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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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5 hours ago, John2222 said:

Thing with Arma is, that the 32bit executable is running with Phenom II, the 64 doesn't. At the moment the container is running with the 32bit per default.

I have now updated the container, please do a image.png.abf17aeac19b4ca80f1256ae1777c757.png from it on the Docker page (with Advanced View turned on - don't forget to turn it off afterwards) and create a variable like this in the template:



This will force the container to start the x86 version from the game.

If it doesn't work afterwards then I can't help since my suspicion would be that the developers introduced a requirement from one of the last updates from the game (not the container) that your Phenom II doesn't support.


I also had a user report where Satisfactory won't work on a Phenom II because they doesn't support AVX.


I also attached the two logs one with FORCE_X86 enabled and the other one without it enabled.



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2 hours ago, ich777 said:

I have now updated the container, please do a image.png.abf17aeac19b4ca80f1256ae1777c757.png from it on the Docker page (with Advanced View turned on - don't forget to turn it off afterwards) and create a variable like this in the template:



This will force the container to start the x86 version from the game.

If it doesn't work afterwards then I can't help since my suspicion would be that the developers introduced a requirement from one of the last updates from the game (not the container) that your Phenom II doesn't support.


I also had a user report where Satisfactory won't work on a Phenom II because they doesn't support AVX.


I also attached the two logs one with FORCE_X86 enabled and the other one without it enabled.

force_x86.log 49.63 kB · 0 downloads

normal_startup.log 50.37 kB · 0 downloads


This fixed my issue. I'd also updated to 6.9.2rc2 before trying this.

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Hello. There is a new game on Steam that just released on 2/24 called Longvinter. It allows for hosting private servers but all the guides I've found are for windows machines. Would you be willing to see if this can be made into a container for Unraid use? I can share the windows guide I found if it would be helpful. 

Ich777, keep up the great work and contributions to the Unraid community! I know I'm not the only one who would be absolutely lost without your efforts!

Edited by Rokanza
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1 hour ago, Rokanza said:


From what I see it should be possible.

But I actually don't create any containers for game servers that I don't personally own because giving support for such games is a huge pain for me.

I don't have any Donation funds left over so that I can buy the game.

If you are willing to Donate the game I'm happy to create a container for it.

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

From what I see it should be possible.

But I actually don't create any containers for game servers that I don't personally own because giving support for such games is a huge pain for me.

I don't have any Donation funds left over so that I can buy the game.

If you are willing to Donate the game I'm happy to create a container for it.

I completely understand that is par for the course with this thread. I'd be happy to purchase the game for you if that's what will get it working. How do I go about donating to the cause or gifting it to your Steam account? It's on sale until Mar 3rd so I'd be eager to get this done while the sale is still going on. 

Thank you! Looking forward to the results!

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On 2/28/2022 at 1:46 PM, ich777 said:

Can you download this file if you can actually download it?


I just tried it and it works flawlessly (ArmA3 container).


Have you changed anything in the template?


Are you sure that the container has access to the internet since from what I see in the log it also can't download the libraries for Ark and they are pulled from GitHub.

I can download it, yes

What should i do with it ?


It should have access, or do i have to forward some specific ports ?

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19 minutes ago, Russkito said:

It should have access, or do i have to forward some specific ports ?



19 minutes ago, Russkito said:

What should i do with it ?

Nothing, this was just to test if you can download it from your local machine.


I think the container has no access to the internet because that's what the log tells me, are you sure that Unraid has access to the internet and all the containers too? Have you something special configured in terms of your network? Do you use a dedicated network card for the containers?

Something seems wrong because it can't download the files from GitHub and Steam.

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On 2/28/2022 at 11:03 PM, ich777 said:

I have now updated the container, please do a image.png.abf17aeac19b4ca80f1256ae1777c757.png from it on the Docker page (with Advanced View turned on - don't forget to turn it off afterwards) and create a variable like this in the template:



This will force the container to start the x86 version from the game.

If it doesn't work afterwards then I can't help since my suspicion would be that the developers introduced a requirement from one of the last updates from the game (not the container) that your Phenom II doesn't support.


I also had a user report where Satisfactory won't work on a Phenom II because they doesn't support AVX.


THX you very much. I can connect to the server now. 


Additional i would ask for a QoL variable:

For the server the dev provides a special executable in various forms. 

Today i rename the executables like the vanilla executable and so the server starts with this.

For convinience reasons it would be great to have a variable in the docker container to define the executable name. So a switching between the starting executables would be more nice and i does'n have to overwrite the vanilla exe.

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Just now, John2222 said:

For convinience reasons it would be great to have a variable in the docker container to define the executable name. So a switching between the starting executables would be more nice and i does'n have to overwrite the vanilla exe.

Sorry but the container was never designed for this.

I hope you understand that I don't want to change this because it was made for the version that SteamCMD downloads.

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5 hours ago, Kerrald said:

Hey Ich, does the Valheim container automatically pick up the Steam update without needing to refresh it? Unraid hasn't detected an update that I can see for the latest version and wanted to double check. 

Depending on how you've configured it.

Have you enabled the update check in the template?

If yes can you send me a log output from the container?

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Hello, appears the Longvinter container automatically replaces the Game.ini every restart so customization of the server (name,password,etc) isn't possible at this time.

EDIT: May have spoke too soon. Appears you have to edit the Game.ini with the container stopped. If you edit it while it is running and restart it then it reverts. So changes can happen. Unsure if this is just a limitation of the actual game server or what.

Edited by Heinami
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3 hours ago, Heinami said:

May have spoke too soon. Appears you have to edit the Game.ini with the container stopped.

Exactly, this is always the recommended way of editing files for a game server.

Stop the container, edit the files and start it up again.


3 hours ago, Heinami said:

Unsure if this is just a limitation of the actual game server or what.

A few game server behave like this, nothing I can't do about it, this would also be the same if you run the server on bare metal.

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11 hours ago, ich777 said:

Depending on how you've configured it.

Have you enabled the update check in the template?

If yes can you send me a log output from the container?

Actually, I didn't realize that it would restart itself. We're all set and up to date :) Thanks a bunch!

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Hi, I tried setting up an ARKSurvivalEvolved Server for my friend for the last few hours but it doesn´t work and I don´t know at which part I fucked up.


This is my ARK Container:


and apparently the container is indeed hosting the game:


that´s at least how I interpret the ram usage.

Here are the containers Logs:


And here are my portforwarding rules in my FritzBox router.


I´m downloading CSGO right now just to check if it actually works.


Just from looking at my settings I´d think this would work, but the ARK Server does not show up in the games list of unofficial servers and even if I try to directly join it by starting a private game and then typing open to join my own local server, it doesn´t work.


Can you please tell me where I fucked up?


Also, at first I tried leaving the passwords and server name in the docker template empty to configure it in the .ini file.
When I stoped the container, configured the .ini, started the container the settings would still be there, but as soon as I stop teh container again both passwords disapear from the .ini file.

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1 hour ago, derWinky said:

Can you please tell me where I fucked up?

I don't think you've made a mistake, looks everything fine to me.

Can you query it from the Steam Server browser (View -> Server Browser -> LAN)? It may be possible that you have to hit refresh a few times but it general your configuration is looking good.


1 hour ago, derWinky said:

Also, at first I tried leaving the passwords and server name in the docker template empty to configure it in the .ini file.
When I stoped the container, configured the .ini, started the container the settings would still be there, but as soon as I stop teh container again both passwords disapear from the .ini file.

Because you set it in the template and not in the .ini file.

Also keep in mind that you first stop the container before editing any file...

Another game but see the conclusion (EDIT) from this post:


1 hour ago, derWinky said:

and apparently the container is indeed hosting the game:

Yep, everything looks fine to me too and the log does too.


1 hour ago, derWinky said:

I´m downloading CSGO right now just to check if it actually works.

I hope you have already seen this tutorial on how to do it, also in the FAQ is how do you change ports (please follow this tutorial step by step):



I saw also that you changed the port for CSGO, if you just changed it in the template to another port this won't work (please read the FAQ from the linked tutorial).


Please keep in mind that ARK is a very specific game and you need to set every checkbox exactly right to actually see it in the In-Game Server list.

But the container runs just fine on your system and is waiting for players.



ATTENTION: You actually don't need to forward the port 27020 is only RCON and this is rarely used and I really don't recommend to use it over the Internet because RCON is unencrypted traffic (clear text) and can be read by anyone.

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3 hours ago, deamonsatwar said:

My Valheim server keeps wiping the world. Strange thing is, its not on restart the server just wipes the map

Have you installed a cache drive?

When does it wipe the map exactly? When you connect to the world?

Have you installed any mods?

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15 hours ago, ich777 said:

I don't think you've made a mistake, looks everything fine to me.

Can you query it from the Steam Server browser (View -> Server Browser -> LAN)? It may be possible that you have to hit refresh a few times but it general your configuration is looking good.

Apparently my mistake was not having crossplay enabled. I wanted to do that after making sure it works, but apparently starting the game form the epic launcher already counts as a different platform, didn´t expect that...


15 hours ago, ich777 said:

Because you set it in the template and not in the .ini file.

Also keep in mind that you first stop the container before editing any file...

Another game but see the conclusion (EDIT) from this post:

First I had the fields empty in the template and only configured the ini file.

I only started using the template for name and passwords after the passwords in the ini had been reset multiple times after stopping the container.

I actually read that comment earlier and I did try it as you mentioned, stop container, edit file, have the template be empty, start container. But the next time I stop it passwords are both gone while the name is still there.

15 hours ago, ich777 said:

I hope you have already seen this tutorial on how to do it, also in the FAQ is how do you change ports (please follow this tutorial step by step):



I saw also that you changed the port for CSGO, if you just changed it in the template to another port this won't work (please read the FAQ from the linked tutorial).

The CSGO Server is apparently kinda working fine, I can connect to it using the local IP and my ddns with the port specified behind the IP.

The only thing that´s kinda throwing me off is that it does not appear in Steams Server Tab.

In Steam in "View" --> Server--> LAN as far as I know I should be able to see all my local servers for Steam Games.

It was obvious for me that my Minecraft Testserver wouldn´t magically show up here but as far as I know the CSGO Server should be in here. Does it not List my CSGO Server because I changed the default port or what did I do wrong here? My Ark Server shows up just fine here


16 hours ago, ich777 said:

ATTENTION: You actually don't need to forward the port 27020 is only RCON and this is rarely used and I really don't recommend to use it over the Internet because RCON is unencrypted traffic (clear text) and can be read by anyone.

Thx for the advice, I deactivated the forwarding rule for that port.

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11 minutes ago, derWinky said:

Apparently my mistake was not having crossplay enabled. I wanted to do that after making sure it works, but apparently starting the game form the epic launcher already counts as a different platform, didn´t expect that...

Yes, if you have to enable it because it's basically cross play, EPIC store is not Steam. ;)


12 minutes ago, derWinky said:

But the next time I stop it passwords are both gone while the name is still there.

Yes, because it's done in the template... This is a game specific thing.


13 minutes ago, derWinky said:

In Steam in "View" --> Server--> LAN as far as I know I should be able to see all my local servers for Steam Games.

Depends, simply add it to your Favourites.

Not every game shows up there but it should.


14 minutes ago, derWinky said:

Does it not List my CSGO Server because I changed the default port or what did I do wrong here?

Have you changed it like in the tutorial or did you just change the port in the template?

Also please note that valid Steam ports between 27015 and 27030 since you've choosen 27010 IIRC.

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6 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Yes, if you have to enable it because it's basically cross play, EPIC store is not Steam. ;)

Yeah, I thought I only had to enable if for consoles....


7 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Have you changed it like in the tutorial or did you just change the port in the template?

Also please note that valid Steam ports between 27015 and 27030 since you've choosen 27010 IIRC.

I think I did everything correctly



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49 minutes ago, derWinky said:

I think I did everything correctly

Yep, but as said, the default Steam port range is 27015 up to 27030, try to change it to one of the ports in that range, for example my CS:Source server has the port 27029 and CS:Go has 27030 and they both show up fine in the LAN tab from the Steam Server Browser.

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Hi all, does anyone know if there have been any changes to the 7 Days To Die Container?


I've been trying to set up a server but am having terrible trouble connecting to it - typically my game freezes during the loading screen (although I do connect the odd time but then after a couple of minutes I find myself falling through the ground and everything just dies!)


I did notice that the container has an extra field now, "BepInEx" - it's "false" by default but is definitely different to the last time I set up a 7DtD server!


I don't know if it's the server or my system because a mate of mine can join just fine - but I've tried with a full fresh install and still have the same issues connecting to servers!?!?


Any ideas anyone?

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19 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

does anyone know if there have been any changes to the 7 Days To Die Container?

No I haven't changed anything in the last few weeks.


20 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

I've been trying to set up a server but am having terrible trouble connecting to it - typically my game freezes during the loading screen (although I do connect the odd time but then after a couple of minutes I find myself falling through the ground and everything just dies!)

That seems like an issue with the game itself and not the container, can you try to validate the files on your local computer?


22 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

I did notice that the container has an extra field now, "BepInEx" - it's "false" by default but is definitely different to the last time I set up a 7DtD server!

This was only a minor change and do not change anything if it's set to false.


24 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

I don't know if it's the server or my system because a mate of mine can join just fine

Does your friend experience the same that he falls out of the world?


25 minutes ago, stevep94 said:

but I've tried with a full fresh install and still have the same issues connecting to servers!?!?


Any ideas anyone?

As said above, this sounds more like a issue with the game on your local computer itself.

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Thanks for the reply - I'm clutching at straws here really - I agree it sounds more like a problem with my install rather than with the container but I've tried deleting all things 7Days, from my Steam install, to the folder in my user/me/appdata/roaming folder and done a 100% fresh reinstall....with the same outcome!?!?


Short of a full OS reinstall I'm at a bit of a loss as to what I can try to fix things!


My single player game works fine, it's just when I try to connect to a server that it freezes!

Edited by stevep94
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