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Influencers Plug-ins-[UNPLUGGED] Support & Download-Sab, CP, Sickbeard, + more!!

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guys can some1 PLEASE  help me out. My CP isn't working for days :(


Hey, didn't see your issue (the prob with having just one large single thread)


The error about the download provider doesn't look good. I take it the plugin is in a stopped status and when you try to start it, it just stays as stopped?


The settings.conf file is on your USB stick. It might be worth temp replacing it with an untouched version. If that doesn't work you may need to reinstall the plugin and then reintroduce your settings file.

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I installed the Influencers Transmission package plugin and had it running, though it wouldn't save downloads to the array.


I stopped the array, but transmission still had some files open so the array won't stop.

Right nows I can only access my server through telnet and want to stop or kill transmission.


How do I do this in a telnet session?


At the end of this wiki it gives you details how to do it:



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I installed the Influencers Transmission package plugin and had it running, though it wouldn't save downloads to the array.


I stopped the array, but transmission still had some files open so the array won't stop.

Right nows I can only access my server through telnet and want to stop or kill transmission.


How do I do this in a telnet session?


At the end of this wiki it gives you details how to do it:




And how do I find the Transmission pid?


What is the proper command line to stop the transmission pluging?

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From that linked wiki page:

To identify processes holding a disk busy you can type:
fuser -mv /mnt/disk* /mnt/user/*
To terminate processes holding a disk busy you can type (example is for disk1):
fuser -mvk /mnt/disk1
or you can individually terminate individual process IDs by typing
kill PID
(where PID = the numberic process ID as printed by the prior fuser -mv command) 

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The solution I use is https://github.com/midgetspy/Sick-Beard/pull/629


You replace postprocessor.py and processtv with the ones in that think.


It works by appending each downloaded torrent with a processed label, so that when the scan runs it skips over them.


This allows you to then keep seeding and postprocess each file.


Hope this helps


Perfect! I'll try to run this when I get home.

I'm surprised I didn't find this considering I've been googling for a few days now!

I always thought I was a good "googler"




If it makes you feel any better it also took me many hours over several days trawling through various forums to come up with clearly a massive problem with sickbeard and torrenting. Unfortunately SB's development is heavily favoured towards usenet.


One word of advice is not to update SB, as a) it may overwrite these files and b) these files might not be compatible with later versions. I can confirm however it does currently run with latest version.



As I am already running another fork of sickbeard that handles failed NZB downloads from SAB, i combined the two and installed from my own fork here: https://github.com/ausey00/Sick-Beard


Hopefully anyone looking for a fix to these problems will use it.


Thanks very much for your help!


Forgive my noobness but how would I switch to your branch in unraid terminal session or GUI?

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Question regarding transmission setup:


Where to do I set the folder where downloads will be saved. The default is //Downloads but doesnt work for me I get an error on that about permission cant save tp //Downloads.


in the settings.json file in transmission's install directory OR through the webgui, click on the spanner icon at the bottom.

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The solution I use is https://github.com/midgetspy/Sick-Beard/pull/629


You replace postprocessor.py and processtv with the ones in that think.


It works by appending each downloaded torrent with a processed label, so that when the scan runs it skips over them.


This allows you to then keep seeding and postprocess each file.


Hope this helps


Perfect! I'll try to run this when I get home.

I'm surprised I didn't find this considering I've been googling for a few days now!

I always thought I was a good "googler"




If it makes you feel any better it also took me many hours over several days trawling through various forums to come up with clearly a massive problem with sickbeard and torrenting. Unfortunately SB's development is heavily favoured towards usenet.


One word of advice is not to update SB, as a) it may overwrite these files and b) these files might not be compatible with later versions. I can confirm however it does currently run with latest version.



As I am already running another fork of sickbeard that handles failed NZB downloads from SAB, i combined the two and installed from my own fork here: https://github.com/ausey00/Sick-Beard


Hopefully anyone looking for a fix to these problems will use it.


Thanks very much for your help!


Forgive my noobness but how would I switch to your branch in unraid terminal session or GUI?


Uninstall the current install by deleting the plugin.

Before installing again, enable advanced options in unraid GUI, and choose my github as the source.



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Uninstall the current install by deleting the plugin.

Before installing again, enable advanced options in unraid GUI, and choose my github as the source.



thanks i got it installed but now realize i dont have any torrent sources.  I didnt realize to use it with sickbeard you had to have a torrent search engine invite. So what exactly does your SAB failed file do?

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guys can some1 PLEASE  help me out. My CP isn't working for days :(


Hey, didn't see your issue (the prob with having just one large single thread)


The error about the download provider doesn't look good. I take it the plugin is in a stopped status and when you try to start it, it just stays as stopped?


The settings.conf file is on your USB stick. It might be worth temp replacing it with an untouched version. If that doesn't work you may need to reinstall the plugin and then reintroduce your settings file.


Didn't see your reply either lol.

This is so frusrating. The plugin is NOT stopped! The console says that it is "running" and again I can connect to the program by going to its ip address which I wouldn't be able to do if the process had been stopped...


I still can't get my couchpotato working. Can someone please help me with this? It's been almost 2 weeks :(

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guys can some1 PLEASE  help me out. My CP isn't working for days :(


Hey, didn't see your issue (the prob with having just one large single thread)


The error about the download provider doesn't look good. I take it the plugin is in a stopped status and when you try to start it, it just stays as stopped?


The settings.conf file is on your USB stick. It might be worth temp replacing it with an untouched version. If that doesn't work you may need to reinstall the plugin and then reintroduce your settings file.


Didn't see your reply either lol.

This is so frusrating. The plugin is NOT stopped! The console says that it is "running" and again I can connect to the program by going to its ip address which I wouldn't be able to do if the process had been stopped...


I still can't get my couchpotato working. Can someone please help me with this? It's been almost 2 weeks :(


Ok, so I've just gone through all your posts and its all over the place. Firstly it was sickbeard not working, but everything else ok. Now it's CP....


SO... Please start again


What can and can't you do. You can connect to it but it won't download? If you CAN connect to it, click on the cog icon and hit restart. CP is less forgiving with changes than sickbeard and requires restarting for settings to take affect.

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Is anyone else having a problem getting the email notifications in Couchpotato working ?


I'm using the same settings i was using in the mac version of couchpotato which sent out notifications, but on the unraid version, no dice.


Also on a side note, since the may 3rd update of couch potato there is a weird issue when trying to add films already in your library/want list, before the update used to get a message under the movie title to say it is already in library/want list, not happening since the update.


mentioned it on the couch potato forum, and again here in case it was somehow specific to unraid.

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this is stupid idea use package compiled under slackware 14.0 there is so many difrent libs, include openssl version etc.

(on start most people get error: "error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"


here is from 13.1 and lighter without any no needed files like for GTK



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Hey guys, I just merged a couple pull requests, including the updated transmission version. I'm trying to catch up with everything!


Welcome back Influencer.  Hope the little one is giving you some sleep.


If you can release the flexget package you've been working on, even if the GUI it doesn't work, I'll gladly test it for you.  Life is tough with flexget at the moment.

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im install flexget with added 3 line to go ;) i dont know for why plugin is needed just add to go file:


curl https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py | python

pip install flexget

pip install transmissionrpc


and is ready to working ;)


One depends is needed setuptools

this is for python 2.6 https://pypi.python.org/packages/2.6/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg#md5=bfa92100bd772d5a213eedd356d64086

this is for python 2.7 (if somebody use like me)


best download to /boot/packages and add line to go before flexget

sh /boot/packages/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg


you can add also line to "go" for add cron task



crontab -l > /tmp/flexget; echo '#Run Flexget every min 15' >> /tmp/flexget; echo '*/15 * * * * flexget --cron -c /boot/config.yml 1>/dev/null 2>&1' >>/tmp/flexget; crontab /tmp/flexget; rm /tmp/flexget


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this is stupid idea use package compiled under slackware 14.0 there is so many difrent libs, include openssl version etc.

(on start most people get error: "error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"


here is from 13.1 and lighter without any no needed files like for GTK




That's my fault. It was late and I wasn't even thinking about the fact the standard slackware package would include the gui version as well. I'll do another pull request so influencer can merge in your version. Really sorry about that.

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That's my fault. It was late and I wasn't even thinking about the fact the standard slackware package would include the gui version as well. I'll do another pull request so influencer can merge in your version. Really sorry about that.


im alwayes keep latest packages here ;)

https://truck.it/p/Vq3zpArAKB if new version will be released for sure you find there already compiled ;)

also there you find all latest depends of transmission plugin like openldap, or libidn (are fully 100% compatible with unraid and slackware 13.1)

packages python already have inside Cheetah ;) - im use latest packages for all plugins 2 mouth and i dont get any errors or segfaults.

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guys can some1 PLEASE  help me out. My CP isn't working for days :(


Hey, didn't see your issue (the prob with having just one large single thread)


The error about the download provider doesn't look good. I take it the plugin is in a stopped status and when you try to start it, it just stays as stopped?


The settings.conf file is on your USB stick. It might be worth temp replacing it with an untouched version. If that doesn't work you may need to reinstall the plugin and then reintroduce your settings file.


Didn't see your reply either lol.

This is so frusrating. The plugin is NOT stopped! The console says that it is "running" and again I can connect to the program by going to its ip address which I wouldn't be able to do if the process had been stopped...


I still can't get my couchpotato working. Can someone please help me with this? It's been almost 2 weeks :(


Ok, so I've just gone through all your posts and its all over the place. Firstly it was sickbeard not working, but everything else ok. Now it's CP....


SO... Please start again


What can and can't you do. You can connect to it but it won't download? If you CAN connect to it, click on the cog icon and hit restart. CP is less forgiving with changes than sickbeard and requires restarting for settings to take affect.

Yes, I had a problem with SB before but now it's CP.


Thank you for going through my posts for helping me fix this. It has actually just started working on its own for some reason. No idea why but I just restarted CP like I did many times before and it randomly started working. Thanks for trying to help

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Can someone help me resolve an issue im having with CP?


Been using this plugin for some time without issue but since a clean reboot last week I have been unable to access the WebUI.

I can start/stop CP fine from within Unraid settings and CP does run as its still snatching and renaming movies. Just when I go to the URL of the CP WebUI it loads a blank page…


I did some digging around last night and it looks as if the CSS files in the CP cache directory are losing read permissions when the plugin is started.. Why would this be happening?


If I restore the read permissions once CouchPotato has started using CHMOD I get my WebUI back.  If I restart the plugin I lose read permissions again.


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Check your file permissions in CP under the General settings, might have to click "View advanced settings". CP seems to be using these settings on its own files and locking itself out  of its own files.


The file permissions in CP are set as 0777... The permissions have been set this was since CP was first installed and I've only just started getting this issue.

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