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(Support) Aptalca's docker templates

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Admittedly, I don't run zoneminder, but you've changed the container port from 80 to 8000.  You should only ever change the host port, never the container port.


Net result is that unRaid is looking for the webUI on whatever host port is mapped to container port 80, but container port 80 doesn't exist hence the 404.



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Ok seem to have it set up and added a camera. Weirdly though I can't seem to live stream it. If I set it to record I can go back and look at the stills so I know it's picking up the camera. Looking at the logs I'm getting this error when I try and watch


getStreamCmdResponse stream error: socket_sendto( /var/run/zm/zms-022683s.sock ) failed: No such file or directory - checkStreamForErrors()


Any ideas?


EDIT: Fixed it with this - http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=39413.msg465361#msg465361

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does the nginx-letsencrypt docker support multiple domains, or do I need to make a seperate Docker container for each domain I have?



Single domain only.


Two separate dockers wouldn't work for automated renewals as they can't share the outside port 443. Unless your router can forward to different ports based on url (very rare)

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Does the nginx-letsencrypt docker support multiple domains, or do I need to make a seperate Docker container for each domain I have?



Single domain only.


Two separate dockers wouldn't work for automated renewals as they can't share the outside port 443. Unless your router can forward to different ports based on url (very rare)


My router does a lot of things but that is not one of them. I guess I'll set up a 2nd container for now and worry about manually redoing the certs if needed (remapping ports for the renew process). My end goal is to move from one domain to another so this should achieve that.

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Does the nginx-letsencrypt docker support multiple domains, or do I need to make a seperate Docker container for each domain I have?



Single domain only.


Two separate dockers wouldn't work for automated renewals as they can't share the outside port 443. Unless your router can forward to different ports based on url (very rare)


My router does a lot of things but that is not one of them. I guess I'll set up a 2nd container for now and worry about manually redoing the certs if needed (remapping ports for the renew process). My end goal is to move from one domain to another so this should achieve that.



Actually now that I  think about it that won't work since my outside 443 port can only map to one docker container.... damn

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Does the nginx-letsencrypt docker support multiple domains, or do I need to make a seperate Docker container for each domain I have?



Single domain only.


Two separate dockers wouldn't work for automated renewals as they can't share the outside port 443. Unless your router can forward to different ports based on url (very rare)


My router does a lot of things but that is not one of them. I guess I'll set up a 2nd container for now and worry about manually redoing the certs if needed (remapping ports for the renew process). My end goal is to move from one domain to another so this should achieve that.



Actually now that I  think about it that won't work since my outside 443 port can only map to one docker container.... damn

Through the nginx site config, you can do a redirection from one port to another

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Any ETA on zoneminder 1.30? Thanks for all your work made my life a million times easier!


Wasn't aware it was released. Trying a dev build now. If the update is seamless, it will be published right away. If not it might take a little while.


EDIT: As I suspected, a simple update breaks things. No clue why it's not working. I really dislike zoneminder updates. You almost have to re-install from scratch every time there is a new version. Not sure when I'll have time to release a separate container for 1.30 as I'm super busy with other things

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Thanks Aptalca for this awesome PlexRequests docker.


For anyone wanting to reverse-proxy PlexRequests with Apache


First of all edit your xml like so:





Then add this to your conf file in Apache (I'm using the linuxserver.io version.)


	<Location /requests>
	ProxyPass http://UNRAIDIP:3000/requests
	ProxyPassReverse http://UNRAIDIP:3000/requests


I believe, judging by the github repo that this will work with the master branch as well, but I haven't tested it myself.


Hope that helps anyone looking to do the same.  ;)


Hey CHBMB, its me again. I followed these instructions and I am getting an "unknown path" error when i try to access the web gui (local ip or public domain name)


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Hey CHBMB, its me again. I followed these instructions and I am getting an "unknown path" error when i try to access the web gui (local ip or public domain name)


Try clearing your browser cache, and restarting both apps.  I'm afraid I don't use this version of plexrequests, but unless Aptalca has changed something, it should work.

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Hey CHBMB, its me again. I followed these instructions and I am getting an "unknown path" error when i try to access the web gui (local ip or public domain name)


Try clearing your browser cache, and restarting both apps.  I'm afraid I don't use this version of plexrequests, but unless Aptalca has changed something, it should work.


I should have specified, I also use the linuxserver docker. I posted in this thread because you had previously answered a similar question in this thread. In any case I will do a server restart and some other basic stuff to see if that fixes it. Thanks! :)

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Hey CHBMB, its me again. I followed these instructions and I am getting an "unknown path" error when i try to access the web gui (local ip or public domain name)


Try clearing your browser cache, and restarting both apps.  I'm afraid I don't use this version of plexrequests, but unless Aptalca has changed something, it should work.


I should have specified, I also use the linuxserver docker. I posted in this thread because you had previously answered a similar question in this thread. In any case I will do a server restart and some other basic stuff to see if that fixes it. Thanks! :)


Probably best not to bother that nice man aptalca with this then.....  ;)

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Hi would it be possible to get an inotifywait script added to the RDP-Calibre docker please.


Example inotify watches the ebook download dir then calls the update calibre script when it detects changes.


inotifywait script at boot


while true #run indefinitely
inotifywait -r -e ,close_write,move,create, /download && /calibre-update.sh


something like this for calibre-update.sh

/opt/calibre/calibredb add --recurse --library-path "/config/" "/download" 2>&1



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi would it be possible to get an inotifywait script added to the RDP-Calibre docker please.


Example inotify watches the ebook download dir then calls the update calibre script when it detects changes.


inotifywait script at boot


while true #run indefinitely
inotifywait -r -e ,close_write,move,create, /download && /calibre-update.sh


something like this for calibre-update.sh

/opt/calibre/calibredb add --recurse --library-path "/config/" "/download" 2>&1


I wonder if one could setup this at the unraid layer outside of the docker instead...  Have the inotifywait script running in unraid and call upon the docker to execute...  a command like

docker exec -it Calibre-server /opt/calibre/calibredb add --recurse --library-path "/config/" "/downloads" 2>&1



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hi aptalca,

the calibre web server doesn't work, it loads and when clicking on 'All books', it shows the next errror message:


TypeError: this.undef is not a function


    at Object.createException (


    at Object.run (


    at printStackTrace (


    at render_error (


    at booklist (


    at HTMLDocument. (


    at Function.ready (


    at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (


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Hi would it be possible to get an inotifywait script added to the RDP-Calibre docker please.


Example inotify watches the ebook download dir then calls the update calibre script when it detects changes.


inotifywait script at boot


while true #run indefinitely
inotifywait -r -e ,close_write,move,create, /download && /calibre-update.sh


something like this for calibre-update.sh

/opt/calibre/calibredb add --recurse --library-path "/config/" "/download" 2>&1


I wonder if one could setup this at the unraid layer outside of the docker instead...  Have the inotifywait script running in unraid and call upon the docker to execute...  a command like

docker exec -it Calibre-server /opt/calibre/calibredb add --recurse --library-path "/config/" "/downloads" 2>&1



Inotifywait would add too many complexities that I'm currently not willing to take on (due to too many potential support requests). I think it's easy enough to open up the gui every once in a while and do a folder import.

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hi aptalca,

the calibre web server doesn't work, it loads and when clicking on 'All books', it shows the next errror message:


TypeError: this.undef is not a function


    at Object.createException (


    at Object.run (


    at printStackTrace (


    at render_error (


    at booklist (


    at HTMLDocument. (


    at Function.ready (


    at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (

Can you post a screenshot of your settings and also a log?


I'm assuming you set a custom library location and it may not have been set up correctly

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Hi aptalca, I have tried to deploy http v2 on my (otherwise up2date) webserver running your Nginx-Letsencrypt container.


A requirement for this to work is OpenSSL 1.0.2 which is currently only embedded in Ubuntu 16.04, which the latest baseimage (.19) is based on.


Would you kindly accept my PR https://github.com/aptalca/docker-webserver/pull/17  8)::)

Hi rix. I believe there are significant changes to some of the components like php between ubuntu 14 and 16. I have to do thorough testing before upgrading. But it's on my list of things to do

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hi aptalca,

the calibre web server doesn't work, it loads and when clicking on 'All books', it shows the next errror message:


TypeError: this.undef is not a function


    at Object.createException (


    at Object.run (


    at printStackTrace (


    at render_error (


    at booklist (


    at HTMLDocument. (


    at Function.ready (


    at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (

Can you post a screenshot of your settings and also a log?


I'm assuming you set a custom library location and it may not have been set up correctly


Attached are my settings and log.



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hi aptalca,

the calibre web server doesn't work, it loads and when clicking on 'All books', it shows the next errror message:


TypeError: this.undef is not a function


    at Object.createException (


    at Object.run (


    at printStackTrace (


    at render_error (


    at booklist (


    at HTMLDocument. (


    at Function.ready (


    at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (

Can you post a screenshot of your settings and also a log?


I'm assuming you set a custom library location and it may not have been set up correctly


Attached are my settings and log.

When you launched calibre the first time, did you select /config or /unraid-books as the library location. If latter, did you set the environment variable LIBRARYINTERNALPATH?

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hi aptalca,

the calibre web server doesn't work, it loads and when clicking on 'All books', it shows the next errror message:


TypeError: this.undef is not a function


    at Object.createException (


    at Object.run (


    at printStackTrace (


    at render_error (


    at booklist (


    at HTMLDocument. (


    at Function.ready (


    at HTMLDocument.DOMContentLoaded (

Can you post a screenshot of your settings and also a log?


I'm assuming you set a custom library location and it may not have been set up correctly


Attached are my settings and log.

When you launched calibre the first time, did you select /config or /unraid-books as the library location. If latter, did you set the environment variable LIBRARYINTERNALPATH?

To be honest, I don't remember...  Shall I start from scratch?


Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk



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