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[Support] Electric Brain Unraid API

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@LuBeDa If you have glances set up you can pull in CPU temps, the only issue I have is that I have a dual xeon and it does not differentiate.


As for the board temp again in glances you should see you board or chipset temp.


According to the glances wiki hdd temp is only available at present in linux.


Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

New to Home Assistant. I've been looking over your sample lovelace UI. I'm specifically looking at the bars. I can't seem to find any of the attributes anywhere in the MQTT server. 


Looking at the MQTT Server. The topic homeassistant/hades has the following information: (hades is the name of my Unraid server)

  "arrayStatus": "Started",
  "arrayProtection": "Parity is valid.",
  "moverRunning": false,
  "parityCheckRunning": false,
  "title": "Hades",
  "cpu": "Intel® Xeon® CPU           X5650  @ 2.67GHz",
  "memory": "64 GiB DDR3 Multi-bit ECC ",
  "motherboard": "Dell Inc. 0Y7JM4, Version A01",
  "diskSpace": "35.4 TB used of 42 TB (84.3 %)",
  "on": true

I suspect the CPU section is supposed to show my cpu usage, but all I see is the CPU type. I did check the topic homeassistant/binary_sensor/hades/config and have the following information:

  "payload_on": true,
  "payload_off": false,
  "value_template": "{{ value_json.on }}",
  "state_topic": "homeassistant/hades",
  "json_attributes_topic": "homeassistant/hades",
  "name": "hades_server",
  "unique_id": "hades unraid api server",
  "device": {
    "identifiers": [
    "name": "hades_server",
    "manufacturer": "Dell Inc. 0Y7JM4, Version A01",
    "model": "Unraid Server"


I'm confused. Is the Unraid_API docker not publishing all of the information its supposed to?


Also to note. I'm receiving the following error in my docker log:

There was a problem retrieving a field for a docker image
Cannot read property 'contents' of undefined

Unfortunately, the message doesn't identify which docker is the problem. I am using a plugin named Docker Folder. Do you think this is causing the error message?


I even cloned the Unraid_API repo and built a new docker image to see if that would help and I'm not seeing where the CPU usage and other sensors are listed.


Any help is appreciated.



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I never had to get in to the depths of MQTT so am not sure about some of the issues that arise.


As for the sensors I created templates for CPU, Memory and such. I have posted mine below, which should help.


# Server templates sensors
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: CPU
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.panther_server', 'cpu')|replace('     ','')|replace('®','') }}"
        friendly_name: Memory
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.panther_server', 'memory') }}"
        friendly_name: Motherboard
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.panther_server', 'motherboard').split(',')[0] }}"
        friendly_name: Array Status
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.panther_server', 'arrayStatus') }}"
        friendly_name: Array Usage
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.panther_server', 'diskSpace') }}"
        friendly_name: Core Count
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.panther_vm_kodi_status', 'coreCount') }}"
        friendly_name: RAM
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.panther_vm_kodi_status', 'ram') }}"
        friendly_name: Primary GPU
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.panther_vm_kodi_status', 'primaryGPU') }}"
        friendly_name: Core Count
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.panther_vm_windows_10_status_2', 'coreCount') }}"
        friendly_name: RAM
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.panther_vm_windows_10_status_2', 'ram') }}"
        friendly_name: Primary GPU
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.panther_vm_windows_10_status_2', 'primaryGPU') }}"  



  • Thanks 1
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Thanks for providing your code. I notice that the CPU usage isn't listed as an attribute. I think I understand why now. I just found this link (https://community.home-assistant.io/t/unraid-api-connect-and-control-unraid-servers-through-home-assistant-via-mqtt/154198/10) that discusses using glances to provide cpu usage. I guess I need to look into it a little more.






yep, I can't read very well. Glances



this is where we're getting CPU usage and other stats. it can be found in the community apps page.

Edited by zepheris
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, i donno what i did wrong, my HA cannot see my VM info at all :(


this is my UnraidAPI config



I'm running a VM HA in UNRAID with the IP address of


i hide the docker from UnraidAPI web, because i only wan HA to manage my VM




i donno what i miss out, this is the only thing i see from HA, (exclude e docker i disable).




do anyone have a end to end guide? :(

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5 minutes ago, Ong Hui Hoong said:

Hi, i donno what i did wrong, my HA cannot see my VM info at all :(


this is my UnraidAPI config



I'm running a VM HA in UNRAID with the IP address of


i hide the docker from UnraidAPI web, because i only wan HA to manage my VM




i donno what i miss out, this is the only thing i see from HA, (exclude e docker i disable).




do anyone have a end to end guide? :(

Hey, everything youve done looks correct - can you confirm you can see MQTT messages from Unraid API on the broker? Have you changed the MQTTCacheTime? That tells the api how frequently to update.


The full guide is available here: https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/UnraidAPI/wiki I am working on a step by step guide but everything you need should be in the wiki for now.



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16 hours ago, ElectricBrainUK said:

Hey, everything youve done looks correct - can you confirm you can see MQTT messages from Unraid API on the broker? Have you changed the MQTTCacheTime? That tells the api how frequently to update.


The full guide is available here: https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/UnraidAPI/wiki I am working on a step by step guide but everything you need should be in the wiki for now.



er... sorry ah, where do i do the MQTTCacheTime configuration ya ... hehe

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pretty confused, just playing with home assistant today for the first time, using the container homeassistant/home-assistant.  Trying to get this to work, I installed electricbrainuk/unraidapi, installed spants/mqtt and I think both are working?  I installed MQTT-Explorer in windows and it saw messages.  Every time I go to the web gui it makes me fill out username and password in a popup, and the username/password on the left isn't persistent.  


The instructions mention this:

Add the following custom repository: https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/HA-Addons

Build the Addon

Fill in the config section



I don't understand what this means.  I can see docker and unraid server details in the unraid-api after I fill out the info in the popup, but I am not getting any discovered devices in MQTT in home assistant.  I have the following in configuration.yaml:


  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant

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Hey, sorry you are confused. The web UI requests a password each time mostly as a way to prevent in authenticated requests from something else on your network, similar to how you need to log on to your unraid ui - I didn't want to undermine that security. 


However the web UI is not the main way I see people using the API, as otherwise you'd probably be better off just using the unraid ui! However it is a good way to test to make sure things are working correctly.


You don't need to worry about those instructions if you're using the docker, those are just to get it working as an add-on for home assistant (via the hass.io supervisor) I will update the docs to reflect this, thanks for pointing out that lack of clarity. 


Now onto your configuration! If you're seeing messages on the mqtt broker that's a good start. Can you confirm the base topic is the same as the one you've listen in your homeassistant configuration? Otherwise everything looks correct to me. In the unraid API UI do you see your server listed? Can you interact with it there? If so could you share the variables in the unraid API docker configuration? 



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I left your setting as default, so base topic is homeassistant, I then set up MQTT with Broker equal to my unraid server IP address, where all this lives, the default port, and your default username and password.   I do see good information ion unraid API.  I see a bunch of messages like this in it's log:



Get Main Details for ip: Failed
Request failed with status code 500


I see sent and received messages in the log for mqtt.  In home assistant I can listen to homeassistant in the mqtt config, and then publish on homeassistant and it logs that.  Not sure if either of those means anything.  Thank you very much for your response, I appreciate it.

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Ah right, the username and password should be the ones you set up when you configured the mqtt broker and you'll also need to add those to the mqtt config you have in your home assistant here:

14 hours ago, bobobeastie said:


  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant

Unless of course your broker doesn't have a username and password in which case you should leave them blank in your unraid API config as well. 


It sounds like your server is properly set up in the unraid API if you can see and control it from there. However you should only connect the unraid server itself there, not to the home assistant docker which is why you're seeing the following in the logs:

10 hours ago, bobobeastie said:

Get Main Details for ip: Failed

Request failed with status code 500

You can use the manual config section on the left to delete that entry and ensure the unraid server UI is the only listing. 


Otherwise it all sounds good, so hopefully we will get to the bottom of your issue soon! 

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2 hours ago, ElectricBrainUK said:

Ah right, the username and password should be the ones you set up when you configured the mqtt broker and you'll also need to add those to the mqtt config you have in your home assistant here:

Unless of course your broker doesn't have a username and password in which case you should leave them blank in your unraid API config as well. 


It sounds like your server is properly set up in the unraid API if you can see and control it from there. However you should only connect the unraid server itself there, not to the home assistant docker which is why you're seeing the following in the logs:

You can use the manual config section on the left to delete that entry and ensure the unraid server UI is the only listing. 


Otherwise it all sounds good, so hopefully we will get to the bottom of your issue soon! 

Thank you, I tried deleting the default username and password from unraid api, because I wasn't using any in the MQTT container, I didn't know that's how it worked.  After clearing out the username and password, if I go back to edit the container the defaults are back.  So I tried setting up a real username and password, which I also placed in a passwords.txt file in the MQTT appdata folder.  That file disappears when I restart the container so I believe it worked. 


I deleted 2 prior configs in unraid api using manual config on the left, then re-set it up, and this brings me back to something that confused me.  The box called "Setup Unraid Server", I fill it out with the IP of unraid, login=root, and my root password, but then there's a popup asking for username and password.  That seems redundant, am I supposed to put something else in one of those places, because I have ben using root and my root password?


I updated configuration.yaml to have this for MQTT:

  port: 1883
  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant
  username: username
  password: password


Username and password have been changed by me, they are the ones used in unraid api and mqtt... and when I restart home assistant I get this in the log:


2020-08-02 08:35:00 ERROR (Thread-4) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Unable to connect to the MQTT broker: Connection Refused: not authorised.

2020-08-02 08:35:00 WARNING (Thread-4) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Disconnected from MQTT server (5)


I used the updated username and password in MQTT Explorer and I believe it is working as a see that there are messages, I can't figure out what is in them though.

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Yeah youre right the second request for username and password is probably redundant I will remove it in a future update. But root and your root password is correct yes. 


However it is unusual that the default are back in the unraid api docker config after editing them, they should persist as the new username and password and Im guessing that is why it is getting unauthenticated on your MQTT broker. Sounds like a problem with the unraid server itself, do other changes to any of your docker file configs persist? If not it might be worth restarting or updating your server. 

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1 hour ago, ElectricBrainUK said:

Yeah youre right the second request for username and password is probably redundant I will remove it in a future update. But root and your root password is correct yes. 


However it is unusual that the default are back in the unraid api docker config after editing them, they should persist as the new username and password and Im guessing that is why it is getting unauthenticated on your MQTT broker. Sounds like a problem with the unraid server itself, do other changes to any of your docker file configs persist? If not it might be worth restarting or updating your server. 

I did a bunch of stuff, including uninstalling unraid-api and MQTT, had a response here half writtten for half of today, after doing some other home assistant stuff I got back to this.  I don't know if it was my issue before, but where you have Container Variable: MQTTBroker and the default is hassio (I think), I just figured out that that was supposed to be the IP address, in this case of my unraid box.  If you are open to suggestions from people who don't know anything about MQTT, I would put "broker_hostname-or-ip", or something to that effect, instead of broker, as the default  I forgot I had changed that to the IP, went in to home assistant a little later and MQTT had a bunch of entities.  

Thank you very much for your help! I see that there is a entity for switch.server_name_power_off, I'm hoping/guessing that this is a graceful shutdown?  I also want to have buttons to pause docker containers, I see that I can turn them on or off, but pause was in the webui for unraid-api, so I probably just have to change something to enable pausing?  Maybe I'm better off stopping and starting, but still want to learn.  Thank you.

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28 minutes ago, bobobeastie said:

I did a bunch of stuff, including uninstalling unraid-api and MQTT, had a response here half writtten for half of today, after doing some other home assistant stuff I got back to this.  I don't know if it was my issue before, but where you have Container Variable: MQTTBroker and the default is hassio (I think), I just figured out that that was supposed to be the IP address, in this case of my unraid box.  If you are open to suggestions from people who don't know anything about MQTT, I would put "broker_hostname-or-ip", or something to that effect, instead of broker, as the default  I forgot I had changed that to the IP, went in to home assistant a little later and MQTT had a bunch of entities.  

Thank you very much for your help! I see that there is a entity for switch.server_name_power_off, I'm hoping/guessing that this is a graceful shutdown?  I also want to have buttons to pause docker containers, I see that I can turn them on or off, but pause was in the webui for unraid-api, so I probably just have to change something to enable pausing?  Maybe I'm better off stopping and starting, but still want to learn.  Thank you.

Thanks a lot and Im always looking for suggestions to make things clearer so thank you for that! Im planning to release an update soon so will include that. Im glad that it is working for you now though that is the main thing. Yes the shutdown is graceful, not forced.


Pause is not an auto discovered device as not everyone wanted it when I was setting that up. You have to configure that manually, here are some details on doing that: https://github.com/ElectricBrainUK/UnraidAPI/wiki/Home-Assistant-Integration
For example for pausing a docker it would be something like the bellow - the docker name would have to be the same as what is broadcast by the unraidapi on MQTT: 


- platform: mqtt 

  command_topic: "homeassistant/servername/dockername/state" 

  payload_on: "paused" 

  payload_off: "started"


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  • 1 month later...

How does the "On" check work?


I currently have two Unraid boxes, as the 2nd one has some containers that rely on the first one being up, when I reboot the first one I have to make sure I stop the specific containers on the 2nd one also. Saw this API tool and thought awesome I can just get something configured in HA/Node-Red to automatically stop the containers when I need to but the "On" monitoring seems to be a bit iffy.

Originally I had an instance of the API on each box but only configured to point at the box it was hosted on, that obviously didn't capture "On: false" whenever I rebooted the host because obviously the container is stopped as part of the reboot. I then setup both boxes on both of them, so if either one goes down the other one can see it. Except 99% of the time, each boxes monitor for the OTHER box says "On: false" when it's infact up. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, maybe it's something extra I need to configure for the "On" check to work?



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58 minutes ago, Migz93 said:

How does the "On" check work?


I currently have two Unraid boxes, as the 2nd one has some containers that rely on the first one being up, when I reboot the first one I have to make sure I stop the specific containers on the 2nd one also. Saw this API tool and thought awesome I can just get something configured in HA/Node-Red to automatically stop the containers when I need to but the "On" monitoring seems to be a bit iffy.

Originally I had an instance of the API on each box but only configured to point at the box it was hosted on, that obviously didn't capture "On: false" whenever I rebooted the host because obviously the container is stopped as part of the reboot. I then setup both boxes on both of them, so if either one goes down the other one can see it. Except 99% of the time, each boxes monitor for the OTHER box says "On: false" when it's infact up. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, maybe it's something extra I need to configure for the "On" check to work?



Hey, it looks like you are doing the right thing - there may be an issue with the on check let me look into it - is it just the on check that is incorrectly reported? 

Edited by ElectricBrainUK
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