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Everything posted by JorgeB

  1. This looks more like a general support issue, you should post on the general support forum, please also post the diagnostics (tools -> diagnostics). Also, you're using a Ryzen CPU, Ryzen on Linux can lock up due to issues with c-states, make sure bios is up to date, then look for "Power Supply Idle Control" (or similar) and set it to "typical current idle" (or similar), or completely disable C-sates. More info here:
  2. Yes, if you have enough space you can "re-sparsify" the file in place, e.g.: cp --sparse=always /mnt/cache/path_to_vdisk /mnt/cache/path_to_new_vdisk Then delete the old one and rename the new one.
  3. You can have an SSD as parity, AFAIK there's just one SSD model (Kingston SV300) that would cause a couple of sync errors after a power cycle, all others I tested worked fine, except for the already mentioned lack of trim, I've been using an all SSD small array for a while without issues, mostly to test how lack of trim will affect performance over time.
  4. Mestest shouldn't detect any errors with ECC, since they would be corrected, unless something isn't working properly or ECC is disabled in the BIOS.
  5. Something is corrupting the data, #1 suspect is usually RAM, but with ECC I would try another NVMe device first if possible.
  6. Yes, currently WD only makes 2TB and 6TB 3.5" SMR drives. Note that all current 3.5" Toshibas drives up 14TB are CMR, and AFAIK all Seagate drives from 10 to 16TB are also CMR, Seagate does have an 8TB SMR.
  7. Try to recreate the flash drive manually: Backup your flash drive then open a command prompt window as administrator, then type, in this order: -diskpart -list disk -select disk x (x=your flash drive) -clean -create partition primary -format fs=fat32 label=UNRAID quick -active -assign -exit -close cmd window -Unzip Unraid release to flash drive and restore the config folder from the flash backup -execute make_bootable as admin
  8. Try recreating the flash drive manually: Backup your flash drive then open a command prompt window as administrator, then type, in this order: -diskpart -list disk -select disk x (x=your flash drive) -clean -create partition primary -format fs=fat32 label=UNRAID quick -active -assign -exit -close cmd window -Unzip Unraid release to flash drive and restore only the config folder from the flash backup -execute make_bootable as admin
  9. There's filesystem corruption on the cache pool, best way forward is to backup, re-format and restore data.
  10. You likely copied some sparse files, like vdisks, without using the sparse flag, so they will take more space.
  11. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/46802-faq-for-unraid-v6/?do=findComment&comment=545988
  12. USB 3.0 can be unreliable and prone to disconnects, USB 2.0 should always be used when available.
  13. When using legacy boot flash drive should still appear on the bios (hard drives or somewhere else depending on the board) even if empty.
  14. Problem with the flash drive, try again after running chkdsk first or recreating.
  15. You could, but there's the parity swap procedure precisely for those situations.
  16. It's almost certainly the controller, it's a 2 port Asmedia with port multipliers, they are a known problem.
  17. Also did you try v6.8 final? Kernel went back to 4.19
  18. https://s3.amazonaws.com/dnld.lime-technology.com/next/unRAIDServer-6.8.0-rc3-x86_64.zip
  19. LSISAS2308: FWVersion( This firmware has known issues, upgrade to latest (
  20. I mostly use Supermicro X9 and X11 series boards, X9 are for sandy/ivy bridge, X11 are for sky/kaby lake.
  21. Mine are working fine on x8 slots, my boards don't have any x16 slots.
  22. Ok, good to know there's a reason, great if you can improve it but it's not a big deal, just a little annoying since it gets me almost every day during my first forum browsing, but it's impossible to choose an hour convenient for everyone, with the Earth being round and all.
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