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23 hours ago, saarg said:

That doesn't make sense as your proxy is using the same address. Something locally on your computer blocking the page? Or any setting you have done in papermerge?

I agree it doesn't make any sense, but thanks for making me look into it more - it ended up being a cookie issue, cleared all cookies for and the login page shows up now :)

Problem solved!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I am not able to make Paperless work with the LSIO container...

I just want the french OCR to be working.


The problem is : everytime I try to install it (with the LSIO multilanguageocr mod) french does not appear in the settings, and the last time I tried, I got an ERROR 500 message.


Any hints for me to start from scratch and  make it work ?

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20 hours ago, guilhem31 said:

Hi everyone,


I am not able to make Paperless work with the LSIO container...

I just want the french OCR to be working.


The problem is : everytime I try to install it (with the LSIO multilanguageocr mod) french does not appear in the settings, and the last time I tried, I got an ERROR 500 message.


Any hints for me to start from scratch and  make it work ?

Not so easy to help when you do not post any logs or run command.

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6 hours ago, saarg said:

Not so easy to help when you do not post any logs or run command.

You're right, in fact I just wanted to know if someone had already tried to add languages to Papermerge.


I was able today to make it work !

I installed as prescribed, add the multilanguage mod variable, and most important, I had to edit the config file inside the container to add french language within the UI.


Thanks for your reply 👍

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/15/2020 at 2:19 PM, chrisgo said:

I have found a solution for this problem:

Set all volume mountings for this docker to the appdata share. Then just move the media folder to another share which has cache prefer and change it in the config. The docker needs this share also mapped. Now the media is on the array and the discs spin down correctly. 

I have done this for both my /media and /queue.  It no longer spins up the drive even if I process files in via the /queue.  I'm therefor assuming that the "papermerdge.db" that remains in the /mnt/cache/appdata/papermerge is what was keeping the drives spun up.  Now, how do keep the database i.e. "papermerdge.db" file and the current /media files in sync.   Do you depend on "CA Appdata Backup/Restore v2" plugin to keep this up to date? periodically?

Edited by dcoens
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On 1/8/2021 at 9:37 PM, dcoens said:

I have done this for both my /media and /queue.  It no longer spins up the drive even if I process files in via the /queue.  I'm therefor assuming that the "papermerdge.db" that remains in the /mnt/cache/appdata/papermerge is what was keeping the drives spun up.  Now, how do keep the database i.e. "papermerdge.db" file and the current /media files in sync.   Do you depend on "CA Appdata Backup/Restore v2" plugin to keep this up to date? periodically?

This was driving me crazy too and I came to the same conclusion regarding papermerge.db.  What I did was create a new container path- /db:/mnt/user/appdata/papermerge/db and then edited the papermerge settings.py to point to the new db location ("NAME": "/db/papermerge.db" for me).  Now the documents stay on the array and all the db shenanigans that were keeping the drives spun up are taking place on my cache drive.  The only times I've noticed the drives spinning back up is when I actually add new documents to papermerge.  That does mean I'm relying on CA Appdata Backup/Restore to keep the db backed up, but I can live with that...having all the documents on the actual array is the whole point of doing this on Unraid in the first place. 😀


*Note* In the Papermerge documentation it says you can set a DBDIR path in the papermerge.conf.py, but I didn't have any luck getting that to work, which is why I made the change in settings.py.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm interested in setting up this docker to interact with my email inbox - currently use gmail, but i'm happy to setup locally hosted email for this instance and have gmail forward the emails based on rules to the new email setup for this purpose.


My main question is how do i get it working?


I added the following to my 'papermerge.conf.py'

IMPORT_MAIL_HOST = "imap.gmail.com"
IMPORT_MAIL_USER = "[email protected]"
IMPORT_MAIL_INBOX = "papermerge"


this does not appear to complete any actions.


does anyone have a sample papermerge.conf.py file i could base the section above?


Thankyou in advance.

- Peter

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4 hours ago, PeterW said:


I'm interested in setting up this docker to interact with my email inbox - currently use gmail, but i'm happy to setup locally hosted email for this instance and have gmail forward the emails based on rules to the new email setup for this purpose.


My main question is how do i get it working?


I added the following to my 'papermerge.conf.py'

IMPORT_MAIL_HOST = "imap.gmail.com"
IMPORT_MAIL_USER = "[email protected]"
IMPORT_MAIL_INBOX = "papermerge"


this does not appear to complete any actions.


does anyone have a sample papermerge.conf.py file i could base the section above?


Thankyou in advance.

- Peter


Have you checked the settings for gmail on this page?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same issues as @PeterW


My papermerge.conf.py has this in it:


IMPORT_MAIL_HOST = "imap.gmail.com"
IMPORT_MAIL_USER = "[email protected]"
IMPORT_MAIL_PASSWORD = "google app password generated for just for papermerge"


I get nothing. The messages aren't marked as read or deleted and nothing is in the inbox.  The address I'm sending from is the same as the account on papermerge.  Since 2FA is enabled on this account I set up a specific app password for this. IMAP is enabled for this account in gmail settings.

Edited by technologiq
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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, sneuweger said:

I just updated my papermerge container to the latest version of papermerge 2.0.0.rc35 - after restarting my container i only get error 500 when i try to call the WebUI. Any suggestions or hints for a newbie?

Sorry I can' t help you ... as I' m facing the exact same error :/

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Hello everyone,


I really like the idea of having an DMS right on my unraid server.


I added the IMPORTER_DIR = "/mnt/user/papermerge/input" to the papermerge.conf.py file next to the german interface and ocr.


After restarting the docker the language is working great but the import dir is causing an error:


WARNING/MainProcess] Importer from local folder task not started.Reason:
2. importer dir does not exist


I have no clue want could be the problem. I created the share and input folder especially for the papermerge docker


Any suggestions?


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7 hours ago, Bob@unraid said:

Hello everyone,


I really like the idea of having an DMS right on my unraid server.


I added the IMPORTER_DIR = "/mnt/user/papermerge/input" to the papermerge.conf.py file next to the german interface and ocr.


After restarting the docker the language is working great but the import dir is causing an error:


WARNING/MainProcess] Importer from local folder task not started.Reason:
2. importer dir does not exist


I have no clue want could be the problem. I created the share and input folder especially for the papermerge docker


Any suggestions?


You should have a read in the docker faq to get some basic understanding of how docker works.

You need to volume bind that path to the container to use it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just installed it, and unfortunately it doesn't work. When I try to connect to the WebUI, I keep getting

[WARNING] unable to add HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS=1 to uwsgi packet, consider increasing buffer size

spammed in the Docker logs, and the page doesn't load ("The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading."). Any solution?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just installed this, fresh, and it doesn't work - ```[uwsgi-daemons] throttling "/usr/bin/python3 ./manage.py worker" for 32 seconds``` seems to be the main error. I'll try a previous tag version. But it seems like there's a problem with the default linuxserver/papermerge

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The latest pull where I can get the version papermerge 2 with the GUI to work is linuxserver/papermerge:v2.0.0rc45-ls29.  I just started with the latest and work backwards to one that worked. 


linuxserver has a comment after this release that may be causing our issue with latest, but I don't know.


As I will hit "publish release" button, an automatic github action will be triggered to build and publish docker image for this release 🎉
Besides, I also changed little bit docker image, so that papermerge.conf.py and production.py (i.e. settings) are symlinks to /opt/etc/papermerge.conf.py and /opt/etc/production.py which will make easier to map those files from your local filesystem. More on this in following screencasts :)



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  • 1 month later...
On 4/22/2021 at 11:50 PM, j0nnymoe said:

Some more info on what you've done might help :)

Sure! I only thought, it common sense, that only some dedicated versions work.


I did a fresh re-install, also with prior deleting the docker template and pulled a complete new one. 


This is what the docker log shows:


[2021-04-23 08:29:48,113: DEBUG/ForkPoolWorker-2] document_log username=admin doc_id=694 page_num=18 text_len=351
[2021-04-23 08:29:48,114: DEBUG/ForkPoolWorker-2] document_log username=admin doc_id=694 page_num=19 text_len=130
[2021-04-23 08:29:48,115: DEBUG/ForkPoolWorker-2] document_log username=admin doc_id=694 page_num=20 text_len=239
[2021-04-23 08:29:48,118: DEBUG/ForkPoolWorker-2] Missing page txt /data/media/results/user_1/document_756/v2/pages/page_1.txt.
[2021-04-23 08:29:48,120: DEBUG/ForkPoolWorker-2] Missing page txt /data/media/results/user_1/document_757/pages/page_1.txt.
[2021-04-23 08:29:48,123: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-2] Task papermerge.core.management.commands.worker.txt2db[17445f37-9715-41ac-8f92-5b5bbe237bdc] succeeded in 1.6826063899789006s: None


Basically it was the same with docker mods mentioned in the posts before, no effort in doing OCR'ring and use my automates like it did before.


When you tell me what more details you need, let me know, I really appreciate your time and help!






New release update and it works like expected!!! Perfect and back in the Game! 😄 

Edited by hundsboog
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  • 3 weeks later...

Getting following warnings:

[2021-05-10 21:43:37,842: WARNING/MainProcess] Importer from imap account not started.Reason:


I have already added to papermerge.conf.py:


PAPERMERGE_IMPORT_MAIL_HOST = "mail.mydomain.com"


I'm still getting the above warning.

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