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Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard (UUD)

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On 1/9/2021 at 5:47 PM, falconexe said:


Are you on AMD buy chance? Search the topic for "fan" or "AMD" or "Ryzen" and you should find multiple posts with code to resolve this. If you can't find it, let me know.

Any suggestions for getting the fan data working on intel z490? I'm on the struggle bus trying to figure this out! Thanks!

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On 9/25/2020 at 12:14 PM, MammothJerk said:

My UPS is a bit finicky with the apcups plugin and does not always work correctly, NUT however always works and i created a small edit to the UPS section if you would like to add the option for NUT.


Firstly you need the "NUT Network UPS Tools" plugin for unraid and then the "maihai/nut-influxdb-exporter" docker to get the data to the influxdb database.


then all you need to do is change the variables around a bit and it works just the same as the apcups option :)


Attached is the UPS section of the main dashboard edited to work with NUT :).



NUT UPS Dashboard for falconexe-1601050759513.json 32.22 kB · 2 downloads

Thank you for providing this fix. I too run the NUT server and am trying to get this to work. How do I merge your edits into the master v1.5 json?

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1 hour ago, Eggman1414 said:

Thank you for providing this fix. I too run the NUT server and am trying to get this to work. How do I merge your edits into the master v1.5 json?


Create new panels in 1.5. Copy the JSON code from the NUT examples into it. Apply and Save the Dash. You can do this with 1 or more panels. Alternately, you can look at the queries in the NUT example, and then modify the 1.5 queries to match. You may need to add the NUT datasource into Grafana. I don't use NUT so can't vouch for it.

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46 minutes ago, takkkkkkk said:

Is it normal that everything is showing up as N/A? or did I screw up something during the setup?


YES. You will need to modify the queries for your hardware. Depending on your setup, some queries may work out of the box, but some will not. Please see page 1 for the below disclaimer. Please also read/search this topic for answers to MANY of what your next questions will be regarding certain panels and areas of the dash. If you have a net new problem, we are happy to assist where possible.



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2 hours ago, ShadeRF said:

Any suggestions for getting the fan data working on intel z490? I'm on the struggle bus trying to figure this out! Thanks!


Please see below:


On 1/10/2021 at 9:39 AM, falconexe said:

Remove those 2 fan features, then add a new feature from scratch by clicking feature. Use trial and error to find the feature(s) that are your fans. Each system architecture is different, but they’re in there somewhere. After trying this, let me know if you find them. Check page 16 for another user who solved this. You can look at his query as a reference.

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30 minutes ago, falconexe said:


YES. You will need to modify the queries for your hardware. Depending on your setup, some queries may work out of the box, but some will not. Please see page 1 for the below disclaimer. Please also read/search this topic for answers to MANY of what your next questions will be regarding certain panels and areas of the dash. If you have a net new problem, we are happy to assist where possible.



So, it's normal that everything (including CPU load, memory/network usage are all showing zero? eventhough netdata works out of the box?

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24 minutes ago, takkkkkkk said:

So, it's normal that everything (including CPU load, memory/network usage are all showing zero? eventhough netdata works out of the box?

No that sounds odd. You set the Telegraf config and datasource (datasource is prob fine if you are getting network metrics)? You need to enable specific items in the Telegraf config. Please see post 1 for the plugins to enable. What kind of hardware? Please verify and report back.


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On 1/6/2021 at 5:59 PM, falconexe said:

Hi everyone. I am pleased how far the Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard has come since version 1.0


Since I started developing this thing, one of the most frequent questions I still get is "Do you have a way I can support you and the UUD? Do you have a donations page?" Even UNRAID themselves have asked this question when posting the UUD across social media platforms and the official newsletter.


Up until now, I have not engaged in this kind of support because this was just a fun hobby I did in my spare time. Now that we are at version 1.5, supporting the UUD & assisting users with questions/issues/custom panels/1-on-1 virtual meetings, has become very time consuming. My Wife has even asked me "are you even getting paid for this?" ha ha. I blush and say no, it's not that kind of thing...


However, I very much appreciate every single one of you and your positive feedback. And if you would like to officially support the UUD and my work, I have finally set up something for you. Click the link below to show your LOVE.




There is still much more to come in future versions of the UUD, and I am already hard at work on version 1.6. Thanks again guys for your enthusiasm and support of this thing. It's been a fantastic experience!


Hi everyone. This thing called the UUD has blown up considerably since the version 1.5 release (and the above post), and by being featured by UNRAID themselves. I've had very little free time since supporting the influx (no pun intended LOL) of new users, DMs, phone calls, virtual meetings, forum questions, and continued development on future versions. So for those that really need my personal help, I have setup something new for you with some perks to go along. Not sure if you guys are even interested in something like this, but my Wife is getting on my case about the time/value proposition of this project, so I am appeasing her with this ha ha. Otherwise, I'll have to back off and just stick to future version development and let the community take the reigns on general support (which I would and do appreciate).


So here goes... If you want to support this project with a monthly or discounted annual membership, I am offering the below perks, with possibly some more to come in the future (let me know if you guys have any ideas).


Ultimate UNRAID Dashboard Membership Perks:

  • Access to Personal 1-on-1 Support at Developer’s Discretion
  • Access to Pre-Release Code and Development Versions Before Release!
  • X1 Personalized or Custom Panel of Your Choosing!
  • Your Name/User Handle Posted on the Official UUD Forum Topic Members Area!





As always, you can also support the continued development of the UUD with a one-time donation if a membership is not your thing.






Here are some really cool stats for the UUD so far:

  • Topic Views: 42,831
  • Topic Replies: 660
  • Topic Pages: 27
  • UUD Downloads to Date: 1,183






You can find my donation page by clicking below or the above pics. Thanks guys!



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I'm following the setup guide (https://technicalramblings.com/blog/how-to-setup-grafana-influxdb-and-telegraf-to-monitor-your-unraid-system/ )

after the grafana config, I get "InfluxDB Error: database not found: telegraf"

my conf is the exact same as in the tuto, is there something missing?



EDIT: found it,   database = "telegraf" needs to be uncommented also in telegraf.conf

Edited by Nexius2
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Thanks so much for making this.  I finally got it all set up and working the way I want it to.  Figured out how to compensate for the non-server hardware without the api.  A couple of issues I ran into along the way.


Using the telegraf:latest, there were no instructions on adding lm_sensors.  the apk add command doesnt work for it.  But adding apt-get -y install lm-sensors did seem to work.


Also, after setting up varken and the plex monitoring stuff, I noticed that two of the panel types were not included with grafana by default, so they showed an error.  It was the pie chart panel and the worldmap panel plugin.  They were easy to install just by going to the grafana console and typing.


grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel

grafana-cli plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel


Once I did that they worked just fine.  


Edited by mattekure
  • Thanks 2
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37 minutes ago, mattekure said:

Also, after setting up varken and the plex monitoring stuff, I noticed that two of the panel types were not included with grafana by default, so they showed an error.  It was the pie chart panel and the worldmap panel plugin.  They were easy to install just by going to the grafana console and typing.


grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel

grafana-cli plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel


Once I did that they worked just fine.

I also had this issue and did not had much time to look into it.


Just to clarify, the console is on the docker page, not in Grafana and you will have to restart the docker to see the new elements.



Thanks @mattekure ! :D 

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So i got UUD version 1.5 installed and all appears to be working but a few items so I have a few questions see below 


first question my Plex Library Growth is not working any advice see image below



Second question what is the "unassigned i/o (read & write)" pulling its data from cause the writing on it is very high even though I only have 1 unassigned device and its a 16GB USB "only using 534mb out of the full 16GB" so I'm a wee bit confused since the write is shown as high as 500GB any help would be appreciated 
I have not removed the unassigned USB disk because it is setup for backup purposes but only gets writing to once a week.



ask me any question if you require more info

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I've successfully installed and configured the UUD using the excellent The ULTIMATE UnRAID Dashboard! video series by Nate Harris however I do have a question about reporting information.  I've tried searching the the answer to this but I've not had good luck so I'm just going to ask.


I have two Tautulli instances, tautulli-1 and tautulli-2 configured in Varken, reporting on two different Plex servers.  My question is how to I distinguish between the two servers while reporting information?


As an example Current Streams, Current Transcode Streams, etc are reporting the current streams from one Tautulli server but not the other.  How do I select which Tautulli instance the information is coming from?  As far as I know Varken is setup correctly and I can pull certain information from each but I can't figure out the Streams issue.


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1 minute ago, Boomháuer said:

I've successfully installed and configured the UUD using the excellent The ULTIMATE UnRAID Dashboard! video series by Nate Harris however I do have a question about reporting information.  I've tried searching the the answer to this but I've not had good luck so I'm just going to ask.


I have two Tautulli instances, tautulli-1 and tautulli-2 configured in Varken, reporting on two different Plex servers.  My question is how to I distinguish between the two servers while reporting information?


As an example Current Streams, Current Transcode Streams, etc are reporting the current streams from one Tautulli server but not the other.  How do I select which Tautulli instance the information is coming from?  As far as I know Varken is setup correctly and I can pull certain information from each but I can't figure out the Streams issue.


Haven’t tried this yet, but You’ll most likely need to setup a second Varken datasource referencing Tautulli-2, and then you’ll need to create a Varken datasource variable so it can be dynamic, then assign that variable to the datasource section of each Varken panel, and then finally set the variable using the dropdown menu in the top of the dash.


This concept is the exact same as the Telegraf and Hosts variables that are already setup in the UUD. Have a look at those variables as a reference under the dashboard settings page. You should be able to copy/reverse engineer that methodology and apply it to this use case.

Let us know if you get it working snd share some screenshots of your datasources and variables once you do!


I’ll see about adding this functionality natively to the dashboard in a future update.


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1 hour ago, LoyalScotsman said:

So i got UUD version 1.5 installed and all appears to be working but a few items so I have a few questions see below 


first question my Plex Library Growth is not working any advice see image below



Second question what is the "unassigned i/o (read & write)" pulling its data from cause the writing on it is very high even though I only have 1 unassigned device and its a 16GB USB "only using 534mb out of the full 16GB" so I'm a wee bit confused since the write is shown as high as 500GB any help would be appreciated 
I have not removed the unassigned USB disk because it is setup for backup purposes but only gets writing to once a week.



ask me any question if you require more info



Q1: Page 2:




You need to modify each of these Varken queries to account for your specific library name/path via the SECTION NAME tag. So for example, if you have "TVShows" instead of "TV Shows", you'll need to adjust that in each query as applicable:





Q2: Ensure your actual unassigned device is selected in the top drop down menu variable. Check the units on the field/override (right side of the screen). Also check the math division in the query to ensure it is correct. Clearly something is off with that... All of the UUD panels like this use bytes and use division to get GB or TB.


Edited by falconexe
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38 minutes ago, falconexe said:



Q1: Page 2:




You need to modify each of these Varken queries to account for your specific library name/path via the SECTION NAME tag. So for example, if you have "
"TVShows" instead of "TV Shows", you'll need to adjust that in each query as applicable:





Q2: Ensure your actual unassigned device is selected in the top drop down menu variable. Check the units on the field/override (right side of the screen). Also check the math division in the query to ensure it is correct. Clearly something is off with that... All of the UUD panels like this use bytes and use division to get GB or TB.


thanks I got the Plex Library Growth working.


but not full sure on the unassigned disks I have attached a screen shot on the right is that what you are referring to ? This is the first time I have set this up so not fully clued up



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2 hours ago, mattekure said:

Thanks so much for making this.  I finally got it all set up and working the way I want it to.  Figured out how to compensate for the non-server hardware without the api.  A couple of issues I ran into along the way.


Using the telegraf:latest, there were no instructions on adding lm_sensors.  the apk add command doesnt work for it.  But adding apt-get -y install lm-sensors did seem to work.


Also, after setting up varken and the plex monitoring stuff, I noticed that two of the panel types were not included with grafana by default, so they showed an error.  It was the pie chart panel and the worldmap panel plugin.  They were easy to install just by going to the grafana console and typing.


grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel

grafana-cli plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel


Once I did that they worked just fine.  



I updated the instructions in multiple areas to include these new Grafana plugin steps. These are in the Varken install guides, but it is also nice to have in-line...


Version 1.5 Release Notes:





Post Number 1 Dependencies:




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12 minutes ago, LoyalScotsman said:

thanks I got the Plex Library Growth working.


but not full sure on the unassigned disks I have attached a screen shot on the right is that what you are referring to ? This is the first time I have set this up so not fully clued up





You need to set all of the variables in the top of the dash, including the Unassigned Drive(s) one which drives this panel via the "$Drives_Unassigned" Variable. If you don't set these, most of the dash is DOA.





Note: This information was previously provided in post number 1 under the Dependencies section.



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3 hours ago, falconexe said:

Haven’t tried this yet, but You’ll most likely need to setup a second Varken datasource referencing Tautulli-2, and then you’ll need to create a Varken datasource variable so it can be dynamic, then assign that variable to the datasource section of each Varken panel, and then finally set the variable using the dropdown menu in the top of the dash.


This concept is the exact same as the Telegraf and Hosts variables that are already setup in the UUD. Have a look at those variables as a reference under the dashboard settings page. You should be able to copy/reverse engineer that methodology and apply it to this use case.

Let us know if you get it working snd share some screenshots of your datasources and variables once you do!


I’ll see about adding this functionality natively to the dashboard in a future update.


@falconexe to just talk this through I'd need to create a Varken-2 datasource the same way I created the original Varken datasource and in that Varken-2 datasource I would need to reference in the configuration the Tautulli-2 instance that I need to get the second set of data from.  Should I also split out the multiple Radarr and Sonarr instances while I'm at it, although since it's looking at different data and the libraries are not named the same this might not be an issue, but I figured I'd ask before I created Varken-2.


Do I just go into the original Varken and remove the Tautulli-2 instance and then restart the Docker Containers to get rid of it and enable the Varken-2 datasource?  I'm a little fuzzy on the datasource variable but I get the idea so I'll cross that bridge when I come to it and I'm comfortable with editing the panels in the dashboard.

I do have to ask one question about the original Varken configuration.  Maybe you don't know the answer to this but I thought I'd float it out there anyway and that's what is the purpose of being able to configure multiple Tautullis in Varken if we can't differentiate between the two?  Do you know if this is a limitation of Grafana or how Varken is presenting the data?  Just curious. 


Thank you for your help and the awesome UUD.

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3 hours ago, Boomháuer said:

@falconexe to just talk this through I'd need to create a Varken-2 datasource the same way I created the original Varken datasource and in that Varken-2 datasource I would need to reference in the configuration the Tautulli-2 instance that I need to get the second set of data from.  Should I also split out the multiple Radarr and Sonarr instances while I'm at it, although since it's looking at different data and the libraries are not named the same this might not be an issue, but I figured I'd ask before I created Varken-2.


Do I just go into the original Varken and remove the Tautulli-2 instance and then restart the Docker Containers to get rid of it and enable the Varken-2 datasource?  I'm a little fuzzy on the datasource variable but I get the idea so I'll cross that bridge when I come to it and I'm comfortable with editing the panels in the dashboard.

I do have to ask one question about the original Varken configuration.  Maybe you don't know the answer to this but I thought I'd float it out there anyway and that's what is the purpose of being able to configure multiple Tautullis in Varken if we can't differentiate between the two?  Do you know if this is a limitation of Grafana or how Varken is presenting the data?  Just curious. 



Honestly, I haven't got that far and It's not a use case I have. I'm just guessing about the secondary datasource, but it does sound right when I think about it. Tell you what, I'll go through the motions when I get some time and setup a second Plex/Tautulli/Varken setup on my backup server to test this. Once I have it all figured out, I'll include it in a future UUD update (if it is possible and not a limitation).


Anyone else running 2 or more Plex servers? Is this is huge advantage for anyone else?


@Boomháuer If you happen to figure it out on your own, let me know how you solved it.


@GilbN I'm interested to get your thoughts/take on this. Feel free to chime in man.



3 hours ago, Boomháuer said:

Thank you for your help and the awesome UUD.

You're welcome.

  • Thanks 1
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14 minutes ago, falconexe said:



Honestly, I haven't got that far and It's not a use case I have. I'm just guessing about the secondary datasource, but it does sound right when I think about it. Tell you what, I'll go through the motions when I get some time and setup a second Plex/Tautulli/Varken setup on my backup server to test this. Once I have it all figured out, I'll include it in a future UUD update (if it is possible and not a limitation).


Anyone else running 2 or more Plex servers? Is this is huge advantage for anyone else?


@Boomháuer If you happen to figure it out on your own, let me know how you solved it.


@GilbN I'm interested to get your thoughts/take on this. Feel free to chime in man.



You're welcome.

Don't think you need multiple varken datasources. https://wiki.cajun.pro/books/varken/page/configuring-multiple-servers

Nor sure how that looks in influx but I'm sure you add a variable to switch between

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