hd channels.


Idk if I should be going to the libreELEC guys to get them to apply this patch but I wouldn't know what to ask for tbh. Any ideas?

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well, @CHBMB busy schedule saved him one build for 6.6.2 already 😁

now the race is on. who is faster? limetech with a new build, or can CHBMB catch up and bring 6.6.3 right before?


but it's all good... 6.6.1 works good for me (except another NVMe nightmare, but that's another thing for another thread).

Edited by s.Oliver
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Hopefully someone could enlighten me - i have been trying to use this plugin and i have tried all version of libreelec that is available and I keep getting Checking MD5's: failed!


I am running Unraid 6.6.1 and I have been crawling through this thread, the forum and google in general and cannot find any information as to why this is the case.


**update** fixed it by looking at install.php and finding out what to download and where to copy the downloaded file. No idea why the install script fail at the md5 check...


**update #2** looks like I can't seem to get the adapter driver to detect, currently using Sony PlayTV as my tuner and as per the earlier post it seems that 6.5.3 is the version that works but I am getting the following. Any suggestion?


**update #3** After spending the last day trying to figure this out - finally found an obscure post with regards to the Sony PlayTV not working correctly when using USB 3.0 ports - plugged it into my USB 2.0 port and it shows that is detected!


Edited by RaihaX
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16 hours ago, piotrasd said:

yes in all packages ;) because are same like in original one ;) so first update to original 6.6.3 then just replace files from my packages in /boot or /flash and reboot




tested and working ;)

I confirm. It works. Dzięki :)

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