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[Support] A75G Repo

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19 hours ago, Subutai said:

Running that command shows this:


1700577969_created_bookmarks.js   1700577969_created_tags.js   1700577970_created_admin.js    1706184681_updated_users.js
1700577969_created_categories.js  1700577969_updated_users.js  1700577970_update_settings.js  1709315230_updated_bookmarks.js


Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 12-06-12.png

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 12-06-40.png

Not that I am any authority on the topic, but it appears I can log into the admin panel with the default admin credentials listed in the template even after changing them numerous times. And when looking for the .env file I dont seem to be finding it at all. 


Grimoire doesnt have a folder in my appdata, and the ls command returns the same result as above, but I believe its just continueing to use the default .env and not making changes.

Edited by Senti_Mentel
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5 hours ago, Senti_Mentel said:

Not that I am any authority on the topic, but it appears I can log into the admin panel with the default admin credentials listed in the template even after changing them numerous times. And when looking for the .env file I dont seem to be finding it at all. 


Grimoire doesnt have a folder in my appdata, and the ls command returns the same result as above, but I believe its just continueing to use the default .env and not making changes.

For anybody looking at this in the meantime until he can respond, it looks like he has redone the templates for both grimoire and his pocketbase install, which dont appear as updates, but when followed appears like everything is working as it should.

Since I hadnt been using it long I just removed both containers and re installed, worked first try


PS. thanks for this container and support A75G, much appreciated!

Edited by Senti_Mentel
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6 hours ago, Senti_Mentel said:

Not that I am any authority on the topic, but it appears I can log into the admin panel with the default admin credentials listed in the template even after changing them numerous times. And when looking for the .env file I dont seem to be finding it at all. 


Grimoire doesnt have a folder in my appdata, and the ls command returns the same result as above, but I believe its just continueing to use the default .env and not making changes.


1 hour ago, Senti_Mentel said:

For anybody looking at this in the meantime until he can respond, it looks like he has redone the templates for both grimoire and his pocketbase install, which dont appear as updates, but when followed appears like everything is working as it should.

Since I hadnt been using it long I just removed both containers and re installed, worked first try


PS. thanks for this container and support A75G, much appreciated!


The latest update to the template should address this issue of username password and the origin


46 minutes ago, DominikGX said:

It's worth mentioning that there is already a newer official repository: https://hub.docker.com/r/cryptpad/cryptpad




will look it up when i can problem with this docker it has so many changes overtime that you cant keep it up so that why i put specific version

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For anyone attempting to install Cryptpad needing to use different ports (3000 is used by Grafana by default which a lot of us will already have installed!), I struggled at first but wanted to share how I eventually got it working!


Decide ahead of time which ports you want to use (I went 5000, 5001, 5003) as this will speed up the setup process.


I followed the instructions in CA Apps to change permissions, make directories etc., then installed the container, but amended the pre-set Ports.


You will need to REMOVE Port 1, Port 2, Port 3; and then re-add them, matching the Container Port to whatever Ports you intend to use (so Port 1 should show 5000 in each box)




Install the Container, and then we can finish with the amends to config.js.


Amended the config.js file as per instructions, ensuring you Uncomment the httpAddress setting and set as


I then uncommented and amended the three pre-set ports (3000, 3001, 3003) to be 5000, 5001, 5003.




After all this I then was able to get into Cryptpad WebGUI successfully and create docs.

Edited by erf89
  • Thanks 1
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On 4/4/2024 at 2:58 PM, A75G said:



The latest update to the template should address this issue of username password and the origin



will look it up when i can problem with this docker it has so many changes overtime that you cant keep it up so that why i put specific version

The new template solves the admin and origin issue, but now your unable to add categories, change theme, edit or add bookmarks, etc, Grimoires log shows nothing. Any Ideas? seems like a permissions issue to me


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3 hours ago, Senti_Mentel said:

The new template solves the admin and origin issue, but now your unable to add categories, change theme, edit or add bookmarks, etc, Grimoires log shows nothing. Any Ideas? seems like a permissions issue to me


Can you try changing latest to 0.3.1 for Grimoire

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25 minutes ago, Senti_Mentel said:

Worked like a charm, access to everything, settings saving, and admin panel access! Out of curiosity what exactly was the issue between latest and 0.3.1?

not sure i saw dev made some changes in github

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Chibisafe after update to 6.0.0 (and 6.0.1) isn't working anymore with the current template.
In the logs i see it makes itself avaiable in docker port 8001 (instead of 8000): redirecting a port to that 8001 loads a chibisafe page but seems to be unable to connecto to its server.


In the official GIT it says that migration from 5.x.x to 6.x.x is handled automatically but it doesn't seems the case.

Any idea?


BTW: downgrading to previous 5.x.x version works.



Edited by dhstsw
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, dhstsw said:


Chibisafe after update to 6.0.0 (and 6.0.1) isn't working anymore with the current template.
In the logs i see it makes itself avaiable in docker port 8001 (instead of 8000): redirecting a port to that 8001 loads a chibisafe page but seems to be unable to connecto to its server.


In the official GIT it says that migration from 5.x.x to 6.x.x is handled automatically but it doesn't seems the case.

Any idea?


BTW: downgrading to previous 5.x.x version works.



Never mind they have changed alot to the docker compose. this might require change to two dockers now

For the time being leave it 5.x to check how this works


Edited by A75G
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Hello! Thank you for putting together the PocketBase and grimoire containers. I checked this thread and changed the grimoire version to 0.3.1 as you suggested. Login works now.
But Regarding pocketbase’s webui, I can’t seem to be able to access it. I get the following when navigating to it
{"code":404,"message":"Not Found.","data":{}}

even though the container itself is running and the port mapping seems to be correct?

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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, dhstsw said:


Chibisafe after update to 6.0.0 (and 6.0.1) isn't working anymore with the current template.
In the logs i see it makes itself avaiable in docker port 8001 (instead of 8000): redirecting a port to that 8001 loads a chibisafe page but seems to be unable to connecto to its server.


In the official GIT it says that migration from 5.x.x to 6.x.x is handled automatically but it doesn't seems the case.

Any idea?


BTW: downgrading to previous 5.x.x version works.



Okay i have added Chibisafe requirement for 6.0 when running it you will require to install three containers




Additionally you must put them in docker network

Please test it and inform me for any changes


Edited by A75G
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22 minutes ago, viviolay said:

Hello! Thank you for putting together the PocketBase and grimoire containers. I checked this thread and changed the grimoire version to 0.3.1 as you suggested. Login works now.
But Regarding pocketbase’s webui, I can’t seem to be able to access it. I get the following when navigating to it
{"code":404,"message":"Not Found.","data":{}}

even though the container itself is running and the port mapping seems to be correct?

You dont access pocketbase you only access grimoire

pocketbase is only the backend

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Flarum help

when installing a package i get this


/opt/flarum # composer require nearata/flarum-ext-embed-video:"*"
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update nearata/flarum-ext-embed-video
Loading composer repositories with package information
https://repo.packagist.org could not be fully loaded (curl error 7 while downloading https://repo.packagist.org/packages.json: Failed to connect to repo.packagist.org port 443 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server), package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date

Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.

In CurlDownloader.php line 372:
  curl error 7 while downloading https://repo.packagist.org/p2/psr/http-message-implementation.json: Failed to connect to repo.  
  packagist.org port 443 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server                                                                  

require [--dev] [--dry-run] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--fixed] [--no-suggest] [--no-progress] [--no-update] [--no-install] [--no-audit] [--audit-format AUDIT-FORMAT] [--update-no-dev] [-w|--update-with-dependencies] [-W|--update-with-all-dependencies] [--with-dependencies] [--with-all-dependencies] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--prefer-stable] [--prefer-lowest] [--sort-packages] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--apcu-autoloader-prefix APCU-AUTOLOADER-PREFIX] [--] [<packages>...]


Edited by Tweak91
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23 hours ago, A75G said:

Okay i have added Chibisafe requirement for 6.0 when running it you will require to install three containers





Thanks, but atm in CA the only chibisafe avaiable is the caddy:

Edited by dhstsw
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As said, no chibisafe-server container in CA (and, in the while, even the "old" chibisafe template went dark, no traces of it).

There's the one in hub.docker.com, and that's the one i tried to use.
Only that there's no documentation of it (at least, i didn't find one).



1. Create docker network - "docker network create NETOWK"




2. Install chibisafe-server put it in the docker network you create and change SERVE_UPLOADS_FROM variable to your IP example ""

Yes, but wich other variable is involved? Wich port should be redirected to wich port?


3. Install chibisafe put it in the docker network you create

Yes, but what about the template variables?
The docker port 8000, redirected to 24424, how should be configured?
Should the other variables be left alone?



4. Unraid CLI "wget -O /mnt/user/appdata/chibisafe/Caddyfile https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chibisafe/chibisafe/master/Caddyfile"



5. Install chibisafe-caddy and use it to access chibisafe

So, i guess chibisafe-caddy doesn't need to be included in the custom network.
I hope so, cause the "old" chibisafe is already included in a custom networek shared with SWAG (to be accessible through a domain from outside).
Also, what is exactly the "BASE_URL:"?



Edited by dhstsw
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50 minutes ago, ameer said:

Chibisafe no longer in CA ??

After update to 6.0 it broke on me!!

Unfortunately I deleted the old files so I cannot downgrade simply.

I hope it returns soon, any alternative?!

Download the previous release with: chibisafe/chibisafe:v5.6.10

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Hey, after some trial and error I have managed to get Girmoire installed and for most parts it works, but none of the icons or images are loading for bookmarks. does anyone know why this might be happening?


I have attached some screenshots to show me issue





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On 4/20/2024 at 3:56 PM, Bremsklotz said:

Just updated Dashy container. Had to change the port from 80 to 8080 and /app/public/conf.yml changed to /app/user-data/conf.yml --> see https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/discussions/1529


The linked config in the description doesn't exist anymore. I think it is now https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/blob/3.0.0/user-data/conf.yml

Mine has stopped working after update. I have in on port 4000, but behind SWAG proxy. After update SWAG reports "502 Bad Gateway" and in error log "connection refused". Seems like this update broke something?

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On 4/20/2024 at 9:56 AM, Bremsklotz said:

Just updated Dashy container. Had to change the port from 80 to 8080 and /app/public/conf.yml changed to /app/user-data/conf.yml --> see https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/discussions/1529


The linked config in the description doesn't exist anymore. I think it is now https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/blob/3.0.0/user-data/conf.yml

My Dashy docker isn't working.  The container is running and seems to be functioning as normal however no response on the normal URL (http://10.x.x.x:8091).  I've had it on local port `8091` for as long as I can remember.  I've attempted force upgrade and change the internal port# with no luck.  The docker logs indicate that it loaded correctly; the full log is below.  Are we waiting just waiting for an unRAID docker container update? 


Welcome to Dashy! 🚀
Your new dashboard is now up and running with Docker

Using Dashy V-3.0.0. Update Check Complete
 Dashy is Up-to-Date

 WARNING  Compiled with 1 warning2:52:24 PM


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On 4/20/2024 at 4:56 PM, Bremsklotz said:

Just updated Dashy container. Had to change the port from 80 to 8080 and /app/public/conf.yml changed to /app/user-data/conf.yml --> see https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/discussions/1529


The linked config in the description doesn't exist anymore. I think it is now https://github.com/Lissy93/dashy/blob/3.0.0/user-data/conf.yml

I have updated the template to the new changes

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