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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Unifi-Controller

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It's now populated with traffic, like HTTP over TLS SSL, Facebook, GMail, Google APIs (SSL), and "Unknown". I'd still prefer current bandwidth usage, but it's better than the previously empty graphs.

And I don't know if it's because I use my own DHCP rather than the one in the USG, but the "Client device types" pie chart remains populated with only one type ("Others") so isn't particularly useful.

So, a mild improvement, but an improvement all the same.

Edited by jademonkee
DHCP not DNS derp (although I run my own DNS too)
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8 hours ago, Thomas_H said:


I've got from my former Proxomox/LXC installation the backup:




Unfortunatly I got this error message when I try to import.


I use LTS but this seems to old.


Does anybody know how I can import my backup file?


Cheers Thomas



Bildschirmfoto 2021-10-15 um 12.57.18.png

Bildschirmfoto 2021-10-15 um 12.56.35.png

Set your tag to linuxserver/unifi-controller:version-6.2.25 and try again after updating to this specific version.



Edited by PeteAsking
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19 hours ago, Thomas_H said:

Hi @PeteAsking thank you very much, that was exactly the right command I needed.

Now I've got to find out how to switch the devices from my old Proxmox/LXC setup to my new UNRAID/Docker setup. 😀

May I ask you if UNRAID will still offer me Docher/Unifi updates or will this setting now stay at version 6.2.25?






11 hours ago, fc0712 said:



im currently running version 5.9.29 and is looking to upgrade. Which version would you recommend in terms of features and stability?


No when you set a tag it stays safely on that version until YOU are ready to update. This is a far far far preferrable option than using a tag like "latest" which means one day you will wake up and find nothing is working and all your AP's are offline and you have no clue whats broken.


Currently for both of you I would recommend the linuxserver/unifi-controller:version-6.4.54 tag. This is verified to be working safe by at least 3 of us on this thread (Im sure more people are using it but they tend not to post or provide feedback unless things brake even though we ask they post if everything went well so others know), and has few complaints on the unifi forums. For enterprise, there is an older version in the 5 series (5.14.23-ls76) we still recommend that is very safe and unbreakable but for home use this 6 series version is fine and brings you up to date to use the unifi 6 equipment. Eventually everyone will have to upgrade so the more home type people we can push along onto these newer versions (and provide feedback) the better for the people who are in the unfortunate position of being in an enterprise environment with larger numbers of AP's and other unifi stuff that need to be shielded from anything bad happening.


@fc0712 you may want to upgrade first to 5.14.23-ls76 and ensure everything is perfect before moving to the 6 series as you are a little way behind.


Obviously it goes without saying that you would make a copy (and write down the version) of the docker before upgrading so you can just copy and past back the version you had. I mean if I do have to say that then we are all in trouble.



Edited by PeteAsking
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Looking for a little advice if anyone can help.

I have around 5APs and been using the controller with very basic WiFi setup.

Wanted to do a bit more recently and add vlan with different DNS for kids WiFi but by the looks of it I will need to buy a USG or UDM?

I already have 24 port netgear switch so don't want to spend extra.

Question is can I achieve this the way it is currently set up or do I need to buy extra hardware?

Possibly looking at EdgeRouter X or 4 sfp too.

Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk

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On 10/17/2021 at 3:49 AM, PeteAsking said:



No when you set a tag it stays safely on that version until YOU are ready to update. This is a far far far preferrable option than using a tag like "latest" which means one day you will wake up and find nothing is working and all your AP's are offline and you have no clue whats broken.


Currently for both of you I would recommend the linuxserver/unifi-controller:version-6.4.54 tag. This is verified to be working safe by at least 3 of us on this thread (Im sure more people are using it but they tend not to post or provide feedback unless things brake even though we ask they post if everything went well so others know), and has few complaints on the unifi forums. For enterprise, there is an older version in the 5 series (5.14.23-ls76) we still recommend that is very safe and unbreakable but for home use this 6 series version is fine and brings you up to date to use the unifi 6 equipment. Eventually everyone will have to upgrade so the more home type people we can push along onto these newer versions (and provide feedback) the better for the people who are in the unfortunate position of being in an enterprise environment with larger numbers of AP's and other unifi stuff that need to be shielded from anything bad happening.


@fc0712 you may want to upgrade first to 5.14.23-ls76 and ensure everything is perfect before moving to the 6 series as you are a little way behind.


Obviously it goes without saying that you would make a copy (and write down the version) of the docker before upgrading so you can just copy and past back the version you had. I mean if I do have to say that then we are all in trouble.



Thank you very much.


I’m now upgraded to 6.4.54 and everything is Working fine 👍👍 

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1 hour ago, bally12345 said:

Wanted to do a bit more recently and add vlan with different DNS for kids WiFi but by the looks of it I will need to buy a USG or UDM?

I already have 24 port netgear switch so don't want to spend extra.

Question is can I achieve this the way it is currently set up or do I need to buy extra hardware?

Possibly looking at EdgeRouter X or 4 sfp too.


You shoud be able to achieve it by configuring your existing switch but you cannot do that using Unifi Controller. You need to do it via the means offered by your switch. EdgeRouter X cannot either be configured using Unifi Controller.



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On 10/17/2021 at 3:49 AM, PeteAsking said:

No when you set a tag it stays safely on that version until YOU are ready to update. This is a far far far preferrable option than using a tag like "latest" which means one day you will wake up and find nothing is working and all your AP's are offline and you have no clue whats broken.


Currently for both of you I would recommend the linuxserver/unifi-controller:version-6.4.54 tag. This is verified to be working safe by at least 3 of us on this thread ...


Thank you very much for the extensive answer, it works like a charme.

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46 minutes ago, PeteAsking said:

Thats great. Thats 5 unraid users verified on linuxserver/unifi-controller:version-6.4.54 without any issues then, who took the time to post.


I just migrated to a UDM-Pro over the weekend, but previous to that I was using 6.4.54 via UnRaid.


I had no problems with the container itself, just issues with actual Unifi Software and its New Dashboard.  One thing to keep in mind was that I still had DPI turned off as that was the cause of my Unifi Container ballooning in memory on previous releases and I never turned it back on.


Otherwise the 6.4.54 container itself was running no issues for my previous if anyone else was loking for a few more positive reports before they upgraded.



Also NGinx Proxy Container worked great for hiding my Unifi Controller behind a sub-domain of mine before I migrated to the UDM-Pro in case anyone is looking for a way to get somewhat HTTPS connection while not at home, or use Wireguard to access your network and then the container from there.

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I have also been on 6.4.54 for a few weeks and everything is fine. 


However, for the first time I can remember, Unraid is telling me there is a docker update ready - I thought I wouldn't receive these if I set a tag?  Or is it possible this is an update to 6.5.54?


Here is the tag I am using on my docker:  linuxserver/unifi-controller:version-6.4.54


Thanks in advance for any feedback.


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4 minutes ago, Jonwork88 said:

I have also been on 6.4.54 for a few weeks and everything is fine. 


However, for the first time I can remember, Unraid is telling me there is a docker update ready - I thought I wouldn't receive these if I set a tag?  Or is it possible this is an update to 6.5.54?


Here is the tag I am using on my docker:  linuxserver/unifi-controller:version-6.4.54


Thanks in advance for any feedback.



There can be updates for the 6.4.54 branch in terms of the docker, I'm not sure what they entail exactly without looking at the release note for each one:


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31 minutes ago, Jonwork88 said:

I have also been on 6.4.54 for a few weeks and everything is fine. 


However, for the first time I can remember, Unraid is telling me there is a docker update ready - I thought I wouldn't receive these if I set a tag?  Or is it possible this is an update to 6.5.54?


Here is the tag I am using on my docker:  linuxserver/unifi-controller:version-6.4.54


Thanks in advance for any feedback.


A container is more than just the application, think of it as a miniature virtual machine. It has an entire operating system, albeit only the pieces essential to supporting the specific application. The tag means the application itself will not be updated, only the supporting OS files inside the container.


As an aside, one of the reasons docker containers can be so efficient, they share common pieces between them. So if you have a bunch of LSIO containers using the same internal OS, it's not duplicated no matter how many different containers use those same basic pieces. Running multiples of the same container with different appdata uses almost zero additional resources in the docker image.

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4 hours ago, JonathanM said:

A container is more than just the application, think of it as a miniature virtual machine. It has an entire operating system, albeit only the pieces essential to supporting the specific application. The tag means the application itself will not be updated, only the supporting OS files inside the container.


As an aside, one of the reasons docker containers can be so efficient, they share common pieces between them. So if you have a bunch of LSIO containers using the same internal OS, it's not duplicated no matter how many different containers use those same basic pieces. Running multiples of the same container with different appdata uses almost zero additional resources in the docker image.


@JonathanM - thanks for the explanation.  I recognize that you can't guarantee anything, but should this be a safe update to make?  This is all I could find about it (https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-unifi-controller/releases)



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1 minute ago, Jonwork88 said:

should this be a safe update to make?

Yes. It's pretty rare (never happened to me and I can't remember hearing about any incidents) for an update to a fixed tag to break something.

BTW, in order to tag someone, you must type the @ key to bring up the list, but you must NOT finish typing the user id, you must click the correct one in the popup that shows when you @.

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Just now catching up on why there have been so many changes in UI for this Docker. I, too, was using the latest tag and regret it now. Currently on 6.4.54 and miss some of the features from before. Wondering if there is any way to back rev at this point and how I can keep it stable going forward (other than just stop updating that container).

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2 minutes ago, snowboardjoe said:

if there is any way to back rev at this point

Not without setting up from scratch, including re-adopting your equipment and setting up the networks.


3 minutes ago, snowboardjoe said:

how I can keep it stable going forward

Set a fixed tag as described in the recommended posts at the top of every page in this topic.

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Ah, found it. I set to version-6.4.54 for now. Oddly enough it chose to re-download all of the software again, but seems stable for now. That should lock things down.


My next thing was trying to sort out how to create a separate admin account for Unpoller to grab telemetry from Unifi, but still stuck on that for now. Any attempts to add it complains there was a problem sending email (I don't expect that to be working). Without that email part, it won't be able to send an invite and you can't set a password manually. Will see if there are some SMTP settings that can mitigate this.




Found the setting for mail server. The config claims it can use the cloud to do the mail if remote access is turned on (it is), but I'm guessing that just fails with this docker image. Hate to setup another SMTP config, but will see if that gets me over the finish line here. I don't want to grant a monitor access to modify my network configuration by using my own credentials. Creating a user should not be this hard, nor should it be dependent on email.

Edited by snowboardjoe
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21 hours ago, snowboardjoe said:

Found the setting for mail server. The config claims it can use the cloud to do the mail if remote access is turned on (it is), but I'm guessing that just fails with this docker image. Hate to setup another SMTP config, but will see if that gets me over the finish line here. I don't want to grant a monitor access to modify my network configuration by using my own credentials. Creating a user should not be this hard, nor should it be dependent on email.


SMTP configuration was accepted, but no email. So, I'm blocked setting up additional accounts. On the forums, seeing several complaints about this, so it appears to be a known and widespread problem for 6.4.54.



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Hello.  I have a little issue where my new Unifi Switch isn't being picked up by my controller.

Controller is the version mentioned above that seems to work for a few others.

When I'm in the controller on the devices tab, I can see my switch and it just sits there forever saying adopting in the status column.  Been like that for weeks.  I'm new to the unify family.  I've read around that the switch maybe needs pointing to where the controller lives?


My network is basically that switch connected to my netgear router which is then connected to my modem (in modem only mode).

I have two UniFi AP's connected to the switch and everything network access works fine.  I can get internet. I can ftp across to my server that's sat on the same network from me laptop etc.


Any help appreciated as right now I'm using that switch like any other switch and not getting any benefit from it stats wise or able to configure anything on it.


Edited by unraid-user
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