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[Support] Linuxserver.io - OpenVPN AS

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That was my first thought.  I can stream video just fine from the home network.  I even went on my unraid windows VM and tried (no luck0  Also using my iPhone while on my home network and go to youtube.com or ESPN (via app and safari) I'm good  without vpn turned on but as soon as I go through VPN I'm blocked with the following browser error "Safari cannot open the page because the server cannot be found"

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Just pulled the latest update, 07/07/17.


I wasn't bumped to 2.1.9 :( I take it the updating without it actually updating 'issue' is still around?


Because if I delete my appdata for this container the version sets to 2.1.9 :) I just can't delete my appdata because there's so many devices which I have to update my certs / creds on :/


Any ideas LSIO? :D

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2 minutes ago, nexusmaniac said:

Just pulled the latest update, 07/07/17.


I wasn't bumped to 2.1.9 :( I take it the updating without it actually updating 'issue' is still around?


Because if I delete my appdata for this container the version sets to 2.1.9 :) I just can't delete my appdata because there's so many devices which I have to update my certs / creds on :/


Any ideas LSIO? :D

I updated too and still running 2.1.4

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I can't seem to get clients to connect to the VPN server. I followed spaceinvader's guide and set up users and used my dynamic dns and forwarded udp 1194 on my firewall.


Still trying to figure this out as another option of running OpenVPN on my pfsense firewall.


Update: All is working now. My newly installed Verizon Quantum firewall and its forwarding rule was the issue. I had to use "any" instead of the specific 1194 source port for it to work.


Any tutorial on how to resolve names of locally connected devices when using OpenVPN?


Edited by SCSI
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On 07/07/2017 at 8:41 PM, fc0712 said:

I updated too and still running 2.1.4


On 07/07/2017 at 8:38 PM, nexusmaniac said:

Just pulled the latest update, 07/07/17.


I wasn't bumped to 2.1.9 :( I take it the updating without it actually updating 'issue' is still around?


Because if I delete my appdata for this container the version sets to 2.1.9 :) I just can't delete my appdata because there's so many devices which I have to update my certs / creds on :/


Any ideas LSIO? :D


Shameless bump... ;)

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Why would I want to use this docker if my router supports openvpn?  I installed the openvpn-as docker and was never able to get into the webUI.  I kept getting an error "This site can’t be reached.  10.x.x.x refused to connect."  Then I remembered my router has a vpn service option, which is also confusing, but I was able to enable it and get it working.

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2 hours ago, dboonthego said:

Why would I want to use this docker if my router supports openvpn?  



Well, it's for people who don't have OpenVPN already. Same as if you have a game on PS4 why would you want the same game on a gaming PC. They are both the same game so yes it is pointless having both. However one may be better than the other. The PC version will most likely have better graphics.

Same with the OpenVPN. The router version will probably be far older and never updated. The dockerised version is regularly updated so you will always have an up to date version.

Edited by gridrunner
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On 6/28/2017 at 9:19 PM, jonathansayeb said:

Ok for all the folks you might have troubles connecting to the webui just like i did you may need to check your Unraid network settings:

Unraid>Settings>Network Settings and there you change DNS server assignment to static and add google DNS Server ( and

I finally got it to work doing this after 2 days of trying everything, Cheers.


I seem to be still having the same problem, but your solution didn't resolve my issue.


Were there any other steps you took? It seems like the default Docker config refuses connections.


Edit: Is there a way to disable authentication in the docker for the first connection? Is there a variable I can add?

Edited by FlexGunship
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Im having same issue as most , static dns as Google , host with privilege, no gui , if i set to bridge mode it works and i get web gui but the way its spose to run has issues, i have this on few docker apps if host mode dont work bridge mode dont and i have pfsense router 


Initializing OpenVPN...
Adding new user login...
useradd -s /sbin/nologin "admin"
Writing as configuration file...
Perform sa init...
Wiping any previous userdb...
Creating default profile...
Modifying default profile...
Adding new user to userdb...
Modifying new user as superuser in userdb...
Getting hostname...
Hostname: Server
Preparing web certificates...
Getting web user account...
Adding web group account...
Adding web group...
Adjusting license directory ownership...
Initializing confdb...
Generating init scripts...
Generating PAM config...
Generating init scripts auto command...
Starting openvpnas...
Error: Could not execute server start.

[cont-init.d] 40-openvpn-init: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 50-interface: executing...
MOD Default {u'admin_ui.https.ip_address': u'all'} {u'admin_ui.https.ip_address': 'eth0'}
MOD Default {u'cs.https.ip_address': u'all'} {u'cs.https.ip_address': 'eth0'}
MOD Default {u'vpn.daemon.0.listen.ip_address': u'all'} {u'vpn.daemon.0.listen.ip_address': 'eth0'}
MOD Default {u'vpn.daemon.0.server.ip_address': u'all'} {u'vpn.daemon.0.server.ip_address': 'eth0'}
[cont-init.d] 50-interface: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.


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