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DiskSpeed, hdd/ssd benchmarking (unRAID 6+), version 2.10.9

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7 hours ago, nuhll said:

SAS2116 PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS-2 [Meteor]: Scanning Disk 7 (sdm) at 0 GB (0%) - Speed Gap of 58.98 MB (max allowed is 50 MB), retrying (2)




Speed gaps are where the minimum & maximum speeds during the test had a sizeable gap which may indicate drive activity. You can disable that on the test selection screen.



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Frontier in my area. Finally came back up after 14 hours and looks like it may be sticking around.


I don't think their tech support is allowed to say what's causing the outage even if they know. Personally, I think the number of cat pics in the Seattle area hit a critical threshold.

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Beta 3a still not seeing the 5 drives on my Areca (11 drives in the array, 2x parity, 2x cache):

System Bus Tree
Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] RS780 Host Bridge
PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] RS780/RS880 PCI to PCI bridge (PCIE port 3)
SATA controller: ASMedia Technology Inc. ASM1062 Serial ATA Controller (rev 01) 
    2 Drives
SATA controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] SB7x0/SB8x0/SB9x0 SATA Controller [AHCI mode] 
    6 Drives
PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] RS780 PCI to PCI bridge (ext gfx port 0)
RAID bus controller: Areca Technology Corp. ARC-1280/1280ML 24-Port PCI-Express to SATA II RAID Controller 
    0 Drives


You didn't address the report directly before but I'm getting the impression you aren't going to support this controller even though it works with UnRaid. unRaid added special drivers to get at these drives in v6.x. I can try and dig up the forum posts from way back when this was addressed. See pic that UR sees all my drives. 


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30 minutes ago, interwebtech said:

You didn't address the report directly before but I'm getting the impression you aren't going to support this controller even though it works with UnRaid. unRaid added special drivers to get at these drives in v6.x. I can try and dig up the forum posts from way back when this was addressed. See pic that UR sees all my drives


If unraid can see it, then it's simply a matter of understanding how the drives are laid out in the OS under /sys/devices. SATA, SAS, and NVMe drives are all represented differently. The best way to do it is to have such a controller but I've already made too many expenditures to pick up a card to add support right now. If you're willing to help me find the information to add support (will be a bit of back-n-forth), send me a PM.


I'll also add support for a "Unidentified Controller" to stick any orphan drives under.

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6 hours ago, nuhll said:

Is my problem known? Can i provide any help?


I answered one of them on the 2nd post on this page (page 3) which may help you get past the spindown issue. Spin up all your drives and set the checkbox to disable SpeedGap testing.


I haven't added unraid's spin-up method, it's on my to-do list.

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55 minutes ago, Nyghthawk said:

New one also didnt pick up my drives, anyway I can help?


Well, if you happen to have a spare controller laying around that's the same that won't detect, I'm willing to pay for shipping here & back. B| But baring that, I'll be adding additional diagnostics for reporting in the next beta that'll help me figure out the controllers.

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Errr, its part of my motherboard, not a separate controller lol!

5 minutes ago, jbartlett said:


Well, if you happen to have a spare controller laying around that's the same that won't detect, I'm willing to pay for shipping here & back. B| But baring that, I'll be adding additional diagnostics for reporting in the next beta that'll help me figure out the controllers.



 Intel Corporation - S2600CP



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6 hours ago, jbartlett said:

Thanks for continuing to test it guys. I've got over 80 drives in my "Not found" folder which is helping to fine tune vendor & model detection.


So far, 138 unique drives has had information uploaded and 66 models have benchmark data.


I have uploaded mine yesterday after a purge because I forgot to turn off my dockers and had 3 users on my Plex server. :)


After getting a complete benchmark I am wondering how to interpret the graphs? I have a few drives that are not a smooth gradual slope but have a hump in them. Does this mean I should be looking to replace those drives?


Great work on this docker I really can see the benefit from using it on the controllers.

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2 hours ago, Harro said:

After getting a complete benchmark I am wondering how to interpret the graphs? I have a few drives that are not a smooth gradual slope but have a hump in them. Does this mean I should be looking to replace those drives?


Share a picture. If the hump is at the start, some Seagate drives are like this where the first 25GB-50GB is much slower.


Keep an eye on the drive and see if the graph changes over time.

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44 minutes ago, jbartlett said:


Share a picture. If the hump is at the start, some Seagate drives are like this where the first 25GB-50GB is much slower.


Keep an eye on the drive and see if the graph changes over time.


Both of these drives are Seagate Archive 8TB drives. Don't see much of a hump in any other drive on the array. I should also say the benchmark was done at the 25% so may not be real accurate.




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Missing txt.
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3 hours ago, Harro said:

Both of these drives are Seagate Archive 8TB drives. Don't see much of a hump in any other drive on the array. I should also say the benchmark was done at the 25% so may not be real accurate.


How did you get multiple, dated runs in your graphs??

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10 hours ago, Harro said:

Both of these drives are Seagate Archive 8TB drives. Don't see much of a hump in any other drive on the array. I should also say the benchmark was done at the 25% so may not be real accurate.


I've got two of those drives. My benchmarks show similar lines.


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7 hours ago, jbartlett said:

I've got two of those drives. My benchmarks show similar lines.

That gives me an idea.


If the drive's curve is different than average by a certain amount, flag it for further attention. That way we know for certain that a weird looking curve may be in fact "normal" for that specific drive model, and not worry about it.

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4 hours ago, jonathanm said:

That gives me an idea.


If the drive's curve is different than average by a certain amount, flag it for further attention. That way we know for certain that a weird looking curve may be in fact "normal" for that specific drive model, and not worry about it.


That's something the scans from the HDDB will show. I've received a feature request to include the scans from the HDDB to compare with a drive benchmark which will show if someone's drive is outside of the norm.



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Seattle Cat Picks Huh? I don't have Cat Pick Issues here in Marysville WA. :D


I did notice something odd. I just installed this today and started a test. It said spinning up drives, but well nothing really spun up. I aborted and things appeared to work after I manually spun up my drives. 


Did show me some interesting things. My older/smaller drives are slower than my newer drives, which I knew, but its eye opening to know how much faster. Also I didn't realize I had some 3 Gb/s drives installed too. Lol


Is there a way to run a Test on a Single Drive?



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