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[CONTAINER] CrashPlan & CrashPlan-Desktop

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys. I wanted to know if people have been able to successfully restart this docker. On first setup I am easily able to connect to the service via the windows gui. After a restart I can see that the java task is running, but I am not able to connect to the service. Nothing in the logs indicates an error either.

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- Crashplan updated to 3.6.4.


Hey gfjardim,


Can you explain the difference between this:


and this:



They are no longer in sync.




The second one is what I'm using to build the container; the other is just a leftover that I forgot/didn't had time to erase.

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Hey guys. I wanted to know if people have been able to successfully restart this docker. On first setup I am easily able to connect to the service via the windows gui. After a restart I can see that the java task is running, but I am not able to connect to the service. Nothing in the logs indicates an error either.


I'm having the same issue. I set everything up on the first start. Had a power outage and now that i'm bringing the docker back up, it seems to run, but connection times out with the CrashPlan client.




Found the answer just back a page. See post 63: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=33864.msg331585#msg331585


I guess something changed recently? It seems like the default was open with the last version. Quick fix no no problem either way!

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  • 4 weeks later...

In continuation to the post above when I try to open the Web UI by clicking on the app in the docker page too, it takes me to the crashplan website rather than the WEB UI


You need to have Crashplan software installed on a different computer or in a VM where you edit the config file to point to the Unraid server IP for the "engine".  This works well on a Mac, I guess should be as easy on a PC.

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There's no webUI available for CrashPlan. Take a look at the first message for further instructions.


Oh yeah, right!


Now I have made a mistake. I have made the changes in the ui.properties file on the server rather than on the client. And I don't know what the default was. So what should the IP and the port be on unraid? And I suppose I just need to enter the unRAID server IP and the port ie 4243 in the client's UI properties file and I should be able to connect using the program. Please let me know if my understanding is right! Thanks!

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Maybe i missed this while searching this thread so apologies in advance.


I was using CrashPlan while on unRAID v5 and just updated to the newest beta. I installed the CrashPlan container and pointed the config folder to the folder i had been using on 5 and it doesnt pick up where it left off, it makes me sign in again and start over. Is there anyway to just switch from plugin to container and keep everything going as it was without having to set everything back up?

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I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I reverted to default settings on the server, IP for which is as I found out. And I set the IP and port on the client to which is the IP of my server and the port to 4243 but the crash plan program does not connect. Where to start looking?


Please take a look at the file /path_of_config/conf/my.service.xml and search for these lines:




Post the content here.

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The settings on the server are as above. On the client windows pc, I have the IP and service port set to the IP of my tower and port 4243. With this config, the crashplan program always stops at "Unable to connect to the backup engine. Retry?"


In the ui.properties file on the windows pc there is another service port field at the bottom of the file. This is set to 4200 by default. I tried setting this to 4243 too and this took me into the app. But I can't see my server as one of the computers to back up to. I can only see my windows PC


I am not familiar with using crashplan so I don't know what is exactly going on. Please help.


By the way, when I go to the Settings>Network tab in crashplan windows desktop program I can see the Internal address as Is this correct?


Lastly, even if I made the connection from my PC to the server where would the backup be stored on the server?


EDIT: Just checked again and the internal IP address had changed to which is the internal ip of my pc.

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I'm new to Docker, so these questions might sound dumb.


I'm running unraid 6 beta10.  In the Docker tab of the GUI I have 2 entries for Crashplan.  I must have set one up via the GUI using the template from gfjardim.  Then after that, I used the command line, since I thought that was necessary to start the app.  After looking at the entries, it looks like the first one didn't actually do anything (no ports are listed), so  I'm assuming the first entry is unnecessary and can be deleted?


The second thing is with respect to uncommenting the machine address and port number in the ui.properties file in the Crashplan app on my computer I use to access the unraid server.  If I remember correctly, previously when using Influencer's Crashplan plugin, you would recomment those lines once you were done setting up the backup.  Do I need to do that here as well?  Or is it ok to leave it uncommented?


Thanks for the help!


One additional followup I thought of after I posted.  When I used the command line to setup the Crashplan Docker, I set the path to my config as a new folder called /mnt/user/appdata/crashplan, likely because I saw that example somewhere.  This folder didn't actually exist before, so the command created one.  But now this shows up as a new share, and it is not on the cache drive.  Should it be?  And if it is supposed to be on the cache drive, can I change the location of the config folder after the fact to my normal app folder on the cache drive (in other words, can I change the setting in the docker entry)?

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The settings on the server are as above. On the client windows pc, I have the IP and service port set to the IP of my tower and port 4243. With this config, the crashplan program always stops at "Unable to connect to the backup engine. Retry?"


In the ui.properties file on the windows pc there is another service port field at the bottom of the file. This is set to 4200 by default. I tried setting this to 4243 too and this took me into the app. But I can't see my server as one of the computers to back up to. I can only see my windows PC


I am not familiar with using crashplan so I don't know what is exactly going on. Please help.


By the way, when I go to the Settings>Network tab in crashplan windows desktop program I can see the Internal address as Is this correct?


Lastly, even if I made the connection from my PC to the server where would the backup be stored on the server?


EDIT: Just checked again and the internal IP address had changed to which is the internal ip of my pc.


Ok, this is a hint.


Remove Crashplan and reinstall it on your Windows machine. Then go to "c:/program files", and make a copy of the Crashplan folder to, e.g., CrashPlan-Server. In this newly created folder ("c:/program files/CrashPlan-Server"), change the conf/ui.properties following the instructions on the header of this topic. Then, you can create a shortcut to "c:/program files/CrashPlan-Server/CrashPlanDesktop.exe" on your desktop.



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