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[PLUGIN] Disk Location

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just discovered this and am starting to play with it. This will be really helpful (so long as I remember to keep it updated... :) )


I noticed one small bug, though - on the configuration screen, I have this set up:


Showing the #1 bay in the top right corner. However, when I go to the Tray Allocations tab, I see this:


Showing the #1 bay in the top left corner.

I assigned a disk to slot #1:


 then go to look at my setup under Tools | Disk Location, it's back to the configuration I selected:

so it seems to be working off of the physical location in the graphic, not the numbered slot that I've assigned. I just have to remember to use the slot numbers as shown in the config, knowing that they'll appear properly numbered & located when I look at it later.


All in all, a fairly minor complaint, but I thought I'd pass it along.


So far, so good! This will be super handy for my off-site backup server. I will be able to include a nice picture of which drive to swap out when I send my son back to his place with a replacement!

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17 hours ago, FreeMan said:

I've just discovered this and am starting to play with it. This will be really helpful (so long as I remember to keep it updated... :) )


I noticed one small bug, though - on the configuration screen, I have this set up:


Showing the #1 bay in the top right corner. However, when I go to the Tray Allocations tab, I see this:


Showing the #1 bay in the top left corner.

I assigned a disk to slot #1:


 then go to look at my setup under Tools | Disk Location, it's back to the configuration I selected:

so it seems to be working off of the physical location in the graphic, not the numbered slot that I've assigned. I just have to remember to use the slot numbers as shown in the config, knowing that they'll appear properly numbered & located when I look at it later.


All in all, a fairly minor complaint, but I thought I'd pass it along.


So far, so good! This will be super handy for my off-site backup server. I will be able to include a nice picture of which drive to swap out when I send my son back to his place with a replacement!

It's not a bug, it's a feature ;) 

In all seriousness, the allocation configuration is NOT tray number, it is just a tray ID. So assign them after the ID. It is also written if you click the "Help" button in Unraid.

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On 9/18/2019 at 4:32 PM, Gbcue said:

Is there a reason why the warranty dates/durations are not coming over from unraid?  I've set the purchase and warranty dates in the Main tab but they don't come over to the plugin.

Are you sure you have selected the correct config for this? It has to use the "Unraid date" and not "self specified ISO"

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Couple of questions.


1. I have an SSD unassigned device that shows up with a black color scheme (different than all the other blue colored unassigned drives)

2. I have an old unassigned HDD drive that was going bad that I swapped out for a newer, bigger one that is still showing up in the device list even after "Force Scan All".  How can I make Disk Location "forget" about that drive?  I've also done "New Config".

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10 hours ago, DontWorryScro said:

Couple of questions.


1. I have an SSD unassigned device that shows up with a black color scheme (different than all the other blue colored unassigned drives)

2. I have an old unassigned HDD drive that was going bad that I swapped out for a newer, bigger one that is still showing up in the device list even after "Force Scan All".  How can I make Disk Location "forget" about that drive?  I've also done "New Config".

I dunno why you SSD shows like that, it might be lacking some information. Model name and serial numbers are required and has to be unique when it's combined, so make sure it's not blank or contains some odd characters or whatever.


If "Force Scan All" does not work, it might be because the old name/serial numbers and rest of the data are still showing as the old disk. This is something the system itself handles and the only way I know to fix this is by a reboot of the server. At least this is often the case with hot-swapping as far as I have experienced. If it shows even after a deleted database, there's nothing I can do.

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7 hours ago, olehj said:

I dunno why you SSD shows like that, it might be lacking some information. Model name and serial numbers are required and has to be unique when it's combined, so make sure it's not blank or contains some odd characters or whatever.


If "Force Scan All" does not work, it might be because the old name/serial numbers and rest of the data are still showing as the old disk. This is something the system itself handles and the only way I know to fix this is by a reboot of the server. At least this is often the case with hot-swapping as far as I have experienced. If it shows even after a deleted database, there's nothing I can do.

See the Kingston?  Weird, right?


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9 hours ago, Gbcue said:

That was all done and it's still not working.

Ah, and to make clear, the dates are only transferred if the drives are part of the Unraid array. It does not work with unassigned devices as this doesn't seem to really store the data per disk. It looked like it stored the last input you stored for -all- of the unassigned devices as one common unit. The plugin does not use that data because of that, and you have to specify those manually via the plugin.

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Hello and thank you for the plugin!


I have a troubleshooting issue: I cannot get the count direction to accurately display right to left.


When I setup a new disk layout (in this case, 1 row x 15 columns), choosing either count direction starting with right orientation (right/top or right/bottom) shows a count order in the configuration tab from 15 on the left to 1 on the right.


However, count direction does not show up correctly on the tray allocations tab and once drives are assigned nor the devices tab under tools. The color coding on configuration tab example becomes incorrect as well once assigned.


The plugin will only showing drives in count up (1-15) from left to right not the specified right to left (15-1). That said, drive numbers show correctly in the information tab under tools.


I uninstalled the app, deleted the database, and created a new disk layout and am getting the same problem every time.




Thank you in advance.










Edited by tgrdn
missing information in screenshots, and some confusing language not following plugin nomenclature
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7 hours ago, tgrdn said:

Hello and thank you for the plugin!


I have a troubleshooting issue: I cannot get the count direction to accurately display right to left.


When I setup a new disk layout (in this case, 1 row x 15 columns), choosing either count direction starting with right orientation (right/top or right/bottom) shows a count order in the configuration tab from 15 on the left to 1 on the right.


However, count direction does not show up correctly on the tray allocations tab and once drives are assigned nor the devices tab under tools. The color coding on configuration tab example becomes incorrect as well once assigned.


The plugin will only showing drives in count up (1-15) from left to right not the specified right to left (15-1). That said, drive numbers show correctly in the information tab under tools.


I uninstalled the app, deleted the database, and created a new disk layout and am getting the same problem every time.




Thank you in advance.





I see you as well do the same mistake as many others, under the configuration of tray allocations, you assign devices based upon ID's and NOT the actual number you define. Else the colors seems to match all pictures as far as I can tell.


The configuration will always show 1,2,3,....-> regardless of your settings, it is also stated under "Help" (click that button).


Example: You add a group of 5 drives and want it to count backwards so it looks like:

In the configuration, because it is based upon ID, it will show as:


Meaning; you set the drive '1' to be the first drive from the left side physically seen.


The devices does not rearrange if you suddenly choose to use another count properties, it will only show different numbers and the drives are stuck in place because of its ID.

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I have a quick question..  (See image fore more clarity)


I have drives showing up that have been removed from the server. I understand that it stays in unraid for future reference. But I have a lot.


Anyway, I have just made a unused map to put them in so I won't get so confused. But I noticed that the path on some are the same. If I use the locate feature, it won't locate, another locate button acts as if it's pressed. I have restarted multiple times, with the same issue, I have even uninstalled and reinstalled to test that... 


If you notice, it even shows 4 parity drives with the same name (sdn). Is this just something in my setup or normal? Thanks in advance..  


Capture 2.PNG

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39 minutes ago, Melocco said:

I have a quick question..  (See image fore more clarity)


I have drives showing up that have been removed from the server. I understand that it stays in unraid for future reference. But I have a lot.


Anyway, I have just made a unused map to put them in so I won't get so confused. But I noticed that the path on some are the same. If I use the locate feature, it won't locate, another locate button acts as if it's pressed. I have restarted multiple times, with the same issue, I have even uninstalled and reinstalled to test that... 


If you notice, it even shows 4 parity drives with the same name (sdn). Is this just something in my setup or normal? Thanks in advance..  

Did you try to "Force rescan all"? This should remove old drives and add them into the "Information" view instead as a history reference

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1 hour ago, Melocco said:

Yes. That was the first thing I did. Then I restarted the server and then uninstalled then reinstalled. All the same drives etc. 

Alright, I see multiple drives have the same name. It's hard to figure out what happened here, what can maybe cause this issue is replacement of multiple drives and assigning them to slot before force scan has been made (or reboot if hot-swapping just partly works) to make sure the drives ends up in the correct list (flag). 

I would probably delete the database and start over, that is the easy solution at least.

If you know how to deal with terminal and SQLite, you can set the flag to "r" for the removed disks manually (might be needed to clear out/null the "devicenode" as well). Just make a backup of the existing one before you edit it.

Or just wait long enough until I bother making a "Remove disk" button.

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Update 2019.09.26

  • Commit #105 - FEATURE: Add force removal of drives stuck in database for any reason under a new tab called "Drives" under Configuration. This has slimmed down the "Information" page and leaves that with just the info without the controll/ operation buttons. Some bugfixes applied to these buttons as well.
  • Commit #104 - IMPROVEMENT: Unclear tray assigning because of TrayID assignment in some cases, made it more clear with added information.

@Melocco try this new feature, hope it works :P


@tgrdn maybe the tray allocation is better and made more clear now with the new update :)

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i installed the plugin configerd the drive layout. i have a hp360 g5 and 2 hp msa60.

when i try to see the drives i only see the parity raid drive and one other drive. I  also see the HP p410i and hp p800 but not the other drives. 

when i force scan all i see all the drives in the popup but i cant allocat the drives after that. what am i doing wrong??

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6 minutes ago, GeurtsWebdesign said:


i installed the plugin configerd the drive layout. i have a hp360 g5 and 2 hp msa60.

when i try to see the drives i only see the parity raid drive and one other drive. I  also see the HP p410i and hp p800 but not the other drives. 

when i force scan all i see all the drives in the popup but i cant allocat the drives after that. what am i doing wrong??

Make sure the drives output SMART with minimum of "model name" and "serial number" per drive. If the serial number is hidden or just zeroes, this will fail and probably overwrite each drive of the same model name showing only the last one. Check if your controllers can bypass the SMART data. Maybe your raid controllers can enable some settings in this regards. 

Do a smart check(smartctl -i /dev/sgX) for each drive listed in "lsscsi -u -g"

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23 hours ago, olehj said:

Make sure the drives output SMART with minimum of "model name" and "serial number" per drive. If the serial number is hidden or just zeroes, this will fail and probably overwrite each drive of the same model name showing only the last one. Check if your controllers can bypass the SMART data. Maybe your raid controllers can enable some settings in this regards. 

Do a smart check(smartctl -i /dev/sgX) for each drive listed in "lsscsi -u -g"

Thanks for the tip. indeed the controllers are not posting the smart info from the drives. now i have to find out how i can make them post the info.  

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