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Dynamix - V6 Plugins

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On 9/26/2018 at 4:37 PM, Fireball3 said:

Thanks, definitely a dynamix entry.

What is the output of (see mover section)

cat /etc/cron.d/root
# cat /etc/cron.d/root
# Generated docker monitoring schedule:
10 0 * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/dockerupdate.php check &> /dev/null

# Generated system monitoring schedule:
*/1 * * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/monitor &> /dev/null

# Generated mover schedule:
40 3 2 * * /usr/local/sbin/mover &> /dev/null

# Generated parity check schedule:
0 22 15 * * /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd check  &> /dev/null || :

# Generated plugins version check schedule:
10 0 * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugincheck &> /dev/null

# Generated array status check schedule:
20 0 * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix/scripts/statuscheck &> /dev/null

# Generated Unraid OS update check schedule:
11 0 * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/unraidcheck &> /dev/null

# Generated toggle day & night theme:
*/1 * * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.day.night/scripts/dynamix.day.night &> /dev/null

# Generated file integrity check schedule:
0 0 * * 0 /boot/config/plugins/dynamix.file.integrity/integrity-check.sh &> /dev/null

# Generated local master browser check:
*/1 * * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.local.master/scripts/localmaster &> /dev/null

# Generated ssd trim schedule:
25 6 * * * /sbin/fstrim -a -v | logger &> /dev/null

# Generated system data collection schedule:
*/1 * * * * /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.system.stats/scripts/sa1 1 1 &> /dev/null


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32 minutes ago, NAStyBox said:

What happened to Dynamix Schedules? No link to install it. 

Its there in the apps tab

32 minutes ago, NAStyBox said:

Any other apps that allow scheduling reboots via gui? (a preemptive no-thanks but thanks on the CLI cron jobs)

User Scripts plugin

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It really shouldn't be necessary to "bounce" your server.  Sounds like you might have something misconfigured and mover is trying to move files your other processes have open. Do you have mover logging turned on?


Best scenario is for your VMs, dockers, etc. to be on a cache-only share. That way mover won't touch them. If it is on cache-prefer then it might have overflowed to the array and then mover will try to move it to cache. Or you could have them on cache-no share and mover wouldn't touch them, but of course they would be on the parity array. There are also some fancy things you can do with cache-no and cache-only shares where things don't get moved, but they can be partly on cache and partly on array. See here:



Did you actually look on the Plugins page for Dynamix Schedules? It may not be obvious how you access its functionality, since all it does is add some sections (tabs) to the Scheduler page. But if it is installed it should be listed on your Plugins page. I see it in my Plugins page and when I search Apps.


But, as I mentioned, it doesn't provide the functionality you are looking for anyway. Maybe you could put together your own script and schedule it with the User Scripts plugin as Squid mentioned.


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Just had a nasty issue with the System Temps plugin that trashed every plugin except the Community Applications (very fortunate).


I just replaced my Threadripper CPU cooler so I was curious about system temps running under Unraid. I saw that I had the System Temps plugin installed so I went to it in the settings but it was disabled saying that Perl needed to be installed. I couldn't find Perl in the CA or a link to it in the first post other than it was needed so I went out and got it from https://slackware.pkgs.org/14.2/slackware-x86_64/perl-5.22.2-x86_64-1.txz.html


I went back to System Temps and saw that the Detect button was now enabled. Clicking it immediately refreshed the page with nothing apparently happening. Thinking it needed a full refresh, I uninstalled & reinstalled the plugin from CA. I clicked the Detect button and the server hard crashed. No dump log on the console, no blinking cursor.


I hit the reset button and when the system came back up, all the PLG files I had installed (15 in all) ended up in plugin-errors as zero byte files. 17 new FSCK00??.REC files in the root directory.


I manually reinstalled 14 of the plugins (couldn't find one) and rebooted for posterity. Everything seems to be OK now. Diagnostic file after the first reboot and before I did anything attached.


One thing I thought was odd was that when I reinstalled the System Temps plugin, it reported that it updated the support link for it and many other plugins.


Edited by jbartlett
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13 minutes ago, jbartlett said:

Perl needed to be installed.

The usual way to get Perl is from the Nerd Pack plugin.


12 minutes ago, jbartlett said:

all the Docker PLG files I had installed (15 in all) ended up in plugin-errors as zero byte files. 17 new FSCK00??.REC files in the root directory.

 Don't know what you mean by Docker PLG files. Plugins aren't dockers, and dockers don't have PLG files.


The FSCK files are what you get when the filesystem on flash is repaired due to corruption. Possibly everything else was just a coincidence.


11 minutes ago, jbartlett said:

trashed every plugin except the Community Applications

Do you have the latest CA? It had a major update recently to fix problems with the app feed.

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Forgot that Nerd Pack now has optional stuff that you have to enable manually in it's settings. Enabled Perl via that method. Went through the same process again with uninstalling the System Temp plugin. No crash but no sensors either. The perl install I found was 5.22 and Nerd Pack has 5.26, I wouldn't think that would have been the root cause since it's fairly close in version.

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I manually ran the sensors-detect packed with the Plugin, no errors, no crashes. No sensors either but that's not it's fault.


"sensors -A" invoked by the Plugin does return values. Here's the -u output


Adapter: PCI adapter
  temp1_input: 27.750
  temp1_max: 70.000
  temp2_input: 54.750

Adapter: PCI adapter
  temp1_input: 27.500
  temp1_max: 70.000
  temp2_input: 54.500

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Hi guys,

I have two questions:

Regarding the stats plugin, is it possible to see the bond (802.3ad) instead of just eth0 in the stats?


And in cache dir plugin, is there a recommended value to the amount of memory the script uses?

I run it now at 300000 and it still dies on me.



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59 minutes ago, Esse said:

Regarding the stats plugin, is it possible to see the bond (802.3ad) instead of just eth0 in the stats?

Change Settings -> Stats Settings -> Ethernet interface to bond0

1 hour ago, Esse said:

And in cache dir plugin, is there a recommended value to the amount of memory the script uses?

Set included (or excluded) shares to minimize memory usage. E.g. shares which have regular access (like 'appdata') don't need to be cached

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Having an issue with the Dynamix Cache Directory plugin.  I have it set to enabled but seems that after a reboot, it is not starting up.  When I look at the settings page for, top right says Stopped and I need to disable and then enable it again for it to now show as "Running".  Not sure how long it wasn't actually running before I noticed it but it could be a new 6.6.x bug, not really sure though.


Anyone else see this, something I need to do to get it to start up on boot?

Edited by nickp85
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52 minutes ago, nickp85 said:

Having an issue with the Dynamix Cache Directory plugin.  I have it set to enabled but seems that after a reboot, it is not starting up.  When I look at the settings page for, top right says Stopped and I need to disable and then enable it again for it to now show as "Running".  Not sure how long it wasn't actually running before I noticed it but it could be a new 6.6.x bug, not really sure though.


Anyone else see this, something I need to do to get it to start up on boot?

It's a known issue.  @bonienl knows about it.

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Does the System Temp plugin store the temperatures of the CPU/Mobo etc in a text file anywhere?

I want to use a Windows tool/script to pull the Temperature values detected/created by the System Temp plugin and place the values in a txt file/windows registry. If the plugin does not store the values anywhere, what method can I use read the temperatures from a remote machines be it Linux or Windows?

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5 minutes ago, mikeyosm said:

what method can I use read the temperatures from a remote machines be it Linux or Windows?

Run this as a user script on whatever update frequency (via cron) you want

sensors | todos > /pathTo/file.txt


Edited by Squid
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26 minutes ago, Squid said:

Run this as a user script on whatever update frequency (via cron) you want

sensors | todos > /pathTo/file.txt


Thanks bud. Can you provide me with the bash code so that it outputs the sensors every 5 seconds and overwrites the file each time?

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15 hours ago, nickp85 said:

Having an issue with the Dynamix Cache Directory plugin.  I have it set to enabled but seems that after a reboot, it is not starting up.  When I look at the settings page for, top right says Stopped and I need to disable and then enable it again for it to now show as "Running".  Not sure how long it wasn't actually running before I noticed it but it could be a new 6.6.x bug, not really sure though.


Anyone else see this, something I need to do to get it to start up on boot?

There is a version not yet commited to the repository, as there are just a few testers.

Please feel free to test and feedback in this tread.

Edited by Fireball3
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