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webGui on github

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They weren't sold as 6.0 webgui features.  They were promised as part of 5.0 before 6.0 saw the light of day.


the world changes, things move on.


I have no specific knowledge either way I am only interested here in v6 webgui here.

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They weren't sold as 6.0 webgui features.  They were promised as part of 5.0 before 6.0 saw the light of day.


the world changes, things move on.


I have no specific knowledge either way I am only interested here in v6 webgui here.


Sure, which is part of life as a unRAID user.  All we need to know is if what was planned is going to happen or not.  If it's no longer on the cards, let us know so we can make a more informed decision on when to move to 6.

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I also haven't found a prepackaged VM that includes all the plugin alternatives iwant.


Don't hold your breath waiting for a ready-made package to do everything you want out of the box.


It's relatively easy to use the ArchVM image produced by Ironicbadger, and add all the applications you could want.  Pacman is very easy to use, and much simpler than having to create plugins for unRAID.  I currently have LogitechMediaServer, minidlna, MySQL (MariaDB) and deluge running.


I did build 64-bit unRAID plugins for mpop and Dovecot, to keep my email going, but I will soon move those over to VM.


The only problem I currently have is getting minidlna and CouchPotato to co-exist on the same machine - if I cannot resolve that, I will simply create a separate VM.

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I also haven't found a prepackaged VM that includes all the plugin alternatives iwant.


Don't hold your breath waiting for a ready-made package to do everything you want out of the box.


It's relatively easy to use the ArchVM image produced by Ironicbadger, and add all the applications you could want.  Pacman is very easy to use, and much simpler than having to create plugins for unRAID.  I currently have LogitechMediaServer, minidlna, MySQL (MariaDB) and deluge running.


I did build 64-bit unRAID plugins for mpop and Dovecot, to keep my email going, but I will soon move those over to VM.


The only problem I currently have is getting minidlna and CouchPotato to co-exist on the same machine - if I cannot resolve that, I will simply create a separate VM.


Not sure anyone said I was holding my breath.  The current state is why I am now asking if what was on the roadmap is no longer the case.  If I find a vm with what I want I can move earlier.  If I can't I'll need to wait until I have the time to play around on my one live system.  Being live, it will have to be when the wife and kids are out of the house for a week or two so I have time to play, experiment, recover, start again until I decide to make the move or revert back to where I am.


All I am asking for is more information so I can make a more informed decision about moving to anothe beta reklease or staying on the stable released one.

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webGui on github is only for unRaid 6.  Sorry, I need to make that clear somewhere.

does that mean that 5.0.5 will not get to benifit from webGUI enhancements from here on? And will 5.0.6 fix this?


Let me ask a question I am curious about. Is your system not capable of running 64bit?

my system is capable of running 64bit, but 6.0 i way to immature to run on my 30tb production server, and i dont have a test server....

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 6 years later...

I like to make some changes to the WebGUI files (and finally push them to the official repository). What is the best method to test my changes? An additional unraid server? And what is the best way to sync the changes to "/usr/local/emhttp"?

Edited by mgutt
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4 hours ago, mgutt said:

I like to make some changes to the WebGUI files (and finally push them to the official repository). What is the best method to test my changes? An additional unraid server? And what is the best way to sync the changes to "/usr/local/emhttp"?

Do you have a spare Unraid licence?   If so then I would recommend running a copy of Unraid in a VM hosted on Unraid itself.     Much easier (and cheaper) than running a separate Unraid server.   This is how I run most of my Unraid development.    

i actually have my Unraid server running DropBox so I can make changes on my Windows box and have them auto-synced to Unraid and use a simple script to then copy them into position for testing.    However I can think of lots of other ways of achieving the transfer to Unraid such as using FTP or simply copying to a network share.

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You can always try approaching Limetech with the details of what you are thinking of doing to see if they will provide you with a complementary licence for your development.


I passed through a USB stick (I did NOT pass through the controller so you can use a machine that does not have IOMMU support needed for hardware pass-through.).  It has to be one that has a unique GUID so that an Unraid licence can be associated with it.   If you go this route make sure the one you want to use with the VM is a different brand to the one used to boot Unraid so they can easily be told apart.   Details on how to set up a VM for this purpose can be found here.   When the VM is not running you can mount the USB stick using Unassigned Devices to copy files to/from it if required.

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6 hours ago, mgutt said:

I like to make some changes to the WebGUI files (and finally push them to the official repository). What is the best method to test my changes? An additional unraid server? And what is the best way to sync the changes to "/usr/local/emhttp"?

I've modified smb-extra.cfg to export /usr/local/emhttp/plugins over the network to simplify directly modifying the webGUI files from my Windows box.

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  • 8 months later...

What is the best way to debug my code changes? At the moment this is my way:


Create links to the relevant unraid files:

root@thoth:~# ln -s /var/local /mnt/user/Marc/unraid/varlocal
root@thoth:~# ln -s /usr/local /mnt/user/Marc/unraid/usrlocal


Edit smb-extra.conf and add the following:

	path = /mnt/user/Marc/unraid
	comment =
	browseable = yes
	# Private
	writeable = no
	read list = 
	write list = marc
	valid users =  marc
	force user = root
	force group = root
	admin users = marc
	case sensitive = auto
	preserve case = yes
	short preserve case = yes



samba restart


Now I'm able to access for example /usr/local/emhttp and change some code as root and test its output through my browser.


Would you say this is an effective way or is there a better one?

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Just add something like this to smb-extra

  valid users = andrew
  write list = andrew
  force user = root

Then edit all the files directly with Notepad++.  I'd much rather deal directly with the files than handle a symlink.

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2 hours ago, mgutt said:

Does it open the file directly in my editor? And what about syncing? At the moment I add a line through my editor, press save and the change is directly active.


Of course you have to configure which editor is the default when you are using WinSCP within WinSCP.

On Linux it opens with your default editor.

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