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Adding a second dns server to the dchp for the client is allowing it to download data ... its having miss(s) in the log, but doesn't seem to be increasing the size of the file. Will wait til its done downloading and see if theres a change. 



Update - no activity on disk array from it - and seems like its just bypassed the primary dns and went to secondary 

Edited by burningstarIV
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11 hours ago, burningstarIV said:

Adding a second dns server to the dchp for the client is allowing it to download data ... its having miss(s) in the log, but doesn't seem to be increasing the size of the file. Will wait til its done downloading and see if theres a change. 



Update - no activity on disk array from it - and seems like its just bypassed the primary dns and went to secondary 

Ok, don't worry about the colour of the logs. White is correct. The log script has changed. Your logs look perfect btw.

So it still looks like a permissions issue. It looks like the cache folder is owned by the user 100. Mine is owned by root. Try the following command to fix this

chown -R root:root /mnt/user/steamcache

Make sure you remove that second DNS entry on your gaming machine before you test again.

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On 28/04/2018 at 8:50 PM, burningstarIV said:

Still no luck .. let it sit around for awhile and finally came up servers unreachable 

Did Steam say servers unreachable?


If that's the case then I'm out of ideas. I suggest that we remove all three containers along with the images and delete all app data folders that were created for them. I then recommend you reinstall with EXACTLY the same config as me. I'll post screen grabs below. Hopefully, that will get it working. The only thing you may need to change are the two IP addresses. is the IP of my unRAID server. is the IP I assigned to the cache DNS container. Then you can tweak the config to how you want and you will soon realise if you make any breaking changes.


Cache Container:



SNI Proxy



Cache DNS



unRAID UI Ports



Windows DNS Settings


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yeah said steam was unreachable. honestly ive been backing up my array and think im just going to erase all and do a fresh install of unraid. I think its something with the permissions b/c im finding some other dockers that aren't installing correctly to the hard drive / working. Then just do a regular install like you were saying and modify as needed checking for changes -  thanks for the help 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm running into a problem pointing my pc to the steamcachedns using the powershell command.


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Resolve-DnsName steamcache.cs.steampowered.com -server
Resolve-DnsName : steamcache.cs.steampowered.com : This operation returned because the timeout period expired
At line:1 char:1
+ Resolve-DnsName steamcache.cs.steampowered.com -server
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : OperationTimeout: (steamcache.cs.steampowered.com:String) [Resolve-DnsName], Win32Except
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ERROR_TIMEOUT,Microsoft.DnsClient.Commands.ResolveDnsName


I have no clue how to go about fixing it, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...








Hi Everyone

As known users of SteamCache, I just wanted to let you know about the new version of steamcache! @mlebjerg managed to combine all three docker images into a single image! This means the setup is much easier. There is no need to change the ports that unRAID uses and there are no conflicts with running VM's. The applications is called SteamCacheBundle and should be up on Community Applications shortly. New install instructions can be found here. I hope you all get on with the new version. The old version will still work, so you don't have to migrate but the setup is so much easier!


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5 minutes ago, cheesemarathon said:

Hi Everyone

As known users of SteamCache, I just wanted to let you know about the new version of steamcache! @mlebjerg managed to combine all three docker images into a single image! This means the setup is much easier. There is no need to change the ports that unRAID uses and there are no conflicts with running VM's. The applications is called SteamCacheBundle and should be up on Community Applications shortly. New install instructions can be found here. I hope you all get on with the new version. The old version will still work, so you don't have to migrate but the setup is so much easier!

Does this mean the 3 apps are deprecated in favour of the bundle?

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10 minutes ago, cheesemarathon said:








Hi Everyone

As known users of SteamCache, I just wanted to let you know about the new version of steamcache! @mlebjerg managed to combine all three docker images into a single image! This means the setup is much easier. There is no need to change the ports that unRAID uses and there are no conflicts with running VM's. The applications is called SteamCacheBundle and should be up on Community Applications shortly. New install instructions can be found here. I hope you all get on with the new version. The old version will still work, so you don't have to migrate but the setup is so much easier!


It is up and running now!

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I uninstalled the 3 apps and installed the bundle.  Steam updates wouldn't connect, just sat there.  Other DNS requests worked (I copied over all of my other settings).  Previously i was having an issue with steam where it would hit the comcast server for updates, not my cache but this is a different issue.  I couldn't tell if it was a permission issue or something in the bundle.  I have uninstalled it for now.

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17 minutes ago, defiant said:

I uninstalled the 3 apps and installed the bundle.  Steam updates wouldn't connect, just sat there.  Other DNS requests worked (I copied over all of my other settings).  Previously i was having an issue with steam where it would hit the comcast server for updates, not my cache but this is a different issue.  I couldn't tell if it was a permission issue or something in the bundle.  I have uninstalled it for now.


Can you share a picture of the settings and the logs? :) 

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1 minute ago, mlebjerg said:


How are you sure it is hitting the comcast servers?

I had it working previously where it would work for blizzard/origin/windows updates, but rarely for steam.  I have Comcast and it always bypassed the cache and downloaded from the internet.  Seemed like a similar issue.

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