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[Support] ich777 - Gameserver Dockers

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1 hour ago, atithasos said:

I create a forge server in my desktop and place all the files inside and i rename the minecraft.version to server.jar

I run it and I have a vanilla version

I made a screen of minecraft and of my folder files

What am I doing wrong?


You must rename the forge.jar to server.jar and the vanilla minecraft.jar (that you've renamed to server.jar) to minecraft_server.jar (according to the forge wiki, forge is not my favourite choice because i've got 3 servers running and the stopped working after a while because some library had a problem with some plugin and also all clients must have the plugins installed, spigot is much easier to handle and maintain).

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I am having some issues (probably configuration on my end) with the Factorio docker. I can get everything working great when connecting to it on my LAN, and I can get the server to broadcast in the public games listing from Factorio.com, but I cannot connect to my server remotely even with ports forwarded. Has anyone ran into this issue with the Factorio server or any other one for that matter that might help?


I am using an Edgerouter x, everything on the same subnet, ports forwarded to the Factorio server, I have tried configuring the server in Bridge, Host, and custom w/ static ip, and still no luck. Maybe a firewall or NAT issue? Most of the stuff I can find on google is solved because someone forgot to forward the ports but that is not my case here.


EDIT: Nevermind. I actually used my brain for a minute and realized it is a NAT thing. Connecting to my VPN first and then trying to connect through the matchmaking works as it should. 🤦‍♂️

Edited by Civrock
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Hi, i'm looking for some help with an issue i have with Ark Server


Maybe i messed up something.


I have created new UDP and Rcon port to match my need, followed some step i found on this thread that was actualy explaining that to create new port you need to completly remove the original container. What i did, following those Step

1- Remove the Container 

2-  Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device

3- Filled it like this



The desired setting for this server would be :
UDP1 : 7781
UDP2 : 7782
Steam UDP : 31103

RCON : 31203


The real problem occurs when i restart the docker, all the original port Setting are re added and the server trying to use it. 

( To Prevent this to happen i have to go in the Docker Remove the original information again and then when i save it it will reboot with the good Port, wich mean i have to reboot my server twice if i want to reboot it )


Take note that if i do this process everything work fine, people can join and play on the server with no problem. Its juste annoying and prevent me from automating the reboot process.


Here what happen after a reboot : ( Blue is the setting comming back every reboot, red is desired Port option ) tir0eKi.png


Here the complete setup of the server https://imgur.com/PAjHBaZ   ( use this link to zoom in )



Complete Game Parameters: 

?Port=7781 ?QueryPort=31103 ?RCONEnabled=True ?RCONPort=31203 ?AltSaveDirectoryName=Center ?bAllowUnlimitedRespecs=true ?ShowFloatingDamageText=true ?GameModIds=731604991,895711211 ?AllowCaveBuildingPVE=true


Complete Extra Game Parameters:

-server -log -NoTransferFromFiltering -clusterid=TSworld7410 -ClusterDirOverride=/clusters


I'm waiting for your help guys, maybe someone can tell me what i've done wrong. 
Thanks you guys

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@Jo7410 First of all thank you for using my dockers... ;)

This should not happen, are you sure that this happens when you restart the container? In my case that's not an issue, the standard ports are only there if you create a new one from the template, if you delete it they should be gone.

Have you installed the 'Fix Common Problems' plugin?

I've uninstalled it since it made some problems with Docker (not only my created Dockers).


Also check on the Docker page in Unraid (with advanced options on - upper right corner) if the ports are really forwarded.

Edited by ich777
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@ich777 First of all thanks for the time you are investing in these Docker and the support. 


I tried you sugestion and uninstalled the 'Fix Common Problems' pluging, but didn't seems to do any change. 

Actually i was wrong i also tried to restart and Stop the Docker a few time and it seem like this is happening randomly, at either stop / restart of the docker or the reboot of my unraid server '' wich make sense since the docker are closed in the process '' one of my friend also tried to do it on is own Unraid and everything was fine untile the first reboot of the Unraid server and since then he's having the same issue. 


Here is what it look like when it happen  ( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/267771026845204481/586005982123917314/unknown.png )unknown.png


In Port Mapping you can see on the Left that everything took back the original Port, while on the Right it should be the port i wanted them to use


This is getting Really Weird.

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6 hours ago, Jo7410 said:

@ich777 First of all thanks for the time you are investing in these Docker and the support. 


I tried you sugestion and uninstalled the 'Fix Common Problems' pluging, but didn't seems to do any change. 

Actually i was wrong i also tried to restart and Stop the Docker a few time and it seem like this is happening randomly, at either stop / restart of the docker or the reboot of my unraid server '' wich make sense since the docker are closed in the process '' one of my friend also tried to do it on is own Unraid and everything was fine untile the first reboot of the Unraid server and since then he's having the same issue. 


Here is what it look like when it happen  ( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/267771026845204481/586005982123917314/unknown.png )


In Port Mapping you can see on the Left that everything took back the original Port, while on the Right it should be the port i wanted them to use


I think this is something for the dev's or eventually @Squid

Maybe i've done something wrong in my templates but i'm not excatly sure...

Edited by ich777
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Hi, @ich777!


Thank you so much for all these game server dockers, they're incredible. I'm fairly new to Unraid and it's clear you've done a lot of work on these templates.


I'm having a little trouble getting a Mordhau server up. I thought I'd done everything right, but I cannot join the server at all. It does not appear on the server browser, and I cannot connect to it directly from the console. Here's a screenshot of the running docker. I can see the server is running from the log, but I cannot connect to it.




I have those ports open in my router, but even if I didn't I can't even connect locally. 


Any thoughts? Let me know if you need additional info, I'm not fully sure what you need from me for troubleshooting :)

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1 hour ago, LeJoker said:

Hi, @ich777!


Thank you so much for all these game server dockers, they're incredible. I'm fairly new to Unraid and it's clear you've done a lot of work on these templates.


I'm having a little trouble getting a Mordhau server up. I thought I'd done everything right, but I cannot join the server at all. It does not appear on the server browser, and I cannot connect to it directly from the console. Here's a screenshot of the running docker. I can see the server is running from the log, but I cannot connect to it.




I have those ports open in my router, but even if I didn't I can't even connect locally. 


Any thoughts? Let me know if you need additional info, I'm not fully sure what you need from me for troubleshooting :)

Thank you fo using my dockers. ;)


Can you post a picture from the port forwarding from your router/firewall?

Wich ISP are you using?


I think there is something wrong with the forwarding, have you changed anything else in the docker?

Edited by ich777
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Thanks for the quick reply, @ich777!  

I didn't change anything inside, I used it as-is from the plugins installer.

I'm 100% sure it's not my firewall configuration, since I can't connect locally, which doesn't go through the firewall. Windows firewall on the client-end PC is off completely. My other docker containers all work fine (Plex, for example) but with the Mordhau container, I needed to use "bridge" mode, whereas all my other containers use "host" mode, which seems to be doing some translation to an internal IP on the container. When I tried to use "host" mode on the Mordhau container, it did not translate *any* IPs/ports. (The column was empty) I'm *guessing* it's to do with that, but I've no idea!


For good measure, here are my firewall rules. I know those aren't the issue, but I'm also in tech support and I know I hate when people ignore my troubleshooting requests because they "know" better.




The left window is the firewall rule, which allows the connection past the firewall. The right window is the NAT rule which forwards it to my Unraid server. (This was adapted from another Unreal Engine game, hence the additional ports). These rules only apply to connections coming in from my ISP though. Local connections do not go through the firewall. 


Here's a few screenshots I took of the actual docker container config, in case that helps as well.





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53 minutes ago, LeJoker said:

Thanks for the quick reply, @ich777!  

I didn't change anything inside, I used it as-is from the plugins installer.

I'm 100% sure it's not my firewall configuration, since I can't connect locally, which doesn't go through the firewall. Windows firewall on the client-end PC is off completely. My other docker containers all work fine (Plex, for example) but with the Mordhau container, I needed to use "bridge" mode, whereas all my other containers use "host" mode, which seems to be doing some translation to an internal IP on the container. When I tried to use "host" mode on the Mordhau container, it did not translate *any* IPs/ports. (The column was empty) I'm *guessing* it's to do with that, but I've no idea!

No that's fine, change it to host mode and all ports will be forwarded to the host (nothing shows up because i don't expose the ports in the docker for easier host mode like in your case - one thing is the steam query port you can't nat that it has to be the port that you specified eg: 27015 has to be 27015 and not 27016 or another number).


That's really strange i can set it up on my server if you want and you can try to connect in bridge mode and in host mode if you want...

But give me some time, weekend is family time for me and i've got little time on the weekends.


Also i don't know your firewall. Haven't you specified a ip for the ports to forward?

Edited by ich777
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Sure, if it works for you maybe I can copy your settings, too.


Since my last post, I have tried both in bridge and in host, and I've also added in my steam user/pass in case that was warranted. Still no dice. I'm sure it's me doing something wrong, I'm pretty new both to Unraid and to Docker.


Yeah I do forward it to an IP on another tab not shown in the screenshots. The ports are forwarded to my Unraid server IP.

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38 minutes ago, LeJoker said:

Sure, if it works for you maybe I can copy your settings, too.


Since my last post, I have tried both in bridge and in host, and I've also added in my steam user/pass in case that was warranted. Still no dice. I'm sure it's me doing something wrong, I'm pretty new both to Unraid and to Docker.


Yeah I do forward it to an IP on another tab not shown in the screenshots. The ports are forwarded to my Unraid server IP.

You should find it now, i've only changed the servername and the password.


Servername: chipsDocker

Password: unraidDocker

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Everything is completely vanilla, don't changed a single setting except for the configuration file in the 'Mordhau/Saved/Config' folder.




Edit: Can you see your server in the steam server browser when you enter your internal ip of the server and the port 27015 (eg:

Edited by ich777
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30 minutes ago, LeJoker said:

Is that the "Game2.ini" in Mordhau/Saved/Config/LinuxServer? can you send me yours so I can look at it? Nothing was automatically generated for mine.

Yep, that's the file i edited but i only changed the server name and password.

I think you don't understand that this file is downloaded if the docker can't find the file and has nothing to do with the startup, i've only made this so that the servername and password is fixed (You can find this file also on github *click*).

Can you please send me the logs from the mordhau docker, i think your server hasn't even started...

Edited by ich777
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12 minutes ago, LeJoker said:

No, I get that. So the file that was getting downloaded automatically was completely empty. I've deleted all the files and had the docker re-download them. It now does appear to have content which is good (not what it was doing before)


I think the server is started based on the logs.

mordhau_log.txt 28.5 kB · 0 downloads

Please join the steamgroup so that we can chat over steam

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2 hours ago, killerbad21 said:

Trying To Run a Ark Server But i Keep getting 

[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.

Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110

After the download is done do i just have to wait or is something wrong?

Overlooked your post sorry...


No, this is just the standard steam error that it can't find any instance of steam running but that's normal for a dedicated server.


Server should run after the 'Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 346110' message, everything should be fine.

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