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[Plug-In] Community Applications

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On 8/16/2022 at 3:20 PM, Squid said:

Something somewhere is blocking both github and amazonaws.

I have EXACT the same problem as @brianbrifri. Since last time the Apps section isn't working anymore, nothing changed in the network and via terminal I am capable of downloading the files. Reinstalling doesn't help. Any ideas?




Ok, upgrade from 6.9.2 (350+ days uptime :'( ) to 6.10.3 fixed this problem.. But something has changed on the 'other' side...

Edited by MisteR-
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4 hours ago, MisteR- said:

I have EXACT the same problem as @brianbrifri. Since last time the Apps section isn't working anymore, nothing changed in the network and via terminal I am capable of downloading the files. Reinstalling doesn't help. Any ideas?




Ok, upgrade from 6.9.2 (350+ days uptime :'( ) to 6.10.3 fixed this problem.. But something has changed on the 'other' side...

NOOOO I have about the same uptime :( I'll try upgrading to see if that helps. But ya, it's definitely NOT a networking issue on my end as I proved I can reach both aws and github from unraid.

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All of the sudden today I'm Noticing none of my Dockers or Plugins know what version they are. *sigh* as well two dockers can't download their icons. Moving some files around maybe a reboot will fix it or eeeeeeeeekkkkkk my ssd might be glitching. 


Oddly I'm also seeing that the mothership api is having a problem updating....... Hmmmm Even though I'm connected via it. Lol


Gotta love troubleshooting stuff. 


My work connection can see the missing Icons. Gawwww has to be my system. 


********************* update *********************

Reboot fixed it right up. No idea to what was stuck, but didn't feel like tracking it down. lol



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3 hours ago, kizer said:

All of the sudden today I'm Noticing none of my Dockers or Plugins know what version they are. *sigh* as well two dockers can't download their icons. Moving some files around maybe a reboot will fix it or eeeeeeeeekkkkkk my ssd might be glitching. 


Oddly I'm also seeing that the mothership api is having a problem updating....... Hmmmm Even though I'm connected via it. Lol


Gotta love troubleshooting stuff. 


My work connection can see the missing Icons. Gawwww has to be my system. 


********************* update *********************

Reboot fixed it right up. No idea to what was stuck, but didn't feel like tracking it down. lol



Reboot worked for me too :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Squid,


I was wondering if you were open to some ideas.


1. Ability to select which 'categories' of Apps are shown in CA on both the default screen and when searching.

1.a. I would like to be able to hide anything with specific tags such as crypto, game servers, and media applications.

1.b. Actually, it's just really hard to find things sometimes, I want to exclude a bunch of categories 🙂


2. Export of template

2.a. I would like the option to download/export an App template instead of Installing.  This would allow me to automate changes such as inserting traefik labels, auto incrementing the webui ports based on existing assigned, and placing things in to the appropriate docker network.


3. Allow the user to disable the Open on hover feature.

3.a. I find that the info window pops open while I am browsing through Apps and reading the descriptions.  I might just be a lot slower than others at moving my mouse or reading...

3.b. When the Info window opens, I have to move my mouse to the other side of the screen and click to make it go away as compared to the small helper windows that pop up elsewhere in Unraid and disappear when you move the mouse again.


I was curious what process was used to categorize the Apps templates too.  Is this something that you do or do the people that submit the templates choose the categories?  If this is something that you do, is it something that you accept help for?  I have extra time during the month if this is a process that gets any hand tweaks.


Thanks for all the hard work!



Edited by MatthewGP
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15 hours ago, MatthewGP said:

3. Allow the user to disable the Open on hover feature.


The automatic opening after 3 seconds only happens if you're hovering on either the Icon, the Info button, or the actual text that says read more.  It doesn't open hovering anywhere else.


15 hours ago, MatthewGP said:

I was curious what process was used to categorize the Apps templates too

The template authors dictate that.  If you go to Statistics, then click Repositories you'll get a popup with every single GitHub URL I'm using and you can issue appropriate pull requests against each and every template present


15 hours ago, MatthewGP said:

Ability to select which 'categories' of Apps are shown in CA on both the default screen and when searching.

Probably not going to happen, but you do realize that after a search you can click the category on the left to narrow the search down to that specific category

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38 minutes ago, Ken R. said:



This last update failed during install and I'm a bit stuck.  tried to uninstall CA but it falls also. 


This is the error: plugin: run failed: /bin/bash retval: 127



Worst case, delete /config/plugins/community.applications and /config/plugins/community.applications.plg and reboot


Then reinstall either via the URL in the OP or if on 6.11 just by going to the apps tab.


If the reinstall doesn't work, the show me the entire output of what appears so that I can put it into context

  • Thanks 1
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Something really wrong went on during defaultSortOrder
Post the ENTIRE contents of this message in the Community Applications Support Thread

OS: 6.9.2
Modified CA
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0

<br /> <b>Warning</b>: exec(): Unable to fork [docker network ls --format='{{.Name}}={{.Driver}}' 2&gt;/dev/null] in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php</b> on line <b>979</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: exec(): Unable to fork [/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/scripts/plugin 'version' '/var/log/plugins/community.applications.plg'] in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.plugin.manager/include/PluginHelpers.php</b> on line <b>17</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'cd /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications &amp;&amp; md5sum -c ca.md5' in <b>/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/include/exec.php</b> on line <b>62</b><br /> {"status":"ok"}

When visiting the apps tab.

From time to time I see the issue with unable to fork docker network in the docker tab as well.


Error message in the docker tab, since its mentioned in the error in the app tab:

Warning: exec(): Unable to fork [docker network ls --format='{{.Name}}={{.Driver}}' 2>/dev/null] in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/include/DockerClient.php on line 979


Edited by shunde
Added another error
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  • 2 weeks later...

@Squid hello, two things to report I just noticed


1) I tried to update two containers right from CA interface (instead of UNRAID dashboard I always use). CA reported that they needed update so I tried through CA just to check it out. Well... both failed. It opened a white window where it listed the process/progress, but it failed to build the first container, then failed the second.
It continued being "blue" (even after page refresh) in dashboard, so I updated from "docker" tab. This time it didn't load any new packages (signifying that probably through CA it *did* get them), but the container command was successful this time.
It might just been some hiccup, I will try it again with next update I see.

2) I just found out that two of the containers I use (maybe more actually, but certainly just few), although they are installed AND used AND even updated (one was even updated today), they don't report as "installed" in CA. The two I found were from linuxserver's repo, but this could just be by chance, as other containers from that repo show as installed properly.
One that doesn't show as installed is qbittorrent, other is syncthing. Not easy to re-install any of the two (scared to lose their config).

(please tag me as I cannot follow this huge thread)

Edited by NLS
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2 hours ago, Squid said:



Re: #2


If you don't have a template for them (ie installed from the command line instead of Add Container) then CA will not display them.


Re: #1


CA actually uses the identical routines as the docker tab, so without what the error was I'm nilot sure


#2. They were installed using CA. I am pretty positive I didn't use a manual compose or anything.

Remember CA DOES update them (or UNRAID does it?), even though it doesn't show them as installed.


Is there a way to "force" CA to "see" them? (they are in the same place that CA puts them anyway) Is there a file to check or edit or something?


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Seems like it could be somewhat related to my case where CA sees my postgresql14 install as "previous app" even though it's live and installed (if I remove it from previous apps I then get the "no template found" error whenever I do something to it on the docker page). For some reason it seems to track things wrong.


Updating from Action Centre is still flaky, mentioned some time ago that according to the output in the window the containers weren't being deleted before being relaunched. But sometimes regardless of that output they get updated, might be related to leaving the output window up for a while (it changes display maybe a minute later). Also trying today updating from there apparently started a container that was not previously running. 

Edited by Kilrah
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Postgresql fixed via the application feed.  The template as it is had a weird repository reference registry.hub.docker.com/library/postgresql:14 instead of the usual way of simply saying either postgresql:14 or library/postgresql:14


The "fix" on your side would be to take note of all of the paths / variables you have on your existing template via the docker tab, then uninstall on the docker tab, go to Previous Apps and delete the one that probably shows up there and finally reinstall postgresql14 and change the variable settings etc.


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