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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Assuming you have FCP installed, then Tools - Update Assistant. Not definitive, but as close as you'll get
  2. Post your diagnostics (even though the syslog will be empty) Maybe some clue would be in there for why
  3. If google translate is doing its job, I believe your thinking about https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/unraid-os-version-690-beta24-available-r981/ and specifically https://forums.unraid.net/bug-reports/prereleases/unraid-os-version-690-beta24-available-r981/?tab=comments#comment-9777 I am a big fan of this as it solves a ton of problems and by definition will always involve the least amount of writes. (And for the "old timers" this is actually how docker was originally introduced on Unraid). Downside is that it requires 6.9, I'm the only one using it, all forum posts talk about the "image", and I'm not sure if the driver necessary for the folder to be placed on ZFS is included in the system / plugin at all...
  4. Just use the curl command https://linux.die.net/man/1/curl eg: https://superuser.com/questions/265062/downloading-file-from-ftp-using-curl
  5. Because those are paths you're adding to the template. The second one though already exists in both of the netdata containers available within apps.
  6. And the mce happened during processor initialization and is nothing to particularly worry about.
  7. Until the mce happens again with mcelog installed, there's going to be no further details listed. Your BIOS' system event log may have more info
  8. Only if you’re one of the souls who set up a user image in GitHub.
  9. Dec 28 07:06:27 UNRAID02 kernel: BTRFS warning (device loop2): csum failed root 779 ino 7474 off 14561280 csum 0x37d6f10b expected csum 0x0c6e3c0f mirror 1 Cause possibly an unclean shutdown or something at some point. Easiest and painfree solution is to simply delete and recreate the image and reinstall from Apps, Previous apps. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/57181-docker-faq/#comment-564309
  10. OTOH if no one has any better ideas, I would think that you're going to be investigating IFTTT (google it) and creating a rule for that.
  11. Doesn't matter if you chmod or not. Executable permissions on the flash drive are not allowed. You have to copy the file elsewhere, chmod and then execute it from there.
  12. Nope. "&" is explicitly disallowed within XML, and must be replaced by "&" Issued you a PR
  13. Because your template is a v2 template in which case the <Config> entries take precedence
  14. I would guess because of this (presumably this has happened more than once) Dec 25 20:12:34 fallout emhttpd: unclean shutdown detected You've now got some cache pool problems Dec 25 20:14:23 fallout kernel: BTRFS info (device sdo1): bdev /dev/sdo1 errs: wr 20410, rd 13244, flush 4, corrupt 0, gen 0 Dec 25 20:14:23 fallout kernel: BTRFS info (device sdo1): bdev /dev/sdp1 errs: wr 0, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 1, gen 0 Dec 25 20:14:23 fallout kernel: BTRFS info (device sdo1): bdev /dev/nvme0n1p1 errs: wr 0, rd 17, flush 0, corrupt 0, gen 0
  15. ALL writes to /mnt/diskX will always involve the parity disk. Besides, your thought process is wrong. If you were really going to purposely bypass the parity system (and there is a way to do it), then effectively you've impeded the system from being able to rebuild any given drive failure since the parity system on any given RAID solution has no concept of files being present, but rather the bits on each drive. And creating a file (and then presumably subsequently deleting it) will amount to substantial changes to the contents of the drive.
  16. If you do a docker hub search within Apps (enable it in options), there's far more up to date versions of CUPS than what was available within apps.
  17. Yes, depending upon your allocation method, split level, include / exclude settings.
  18. So edit the template so that they are not present in the template. The VM will always start up. Then attach them as required via the plugin.
  19. Works for me. Does your user have access to the share?
  20. Unraid never moves files from old disks to new ones. To do that, you'd want something like unbalance.
  21. Possible, sure. Painfully slow, definitely.
  22. The parity system is used to recover from a failed hard drive, not file system corruption
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