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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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Would it be possible to make the Cache SSD Trim configurable as to what drive(s) it actually runs on?  I don't use a SSD for cache, but I do use it for everything docker.  I'm currently using a script installed into the daily cron job list to do it, but would rather be able to manage it via the UI if possible.


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I am pretty new to unraid and just got my first server up with v6.1.6 trying to get the S3 Sleep Plugin working.

I followed the Wiki here: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Setup_Sleep_(S3)_and_Wake_on_Lan_(WOL)

and I am able to get my server asleep by Telnet, with the button under the arry operations page and the execute function worked aswell.


But I am only able to wake it up with the Wakeup.bat file as described in the Wiki.

Shouldn't my server wake up aswell when trying to access a user share over the network for example?

I am not sure if I need to make any further adjustments as described in the Wiki (e.g. generating a sleep script) as I thought that this would already be covered by installing the plugin through the link of this thread.


Hope someone can clear me up.



Thank you!




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Just updated the Local Master plugin and instantly got:

Warning: require_once(include/DefaultPageLayout.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'include/DefaultPageLayout.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56 


unable to access webgui, but everything else is still working.... ie dockers and smb/nfs shares.... is there a CLI update or fix that i can apply to regain access to webgui? unable to reboot now due to some maintenance of server and need to see progress. Thanks for any assistance...

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Just updated the Local Master plugin and instantly got:

Warning: require_once(include/DefaultPageLayout.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'include/DefaultPageLayout.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56 


unable to access webgui, but everything else is still working.... ie dockers and smb/nfs shares.... is there a CLI update or fix that i can apply to regain access to webgui? unable to reboot now due to some maintenance server and need to see progress. Thanks for any assistance...

Probably flash corruption.
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You're fast ^^


Fixed by opening flash/bzroot using 7zip

Extracted /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php

Connected via sftp to my machine (as root)

Copied php file to /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/

Checked that permissions were 644

Refreshed WebUI



Since I know I can fix it, I tried reinstalling Local Master in hopes of it breaking again but I failed, it installed fine ^^.

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You're fast ^^


Fixed by opening flash/bzroot using 7zip

Extracted /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/DefaultPageLayout.php

Connected via sftp to my machine (as root)

Copied php file to /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/include/

Checked that permissions were 644

Refreshed WebUI



Since I know I can fix it, I tried reinstalling Local Master in hopes of it breaking again but I failed, it installed fine ^^.


There was a mistake in the first PLG file which I put online and it accidentally deleted the file DefaultPageLayout.php. The second version which I posted about 10 minutes later has the correct PLG file. Amazing to see how fast people upgrade ;D


For those affected, the fix of kyis works by simply restoring the missing file.


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There was a mistake in the first PLG file which I put online and it accidentally deleted the file DefaultPageLayout.php. The second version which I posted about 10 minutes later has the correct PLG file. Amazing to see how fast people upgrade ;D


For those affected, the fix of kyis works by simply restoring the missing file.



The Problem persists with update 2015.12.29a... it deleted the DefaultPageLayout.php... I had to restore it with the instructions in this thread from bzroot

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There was a mistake in the first PLG file which I put online and it accidentally deleted the file DefaultPageLayout.php. The second version which I posted about 10 minutes later has the correct PLG file. Amazing to see how fast people upgrade ;D


For those affected, the fix of kyis works by simply restoring the missing file.



The Problem persists with update 2015.12.29a... it deleted the DefaultPageLayout.php... I had to restore it with the instructions in this thread from bzroot


Ok, squashed it now ... update 2015.12.30 doesn't touch the .php file at all.

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What exactly is a "Local Master" and why would I need/want to know information about it?  I didn't realize there was a plugin for it until the errors, and the description in the first post explains it, but it doesn't explain what a local master is or why it's important.


Also, I remember there was a 'hack' to show the active streams on the dashboard page, but it doesn't persist thru a reboot.  Could this be made optional to always show active streams on the dashboard?  it's very helpful to me there.



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What exactly is a "Local Master" and why would I need/want to know information about it?  I didn't realize there was a plugin for it until the errors, and the description in the first post explains it, but it doesn't explain what a local master is or why it's important.


Also, I remember there was a 'hack' to show the active streams on the dashboard page, but it doesn't persist thru a reboot.  Could this be made optional to always show active streams on the dashboard?  it's very helpful to me there.




Think of the Local Master as a DNS server for SMB.  It is important because it allows any device that is using SMB to locate the resources  (think files) on the Network.  The problem is that the basic functions of SMB were setup back in the days of Window for Workgroups 3.1 in the early 1990's when  the 80286 Processor was the norm.  An election is held periodically to elect a Local Master (time in the 15 minute range) and periodically information is broadcasted from the Local Master identifying all of the resources available.  If the Local Master moves around (Say from computers being turned off and on),  there is a possibly that a computer will not be able to find the resource that it needs to access a file.  (Think of those topics you may have seen--'Help I can't find my unraid server!'  I believe that each computer does store the name of the current Local Master and will assume that it is still the Master when restarted.) 


You really want your unRAID server to be the Local Master if it is always on.  Any device that is using SMB could become the Local Master.  Even your $99 six-year-old set-top media server... 

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Thanks for the nice explanation of the local master scheme.


Since I have my SMB share on unRAID set for local master:yes, is there any reason to install the plugin?  Can I just assume unRAID will continue to serve as the local master and I can just not worry about it?  I've not seen any problems in the last few years that would make me concerned it's an issue; so...good enough?


thanks again

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Thanks for the nice explanation of the local master scheme.


Since I have my SMB share on unRAID set for local master:yes, is there any reason to install the plugin?  Can I just assume unRAID will continue to serve as the local master and I can just not worry about it?  I've not seen any problems in the last few years that would make me concerned it's an issue; so...good enough?


thanks again

Just because you have local master:yes does not mean that unRaid IS the local master.  Merely that it will advertise itself to be available.


All the plugin does is throw an icon next to the IP address on the main screen indicating if unRAID currently is the local master.

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updated several plugins only to end up with this:


Warning: require_once(include/DefaultPageLayout.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'include/DefaultPageLayout.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56


plugs updated: Local Master, installed Fan, then uninstalled it. May have been others don't recall.


appears something renames DefaultPageLayout.php to DefaultPageLayout.php- which causes the error.

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Thanks for the nice explanation of the local master scheme.


Since I have my SMB share on unRAID set for local master:yes, is there any reason to install the plugin?  Can I just assume unRAID will continue to serve as the local master and I can just not worry about it?  I've not seen any problems in the last few years that would make me concerned it's an issue; so...good enough?


thanks again

Just because you have local master:yes does not mean that unRaid IS the local master.  Merely that it will advertise itself to be available.


All the plugin does is throw an icon next to the IP address on the main screen indicating if unRAID currently is the local master.


It does do one more thing.  It displays on the 'Settings', 'SMB', 'Workgroup' tab, the name of the current Local Master. 


If you have never had a problem, that is great.  The problem is that SMB is an evolving protocol and it has two different 'forks'  (may not be the best term) ---  MS and Linux/UNIX.  They are almost identical but MS definitely goes its own direction and SMB tries to follow.  The election is a convoluted process and it is possible to influence the likelihood that a particular computer (or OS) will 'win'!  MS has set up each new version of Windows so that the computer with the most recent Windows OS will win.  (All other things equal, a Win10 machine will always win over a Win7 machine!)  (A secondary problem MS made some security or other 'enhancements' in Win10 that have been causing problems for some users not be able finding their unRAID servers!)  The one true blessing in all of this is that a Windows for Workgroup 3.1 computer will still work on a SMB network. 


You can make use of 'trick' that MS uses to bias the election in favor of your unRAID server by adding a file called      smb-extra.conf    to your Config folder on your unRAID flash drive which contains the following code:


domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
os level = 255

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updated several plugins only to end up with this:


Warning: require_once(include/DefaultPageLayout.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56 Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'include/DefaultPageLayout.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/template.php on line 56


plugs updated: Local Master, installed Fan, then uninstalled it. May have been others don't recall.


appears something renames DefaultPageLayout.php to DefaultPageLayout.php- which causes the error.



I have just updated the local master plugin only and had this same error.


Now I cannot access the unRAID GUI at all, just get the above error....


Any idea how I can recover from this big problem?

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