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[Support] binhex - MinecraftServer

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2 hours ago, Osinedges said:

The server isn't picking up server icons? I have put it in the main directory with the correct name and size 64x64, however the whole folder looks different to a regular minecraft server one.

sorry, what server icons are we talking about here?. can you post a screenshot?

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About the world not saving issue I had some time ago, it does indeed seem to be a container issue.

I set up a completely new container with a completely new world and everything (new /config location entirely) and I have the same issue there. World still doesn't save if the container is shut down. I have also ruled out permissions issues. World saves correctly if I go into the console and type the command 'stop' and then stop the docker container.


For now, I'm trying out your MineOS container instead - Just doing some tests there too right now to make sure it saves correctly 🙂

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On 12/21/2020 at 7:08 PM, clb92 said:

About the world not saving issue I had some time ago, it does indeed seem to be a container issue.

I set up a completely new container with a completely new world and everything (new /config location entirely) and I have the same issue there. World still doesn't save if the container is shut down. I have also ruled out permissions issues. World saves correctly if I go into the console and type the command 'stop' and then stop the docker container.


For now, I'm trying out your MineOS container instead - Just doing some tests there too right now to make sure it saves correctly 🙂

ive been doing some further investigation into the above, and whilst i cannot directly confirm my fix works (no java minecraft client) i have good confidence it does fix the problem, if you are still game do you fancy trying a 'test' tagged image with the fix included?, if so then please do the following:-


1. open unraid web ui and go to docker tab

2. left click minecraft icon and select edit

3. append ':test' to the repository field

4. click on apply at the bottom to pull down the test tagged image.


to switch back to latest do the reverse of the above.

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10 minutes ago, binhex said:

ive been doing some further investigation into the above, and whilst i cannot directly confirm my fix works (no java minecraft client) i have good confidence it does fix the problem, if you are still game do you fancy trying a 'test' tagged image with the fix included?, if so then please do the following:-


1. open unraid web ui and go to docker tab

2. left click minecraft icon and select edit

3. append ':test' to the repository field

4. click on apply at the bottom to pull down the test tagged image.


to switch back to latest do the reverse of the above.

It may be a couple of days before I get to it, but I'll test it out and let you know. Thanks for taking the time to investigate further!

I would be willing to lend you my Minecraft account too (with a temporary password), if further testing becomes necessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...
14 hours ago, sleeper37 said:

I used to run a Bedrock server in Windows 10 and in the console, it would show the time of when users logged in and out.  But, in this one, all it says is [INFO].  Is there something I need to configure to make it show up?

sorry no idea on how to do that in the console, you are aware this support thread is for the java version not bedrock right? - see post #2 in this thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...


edit /config/minecraft/eual.txt and set it to true

thank you @RasmusR


original post below


Hello folks, been trying to get this container up and running and have not been able to get the game to connect to the server.


Two issues, as far as I know:

There is a service listening on the 8222 port. I am prompted for the username and password. But when I enter them, I get a black screen "There is no screen to be attached matching minecraft."


(A suggestion: under the docker, put in a note saying what the two ports are for. I assume 25565 is the game connection server, and 8222 is the web gui (which, is it a gui, or only a command line?).  )


root@rubble:~# curl -v localhost:8222
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 8222 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8222
> User-Agent: curl/7.67.0
> Accept: */*
* Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
< Server: GoTTY/1.0.1
< Www-Authenticate: Basic realm="GoTTY"
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2021 04:12:32 GMT
< Content-Length: 12
Bad Request
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact



I did change the port from default, 25565 to 25348 - but it doesn't look like anything is listening on that port.


root@rubble:~# curl -v localhost:25565
*   Trying
* connect to port 25565 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to localhost port 25565: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 25565: Connection refused
root@rubble:~# curl -v localhost:25348
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 25348 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:25348
> User-Agent: curl/7.67.0
> Accept: */*
* Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
* Closing connection 0
curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer



The docker log (I redacted the admin password)



root@rubble:~# nc -v localhost 25348

Connection to localhost 25348 port [tcp/*] succeeded!


root@rubble:~# nc -v localhost 25565
nc: connect to localhost port 25565 (tcp) failed: Connection refused


so that's good, but still Minecraft just won't connect to anything. When connecting, I should go to Multiplayer > Direct Connection > ""


I've forwarded the port 25348 on my router from external to my internal unRaid box port, just like I do other services that do work, and head to my duckdns subdomain, and no luck there either.


Error in Minecraft is "Failed to connect ot the server.

io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information.



The other settings from the docker
Repository: binhex/arch-minecraftserver

network type: bridge

Console Shell command: Shell

Privileged: OFF

Host Port 1: 25348

Host Port 2: 8222

Key 1: 12

Key 2: 14

Key 3: yes

Key 4: yes

5: admin

6: xxxxxx

7: Minecraft Java

8: 512M

9: 1024M

10: 1

11: 000

12: 99

13: 100


I am sure I forwarded the port correctly through the router - but using ismyportopen.com, I get a negative.


Edited by dkerlee
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On 2/7/2021 at 10:18 PM, RedDiamondREC said:

How can I have it restart the mc server upon crash? or if someone dose /stop?


Go to the Docker template, switch on the advanced view on the top right corner and add '--restart=unless-stopped' to the "Extra Parameters":



With this the Container will restart if it crashes (have to be a hard crash) or someone stops the Container.

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2 hours ago, ich777 said:

With this the Container will restart if it crashes (have to be a hard crash) or someone stops the Container.

you mean it will restart if it crashes but will NOT restart if somebody issues a stop, just to clarify there is no option to auto restart a container when stopped correctly (not crashed).

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2 minutes ago, binhex said:

anything that is NOT a crash will mean a stop of the container and NO restart.

Exactly and this is why this command is handy, if you stop the container from the console the container will also stop, but with this option the container will restart becaus it detects that the main process was "killed" and will start the container up again.

You have to physicaly click stop on the Docker page in Unraid to Stop the container, everything else, a crash, stop from inside the container will "restart" the container.

I use this parameter in almost every container that I have and it works flawlessly.


This comman means that you have to run 'docker stop CONTAINERNAME' from the host command line to stop a container everything else will "restart" the container.

Hope that clarifies things a little bit. :)

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1 minute ago, ich777 said:

Exactly and this is why this command is handy, if you stop the container from the console the container will also stop, but with this option the container will restart becaus it detects that the main process was "killed" and will start the container up again.

that would need to be tested, as im using supervisord as my process manager so it may not see the ending of a single child process as a abnormal 'kill', you might be right but i wouldnt be too surprised if it didnt work as expected - at least perhaps not for my images 🙂

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1 minute ago, binhex said:

that would need to be tested, as im using supervisord as my process manager so it may not see the ending of a single child process as a abnormal 'kill', you might be right but i wouldnt be too surprised if it didnt work as expected - at least perhaps not for my images 🙂

If supervised ends the process and all other processes right and stops the container this would lead to a container restart?

Stays the container started if you issue a /stop from the command line or does it physically stop in the Unraid GUI?

If it stops then this command should be also suitable for all of your container, I also use this commands in almost every other container that I have installed.

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5 minutes ago, ich777 said:

If supervised ends the process and all other processes right and stops the container this would lead to a container restart?

Stays the container started if you issue a /stop from the command line or does it physically stop in the Unraid GUI?

If it stops then this command should be also suitable for all of your container, I also use this commands in almost every other container that I have installed.

minecraft is not the only process running in my minecraft containers, so killing minecraft process will not end the container running, so you would need to kill the backup script (if enabled), and also the web ui console process too (if enabled).

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3 minutes ago, binhex said:

minecraft is not the only process running in my minecraft containers, so killing minecraft process will not end the container running, so you would need to kill the backup script (if enabled), and also the web ui console process too (if enabled).

But then a crash of Minecraft would also not lead to a stop of the container?

Wouldn't it be possible to tell Supervisord that this is the main process and if it crashes or stops that it should end all other processes and stop the container? Then this command would work I think.

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8 minutes ago, ich777 said:

Wouldn't it be possible to tell Supervisord that this is the main process

not afaik


edit - im my opinion a better way to handle this is with supervisor restarting the process if it crashes/stops, it can do this and is a more elegant solution than forcing a restart of the container


edit2 - just checked and it is indeed set to autorestart if it crashes/stops, so the user should be all set.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I'm new to setting up a Docker Minecraft Server.

I have it running and have been playing for awhile with my son.

Lately we have been getting a lot of glitching and now it has booted us from the game a few times.

I did allocate more Ram to the server.

Does the ram shown when hitting F3 mean my local instance or server Ram?

I have the Appdata folder when Docker info is at set to Prefer Cache which is an SSD.

Wondering what else I might do or what could be causing it.

CPU Dual E5-2620

16GB Ram

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7 hours ago, Rogue Arnold said:

CPU Dual E5-2620

this will most probably be your issue, i had a quick google on your processor and sadly the clock speed is a bit low (2.1 Ghz), this is a problem for Minecraft as its mainly a single threaded app (some parts are multi threaded), so it will only run on one core and thus will be limited to 2.1 Ghz, probably causing your performance issues. 


there maybe some other tweaks you could do, and i would encourage you to google around performance for minecraft java server and see if anything improves your experience.

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