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[Support] knex666 - FileBrowser

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Does it work for you with the cache directories plugin?


For the Docker I used /srv to /mnt/user in order to see all my shares. I set the option inside the cache dir plugin to also scan /mnt/user.

But when my drives are asleep and I want to open a share say "movies" (doesn't even have subdirectories) my disk are spinning up.

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So I assume its working for everyone just fine with the cache dirs plugin?



So the disk do not spin up when I open a directory which just has other directories in it. But as soon as I open a directory which has video files in it, the disks are spinning up. So could it be that FileBrowser is scanning the files for some reason?



It seems that this is the intended behaviour of cache dirs...well its already in the name :D stupid me

Edited by Sledgehamma
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Hi Guys,


I love this Docker... but I have a big pet peeve with it.


I have a hard time dealing with how the icons for files and folders are so similar to each other. I created a feature request on their Github asking for a slight modification. I am not sure if it will be picked up. I created the below in Photoshop.





I think if I were to study the code, I could figure out how to edit to get something similar to the above.


My challenge is two-fold.


One, from his Github, I need to identify the file that has the code that specifies this. With a little time, I can identify where it is and how to edit.


Two (and most important) is that somehow his code gets compiled into a single file (called filebrowser) which is what runs in the Docker. Does anyone know how I can take the slightly modified code, and compile it into the one single file?


I would really appreciate guidance on this.








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On 11/19/2021 at 4:12 PM, MendipMan said:



I have Filebrowser working fine locally but I cant work out how to expose it to the internet.  I have SWAG and duckdns configured correctly for radarr and http://domain/radarr works fine.  Did the same for Filebrowser but when I go to http://domain/filebrowser I just get the default SWAG page.


I have changed the network type to custom - proxynet from custom - br0.


Whats the correct address for connecting over the internet?


I changed the network type from custom to bridge, and added a custom port, then it  worked for me.9Jk2HLe.png


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6 hours ago, alturismo said:


may take a look inside the docker where the file is "cached", when you know the path you can try to mount it outside on your mashine where you have enough free space.


Fixed it! problem was SWAG,my reverse proxy. had to add proxy_max_temp_file_size 0m; to my filebrowser swag config file.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any explanation or hint why a custom.css and img do not work although a path on the server was entered in the Global Settings?

(Example : /mnt/user/appdata/filebrowser/custom/)
The rights for this folder are users/nobody


There is the custom.css with your own code.


Also a folder /img with your logo.svg. Has anyone with current DockerVers 20.1 already got a custom CSS to work?


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14 minutes ago, topaLE said:

Is there any explanation or hint why a custom.css and img do not work although a path on the server was entered in the Global Settings?

(Example : /mnt/user/appdata/filebrowser/custom/)
The rights for this folder are users/nobody


There is the custom.css with your own code.


Also a folder /img with your logo.svg. Has anyone with current DockerVers 20.1 already got a custom CSS to work?



Let me ask some questions and we will find the reason.


did you volume mount /mnt/user/appdata/filebrowser/custom/ to the docker

can you validate the path if you exec it into the docker?

what did you add to the config for the custom css?



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Mount to Docker:




Host: /mnt/user/dockerdata/filebrowser/config


custom.css with:

@import url("https://theme-park.dev/css/base/filebrowser/blackberry-abyss.css");


What does that mean exactly and how do you do it?

""can you validate the path if you exec it into the docker?""


Thanks ;-)


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23 minutes ago, topaLE said:

What does that mean exactly and how do you do it?

""can you validate the path if you exec it into the docker?""


how do you add the path inside filebrowser now ?




as you now use your config path (which is not the best idea, but nevermind) and you mounted like




you should use now /db/config/blackberry-abyss.css or /db/config/custom/blackberry-abyss.css when you made a subdir ...


you can check when you use your unraid docker terminal and do (CoRrEcT name of your filebrowser docker)


docker exec filebrowser ls -la /db/config/


to see whats there (from filebrowser docker point of view)


and the path you describe up there /mnt/user/... is /mnt/srv/... from filebrowser's point of view as you see in your mount points.


so basically, /mnt/srv/dockerdata/filebrowser/config/.... would also work.


may read a little about mounts in general about docker's to understand the path's from docker side.

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Terminal UnRaid:
So should work or am I still missing something?
The instant name is taken over, but the IMG and the CSS are not. Browser cache already cleared hard several times.
I'll try to define a different branding path.

The path has to be

/db/config/ for Markenverzeichnis


Gesendet von meinem Redmi Note 8 Pro mit Tapatalk

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Could you also define your own icons as SVG or is that not possible with the Docker Image?


The SVG then exist in the path: /db/config/img/icons

Or do the SVGs also have to be located where the logo.svg is?


There would then have to be a link in the container to, for example, the icon for PDF? Is that possible?

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  • 2 weeks later...
How do I increase the upload file size?
When uploading a file I get the following message:
413 Request Entity to large
I have already searched through the forum, but unfortunately found nothing about this.
Can I get some help with this?
Are you using a proxy?

Than go ahead with this lines

location / { client_max_body_size 0; proxy_pass http://backendserver:8080/; }

Gesendet von meinem Redmi Note 8 Pro mit Tapatalk

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I think I have solved the problem.
In Nginx Proxy Manger, go to the corresponding domain.
Then go to "Advanced".
Added "location / { client_max_body_size 0; proxy_pass http://backendserver:8080/; }".
Replaced "backend server" with the local server address and adjusted the port to that of the file browser.
Performed a reboot. Works.
Thanks for the help with the command 🙂

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