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[Plugin] CA Appdata Backup / Restore v2


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Was about to update my Unraid OS to the latest rev. and noticed that the previous ca.backup2.plg is deprecated

Checking for plugin compatibility
Issue Found: ca.backup2.plg is deprecated for ALL unRaid versions. This does not necessarily mean you will have any issues with the plugin, but there are no guarantees. It is recommended to uninstall the plugin

However, reading though the posts here I see there are issues with
"CA Appdata Backup / Restore v3" 


Being that there are concerns that require addressing with this v3 plugin (fork) I am going to hold off upgrading the OS as a whole for the time being.

I suppose I will keep an eye on things here until the new .plg bugs have been fixed/resolved.


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4 hours ago, ich777 said:

wouldn't it be better to start a new thread and rename the plugin to CA Appdata Backup / Restore v3 or something like that because the plugin now has a new maintainer?

Maybe you're right. But in my opinion, a new thread would be sufficient. The main plugin is still the same, with some enhancements. No rewrite. Thats the reason the name did not changed.


Idk whats the best option here, but starting a new thread with me as author, would also give me higher permissions for the thread itself - could be useful.


43 minutes ago, bombz said:

However, reading though the posts here I see there are issues

No, not really. The Abort button is not working, yes - will be fixed - but the main part is still working. The problems encoutered come from the fixed tar error detection and/or the new check, if the container were stopped/satrted correctly. The old plugin did not mentioned those issues.

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1 hour ago, bombz said:

Being that there are concerns that require addressing with this v3 plugin (fork) I am going to hold off upgrading the OS as a whole for the time being.

As mentioned it's deprecated "for all versions", i.e. doesn't matter if you stay on current version or upgrade.



27 minutes ago, KluthR said:

The main plugin is still the same, with some enhancements. No rewrite. Thats the reason the name did not changed.

Rewrite or not I would think a name change is needed since the original one is now marked as deprecated, makes no sense to reinstall "the same thing", will just confuse users.

More important to go with what users will understand rather than what's technically happening with the code IMO.

Edited by Kilrah
  • Like 1
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26 minutes ago, KluthR said:

Maybe you're right. But in my opinion, a new thread would be sufficient. The main plugin is still the same, with some enhancements. No rewrite. Thats the reason the name did not changed.

I think it is a bit misleading since most people, even until now think that @Squid is the maintainer and if they come here it also looks like he does maintain the plugin.

It's okay that you didn't rewrite it but I would still recommend to create a new thread since you are the maintainer now, at least that's how I see it.


Basically this is a support thread and people should only come here if they have any issues so I think a new thread wouldn't be too bad.


29 minutes ago, KluthR said:

Idk whats the best option here, but starting a new thread with me as author, would also give me higher permissions for the thread itself - could be useful.

I would start a new thread for the "new" CA Backup put a note here on the first and last page that the "old" CA Backup is deprecated and link to the new thread and of course link to the new thread in the plugin.


What do you think about that @Squid?

  • Like 2
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Hello again,

Appreciate all the follow ups today, and the clarification.

I will hold on V2 for the time being until V3 tightens up... I respectfully know these things take time and appreciate everyone in the community for all the support and efforts.

+1 in favor > new thread for 'V3'
I will keep an eye for the new link post here and/or closing of this thread!

Great plugin, it has saved me in the past, keep up the great work!!

Edited by bombz
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I am getting an error on backup. I have tried running it manually multiple times. This has only started after uninstalling the deprecated version and installing the new version.  I have tried deleting the files that it complains about in Plex, but if I run the backup again it just errors on a different file.

Error log below:



[19.12.2022 14:07:50] Backup of appData starting. This may take awhile
[19.12.2022 14:07:50] Stopping binhex-krusader...  done! (took 1 seconds)
[19.12.2022 14:07:51] Not stopping calibre: Not started! [ / Created]
[19.12.2022 14:07:51] Stopping deluge...  done! (took 10 seconds)
[19.12.2022 14:08:01] Stopping duckdns...  done! (took 4 seconds)
[19.12.2022 14:08:05] Not stopping plex_linuxserver: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 2 days ago]
[19.12.2022 14:08:05] Stopping plex_linuxserver_transcoder...  done! (took 4 seconds)
[19.12.2022 14:08:09] Stopping radarr...  done! (took 7 seconds)
[19.12.2022 14:08:16] Stopping sabnzbd...  done! (took 4 seconds)
[19.12.2022 14:08:20] Stopping sonarr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
[19.12.2022 14:08:24] Stopping tautulli...  done! (took 5 seconds)
[19.12.2022 14:08:29] Backing Up appData from /mnt/cache/appdata/ to /mnt/user/backups/appdatabackup/[email protected]
[19.12.2022 14:08:29] Separate archives disabled! Saving into one file.
[19.12.2022 14:08:29] Backing Up
[19.12.2022 14:15:23] Verifying Backup 
./plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/24/2412e615d4afdb54079bd37b6471940576f6d8fb.jpg: Contents differ
./plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/8e/8ee65efeb2367e33b3906c252e831b2181823e7e.jpg: Contents differ
./plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/Movies/a/9e06ee3ef24598b2aa2ae3ffa8ad013738bf4c5.bundle/Contents/_combined/posters/tv.plex.agents.movie_cb07737b5200cc45d5230a28bca74ee4eab49f9d: Contents differ
[19.12.2022 14:19:33] tar verify failed!
[19.12.2022 14:19:33] done
[19.12.2022 14:19:33] Starting deluge... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 14:19:35] Starting duckdns... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 14:19:37] Starting plex_linuxserver_transcoder... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 14:19:40] Starting radarr... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 14:19:42] Starting sabnzbd... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 14:19:44] Starting sonarr... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 14:19:46] Starting tautulli... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 14:19:48] Starting binhex-krusader... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 14:19:51] A error occurred somewhere. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata
[19.12.2022 14:19:51] Backup / Restore Completed


Link to comment

No, I assume something is modifying things inside this plex folders. „Contents differ“ clearly states: the file changed between first saving and the recheck done later. 

Is Plex really shit down? I see „Not started“ messages in the log. It says plex was stopped 2 days ago?

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26 minutes ago, trurl said:

Are you sure you don't have some more general data integrity issue with your system, such as bad RAM?


I do not know this for sure. What is the best way to verify?


19 minutes ago, KluthR said:

No, I assume something is modifying things inside this plex folders. „Contents differ“ clearly states: the file changed between first saving and the recheck done later. 

Is Plex really shit down? I see „Not started“ messages in the log. It says plex was stopped 2 days ago?


I have looked in the "Dockers" panel, and it shows that both Plex containers are not running. I have one container where I passthrough the video card and one where I don't pass it through. The one where it doesn't pass through was stopped 2 days ago. 

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18 minutes ago, KluthR said:

Anything else that might access those plex paths? Something seem to access ot while backing up.


I don't think so, I don't see what would be accessing them.

I am going to update Unraid as I am running version 6.9.x and reboot (obviously) and try another backup.

Link to comment

Same issue:


[19.12.2022 15:44:09] Backup of appData starting. This may take awhile
[19.12.2022 15:44:09] Not stopping binhex-krusader: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 6 minutes ago]
[19.12.2022 15:44:09] Not stopping calibre: Not started! [ / Created]
[19.12.2022 15:44:09] Stopping deluge...  done! (took 10 seconds)
[19.12.2022 15:44:19] Stopping duckdns...  done! (took 4 seconds)
[19.12.2022 15:44:23] Not stopping plex_linuxserver: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 3 days ago]
[19.12.2022 15:44:23] Stopping plex_linuxserver_transcoder...  done! (took 5 seconds)
[19.12.2022 15:44:28] Stopping radarr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
[19.12.2022 15:44:32] Stopping sabnzbd...  done! (took 4 seconds)
[19.12.2022 15:44:36] Stopping sonarr...  done! (took 5 seconds)
[19.12.2022 15:44:41] Stopping tautulli...  done! (took 4 seconds)
[19.12.2022 15:44:45] Backing Up appData from /mnt/cache/appdata/ to /mnt/user/backups/appdatabackup/[email protected]
[19.12.2022 15:44:45] Separate archives disabled! Saving into one file.
[19.12.2022 15:44:45] Backing Up
[19.12.2022 15:51:41] Verifying Backup 
./radarr/MediaCover/1547/fanart-360.jpg: Contents differ
./plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.blobs.db-2022-12-06: Contents differ
./plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/8b/8bde49799c23557cd69205745fe5501e589b5bdb.jpg: Contents differ
./plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/9f/9f15ab51ce5404b1bbaa5bfee38a2d0f05442b48.jpg: Contents differ
./plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/4e/4e7a277ecb95f61938877ddf624b0c08c3d3ba60.jpg: Contents differ
./plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Media/localhost/c/79c6ce7018f5a838e86c0d700936e5ad4a026c4.bundle/Contents/GoP-0.xml: Contents differ
./plex/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/Movies/3/1c8f41875eb650575f3dc3b629f68e9e6e18e9f.bundle/Contents/_combined/posters/tv.plex.agents.movie_64a2a9ca4e0ee4925b4a02ae7c12b598e035ea8b: Contents differ
[19.12.2022 15:55:50] tar verify failed!
[19.12.2022 15:55:50] done
[19.12.2022 15:55:50] Starting deluge... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 15:55:53] Starting duckdns... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 15:55:55] Starting plex_linuxserver_transcoder... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 15:55:57] Starting radarr... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 15:56:00] Starting sabnzbd... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 15:56:02] Starting sonarr... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 15:56:04] Starting tautulli... (try #1)  done!
[19.12.2022 15:56:09] A error occurred somewhere. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata
[19.12.2022 15:56:09] Backup / Restore Completed


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10 minutes ago, Kilrah said:

I really think that while a proper warning about changed files is worth it there should be an option to treat it as a warning only and not an error, or maybe ignored completely.

Thats not that simple to catch, since these messages come directly from tar.


I could add an option to ignore verification errors (just log them but treat backup as successful)

  • Like 2
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3 hours ago, KluthR said:

Thats not that simple to catch, since these messages come directly from tar.


I could add an option to ignore verification errors (just log them but treat backup as successful)

That would be okay as long as it is still restorable. At least the bad backups wouldn’t pile up. 


Is there something else I should try? 

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Ok so I switched off the update on restart and no difference it seems! In fact worse this morning! :(

[20.12.2022 06:00:01] Backup of appData starting. This may take awhile
[20.12.2022 06:00:01] Stopping adminer... done! (took 0 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:01] Stopping authelia... done! (took 0 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:01] Not stopping auto-m4b: Not started! [ / Exited (2) 37 hours ago]
[20.12.2022 06:00:01] Stopping bazarr... done! (took 6 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:07] Stopping binhex-delugevpn... done! (took 3 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:10] Not stopping binhex-krusader: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 2 weeks ago]
[20.12.2022 06:00:10] Stopping binhex-lidarr... done! (took 2 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:12] Stopping binhex-prowlarr... done! (took 1 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:13] Stopping binhex-radarr... done! (took 0 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:13] Stopping binhex-readarr... done! (took 1 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:14] Stopping binhex-readarr-2... done! (took 1 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:15] Stopping binhex-sonarr... done! (took 1 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:16] Stopping bitwarden... done! (took 0 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:16] Not stopping calibre: Not started! [ / Exited (137) 32 hours ago]
[20.12.2022 06:00:16] Not stopping code-server: Not started! [ / Created]
[20.12.2022 06:00:16] Stopping frigate... done! (took 3 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:19] Not stopping HandBrake: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 5 months ago]
[20.12.2022 06:00:19] Stopping Home-Assistant-Core... done! (took 6 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:25] Stopping mariadb... done! (took 5 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:30] Stopping mosquitto... done! (took 0 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:30] Not stopping Network-Speed-Test: Not started! [ / Created]
[20.12.2022 06:00:30] Stopping nextcloud... done! (took 4 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:34] Stopping NodeRed... done! (took 0 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:34] Stopping ombi... done! (took 5 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:39] Not stopping PASTA: Not started! [ / Exited (0) 32 hours ago]
[20.12.2022 06:00:39] Stopping PlexMediaServer... done! (took 6 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:45] Stopping redis... Error while stopping container! Code: Container already started
[20.12.2022 06:00:45] Stopping swag... done! (took 4 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:49] Stopping tautulli... done! (took 1 seconds)
[20.12.2022 06:00:50] Stopping unifi-controller... Error while stopping container! Code: Container already started
[20.12.2022 06:00:50] Backing up libvirt.img to /mnt/user/BackupVM/
[20.12.2022 06:00:50] Using Command: /usr/bin/rsync -avXHq --delete --log-file="/var/lib/docker/unraid/ca.backup2.datastore/appdata_backup.log" "/mnt/user/system/libvirt/libvirt.img" "/mnt/user/BackupVM/" > /dev/null 2>&1
2022/12/20 06:00:50 [6938] building file list
2022/12/20 06:01:12 [6938] >f..tp..... libvirt.img
2022/12/20 06:01:22 [6938] sent 1,074,004,123 bytes received 35 bytes 33,046,281.78 bytes/sec
2022/12/20 06:01:22 [6938] total size is 1,073,741,824 speedup is 1.00
[20.12.2022 06:01:22] Backing Up appData from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user/Backup Appdata/[email protected]
[20.12.2022 06:01:22] Separate archives disabled! Saving into one file.
[20.12.2022 06:01:22] Backing Up
/usr/bin/tar: ./unifi-controller/run/mongodb-27117.sock: socket ignored
[20.12.2022 06:19:19] Verifying Backup
./unifi-controller/data/db/journal/WiredTigerLog.0000000859: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/journal/WiredTigerLog.0000000859: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/sizeStorer.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/sizeStorer.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.2022-12-20T06-01-55Z-00000: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.2022-12-20T06-01-55Z-00000: Size differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.interim: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.interim: Size differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-305--1788828865261824857.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-305--1788828865261824857.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-333--1788828865261824857.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-333--1788828865261824857.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-82--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-82--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-84--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-84--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-91--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-91--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-92--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-92--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-93--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-93--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-94--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-94--4409645337761969570.wt: Size differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-95--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-95--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-96--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-96--4409645337761969570.wt: Size differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-97--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-97--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-144--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-144--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-151--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-151--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-163--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-163--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-164--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-164--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-170--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-170--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-171--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-171--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-172--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-172--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-173--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-173--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-174--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-174--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-190--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-190--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-191--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-191--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-192--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-192--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-193--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-193--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-194--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-194--4409645337761969570.wt: Size differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-195--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-195--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-196--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-196--4409645337761969570.wt: Size differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-199--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-199--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-200--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-200--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-201--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-201--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-202--4409645337761969570.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-202--4409645337761969570.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-0--6256039702070959249.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-0--6256039702070959249.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1--6256039702070959249.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1--6256039702070959249.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-2--6256039702070959249.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-2--6256039702070959249.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1-259209347839992647.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1-259209347839992647.wt: Size differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-15-259209347839992647.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-15-259209347839992647.wt: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-16-259209347839992647.wt: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/index-16-259209347839992647.wt: Size differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.turtle: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.turtle: Contents differ
./unifi-controller/logs/mongod.log: Mod time differs
./unifi-controller/logs/mongod.log: Size differs
[20.12.2022 06:37:45] tar verify failed!
[20.12.2022 06:37:45] done
[20.12.2022 06:37:45] Starting redis... (try #1) Error while starting container! - Code: Container already started
[20.12.2022 06:37:50] Starting redis... (try #2) Error while starting container! - Code: Container already started
[20.12.2022 06:37:55] Starting redis... (try #3) Error while starting container! - Code: Container already started
[20.12.2022 06:37:55] Container did not started after multiple tries, skipping.
[20.12.2022 06:37:57] Starting mariadb... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:37:57] Waiting 10 seconds before carrying on
[20.12.2022 06:38:07] Starting adminer... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:38:10] Starting authelia... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:38:12] Starting swag... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:38:12] Waiting 10 seconds before carrying on
[20.12.2022 06:38:22] Starting bitwarden... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:38:24] Starting nextcloud... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:38:27] Starting unifi-controller... (try #1) Error while starting container! - Code: Container already started
[20.12.2022 06:38:32] Starting unifi-controller... (try #2) Error while starting container! - Code: Container already started
[20.12.2022 06:38:37] Starting unifi-controller... (try #3) Error while starting container! - Code: Container already started
[20.12.2022 06:38:37] Container did not started after multiple tries, skipping.
[20.12.2022 06:38:39] Starting mosquitto... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:38:41] Starting frigate... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:38:42] Waiting 20 seconds before carrying on
[20.12.2022 06:39:02] Starting Home-Assistant-Core... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:39:04] Starting NodeRed... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:39:06] Starting binhex-delugevpn... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:39:06] Waiting 45 seconds before carrying on
[20.12.2022 06:39:51] Starting binhex-prowlarr... (try #1) Error while starting container! - Code: Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)
[20.12.2022 06:39:56] Starting binhex-prowlarr... (try #2) Error while starting container! - Code: Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)
[20.12.2022 06:40:01] Starting binhex-prowlarr... (try #3) Error while starting container! - Code: Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)
[20.12.2022 06:40:01] Container did not started after multiple tries, skipping.
[20.12.2022 06:40:03] Starting binhex-radarr... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:40:06] Starting binhex-sonarr... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:40:06] Waiting 60 seconds before carrying on
[20.12.2022 06:41:06] Starting binhex-lidarr... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:41:08] Starting bazarr... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:41:10] Starting binhex-readarr... (try #1) Error while starting container! - Code: Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)
[20.12.2022 06:41:16] Starting binhex-readarr... (try #2) Error while starting container! - Code: Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)
[20.12.2022 06:41:21] Starting binhex-readarr... (try #3) Error while starting container! - Code: Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)
[20.12.2022 06:41:21] Container did not started after multiple tries, skipping.
[20.12.2022 06:41:23] Starting binhex-readarr-2... (try #1) Error while starting container! - Code: Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)
[20.12.2022 06:41:28] Starting binhex-readarr-2... (try #2) Error while starting container! - Code: Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)
[20.12.2022 06:41:33] Starting binhex-readarr-2... (try #3) Error while starting container! - Code: Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)
[20.12.2022 06:41:33] Container did not started after multiple tries, skipping.
[20.12.2022 06:41:35] Starting PlexMediaServer... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:41:37] Starting ombi... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:41:39] Starting tautulli... (try #1) done!
[20.12.2022 06:41:42] A error occurred somewhere. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata
[20.12.2022 06:41:42] Backup / Restore Completed

Not good, is it possible to go back to old version, while these bugs are sorted?



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