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Everything posted by itimpi

  1. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread so we can check how you have things set up.
  2. Why is this surprising? If you have the Only option set then Unraid will attempt to put files on the pool regardless of the amount of space free and you will then get an error if a file does not fit.
  3. You are likely to get better informed feedback if you attach your system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.
  4. You should post your system’s diagnostics zip file do we can see how you have things configured.
  5. This output suggests that the xfs_repair should be run without the -n option so that a repair rather than a check happens
  6. You can do it in using UD, but you have to enable destructive mode in the plugin’s settings to be offered this option.
  7. A pre-cleared disk has no file system. It needs to be partitioned and formatted before it can be mounted.
  8. That is what the Prefer setting is meant to do. It means you want mover to transfer files from array to cache space permitting. This will not get files back on the array as mover ignores shares with the No setting. You need the Yes setting to get files moved from cache to array. Once they are back on the array you can then use the No setting to stop new files being temporarily stored on a cache pool. The Help built into the GUI describes what the values of this setting do and how they affect the actions taken by mover.
  9. What size is your docker image? Have you worked out why it is getting full? Unless you have a LOT of docker containers it is probably due to a mis-configured container.
  10. You have only included part of the path information. I was looking for the full path (including filename) of a file that gave an error. As was mentioned rsync creates all its folders at the start. With your Split level settings only the ‘Movies/720p_1080p’ folder can exist on multiple drives. Any folders below that will have their content constrained to the drive where that folder is created (I.e. the first drive).
  11. If the USB drive is empty and is not getting any reads or writes then I do not see how it is a point of failure. In the worst case it would just be a case of replacing it with another empty USB.
  12. You can already do this using plugins, but I agree it would be nice to have it built in as standard.
  13. There is always an overhead the moment you format a drive (whether it is a pool or the array) as the empty file system structures are created. It is typically something like 1 to 1.5 percent of the total size of the drive although the overhead varies according to the details of the file system type selected. This applies to all systems, not just Unraid.
  14. Have you checked what files these are? If so then mentioning which ones they are might allow us to give you some guidance. Note that the used space on the cache will never go to zero due to the file system overhead once the drive has been formatted.
  15. Probably not relevant but 6.10.3 had gone stable so you should not be running a RC. It is now the 6.11 release that is in RC state - I think RC4 currently.
  16. I suspect your problem could be your Split Level setting. If there is any. contention over which drive to pick for a file then Split Level always wins. That can mean Unraid will try to copy to a disk even though it is below the Minimum Free Space level. Also, if a file already exists it is always updated in-situ on the same drive so any remnant from s failed earlier attempt might also cause problems. You can also get the same symptoms if any file is larger than the Minimum Free Space setting as Unraid does not know how large a file will become at the point at which the drive for the file is selected. It can therefore select a drive and later find it does not fit which causes it to error out. Giving the full path to the file that failed and details on its size might help with deciding if this is likely to be your issue.
  17. You can rebuild each disk in turn if that is more convenient. After the first rebuild succeeds then the array will be back in a protected state.
  18. @unusername if trying to use a ‘move’ rather than a copy/delete you have to be very careful folders/files do not end up on an unexpected disk as described here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at he top of each forum page.
  19. The correct handling of unmountable disks is covered here in the online documentation accessible via the ‘Manual’ link at the bottom of the GUI or the DOCS link at he top of each forum page. I suggest you keep the disk you removed with its contents intact as it may prove an alternative recovery option for any data.
  20. My suggestion is that you start by posting your system's diagnostics zip file so that we can see the current state of things. Then pick one specific issue that you are having problems with that you want resolved and we can then see if we can guide you getting that done. After that work on the next issue. I suggest concentrating on a single issue at a time so that the feedback you get at any point in time s focused on that one issue rather than scattered across different ones.
  21. Sounds like it If the cache drive was assigned then Unraid would have automatically picked up the files for those shares from the cache drive (regardless of any of you share settings) so deleting the shares would be deleting from the cache drive.
  22. Have you ensured that the folder for the Time Machine share does not exist on disk8? You might need to manually delete it if it does.
  23. Are you sure your PSU is up to handling that many drives? Do you have any splitters used in the power supply cabling to the drives?
  24. Just to check the obvious, do you have the ‘isos’ share setting set to be visible on the network. The default is for it to not be visible.
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