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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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i re shut down  

re removed the nvme  and re mounted

started back up


now the nvme that said xfs  that i had formated in btrfs  says btrfs now..


thats messed  i can mount it now...  is there any tests i can do to make sure its trully working ok.. with this strange event?

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Latest Unraid Update 6.12 broke something with UD for me. I have 3 NFS shares mounted with UD hosted by a Synology NAS which auto mounted on earlier Unraid versions without any issues. Now after a reboot the shares won't mount and the mount button is greyed out.




The logs show the remote server is offline which isn't true. I checked a couple of times the NAS is online, reacts to ping and the shares are also accessible from other devices.


Jun 19 15:50:41 mini unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share 'DISKSTATION:/volume1/UNRAID'...
Jun 19 15:50:41 mini unassigned.devices: Remote Server 'DISKSTATION' is offline and share 'DISKSTATION:/volume1/UNRAID' cannot be mounted.
Jun 19 15:50:41 mini unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share 'DISKSTATION:/volume1/music'...
Jun 19 15:50:41 mini unassigned.devices: Remote Server 'DISKSTATION' is offline and share 'DISKSTATION:/volume1/music' cannot be mounted.
Jun 19 15:50:41 mini unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share 'DISKSTATION:/volume1/video'...
Jun 19 15:50:41 mini unassigned.devices: Remote Server 'DISKSTATION' is offline and share 'DISKSTATION:/volume1/video' cannot be mounted.


If I wait and do nothing, nothing changes. Refreshing the main page, nothing. Reboot again, nothing. As soon as I open a web console to the Unraid server and try to ping the IP of the Synology the buttons to mount the shares become available and I can mount the shares by clicking it. Automount don't work


What did I miss? Is this a known issue?

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53 minutes ago, bastl said:

Latest Unraid Update 6.12 broke something with UD for me. I have 3 NFS shares mounted with UD hosted by a Synology NAS which auto mounted on earlier Unraid versions without any issues. Now after a reboot the shares won't mount and the mount button is greyed out.

There have been networking changes made in the latest release that probably affects this.  Is the Synology NAS on the same LAN as the Unraid server, or remote through Wireguard?

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After upgrading to 6.12, the partition on my UD disk would not show its filesystem.

It's a local drive, not shared, formatted as xfs with encryption.


It would unlock the disk and mount the partition, but would error that it could not display the filesystem on the partition.

It also could not unmount, claiming the mount was busy. I had to stop the array to retry.


Reverted back to 6.11.5 and UD works correctly as it always has.

Edited by THO
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16 minutes ago, bastl said:

Is correct for your DNS server?


Do the devices become mountable after some time?  You have a 20 second delay before UD auto mounts the devices.  Is that maybe not long enough now?


Try the following if the devices are not mountable after some time:

  • Remove one of your shares and use the IP address, not the server name and see if it will show the remote share as mountable.
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9 minutes ago, THO said:

After upgrading to 6.12, the partition on my UD disk would not show its filesystem.

It's a local drive, not shared, formatted as xfs with encryption.


It would unlock the disk and mount the partition, but would error that it could not display the filesystem on the partition.

It also could not unmount, claiming the mount was busy. I had to stop the array to retry.


Reverted back to 6.11.5 and UD works correctly as it always has.

Post diagnostics when the mount fails so I can see the log entries and see why UD is having trouble.

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14 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Is correct for your DNS server?

Yes, it's a piHole on a Pi4.


14 minutes ago, dlandon said:

You have a 20 second delay before UD auto mounts the devices.

I never had set that value before, only for troubleshooting today. Doesn't change anything.


15 minutes ago, dlandon said:

Remove one of your shares and use the IP address

I changed one of the shares to IP (tried different ones) and after a reboot all shares auto mounted just fine. It's also working if I use the FQDN "DISKSTATION.MYDOMAIN.LOCAL" for the NAS




Now the interesting part. I switched back to the original setting done with the gui to search for servers and shares and only use the DNS name DISKSTATION again like in my first post and after a restart it is working now?!


BUT the difference between working and not working is, I had the Docker service start set to "no" during my last tests to prevent Jellyfin start scanning the media library all the time. As soon as I enable Docker and restart the server, automount stops working with DNS names.


It only works with IP or with FQDN with Docker enabled!!!




I checked under Unraids "Management Access" settings and my TLD is set correctly. Looks like the build in check for reachability of the remote shares in UD somehow ignores the set TLD


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On 6/16/2023 at 9:10 PM, dlandon said:

I don't think you've done any network configurayion on 'raster'.  You should, and I would recommend you assign a static IP address.

Changed to Static don't change. The QNAP NAS can't mount or detect them with the locate Button through the mount create.

Have the Network Bonding any Benefits by 1 NIC on the Mainboard?

Than I can disable this and check it again.


I send you the new diagnostic.

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2 hours ago, bastl said:

It only works with IP or with FQDN with Docker enabled!!!

Here is the way UD works:

  • Use 'arp -a DISKSTATION' to get the IP address.  If the IP address is returned, it is used.
  • If the IP address is not returned UD uses 'arp -an DISKSTATION.MYDOMAIN.LOCAL' to get the IP address.

I think the issue is that your pihole is supplying the IP address when it is running.  I assume it is a Docker Container.  And it is the wrong IP address?


EDIT: I may have found something.

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22 minutes ago, dlandon said:

I think the issue is that your pihole is supplying the IP address when it is running.  I assume it is a Docker Container.  And it is the wrong IP address?

piHole is ALWAYS running and no, it's not a Docker. It's a installation directly on Debian on a Raspberry Pi. I have not a single DNS issue on my network and I use piHole for years now with Unraid. Nothing has changed on my setting except of the latest Unraid 6.12 Update.


Does UD always used arp request to check for availability?

Why does it work with Docker service turned of on Unraid and not when its on???


It's confusing.


And another thing what confuses me. If I ping or dig DISKSTATION directly from Unraid I get a response with the correct IP which btw. is a static IP outside of the DHCP area and never changed as long as the NAS exists. Also the Unraid box has a static IP which never changed before. As soon as I ping the NAS from Unraid the greyed out mount buttons become available in the web ui. Somehow UD recognizes the availability almost instant if a ping or dig command from the console is send. How does UD get that info if not with it's own arp request as you mentioned?


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8 minutes ago, bastl said:

Nothing has changed on my setting except of the latest Unraid 6.12 Update.

There have been networking changes that may have affected UDs ability to find other servers.


9 minutes ago, bastl said:

Does UD always used arp request to check for availability?

UD uses arp to get the IP addewss of the server and then pings that server to confirm it is online.


10 minutes ago, bastl said:

Why does it work with Docker service turned of on Unraid and not when its on???


It's confusing.

I'm not sure how Docker can affect it.


10 minutes ago, bastl said:

How does UD get that info if not with it's own arp request as you mentioned?

The ping is tickling something.  UD has no visibility into a ping on another server if it has not done the ping.  UD depends on its own arp command to get the IP address of the server.


I have found an issue with specifying the FQDN that might be related to what you are seeing.  I need to do some more testing before it is released, but it may solve your issue.

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3 hours ago, Revan335 said:

Changed to Static don't change. The QNAP NAS can't mount or detect them with the locate Button through the mount create.

Have the Network Bonding any Benefits by 1 NIC on the Mainboard?

Than I can disable this and check it again.


I send you the new diagnostic.


I just found this message in your log:

Jun 10 16:17:53 Raster unassigned.devices: Remote server 'NASCEB6D5' cannot be found on the LAN.


That means that UD can't fnd that server.  Check the IP address of the QNAP server.  Go to a terminal on Unraid and try to ping the QNAP server.


I have just found some issues with the way UD is getting IP addresses of remote servers.  It may be part of the issue you are seeing.

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9 hours ago, dlandon said:

I have found an issue with specifying the FQDN that might be related to what you are seeing.  I need to do some more testing before it is released, but it may solve your issue.

If I can help you test something, let me know. 👍

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1 hour ago, lurenyi said:



Your remote shares mounted:

Jun 21 21:37:48 BX unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '//电影盘' on '/mnt/remotes/电影盘'.
Jun 21 21:37:48 BX unassigned.devices: Warning: Unassigned Devices are not set to be shared with SMB.
Jun 21 21:37:48 BX unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share '//'...
Jun 21 21:37:48 BX unassigned.devices: Mount SMB share '//' using SMB default protocol.
Jun 21 21:37:48 BX unassigned.devices: Mount SMB command: /sbin/mount -t 'cifs' -o rw,noserverino,nounix,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=99,gid=100,credentials='/tmp/unassigned.devices/credentials_Download' '//' '/mnt/remotes/'
Jun 21 21:37:48 BX kernel: CIFS: Attempting to mount \\\Download
Jun 21 21:37:48 BX unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '//' on '/mnt/remotes/'.
Jun 21 21:37:48 BX unassigned.devices: Warning: Unassigned Devices are not set to be shared with SMB.
Jun 21 21:37:48 BX unassigned.devices: Remote Share 'DSM:' is not set to auto mount.

but they cannot be seen on the LAN because you don't have SMB sharing set.

Screenshot 2023-06-21 230049.png

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2023年6月22日下午12点01分,dlandon 说:



但是在 LAN 上看不到它们,因为您没有设置 SMB 共享。

截图 2023-06-21 230049.png





Edited by lurenyi
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Hi, getting trouble since upgrade to latest unraid with booth unraid servers. 

I want to mount a remote share connected via tailscale. 

connections between servers are active and ping is ok. 

log says: 


Jun 21 14:00:50 NASty kernel: CIFS: VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
Jun 21 14:00:50 NASty kernel: CIFS: VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -111
Jun 21 14:00:50 NASty unassigned.devices: SMB 1.0 mount failed: 'mount error(111): could not connect to to find suitable address. '.
Jun 21 14:00:50 NASty unassigned.devices: Share '//' failed to mount.


I deleted the share and add it again, reinstalled tailscale and rebooted server. No solution for now? :(

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