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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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@ich777 Hello again, I'm back with updates on the Icarus server!


I've had smooth sailing with the commands you provided, until today, where I encountered this error in the Unraid syslog:


Aug 14 15:37:15 Tower kernel: __vm_enough_memory: pid: 3103, comm: IcarusServer-Wi, no enough memory for the allocation


I consistently had ~30GB physical memory free available at all times. So it seems you were right about this being a "dirty" fix which could cause issues.


Users far more knowledgeable than me on the Icarus discord are pivoting to waiting for a fix to the memory leak on Wine's end in an update. Could you tell me what version of Wine is being used in the Icarus docker you created? I can't seem to find that information by myself.


If other users can confirm that Wine updates fix the OOM issue, is this something that could be updated on your end so the docker uses more recent versions of Wine?


Thanks in advance!

Edited by SinoBreizh
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45 minutes ago, SinoBreizh said:

to waiting for a fix to the memory leak on Wine's end in an update

What? Why should that be a WINE issue? If that would be a WINE issue not only Icarus would be affected, who said that it's a WINE issue?


45 minutes ago, SinoBreizh said:

Could you tell me what version of Wine is being used in the Icarus docker you created? I can't seem to find that information by myself.

Open the console and type in:

wine --version

that will give you this back:



45 minutes ago, SinoBreizh said:

If other users can confirm that Wine updates fix the OOM issue, is this something that could be updated on your end so the docker uses more recent versions of Wine?

Yes I can update it but this isn't a WINE issue at all.


This game makes me more and more sick especially people that blame WINE for that which is not the case. Unless someone explains to my why WINE should be the issue I won't believe that WINE is the issue here unless Icarus is using some kind of new library which is not fully compatible with WINE but I really can't image that this is the case here.


The developers should really fix the dedicated server and other people should not blame WINE for this since Icarus is using Unreal Engine 4 and other game server would suffer from the same issues like for example Conan Exiles which also uses Unreal Engine 4 and I'm using WINE in my Docker container too, it is just running fine without a hitch even with mods it does work perfectly fine.


Memory leaks are usually caused by a application that is running on top of WINE and at least what you've describe here has usually nothing to do with WINE itself.


Again, there is nothing I can do about memory leaks because and I don't think a WINE update will fix anything.


EDIT: Out of curiosity I Googled: "icarus memory leak" and I've found multiple reports from memory leaks even without the dedicated server on Windows itself. This is purely a issue from the dedicated server and Icarus itself.

Please don't trust everything that you hear, it is always easier to point the finger at something else... I think you get the point.

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33 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Please don't trust everything that you hear, it is always easier to point the finger at something else... I think you get the point.


Thanks for the in-depth explanation.


Like I said, I'm in over my head on this, and just relaying my understanding of the conversation on the dedicated server discord, hoping it can be useful to someone else down the line. Sorry if my comment sounded accusatory/expected you to fix this, because that's not what I intended. I'm pretty damn sure everyone here appreciates your work, knowing you owe us nothing, especially by working for free.


It's just easy to see everything as a solution when beginners like me don't know what they're doing; I can see how that can get frustrating quick.


What's at my level however, is trying the dedicated server bare metal on my PC to see if I encounter the same behaviour.


Regardless, thanks again for taking the time to answer and set the story straight, much appreciated!

Edited by SinoBreizh
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21 hours ago, Mainfrezzer said:

Ive just noticed following syslog. First time ive seen that

Has been the Ark variant. Might be worth keeping an eye on. since it killed all running docker that used that image

I did find out what caused itmhmm.thumb.PNG.66717847fcb8f6bc1d0b749b006899c1.PNG

Bit odd that this particular container threw the error while the other ones, using the same files(this one is the update hub etc), worked fine.

So far i havent been able to get this particular container running properly again but im working on it.

*Took the axe approach, working again^^

Edited by Mainfrezzer
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1 hour ago, Mainfrezzer said:

So far i havent been able to get this particular container running properly again but im working on it.

Please keep in mind that this can also be an issue with the disk since it seems like it fails when it tries to download the new files.

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52 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Please keep in mind that this can also be an issue with the disk since it seems like it fails when it tries to download the new files.

The container all run on the same ssd.

The container that threw the error is #1

#1 didnt update, but did download and update all the gamefiles, that were supposed to be updated.
#2 just started fine and worked fine, same with #3 

(all container run of the same shared files)

I only noticed because the version of that server was wrong, while the others were fine. And then i did the digging. seems to be a steam related issue since i did find alot of github mentiones of it. Pinning it to a singlethread did work (threw another error but idk why that came up since i dont use any workshop content). Ultimately i did deleted all steam files and started anew.

Edited by Mainfrezzer
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Anyone else having issues with V Rising since last major GLOOMROT update?

I had a server with this docker running about a year ago and now wanted to give it a go again with the new update. I can join from LAN however my friends cannot join from WAN. Only getting "Authentication Error" and in log file from docker i see "src\steamnetworkingsockets\clientlib\steamnetworkingsockets_lowlevel.cpp (794) : Assertion Failed: GetBestRoute2 failed with result 50 for address 'XX.XX.XX.XX:0'" Ip redacted with XX.


Have tried multiple different settings but nothing that solves it. Any ideas?

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6 hours ago, ich777 said:

I will try that when I got home from work today and report back.

Thanks  @ich777 I even tried renaming both SteamCMD folder and vrising folder so the Docker would redownload everything from scratch, but that did not solve it unfortunately. Running the V Rising Dedicated Server from Steam on my main Windows 11 PC works. So my spontaneus guess is that it has something todo with Linux SteamCMD, but I don't know. Please report back when you can, add me on Discord if you like to troubleshoot together. #truetype @ discord.  

Edited by truetype
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2 hours ago, truetype said:

Please report back when you can, add me on Discord if you like to troubleshoot together.

I have now tried it and I can connect just fine, please note that I connected directly to my public IP and that I not waited to search in the server list for the server to appear.


What I did was:

  1. Install a fresh copy from the CA App and let everything by default
  2. Wait for the download to finish
  3. Forward both UDP ports 9876 & 9877 in my Firewall
  4. Disconnect my Ethernet connection (physically pulled the Fiber from my PC)
  5. Made a Hotspot with my mobile phone and connect to the Hotspot with my PC (to simulate access from the outside world)
  6. Start the game and clicked on Direct Connection
  7. Play


Here is also the log from the connection:

SteamNetworking - SteamNetConnections.ConnectionUpdate: k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected, 2759670019, 131073
SteamServerTransport - Update 2759670019 - k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected
SteamPlatformSystem - BeginAuthSession for SteamID: 76561197963117432 Result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK
NetEndPoint '{Steam 2759670019}' reconnect was approved. approvedUserIndex: 0 HasLocalCharacter: True Hail Message Size: 273 Version: 5 PlatformId: 76561197963117432 UserIndex: 0 ShouldCreateCharacter: False IsAdmin: False Length: 273
SteamPlatformSystem - OnValidateAuthTicketResponse for SteamID: 76561197963117432, Response: k_EAuthSessionResponseOK
SteamPlatformSystem - UserHasLicenseForApp for SteamID: 76561197963117432, Result: k_EUserHasLicenseResultHasLicense, UserContentFlags: None
User '{Steam 2759670019}' '76561197963117432', approvedUserIndex: 0, Character: 'chips' connected as ID '0,1', Entity '487945,91'.
SteamLog [SDR k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Msg] [#2759670019 UDP steamid:[email protected]:11082] closed by peer (1003): Application closed connection
SteamNetworking - SteamNetConnections.ConnectionUpdate: k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer, 2759670019, 131073
SteamServerTransport - Update 2759670019 - k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer
User '{Steam 2759670019}' disconnected. approvedUserIndex: 0 Reason: Timeout k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer
SteamPlatformSystem - EndAuthSession platformId: 76561197963117432
SteamNetworking - SteamNetConnections.ConnectionUpdate: k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None, 2759670019, 131073
SteamServerTransport - Update 2759670019 - k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None


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23 minutes ago, ich777 said:

I have now tried it and I can connect just fine, please note that I connected directly to my public IP and that I not waited to search in the server list for the server to appear.


What I did was:

  1. Install a fresh copy from the CA App and let everything by default
  2. Wait for the download to finish
  3. Forward both UDP ports 9876 & 9877 in my Firewall
  4. Disconnect my Ethernet connection (physically pulled the Fiber from my PC)
  5. Made a Hotspot with my mobile phone and connect to the Hotspot with my PC (to simulate access from the outside world)
  6. Start the game and clicked on Direct Connection
  7. Play


Here is also the log from the connection:

SteamNetworking - SteamNetConnections.ConnectionUpdate: k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected, 2759670019, 131073
SteamServerTransport - Update 2759670019 - k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected
SteamPlatformSystem - BeginAuthSession for SteamID: 76561197963117432 Result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK
NetEndPoint '{Steam 2759670019}' reconnect was approved. approvedUserIndex: 0 HasLocalCharacter: True Hail Message Size: 273 Version: 5 PlatformId: 76561197963117432 UserIndex: 0 ShouldCreateCharacter: False IsAdmin: False Length: 273
SteamPlatformSystem - OnValidateAuthTicketResponse for SteamID: 76561197963117432, Response: k_EAuthSessionResponseOK
SteamPlatformSystem - UserHasLicenseForApp for SteamID: 76561197963117432, Result: k_EUserHasLicenseResultHasLicense, UserContentFlags: None
User '{Steam 2759670019}' '76561197963117432', approvedUserIndex: 0, Character: 'chips' connected as ID '0,1', Entity '487945,91'.
SteamLog [SDR k_ESteamNetworkingSocketsDebugOutputType_Msg] [#2759670019 UDP steamid:[email protected]:11082] closed by peer (1003): Application closed connection
SteamNetworking - SteamNetConnections.ConnectionUpdate: k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer, 2759670019, 131073
SteamServerTransport - Update 2759670019 - k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer
User '{Steam 2759670019}' disconnected. approvedUserIndex: 0 Reason: Timeout k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer
SteamPlatformSystem - EndAuthSession platformId: 76561197963117432
SteamNetworking - SteamNetConnections.ConnectionUpdate: k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None, 2759670019, 131073
SteamServerTransport - Update 2759670019 - k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None


Thanks for testing. But strangely I tried that yesterday aswell.. So how did you make the fresh install when you had a previous install? Did you delete the old V-rising Docker template on the USB aswell? But I will give it another go again in about 2-3 hours.

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56 minutes ago, truetype said:

So how did you make the fresh install when you had a previous install?

I have a second instance on my server but not running, you just have to change the path to the game files if you want to test a second instance, of course the name and also make sure the first instance is not running because otherwise you will have a port conflict.

Maybe you also have to allow installations from multiple instances from a template in the CA App Settings (you find that directly in the CA App on the left menu where it says Settings).


57 minutes ago, truetype said:

Did you delete the old V-rising Docker template on the USB aswell?

No, this would make no difference if you pull a fresh copy from the CA App. But anyways, this would also change nothing because the template never changed since I've made it back then I think.

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2 hours ago, ich777 said:

I have a second instance on my server but not running, you just have to change the path to the game files if you want to test a second instance, of course the name and also make sure the first instance is not running because otherwise you will have a port conflict.

Maybe you also have to allow installations from multiple instances from a template in the CA App Settings (you find that directly in the CA App on the left menu where it says Settings).


No, this would make no difference if you pull a fresh copy from the CA App. But anyways, this would also change nothing because the template never changed since I've made it back then I think.

I set a new name for serverdata/serverfiles and it downloaded the vrising game files yet again and I waited for it to boot up. My friend could join but only for like 1 min, he could create a character but then after 10 sec in game got disconnected and met with AuthenticationError, then everytime he tries to connect it's the same error.

I post the serverlog in the attachment on this reply. Getting alot of strange SteamCMD errors such as "thread starvation" etc..


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59 minutes ago, truetype said:

My friend could join but only for like 1 min, he could create a character but then after 10 sec in game got disconnected and met with

On what machine are you running the container? Did yoh pin cores to the container? I have now again tried it and I don‘t see any of those issue (I think I was playing for about 15min).

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2 hours ago, ich777 said:

On what machine are you running the container? Did yoh pin cores to the container? I have now again tried it and I don‘t see any of those issue (I think I was playing for about 15min).

See attached screenshots for machine specs and a dump of install. Nope I did not pin any cores, should I do that you think?
Thanks for trying, very strange this one...



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6 hours ago, truetype said:


Isn‘t this Broadwell? Please try to dosable SpeedStep in the BIOS and see if that helps.


On my i5-10600 everything is working as expected. Can‘t tell if it‘s a hardware or software issue…


I assume you are on a recent Unraid version correct?


EDIT: do you really use a bond for your network interface? I don't know if that can also be the cause of the issue since I don't use a bond on my system.

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14 hours ago, ich777 said:

Isn‘t this Broadwell? Please try to dosable SpeedStep in the BIOS and see if that helps.


On my i5-10600 everything is working as expected. Can‘t tell if it‘s a hardware or software issue…


I assume you are on a recent Unraid version correct?


EDIT: do you really use a bond for your network interface? I don't know if that can also be the cause of the issue since I don't use a bond on my system.

Yes I believe it's broadwell, will look into SpeedStep, never heard of it.

Hmm ok, thanks for testing for me!

Yes, latest Unraid 6.12.3.

It's always been bond for me since I set it up for about 7 years ago. But I will look into that aswell, don't know why it's bond or why it might matter.


I just read about SDR (https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/multiplayer/steamdatagramrelay) and I wonder if the issue might be because my unraid is behind a vpn.. Will try this aswell.


EDIT: Did you login into your steam account in the docker or use anonymous? I have always used anonymous login.

Edited by truetype
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50 minutes ago, truetype said:

Did you login into your steam account in the docker or use anonymous?

Always use anonymous except it is advised differently in the template.


51 minutes ago, truetype said:

It's always been bond for me since I set it up for about 7 years ago. But I will look into that aswell, don't know why it's bond or why it might matter.

If you don't have a bond, disable it.


51 minutes ago, truetype said:

Yes I believe it's broadwell, will look into SpeedStep, never heard of it.

Boradwell had issues with SpeedStep back in the days and caused various things on Windows on Linux (crashes,...).

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On 6/12/2022 at 10:36 AM, Kvo1087 said:

I restarted and redownloaded the container to start from scratch. I noticed that when the server initially launches that this error is displayed. 

src\steamnetworkingsockets\clientlib\steamnetworkingsockets_lowlevel.cpp (774) : Assertion Failed: GetBestInterfaceEx failed with result 3 for address '' - my ip

My upload is 15Mbps, nothing running in the background. made sure to test late at night when no streams were running on my plex docker. 

I am in the process of creating another unraid server right now and I could use an intel processor on that one. Is Intel more stable for V rising?

Did you solve this? I have the same things in my log..

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On 8/18/2023 at 10:06 PM, ich777 said:

Always use anonymous except it is advised differently in the template.


If you don't have a bond, disable it.


Boradwell had issues with SpeedStep back in the days and caused various things on Windows on Linux (crashes,...).

I disabled bond, updated BIOS aswell and saw that SpeedStep was inactivated already, tried to activate it instead, made no difference. :/ Wrote in V-Risings discord and they believe it might be some firewall issue, but I don't see how it would be.

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1 hour ago, ich777 said:

I also don't think so, I only can imagine that your CPU is too slow, but I'm not 100% sure about that since it's relatively dated in today standards.

I found out the cause of the problem. In the logs the Public IP that Steam fetched is not the correct public ip but instead is the VPN I am using and the SDR is using this IP when relaying through the Steam Network somehow. When I deactivated my VPN the V Rising server showed correct IP (my public IP) and it was possible to connect to it like magic. So now I am trying to figure out if there is a way to bypass only V Risings Ports from the VPN in opnSense... :)

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On 5/27/2023 at 9:49 AM, ich777 said:

Like pointed out in the description from the template:


just change the GAME_ID from 1042420 to:

1042420 -beta experimental

you also have to set "Validate Installation" to:


when switching branches. After the container fully startetd please set "Validate Installation" to nothing or "false" since this is only required so that SteamCMD knows that it has to compre all files from the dedicated server to the ones which are stored on the Steam servers.


If you want to switch back to the default branch simply set it again to:


and enable "Validate Installation" so that it pulls the files and disable it after that.


Set "Validate Installation" to "true" as pointed out above but please also unset it too after it updated the files.


I also have some reports that for some users it took a few hours so that SteamCMD picks up the new build and downloads it properly.


You can always try to start fresh by removing the container followed by the dayz directory in your appdata folder, of course copy your savegame to your local PC first.

When I put 1042420, it doesn't download the normal version of the game, it continues with a later one, I have the game updated and it tells me that I have a version prior to the one on the server

How can I make the server download the normal version of the game instead of the experimental one? thanks


Edited by Garikoitz
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I'm trying to run the Icarus docker. I've installed and uninstalled this thing several times. I keep getting this error saying "Something went wrong, can't find the executable, putting the container into sleep mode!" Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks! Here is the log.


---Update SteamCMD---
Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1691628584
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
---Update Server---
Redirecting stderr to '/serverdata/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1691628584
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
"@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType" = "windows"

Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
 Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
Error! App '2089300' state is 0x202 after update job.
---Prepare Server---
---Checking if WINE workdirectory is present---
---WINE workdirectory found---
---Checking if WINE is properly installed---
---WINE properly set up---
---Checking if runtimes are installed---
---Runtimes found! Continuing...---
---Looking 'ServerSettings.ini' file is in place---
---'ServerSettings.ini' found---
---Checking for old display lock files---
---Starting Xvfb server---
---Server ready---
---Start Server---
---Something went wrong, can't find the executable, putting container into sleep mode!---

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24 minutes ago, mrvoid said:

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

With that little information not really.


Please provide a screenshot from your container template. Please also check the paths in the template if they are all set correctly. Do you have any AdBlocking on your network like PiHole or AdGuard, do you have any special firewall rules in place?


The error basically tells you that the container can't find the game executable.

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