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[Support] Linuxserver.io - MariaDB

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Hi! I have mariadb running and use it for a central kodi db. so far - so good.

now i'd like to setup nextcloud with mariadb. on spaceinvaders tutorial he sets a mysql_root_password - until now i had the container running without root-password...

what happens to my kodi-db when i set a root-password? will this be problematic?

any help appreciated :)

Edited by pika
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I am looking to use Mariadb for Zabbix as recommended however I am not understanding how to set up the database to use UTF8 upon creating the docker container. I read somewhere that you can put mariadb:tag --character-set-server=utf8mb4 --collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci in the extra parameters but that caused the load to fail.


Any suggestions?

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On 5/10/2020 at 7:00 AM, montery said:

the endless loop of 

200507 18:44:16 mysqld_safe Logging to syslog.
200507 18:44:16 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /config/databases


not sure if it helps anyone else, but this problem went away after i did the following:

first i tried to moved the logs following CHBMB's suggestion in this post:

same problem, so i tried doing "mysqld --tc-heuristic-recover commit" as mentioned by chaosratt in his post:

however still same problem. i figured try again but this time using the original logs, so stopped the mariadb docker, moved the back the logs, started the docker but suddenly no more problem. couldn't believe it.



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On 6/5/2020 at 10:22 PM, limawaken said:

not sure if it helps anyone else, but this problem went away after i did the following:

first i tried to moved the logs following CHBMB's suggestion in this post:

same problem, so i tried doing "mysqld --tc-heuristic-recover commit" as mentioned by chaosratt in his post:

however still same problem. i figured try again but this time using the original logs, so stopped the mariadb docker, moved the back the logs, started the docker but suddenly no more problem. couldn't believe it.



Renaming the log directory didn’t fix this for me. Putting the log directory back and executing the MySQL command fixed it for me also. Thank you!!!

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On 6/8/2020 at 3:03 AM, splerman said:

Renaming the log directory didn’t fix this for me. Putting the log directory back and executing the MySQL command fixed it for me also. Thank you!!!

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Same fix worked for me. I had CA backup/restore AppData set to terminate apps if they don't shut down in 60 seconds. I'm guessing that this was the cause of the issue. My MariaDB container must not have shut down in 60 seconds, so it was terminated by force and that resulted in the dirty state. I've increased the timeout to 240 secs to be sure. Hopefully that avoids this issue in the future.

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Hi, I have MariaDB running for a private Nextcloud Instance (also linuxserver). When uploading files or gererating thumbnails I am seeing around 80-100MB/s Write-IO on my Cache Drive. Netdata showd that this is caused by the MariaDB cgroup. Is this normal behavior?

The DB is only around 200MB, I am wondering where the data gets written.


I already played around with some settings in the .cnf file with no luck.

Is there something I missed?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was having a couple of problems making this docker to work, but i figured out that sometimes the issue might be a conflict with a different container.

First I had the Container running and out of somewhere it stopped working. Log spamming with mysqld_safe, not able to connect to socket etc. etc. pp. reinstalled the Container and deleted appdata a couple of times, until i figured out that the Culprit was the NGINX Proxy Manager which I set to a host network and was blocking the port 3306 for any other mysql Instance. Maybe this is helpful for others to know when they have problems getting this working

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2 hours ago, jj_uk said:

How do I find out the version of MariaDB that i'm running?

The log file doesn't show anything about version.

There could be an easier way but I just tried this quickly...


Open a console window for mariadb (click on the mariadb icon on your docker page and select console)

type in mysql -u <root/admin username> -p and hit enter, then enter your password

then it will show you the version, such as Server version: 10.4.13-MariaDB-1:10.4.13+maria~bionic-log mariadb.org binary distribution



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10 minutes ago, jj_uk said:

I need to make this change to the config (for nextcloud), but can't find the config file. Where is the config file in the container?





There should be a file called custom.cnf in the /config folder, which is explained in the readme on GitHub.

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hi, when i put password for root user i cant connect to mariadb, and i have this error: Current charset is windows-1252. If password has been set using other charset, consider using option 'passwordCharacterEncoding', how to use this variable to setCharacterEncoding in docker?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all I have a larger issue but want to try and find out if I can work out what the error is, how could I tell what databases are currently running. Its related to an error I am receiving from Nextcloud. I have logged into Mariadb through the console and typed in status which states the below. 


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Hello, I woke up today to see all my websites were offline. Found out it was a database issue. The MariahDB docker image was orphaned. A quick google search said to reinstall the docker to fix the issue however when I did that it installed a fresh copy of the docker. Did I lose all my websites data? Can this be reversed or fixed?



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  • 2 weeks later...



I have just updated the container however my reverse proxy has gone down reporting three errors relating to MariaDB;


2020-09-13 6:11:54 0 [ERROR] Could not open mysql.plugin table. Some plugins may be not loaded

2020-09-13 6:11:54 0 [ERROR] Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist

2020-09-13 6:11:54 0 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.user' doesn't exist



Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 




I have tried removing;


ib_logfile1 &


And restarting the service however that did not work, neither did downgrading the container image. 




Edited by LoneTraveler
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15 hours ago, LoneTraveler said:



I have just updated the container however my reverse proxy has gone down reporting three errors relating to MariaDB;


2020-09-13 6:11:54 0 [ERROR] Could not open mysql.plugin table. Some plugins may be not loaded

2020-09-13 6:11:54 0 [ERROR] Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist

2020-09-13 6:11:54 0 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.user' doesn't exist



Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 




I have tried removing;


ib_logfile1 &


And restarting the service however that did not work, neither did downgrading the container image. 




I'm not sure what nginx-proxy-manager has to do with our mariadb container? The above screenshot doesn't look like it's from our container.

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11 hours ago, saarg said:

I'm not sure what nginx-proxy-manager has to do with our mariadb container? The above screenshot doesn't look like it's from our container.



Apologies, I should have clarified, I updated the MariaDB container then I started getting the above errors in NginxProxyManager. The screenshot (from NPM) was just to show the errors and how they were formatted. I assumed that the errors were purporting to be caused by MariaDB somehow, however I could well be wrong. 


I have raised an issue on GitHub with the NPM team, incase the error was from their end, however I wanted to enquire here also as the errors mentioned difficulty in connecting to MySQL. 

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On 7/27/2020 at 4:43 PM, Flemming said:

I installed this first time today and got this, anyone know?


I got this working by changing "bridge" to "host", now I have a new problem.
When I open it console and type mysql -uroot -p I write my pw and hen this in coming, tried reinstall of container, same problem:


# mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: 
ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)


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11 hours ago, LoneTraveler said:



Apologies, I should have clarified, I updated the MariaDB container then I started getting the above errors in NginxProxyManager. The screenshot (from NPM) was just to show the errors and how they were formatted. I assumed that the errors were purporting to be caused by MariaDB somehow, however I could well be wrong. 


I have raised an issue on GitHub with the NPM team, incase the error was from their end, however I wanted to enquire here also as the errors mentioned difficulty in connecting to MySQL. 

It still doesn't have anything to do with our container. There is MySQL inside the container. It's pretty obvious from looking at the screenshot you posted.


Starting mysqld



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