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VirtualBox Plugin for unRAID v5 and v6


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Has anyone been successful in running phpvirtualbox on unRAID 6 using the apache web server plugin at http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33692.msg310774.msg#310774 ?


I copied my working phpvirtualbox folder to my unraid 6 test server (from my production server 5.0.6 where it is working) and I am getting the following error when trying to access phpvirtualbox - see attached picture


I am getting the same error even when the webserver is not running at all.


BTW - the plugin for unraid 6 is almost complete :)


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Has anyone been successful in running phpvirtualbox on unRAID 6 using the apache web server plugin at http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33692.msg310774.msg#310774 ?


I copied my working phpvirtualbox folder to my unraid 6 test server (from my production server 5.0.6 where it is working) and I am getting the following error when trying to access phpvirtualbox - see attached picture


I am getting the same error even when the webserver is not running at all.


BTW - the plugin for unraid 6 is almost complete :)


What version of phpvirtualbox? I have 4.3.1 and no error. I haven't tried virtualbox in awhile. I do remember certain versions not working right but don't remember why.

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What version of phpvirtualbox? I have 4.3.1 and no error. I haven't tried virtualbox in awhile. I do remember certain versions not working right but don't remember why.

running phpvirtualbox v4.3.3 which is working on my production server 5.0.6 (simplefeatures webserver) but not on the test server.



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What version of phpvirtualbox? I have 4.3.1 and no error. I haven't tried virtualbox in awhile. I do remember certain versions not working right but don't remember why.

running phpvirtualbox v4.3.3 which is working on my production server 5.0.6 (simplefeatures webserver) but not on the test server.

My 4.3-1 now shows a blank screen and I get the same message about an unknown error for 4.3-2 and 4.3-3.  I'll have to see if I can figure it out.


Nice work on the plugin.  A couple things that you need or can do.  The 48x48 pixel virtualbox.png can go in an images directory and you need to create a 16x16 virtualbox.png and place it in an icons directory in the emhttp directory.  The 16x16 will replace the generic icon on the top left of the settings page.  I just resized the 48x48 to test but here it is.


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I use cache drive.

Just make sure the location on the cache drive is cache only so it will not be moved.


Using an array data drive will slow the VM because any change (write) by the VM to the operating system will involve the parity drive.


How do I get the virtual machine to go on my cache drive?  I have created a directory on my cache drive that won't be touched by the mover script, but I don't know the steps to take when creating the new machine.  My choices are "No virtual hard drive", "Create a virtual hard drive now", or "use an existing virtual hard drive".  Which do I choose, and what do I do next?

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You probably wouldn't install it on your cache drive depending on how many instances you'll be creating.  Easiest thing would be to create a virtual drive on your user share for each instance.  Just remember as your vhd fills up it will grow to the max size that you allocate to it, but won't automatically shrink.  You'll need to run scripts to defrag and then zero out the free space in order to shrink it. 

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You probably wouldn't install it on your cache drive depending on how many instances you'll be creating.  Easiest thing would be to create a virtual drive on your user share for each instance.  Just remember as your vhd fills up it will grow to the max size that you allocate to it, but won't automatically shrink.  You'll need to run scripts to defrag and then zero out the free space in order to shrink it.


I think I prefer to use cache, I don't want to spin up my array for VMs.  What is the disadvantage of using cache?



**EDIT** Found the setting to modify the virtual hard drive directory, now looking for whether installing to cache is a good idea or not?

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Has anyone been successful in running phpvirtualbox on unRAID 6 using the apache web server plugin at http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33692.msg310774.msg#310774 ?


I copied my working phpvirtualbox folder to my unraid 6 test server (from my production server 5.0.6 where it is working) and I am getting the following error when trying to access phpvirtualbox - see attached picture


I am getting the same error even when the webserver is not running at all.


BTW - the plugin for unraid 6 is almost complete :)

To get it working In /boot/config/plugins/apache/httpd/php.ini change "short_open_tag = Off" to "short_open_tag = On".

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Similar to a regular PC, depends on how much read/write you're expecting to do.  If you're planning to use it as a boot disk and a data store on another virtual drive, you should be good to go.


Yes the cache drive will just be the boot drive, data will reside on the array.


I just installed Windows 7 64bit with 1gig RAM and 80% of 4 cores.  I have extreme mouse lag, the mouse is so out of sync it is unusable.  I would also like more resolution options, I can go 1600x1200 with 128megs video RAM but I cannot get 1080p resolution to match my remote monitors.


Do I need to install Guess Extensions on the Windows 7 VM?  I already have it installed in the unraid VirtualBox plugin, but not sure if Windows needs it installed?  What else can I try to fix the mouse (priority) and screen resolution?

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Has anyone been successful in running phpvirtualbox on unRAID 6 using the apache web server plugin at http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33692.msg310774.msg#310774 ?


I copied my working phpvirtualbox folder to my unraid 6 test server (from my production server 5.0.6 where it is working) and I am getting the following error when trying to access phpvirtualbox - see attached picture


I am getting the same error even when the webserver is not running at all.


BTW - the plugin for unraid 6 is almost complete :)

To get it working In /boot/config/plugins/apache/httpd/php.ini change "short_open_tag = Off" to "short_open_tag = On".


Thank you, I will try it tonight.

Can it be done permenantly as part of your plugin? will it impact anything else?


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Yes the cache drive will just be the boot drive, data will reside on the array.


I just installed Windows 7 64bit with 1gig RAM and 80% of 4 cores.  I have extreme mouse lag, the mouse is so out of sync it is unusable.  I would also like more resolution options, I can go 1600x1200 with 128megs video RAM but I cannot get 1080p resolution to match my remote monitors.


Do I need to install Guess Extensions on the Windows 7 VM?  I already have it installed in the unraid VirtualBox plugin, but not sure if Windows needs it installed?  What else can I try to fix the mouse (priority) and screen resolution?


I have my VMs on the cache drive and access the unRAID data via Share Folders https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch04.html#sharedfolders which require Guest Additions.

It is faster than regular network shares because it doesn't actualy go through the physical network but directly to the unRAID drives/shares.


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Has anyone been successful in running phpvirtualbox on unRAID 6 using the apache web server plugin at http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33692.msg310774.msg#310774 ?


I copied my working phpvirtualbox folder to my unraid 6 test server (from my production server 5.0.6 where it is working) and I am getting the following error when trying to access phpvirtualbox - see attached picture


I am getting the same error even when the webserver is not running at all.


BTW - the plugin for unraid 6 is almost complete :)

To get it working In /boot/config/plugins/apache/httpd/php.ini change "short_open_tag = Off" to "short_open_tag = On".


Thank you, I will try it tonight.

Can it be done permenantly as part of your plugin? will it impact anything else?


I updated the plugin. The way the plugin works is to symlink /etc/httpd to/boot/config/plugins/apache/httpd.  So  custom httpd.conf, php.ini, proxies, ssl etc can be saved.  If php.ini already exists the plugin won't overwrite it but it will be there for new installs. 


It shouldn't affect anything. There's a warning in the php.ini about it. All it does is allow php short cuts to be evaluated.  Meaning you can use <? some code ?> in your php. With it turned off only <?php some code?> will be evaluated. So phpvirtualbox and phpMyAdmin won't work with it off.

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I was able to get the plugin to start the webserver however I don't think I have it setup properly. You can see my settings and what happens when I go to the webserver from my computer. Apache was not running at the time and had no different effect with it on.


Also to make this plugin even better I'd suggest telling users something is preventing the webserver from starting instead of just blankly refreshing the page as if nothing happened after hitting "start webserver"


I'd also suggest refreshing the page when the webserver does start instead of having to close the tab we're on down and going to our unraid on a new tab. Not even typing in the server's IP again will work.


They don't stop the plugin from functioning though would be nice QoL changes for the user.



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I do not start the Apache webserver from this plugin.


I start the vboxwebsrv that enables a webserver to communication with the phpVirtualbox.



Though do you have an idea what is causing that xml error when I start the vboxwebserver and how to get around it?

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Though do you have an idea what is causing that xml error when I start the vboxwebserver and how to get around it?


Just to understand:

* You run vboxwebsrv?

* You have your Apache Webserver enabled and running? is it the latest version (2015.04.21)?

* You have phpVirtualbox extracted in your webserver configured folder?

* How are you trying to access phpVirtualbox?


* Why have you changed the default address and port for vboxwebsrv?


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Though do you have an idea what is causing that xml error when I start the vboxwebserver and how to get around it?


Just to understand:

* You run vboxwebsrv?

* You have your Apache Webserver enabled and running? is it the latest version (2015.04.21)?

* You have phpVirtualbox extracted in your webserver configured folder?

* How are you trying to access phpVirtualbox?


* Why have you changed the default address and port for vboxwebsrv?



EDIT: I changed the virtualbox port to the one phpvirtualbox asked for and turned off auth for now. I was able to connect and install an OS. The odd things is after I connect via RDC my mouse it now in the same place my desktop's mouse is when I move it inside the Vms desktop. The VMs mouse will be in the top right corner while my main mouse is in the middle of the screen. Any idea what's going on?


1: vboxwebsrv is running

2: Both enabled and running and is the latest

3: I extracted the folder containing phpvirtualbox to my apache root. My apache server and I click on the folder in the web browser for now. Once things are working I'll take everything out of the folder and put it in the root for apache

4: I am trying to access it with the same way I access my unraid server. The server's IP is and vboxwebsrv is on port 1000, so I do - I time out. I have tried accessing apache instead and going into phpvirtualbox folder. When I do I get an error using the default login (after editing the file).

5: I did that for testing and it is now


If I have to guess my problem is probably how I am trying to access my server as I've only just learned about phpvirtualbox. The built in vm manager doesn't give me much control and I'm hoping virtualbox will allow me more control over my VMs.

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The odd things is after I connect via RDC my mouse it now in the same place my desktop's mouse is when I move it inside the Vms desktop. The VMs mouse will be in the top right corner while my main mouse is in the middle of the screen. Any idea what's going on?

Install the virtualbox guest drivers in the VM's OS.
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The odd things is after I connect via RDC my mouse it now in the same place my desktop's mouse is when I move it inside the Vms desktop. The VMs mouse will be in the top right corner while my main mouse is in the middle of the screen. Any idea what's going on?

Install the virtualbox guest drivers in the VM's OS.


Figured as much, Thanks.


Have you ever come across a situation where you were unable to install the addons? For example while you're trying to install an OS and there's an option you're unable to select with your keyboard or mouse. Curious is all.


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The odd things is after I connect via RDC my mouse it now in the same place my desktop's mouse is when I move it inside the Vms desktop. The VMs mouse will be in the top right corner while my main mouse is in the middle of the screen. Any idea what's going on?

Install the virtualbox guest drivers in the VM's OS.


Figured as much, Thanks.


Have you ever come across a situation where you were unable to install the addons? For example while you're trying to install an OS and there's an option you're unable to select with your keyboard or mouse. Curious is all.

Nope. Keyboard always worked correctly for me, and mouse is typically just scaled funny. If you move it around the screen enough you can get the pattern and click where needed, or just use the keyboard. I have never met a mouse only dialog box in an OS install screen, only in third party software. Use tab, space, arrow keys, enter, and shift in some combination and you can get about anything done in any UI.
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