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[Support] ich777 - Application Dockers


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12 minutes ago, caplam said:

if use the pattern editor with only include it backup the whole folder.

If i don't use the pattern editor but i append the pattern at the end of the source it warns me nothing will be done as i included only tasks that will be skipped

Where do you append this pattern? Can you be a bit more specific please?

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Just now, caplam said:

using this it starts to transfer the whole directory : folder starting with a number and i stopped it.

Do you also have the exclude pattern applied? Without it it won't work.

Are you sure that you have the lower case letters first and the upper case ones after the lower case?

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12 minutes ago, caplam said:

i think so.

I've now tried it on my own (sorry btw, I've wrote this from the top of my head and haven't tried it) and here is the solution:





These are my test directories before the sync:



and here they are after the sync:



EDIT: Please note that I haven't tried it with files in the subfolders, but this pattern should work.

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thank you. I think it's good.

For whatever reason i had to delete and recreate the exclude part but when i look at the command line (validate button) it's the same.

For now it started to transfer folder starting with "O" right in the root of destination disk.

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5 minutes ago, caplam said:

For now it started to transfer folder starting with "O" right in the root of destination disk.

I can't reproduce this on my end, as said above I haven't tested if it also syncs the sub folders but it should.


Please make sure that you create for exclude:



And for include:



This makes sure to first exclude everything from the source directory and then look only for files/folder which start with letters from p-z (upper and lower case).


Please also note that I have checked "Do NOT create extra directory".

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Just now, caplam said:

Also this should have worked without exclude and with only include.

I'm not entirely sure, IIRC you should always, or at least it is recommended to use include and exclude if you want to sync only certain folders with a wildcard.

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Hey there, using your firefox image since a while now.

I tried to open some specific urls while running the container automaticly via user scripts ~ bash script but had no success so far.


I tried some bashing in container like:


root@b00badeec0eb:/firefox# export DISPLAY=:99
root@b00badeec0eb:/firefox# ./firefox --new-tab --url "https://google.de"
No protocol specified
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Error: cannot open display: :99
root@b00badeec0eb:/firefox# ./firefox --display=:99 --new-tab --url "https://google.de"
No protocol specified
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Error: cannot open display: :99



Do you have some hints for me?

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4 hours ago, alpha-basis said:

I tried to open some specific urls while running the container automaticly via user scripts ~ bash script but had no success so far.

Can you describe a bit more in depth when the URLs should open or do you do this on a schedule with user scripts? If you are doing that with user scripts be careful since you can easily end up with many tabs open when you don‘t be careful.


What I can tell for sure is that you are missing:

su $USER

right at the beginning.

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Hi Ich777! I'm trying out your Firefox docker in Unraid and I like the idea, but there's a couple of places that say I can change my resolution by clicking "show more settings"... but I can't find that option! Is it in the firefox menu inside of the container or some other option with the VNC controls?

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3 minutes ago, Alyred said:

"show more settings"...


(this is the initial resolution for the container)


BTW, the container also supports remote resizing, this means if you resize the browser window the container will also resize the Firefox application running inside the container to fill the browser window, to enable this:

  1. Click on the little arrow on the left side to open up the noVNC menu
  2. Click on the gear icon
  3. At scaling select "Server side scaling"

Hope that helps.

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13 hours ago, ich777 said:


(this is the initial resolution for the container)


BTW, the container also supports remote resizing, this means if you resize the browser window the container will also resize the Firefox application running inside the container to fill the browser window, to enable this:

  1. Click on the little arrow on the left side to open up the noVNC menu
  2. Click on the gear icon
  3. At scaling select "Server side scaling"

Hope that helps.

Aha!  It does, thank you.  I saw the env variables on the docker page, but for some reason I was reading the "more settings" as something inside the docker runspace itself.  The additional hint on server side scaling was perfect, thank you!

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I'm still setting up my backups.

The last thing is nextcloud aio. 

The share used by the nexcloud aio container use exclusively a ssd pool. 

The aio comes with a backup solution based on borg. The backups go to a share on the array.

All is perfectly running but i think it could make sense to export these backups to an unassigned disk.

The problem is file permissions. 

As for Appdata, Libvirt and unraid flash owner of the backup directory is root. But backup files have 700 as permission.

So luckybackup won't transfer any file.

Is there a simple solution which permit to use luckybackup for that and which would not affect other backups ?

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Can I please get some help in using LuckyBackup container to sync my files to Google Drive?

I'm trying to set up a "remote" destination but nothing seems to be working and LuckyBackup is just hanging...


I've tried following this too but this is for using SSH with another machine: https://www.spxlabs.com/blog/2022/1/3/backup-unraid-with-luckybackup

I'm trying to use Google Drive as the destination.


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19 minutes ago, plantsandbinary said:

Can I please get some help in using LuckyBackup container to sync my files to Google Drive?

I'm not sure if that's possible...? Does Google Drive support SSH?


You can always use rclone (plugin) to mount your Google Drive to a local path (eg: /mnt/remotes/GoogleDrive) on your Unraid Server and then mount this path inside the Docker container with the option R/W Slave.

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