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Cannot connect to unRaid shares from Windows 10

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Hello Everyone,


I have a the same issue, I have setup a Unraid Server setup a Share as Pulblic and exported it. But i can not connect to the NAS over the network. I have windows 10 home, but have enabled SMB via the control panel, i dont have any A/V running. i can ping the server, and i can connect via a browser but cant see it in the network option or map a network drive. Please help! I have attached some pics.






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I made the mistake of patching and rebooting.


No access to shares as usual.


Same error. 


NFS running, SMB running. Tried creating a new user and share but no access. 


Attempt connect to an existing share returns:

"The mapped network drive could not be created because the following error has occurred:

An unexpected error occurred."

And yes, I've tried every thing in this thread multiple times.



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5 minutes ago, lonebear said:

I made the mistake of patching and rebooting.


No access to shares as usual.


Same error. 


NFS running, SMB running. Tried creating a new user and share but no access. 


Attempt connect to an existing share returns:

"The mapped network drive could not be created because the following error has occurred:

An unexpected error occurred."

And yes, I've tried every thing in this thread multiple times.


tower-diagnostics-20240507-0518.zip 204.64 kB · 0 downloads

to clear _other_ issues I have removed the drives I was attempting to add. this is a diag with them removed and off.



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Under windows 11. Unraid 6.10.12.


I had my drive mappings loose all connections every time I restarted my file server for what ever reason.


I needed to remove all mappings and then remap everything


I have found now that adding a network location works better and I do not loose the mappings on a restart


The only problem or inconvenience is that that my network locations no longer have a drive letter attached to them

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have to add the windows user in to unraid. Then enable that on the share. Click on users then click on the windows user that you added then you see all the shares, set read write. then in windows map a drive to the \\ipaddress\share name using the windows user account. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This originally worked for me but I upgraded the CPU in my server the other day and have been having issues accessing and adding the server as a network drive since.

I ended up resetting windows (needed to be done anyway), enabled smb1 to be sure, enabled insecure connections via gpedit, and I can now see the server in my network, but I can only see an empty folder when I know my data is still intact as I can still access it via streaming apps, etc.


If I try to map the server as a network drive, I get a connection failure.


Images and diagnostics attached.






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  • 3 weeks later...

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