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[unRAID 6 beta14+] Unassigned Devices [former Auto Mount USB]

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The "Rescan Disks" and "Refresh" buttons run into each other when I am using my laptop to RDP into my Windows VM to look at the server.


Which Refresh button?


Crap.  It must have been a browser thing.  It is ok now, but I saw it at first.

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Finally got a chance to test this again with the background scripts and it worked for me.


My script (actually overbyrn's rsync script) writes its own logs to /tmp, compresses and saves them on /boot, then deletes the /tmp file.


I noticed the plugin also seems to log the script output to a file in /tmp named after the drive. Since I use the script with several drives, these logs will accumulate with no simple way to delete them since they will have different names. I assume the plugin is just logging stdout from the script. I don't really want to change the script because I might want to run it manually. Is there some way I can get the plugin to redirect stdout from the script to /dev/null?


I assume the plugin remembers the settings for auto-mount, auto-share, mount point assignment, and script for each drive it has seen before so that the next time you plug in a specific drive those settings will take effect. Is that correct?



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A newly installed WD30EFRX is only being reported as having 2.2TB capacity.


Now I want to nail this. Does df -h show the right size?


Out of town for the weekend. Will let you know asap.

Only waiting for you.... [emoji28]



Right... sorry, i already added the drive to my array  :o

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The "Rescan Disks" and "Refresh" buttons run into each other when I am using my laptop to RDP into my Windows VM to look at the server.


Which Refresh button?


Crap.  It must have been a browser thing.  It is ok now, but I saw it at first.


Ok.  I wasn't dreaming.  When a parity check is running, there is a "Refresh" button in the upper right and it is over the "Rescan Disks".  The "Refresh" button is there on all tabs of the "Main" tab.

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Ok.  I wasn't dreaming.  When a parity check is running, there is a "Refresh" button in the upper right and it is over the "Rescan Disks".  The "Refresh" button is there on all tabs of the "Main" tab.


Whenever page updating is disabled a refresh button is displayed to do manual refreshing (see settings -> display settings -> page update frequency)

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Ok.  I wasn't dreaming.  When a parity check is running, there is a "Refresh" button in the upper right and it is over the "Rescan Disks".  The "Refresh" button is there on all tabs of the "Main" tab.


Whenever page updating is disabled a refresh button is displayed to do manual refreshing (see settings -> display settings -> page update frequency)


I understand, but the two buttons are overlapping as shown in the screen shot.


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i am running unRAID 6.0-rc6a, just installed this plugin but don't yet have any external USB drives connected to my server, so i guess it's normal that i wouldn't yet see the "Unassigned Devices" tab in my "Main" section? as a matter of fact, in your video i can see that you also have "Cache Devices", "Boot Device" and "Array Operations" tabs, none of which i have...is this a change that happened between v6 beta-15 and v6 rc6a? if anyone could tell me whether my tab-less vertical arrangement is normal for the v6 rc releases, i'd appreciate it.


but my real question is this: i'd like to find a USB3 card that i can use to back up external HFS+ volumes to my unRAID array...what will i need to install to be able to read HFS+ volumes and and how is the installation done? i'm a total command prompt noob, so detailed instructions would be greatly appreciated!



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i am running unRAID 6.0-rc6a, just installed this plugin but don't yet have any external USB drives connected to my server, so i guess it's normal that i wouldn't yet see the "Unassigned Devices" tab in my "Main" section? as a matter of fact, in your video i can see that you also have "Cache Devices", "Boot Device" and "Array Operations" tabs, none of which i have...is this a change that happened between v6 beta-15 and v6 rc6a? if anyone could tell me whether my tab-less vertical arrangement is normal for the v6 rc releases, i'd appreciate it.


but my real question is this: i'd like to find a USB3 card that i can use to back up external HFS+ volumes to my unRAID array...what will i need to install to be able to read HFS+ volumes and and how is the installation done? i'm a total command prompt noob, so detailed instructions would be greatly appreciated!

Settings - Display Settings - Page view: Tabbed


I just tried it Untabbed and I still get the Unassigned Devices section. I have 2 Unassigned devices and an SMB Mount.


I do know that it worked for me with Tabbed and no devices though.

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oh! when i read "...are supported via unRAID's own tools; NTFS is supported through...", i understood it as *only* those first formats being included, but the others needing further installs.


cool, thanks again! 


now i've gotta find a USB3 card that will be recognized by unRAID and work in my old Supermicro - C2SEA mobo's PCIe x1 slot...but that's a question for the Hardware Forum.

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oh! when i read "...are supported via unRAID's own tools; NTFS is supported through...", i understood it as *only* those first formats being included, but the others needing further installs...

The plugin installs the others for you.
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got it.


i just got my first Cache drive implementation done, got iTerm2 installed on my iMac that controls my unRAID and am running Midnight Commander with my mouse...with the help of this plugin, i should be able to make backups of data from my external USB drives a *whole* lot easier and quicker to make...exciting stuff!

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Ok.  I wasn't dreaming.  When a parity check is running, there is a "Refresh" button in the upper right and it is over the "Rescan Disks".  The "Refresh" button is there on all tabs of the "Main" tab.


Whenever page updating is disabled a refresh button is displayed to do manual refreshing (see settings -> display settings -> page update frequency)


I understand, but the two buttons are overlapping as shown in the screen shot.


I wouldn't find that in a million years. Don't know how to fix it yet and keep tabbed/non-tabbed compliance. Any advice bonienl?

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A newly installed WD30EFRX is only being reported as having 2.2TB capacity.


Now I want to nail this. Does df -h show the right size?


Out of town for the weekend. Will let you know asap.

Only waiting for you.... [emoji28]



Right... sorry, i already added the drive to my array  :o


I have a precleared 4TB drive that also shows a disk size of 2.2TB. Like mr-hexen wrote in another post, df -h does not show any information on the disk because it is not mounted. Here is some other information on the disk:

root@uwer:~# lsblk /dev/sdd
sdd      8:48   0   3.7T  0 disk 
??sdd1   8:49   0     2T  0 part 
root@uwer:~# blockdev --getsize64 /dev/sdd
root@uwer:~# blockdev --getsize64 /dev/sdd1

root@uwer:~# /boot/custom/preclear_disk.sh -t /dev/sdd
Pre-Clear unRAID Disk /dev/sdd
################################################################## 1.15
Model Family:     Seagate Desktop HDD.15
Device Model:     ST4000DM000-1CD168
Serial Number:    Z300119S
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 04f1e88ef
Firmware Version: CC43
User Capacity:    4,000,787,030,016 bytes [4.00 TB]

Disk /dev/sdd: 4000.8 GB, 4000787030016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 486401 cylinders, total 7814037168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdd1               1  4294967295  2147483647+   0  Empty
Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.
== DISK /dev/sdd IS PRECLEARED with a GPT Protective MBR


Also saw some strange behavior when testing preclear signature. Disk was in standby when preclear test command was issued. While drive was spinning up, unassigned devices tab was dimmed except for spinning wheel. Then unassigned devices tab refreshed with correct drive size. After another refresh, the unassigned devices tab again shows incorrect drive size.



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A newly installed WD30EFRX is only being reported as having 2.2TB capacity.


Now I want to nail this. Does df -h show the right size?


Out of town for the weekend. Will let you know asap.

Only waiting for you.... [emoji28]



Right... sorry, i already added the drive to my array  :o


I have a precleared 4TB drive that also shows a disk size of 2.2TB. Like mr-hexen wrote in another post, df -h does not show any information on the disk because it is not mounted. Here is some other information on the disk:

root@uwer:~# lsblk /dev/sdd
sdd      8:48   0   3.7T  0 disk 
??sdd1   8:49   0     2T  0 part 
root@uwer:~# blockdev --getsize64 /dev/sdd
root@uwer:~# blockdev --getsize64 /dev/sdd1

root@uwer:~# /boot/custom/preclear_disk.sh -t /dev/sdd
Pre-Clear unRAID Disk /dev/sdd
################################################################## 1.15
Model Family:     Seagate Desktop HDD.15
Device Model:     ST4000DM000-1CD168
Serial Number:    Z300119S
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 04f1e88ef
Firmware Version: CC43
User Capacity:    4,000,787,030,016 bytes [4.00 TB]

Disk /dev/sdd: 4000.8 GB, 4000787030016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 486401 cylinders, total 7814037168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdd1               1  4294967295  2147483647+   0  Empty
Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.
== DISK /dev/sdd IS PRECLEARED with a GPT Protective MBR


Also saw some strange behavior when testing preclear signature. Disk was in standby when preclear test command was issued. While drive was spinning up, unassigned devices tab was dimmed except for spinning wheel. Then unassigned devices tab refreshed with correct drive size. After another refresh, the unassigned devices tab again shows incorrect drive size.


Thank you for the debug info, Freddie.


This is a very odd behavior; the lsblk and the blockdev commands work fine when reading the disk, but not when reading the partition. I'm unable to debug this right now, since I don't have a spare 2TB+ hdd around. If anyone found a solution, please let me know.

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- Fix: Rescan disks button not showing up on non-tabbed view

- Fix: duplicate hdd entry due to udev's duplicate links

- Fix: Rescan disks not working

- Add: Show/hide SMB Mounts/Historical Devices

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I've been without my server for the last several weeks; moving to a new place.


I finally got it hooked up this evening, and am wanting to update to v6 final, and get all my plugins updated also.


Currently I use SNAP to mount my SSD, which contains my VM's.  I understand this is the preferred 'replacement' for SNAP, so I'd like to convert, but before I do that, I'm wondering if there are any special steps I need to take to keep them from 'colliding'.  If I uninstall SNAP first, would I lose my settings for the SSD setup, or should I install this first, and it can/will hopefully read/use the SNAP settings, then uninstall SNAP?


I just thought it prudent to ask first, than beg for help after screwing something up :)



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This is a very odd behavior; the lsblk and the blockdev commands work fine when reading the disk, but not when reading the partition. I'm unable to debug this right now, since I don't have a spare 2TB+ hdd around. If anyone found a solution, please let me know.


A precleared disk >2.2TB doesn't really have a partition on it. It has a "GPT Protective MBR" but it doesn't have a GPT. The block tools interpret it as a MBR partition of maximum size.


In reviewing this plugin code I see the partition size is reported in the disk row when there is only one partition. I would change it so that the disk row always reports the disk size. This would fix the disk size, but would leave a confusing 2.2TB partition listed.


You could also get really fancy and detect a valid preclear signature, note it in the FS field and not show any partition.

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Hi gfjardim,


This Unassigned Devices plugin is amazing!  I do have a couple of questions / requests:


1) Would it be possible to add spin up/spin down icons next to the hard drives in the list of unassigned devices?


2) Have you considered merging your preclear plugin into this plugin?  It would be more natural to kick off a preclear from the Unassigned Devices tab than from Settings -> Preclear.


3) When I use Sparkly's Krusader docker, it isn't able to see any content in the /mnt/disks/[xxx] folders.  Is there any way to give that docker access to these mount points?


4) I noticed the /var/log/unassigned.devices.log file includes smb passwords.  Can that be sanitized?


5) My /flash/config/plugins/unassigned.devices directory includes both of these:

* ntfs-3g-2014.2.15-x86_64-1.txz - dated 4/28/15

* ntfs-3g-2015.3.14-x86_64-1.txz - dated 4/18/15

Is that going to cause a conflict?  Should I delete one?



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