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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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Hello, my assigned devices plugin loads indefinetly in the main dashboard. Just updated now.


Any helpful advice?


Edit: add log, probably just after the update

Apr 11 14:34:05 Tower nginx: 2022/04/11 14:34:05 [error] 13565#13565: *9508045 FastCGI sent in stderr: "Unable to open primary script: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php (No such file or directory)" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "3726deb347de5f61998eb4fe9f92141b2169d5ce.unraid.net:5021", referrer: "https://3726deb347de5f61998eb4fe9f92141b2169d5ce.unraid.net:5021/Main"

Edited by dada051
add log, probably just after the update
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Just had a weird issue - resolved with a reboot, but was very scary - posting here in case anyone else saw the same and needs a sanity check or solution.

Woke up today, saw there was an UD update, and installed the update. An hour later, my server is reporting that it can't find my license key, or anything else on /boot - everything throwing FAT read errors for /boot and sda1. Remounting the USB drive didn't do anything.

After some investigation - I see that UD has taken over the usb key and re-identified it as /dev/sdw - no idea why. I no longer had a /dev/sda or /dev/sda1. They simply did not exist anymore.

Rebooting resolved the issue - but my understanding is this should never have happened in the first place - I have the auto-mount USB devices option disabled, and no actual hardware changes were made - this appears to exclusively be the result of me installing the latest UD plugin.

I'd offer to share logs but they've rolled over and don't have anything useful. Hopefully this was a one-off...

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54 minutes ago, veruszetec said:

Woke up today, saw there was an UD update, and installed the update. An hour later, my server is reporting that it can't find my license key, or anything else on /boot - everything throwing FAT read errors for /boot and sda1. Remounting the USB drive didn't do anything.

Your USB disconnected and Linux assigned a new designation thinking it is a new disk.


56 minutes ago, veruszetec said:

Rebooting resolved the issue - but my understanding is this should never have happened in the first place - I have the auto-mount USB devices option disabled, and no actual hardware changes were made - this appears to exclusively be the result of me installing the latest UD plugin.

The UD update did not have anything to do with the issue.  UD does not take over any disks.  Unraid did not see it as the flash drive so it ended up as Unassigned and UD then shows it.

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49 minutes ago, sittingmongoose said:

I have two unraid servers connected together via 10g.  They work share their rootshare smb perfectly, but i am getting this error in both logs.  About every 30 seconds.


Apr 11 20:09:57 Nas1 kernel: CIFS: VFS: \\9900K\rootshare Close unmatched open for MID:4898676


Should i be worried?

Post your diagnostics.

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25 minutes ago, sittingmongoose said:

Here you go.  These are for both my servers.  They both get the same error.  Both connected to each others rootshare.


I'm having a little trouble understanding why you are cross mounting root shares, but for starters you need to be using NFSv4 and not NFSv3.  The mount comand in your log is for NVSv3.

Apr 11 17:01:43 9900K unassigned.devices: Mount NFS command: /sbin/mount -t 'nfs' -o rw,noacl 'NAS1:/mnt/user/Media2' '/mnt/remotes/NAS1_Media2'

Set NFSv4 in the UD Settings, then unmount and remount your NFS shares.

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5 minutes ago, dlandon said:


I'm having a little trouble understanding why you are cross mounting root shares, but for starters you need to be using NFSv4 and not NFSv3.  The mount comand in your log is for NVSv3.

Apr 11 17:01:43 9900K unassigned.devices: Mount NFS command: /sbin/mount -t 'nfs' -o rw,noacl 'NAS1:/mnt/user/Media2' '/mnt/remotes/NAS1_Media2'

Set NFSv4 in the UD Settings, then unmount and remount your NFS shares.

It was already set to nfsv4(I just double checked).  I had set that before i made the connection.  I have also restarted many times since.  


Also, the error is about the rootshares, which are using smb not nfs.  I was getting those errors before using nfs which i just setup a day or two ago.  Ive been getting that smb error for at least a few weeks. 


I have vms on both servers that I use root shares on for both.

Edited by sittingmongoose
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8 hours ago, sittingmongoose said:

It was already set to nfsv4(I just double checked).  I had set that before i made the connection.  I have also restarted many times since.  

I found a bug in UD that was preventing NFSv4 from working.  That's why I thought you were only using NFSv3.  I just released a fix.


I suggested this fix because I wanted to be sure there was no interraction between the nfs and cifs mounts.


8 hours ago, sittingmongoose said:

Also, the error is about the rootshares, which are using smb not nfs.  I was getting those errors before using nfs which i just setup a day or two ago.  Ive been getting that smb error for at least a few weeks. 

I totally get it, but I can't explain the log entries you are getting.  There is very little information available about this log message except it has something to do with an interrupted system call.  You might check to be sure your network is not having any issues.


Are you using /mnt/remotes/ or the SMB share to transfer data?

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2 hours ago, dlandon said:

I found a bug in UD that was preventing NFSv4 from working.  That's why I thought you were only using NFSv3.  I just released a fix.


I suggested this fix because I wanted to be sure there was no interraction between the nfs and cifs mounts.


I totally get it, but I can't explain the log entries you are getting.  There is very little information available about this log message except it has something to do with an interrupted system call.  You might check to be sure your network is not having any issues.


Are you using /mnt/remotes/ or the SMB share to transfer data?

I am using remotes, should I use disks?

And it’s happening when I’m not transferring data.  Like they aren’t really being used at all.  The nfs connection is but the rootshare isn’t.  


Also, I dont think any dockers even have dockers pointed to the rootshares, the only exception is krusader.  Even my windows VMs are just mounting the rootshares through the network and not through the unassigned devices mount.

Edited by sittingmongoose
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I have been out of the Unraid game for a little while, had everything up and running for the last year or so and now it's coming time to me to decide what to do with these four unassigned drives I have in my server. However I cannot for the life of me figure out how to mount them and access them via Windows?


When I look at tutorials on YouTube / Google / Reddit / etc it shows that there should be an Auto-Mount and Share toggle switch on the right hand side, but it's not there? I can't see anything in the Settings when I click on the little gear icon.If I click on the three letter Device codes on the left hand side, I can't see anything there. 


I'm sure this is a very simple fix, so please can someone point me in the right direction?



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14 minutes ago, VisualHudson said:

I have been out of the Unraid game for a little while, had everything up and running for the last year or so and now it's coming time to me to decide what to do with these four unassigned drives I have in my server. However I cannot for the life of me figure out how to mount them and access them via Windows?


When I look at tutorials on YouTube / Google / Reddit / etc it shows that there should be an Auto-Mount and Share toggle switch on the right hand side, but it's not there? I can't see anything in the Settings when I click on the little gear icon.If I click on the three letter Device codes on the left hand side, I can't see anything there. 


I'm sure this is a very simple fix, so please can someone point me in the right direction?



You won't be able to do anything until you clear the 'Array' status.  Reboot and it should clear up.


Those disks were probably not unmounted before being removed, or they were part of the array and fell out of the array.

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25 minutes ago, dlandon said:

You won't be able to do anything until you clear the 'Array' status.  Reboot and it should clear up.


Those disks were probably not unmounted before being removed, or they were part of the array and fell out of the array.

I have updated Unraid and rebooted and the 'Array' status has cleared, it is now allowing me to mount the drives! 



They were neither removed or part of the array at any time, they have been sat as unassigned drives since I set up the server, so I'm not sure why that status was showing up. 


EDIT: Ignore me, I've got it working! Thank you



Edited by VisualHudson
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@dlandon hey, so whatever you changed in that last patch to make nfs connect at v4 is making my connection unstable.  It was pretty reliable for the last 2 days using it, but since that patch, it’s now flaking out after like 15-45 minutes.  It still shows mounted though but it’s not.  Unmounting and remounting fixes it until it poops out again.  Oddly it’s just doing that on 1 of my two servers.


edit: nfs is connected via disks instead of remotes(if that’s a problem)

Edited by sittingmongoose
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9 minutes ago, sittingmongoose said:

@dlandon hey, so whatever you changed in that last patch to make nfs connect at v4 is making my connection unstable.  It was pretty reliable for the last 2 days using it, but since that patch, it’s now flaking out after like 15-45 minutes.  It still shows mounted though but it’s not.  Unmounting and remounting fixes it until it poops out again.  Oddly it’s just doing that on 1 of my two servers.


edit: nfs is connected via disks instead of remotes(if that’s a problem)

The only change was to respect the NFS version setting in the UD Settings.  Just switch that to NFSv3 and it will mount them the same as before the change.


This really surprises me though, because NFSv3 is known to cause the issues you are describing.

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1 hour ago, VisualHudson said:


They were neither removed or part of the array at any time, they have been sat as unassigned drives since I set up the server, so I'm not sure why that status was showing up. 

There was at least one version of UD that had a bug that showed 'Array' when it shouldn't.  Updating UD fixed that bug.

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1 hour ago, dlandon said:

There was at least one version of UD that had a bug that showed 'Array' when it shouldn't.  Updating UD fixed that bug.

Should i try to redo the mount from scratch using nfs with debug on?  Maybe that will also tell you why i keep getting that connection close error?


I only want to do it if its actually valuable to you because it messing my whole system up and i get no warning that things are messed up unless i go and manually check krusader or some specific media thats on my nas through plex.

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9 minutes ago, sittingmongoose said:

So I was having the issues roughly around 3:30est.  I unmounted the nfs share and switched back to smb.  I attached the diagnostics.


Your log is being spammed with myunraid.net messages.  It's very hard to see anything relevant.  @ljm42 can you take a look at this.


I still see NFSv3 being mounted:

Apr 11 17:01:43 9900K unassigned.devices: Mount NFS command: /sbin/mount -t 'nfs' -o rw,noacl 'NAS1:/mnt/user/Media2' '/mnt/remotes/NAS1_Media2'

The behaviour you are experiencing is what happens with NFSv3.


For NFSv4, the 'nfs' will be 'nfs4' in the mount command.

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39 minutes ago, sittingmongoose said:

So I was having the issues roughly around 3:30est.  I unmounted the nfs share and switched back to smb.  I attached the diagnostics.


I see the issue.  You are using the smb-extra.conf edit to create a rootshare:

#Unassigned devices share includes
   include = /tmp/unassigned.devices/smb-settings.conf
   path = /mnt/user 
   comment = 
   browseable = yes 
   valid users = sittingmongoose
   write list = sittingmongoose
   vfs objects =


Do the following:

  • Remove the rootshare entry in your smb-extra.conf file.
  • Create the rootshare using UD with a unique name - not 'rootshare'.
  • Reboot to clear up a lot of strange stuff I see.  This will remount your NFS share with NFSv4 that will clear up your NFS issues.  Your nfs mount was mounted before the 2022.04.11c update.

I can't help you with the 'custom' aproach you're using for a rootshare.

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