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Unassigned Devices - Managing Disk Drives and Remote Shares Outside of The Unraid Array

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On the front post, I noticed this:


Try to use a file format other than ntfs when writing to disks.  Ntfs write speed on Linux is not that good and I have had some serious problems (corruption) when writing to a ntfs disk that is full.  I use xfs on my backup USB drives.


It only refers to Linux. Will I run into problems if I use NTFS with Windows VM?


In my experience, it is a Linux issue and not related to Windows VMs.

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Is there a step I'm missing to be able to mount an internal NTFS drive, or is that not possible?  The mount button for this drive is grayed out.


Does the 'FS' show as ntfs?  If not, it can't be mounted with UD.


It doesn't show anything there.  I guess it's possible I formatted it with something other than NTFS, though I swear that's what I did.  I'll just have to pull the drive and put it in my Windows machine.  Thank you for your reply!

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Is there a step I'm missing to be able to mount an internal NTFS drive, or is that not possible?  The mount button for this drive is grayed out.


Does the 'FS' show as ntfs?  If not, it can't be mounted with UD.


It doesn't show anything there.  I guess it's possible I formatted it with something other than NTFS, though I swear that's what I did.  I'll just have to pull the drive and put it in my Windows machine.  Thank you for your reply!

You also want to make sure it is one of the basic NTFS partition types - not one of the more obscure ones.
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Just a question about this plugin: How do i format a disk???

There is nothing at the UI - must i do this by hand?  :o


EDIT: Found it  ;D

I was looking for a Format-Button and didnt see the "red-x" - lol - sorry for that silly question  ;)


EDIT 2: ...and now, explane me THIS  :o

I only activated SMB-Security... or better, i tried it  ???


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Just a question about this plugin: How do i format a disk???

There is nothing at the UI - must i do this by hand?  :o


In the Settings tab you'll see a UD settings at the bottom of the page.  Enable Destructive Mode and you can remove partitions and format disks.

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I know this - but the format itself must be done under "Main" "unassigned Devices" Tab and there is no Format - just a red X after unmount a device.


In order to format a disk, you have to delete all partitions on the disk using the red-x.  Then the format button will appear.

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I know this - but the format itself must be done under "Main" "unassigned Devices" Tab and there is no Format - just a red X after unmount a device.


In order to format a disk, you have to delete all partitions on the disk using the red-x.  Then the format button will appear.


I know this "now" - but it was not logical...

By the way: I activated the SMB-Share - but i cant see it in Windows - where can i find it?

There is no way to give the share a name?

Or: How can i create now a share on this device, which is seen in Windows as well?

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I know this - but the format itself must be done under "Main" "unassigned Devices" Tab and there is no Format - just a red X after unmount a device.


In order to format a disk, you have to delete all partitions on the disk using the red-x.  Then the format button will appear.


I know this "now" - but it was not logical...

By the way: I activated the SMB-Share - but i cant see it in Windows - where can i find it?

There is no way to give the share a name???


If you think about it, it makes sense that you can't format a disk unless it has no partitions on the disk.  It's too easy to make mistakes without this check.


Click on the disk serial number, then click on the partition name and rename it to the share name you want.


The share won't show up unless you turn on the share switch for the disk and SMB shares is enabled in the UD settings.


If you hover your mouse over the active areas on the page, you will see a tool tip describing its operation.  This should help you with how UD works.

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Click on the disk serial number, then click on the partition name and rename it to the share name you want.


The share won't show up unless you turn on the share switch for the disk and SMB shares is enabled in the UD settings.


If you hover your mouse over the active areas on the page, you will see a tool tip describing its operation.  This should help you with how UD works.

When I click on the partition name, it takes me to the contents via the browse share function. What am I missing to be able to rename it?


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Click on the disk serial number, then click on the partition name and rename it to the share name you want.


The share won't show up unless you turn on the share switch for the disk and SMB shares is enabled in the UD settings.


If you hover your mouse over the active areas on the page, you will see a tool tip describing its operation.  This should help you with how UD works.

When I click on the partition name, it takes me to the contents via the browse share function. What am I missing to be able to rename it?


It has to be unmounted to change the name.

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Hey guys I am totally lost on how to mount an SSD as the OS drive for a new VM.  I can't seem to "find" it. 


This is where I am at.



This is what my VM shows.



How would I go about it?  Thanks guys!


Click on the device serial number and click the red x to delete the preclear file and then format the disk.  It will then be mountable.


EDIT: Once it is mounted, you'll see it in /mnt/disks/.

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Happy to help.


I went through the same learning curve you did a couple of weeks ago.  Now that I know how the interface is supposed to work, I can make do with the UI as it is. 


I find it painful to watch dlandon have to educate us all one by one as we each go down the learning curve so I thought I'd pitch in here. Please monitor this thread and help the next guy who has the same problem to take a little of the burden of supporting this great plugin off dlandon's shoulders.

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I find it painful to watch dlandon have to educate us all one by one as we each go down the learning curve so I thought I'd pitch in here.

Or hit the "Help Button" when in UD's settings


UD has gotten to the point where there is a lot of functionality and is not as intuitive as I'd like because it does so much.  It would go a long way if those struggling with the basics would read the first two posts before asking questions.  I will look at adding/improving those posts and adding to the help to try to minimize the confusion.


It appears people are jumping in and expecting to click a few things and be off and running.  Unfortunately, it is not that easy and UD has different functionality based on the status of a disk and whether or not it is mounted.

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I find it painful to watch dlandon have to educate us all one by one as we each go down the learning curve so I thought I'd pitch in here.

Or hit the "Help Button" when in UD's settings


UD has gotten to the point where there is a lot of functionality and is not as intuitive as I'd like because it does so much.  It would go a long way if those struggling with the basics would read the first two posts before asking questions.  I will look at adding/improving those posts and adding to the help to try to minimize the confusion.


It appears people are jumping in and expecting to click a few things and be off and running.  Unfortunately, it is not that easy and UD has different functionality based on the status of a disk and whether or not it is mounted.

I gave up on inline help along time ago for my project (and your project may be more complicated than mine)  and just wrote a manual that the inline links to.  (Although TBH I have no idea if anyone has ever read it)
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I find it painful to watch dlandon have to educate us all one by one as we each go down the learning curve so I thought I'd pitch in here.

Or hit the "Help Button" when in UD's settings


UD has gotten to the point where there is a lot of functionality and is not as intuitive as I'd like because it does so much.  It would go a long way if those struggling with the basics would read the first two posts before asking questions.  I will look at adding/improving those posts and adding to the help to try to minimize the confusion.


It appears people are jumping in and expecting to click a few things and be off and running.  Unfortunately, it is not that easy and UD has different functionality based on the status of a disk and whether or not it is mounted.

I gave up on inline help along time ago for my project (and your project may be more complicated than mine)  and just wrote a manual that the inline links to.  (Although TBH I have no idea if anyone has ever read it)


People don't read manuals.  They just click on things and if that doesn't work for them right away, they post a question on the blog.


I put time into the tool tips and I swear people don't bother to read them either.  "What is that damn yellow line that keeps popping up?"

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