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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Syncthing

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  • 2 weeks later...

We're now over 2 months behind on this one. I know being on the bleeding edge isn't a requirement, but some of the improvements would be very welcome:


14.7: Improvements in this release include faster (i.e., less CPU intensive) hashing on some Intel and ARM64 CPU:s, a more refined dark theme, CORS headers in the API, and an updated set of default discovery servers.

14.8: UPnP handling is corrected in the case where more than one router is detected.


That second one in particular has been killing me.


Any chance of an update? Or releasing a second container that goes back to the old style of auto-updating?


Anyway, thanks guys, ya'll are great.  :D

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We're now over 2 months behind on this one. I know being on the bleeding edge isn't a requirement, but some of the improvements would be very welcome:


14.7: Improvements in this release include faster (i.e., less CPU intensive) hashing on some Intel and ARM64 CPU:s, a more refined dark theme, CORS headers in the API, and an updated set of default discovery servers.

14.8: UPnP handling is corrected in the case where more than one router is detected.


That second one in particular has been killing me.


Any chance of an update? Or releasing a second container that goes back to the old style of auto-updating?


Anyway, thanks guys, ya'll are great.  :D


We are dependent on the alpine package and that one is not updated yet.

Auto-update is not coming back as far as I know.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have this docker working, but a couple of questions. I am only getting 1/2 listeners working, when I highlight it I see that the error is "x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided". A google tells me this error in a docker container can be related to missing ca-certificates (http://blog.cloud66.com/x509-error-when-using-https-inside-a-docker-container/) and chance of a fix for this?


Also how often does this docker get an update? or is it possible to in a update to the app in the docker, it is currently 14.3 but my other syncthing is up to 14.6.





I have the same issue, but could not find a solution on the forums.

Is this docker related and can´t be fixed?

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That was two months ago and several different versions.  Can you post logs?



Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk

Sorry for the late response.

I have forwarded the port 22000/tpc in my router.

My other Computer have SyncTrazor installed and no problem with listeners, even without port forwarding.

Here the log from the latest (today) version:

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...

_ _ _
| |___| (_) ___
| / __| | |/ _ \
| \__ \ | | (_) |
|_|___/ |_|\___/

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User uid: 99
User gid: 100

[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[N3NR5] 21:05:45 INFO: syncthing v0.14.11 "Dysprosium Dragonfly" (go1.7.3 linux-amd64) root@1d811a9194c4 2016-11-18 23:56:17 UTC
[N3NR5] 21:05:46 INFO: Single thread hash performance is 81 MB/s using minio/sha256-simd (59 MB/s using crypto/sha256).
[N3NR5] 21:05:46 INFO: Ready to synchronize eds5j-za7vw (readwrite)
[N3NR5] 21:05:46 INFO: Ready to synchronize u1cie-txtwz (readwrite)
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Ready to synchronize efjk3-qmhgk (readwrite)
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: TCP listener ( starting
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v4-2.syncthing.net/v2/?id=DVU36WY-H3LVZHW-E6LLFRE-Y1FN5E2-HILWRYP-OC2M47J-Z4PE62Y-ADIBDQC
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v4-3.syncthing.net/v2/?id=VK6HNJ3-VVMM66S-HAVWSFR-IXEHL2H-U4AQ4MW-UCPQBWX-J2L2UBK-NVZRDQZ
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v4-4.syncthing.net/v2/?id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QGEQ1A3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Completed initial scan (rw) of folder u1cie-txtwz
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v6-2.syncthing.net/v2/?id=DVU36WY-H3LVZHW-E6LLFRE-Y1FN5E2-HILWRYP-OC2M47J-Z4PE62Y-ADIBDQC
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v6-3.syncthing.net/v2/?id=VK6HNJ3-VVMM66S-HAVWSFR-IXEHL2H-U4AQ4MW-UCPQBWX-J2L2UBK-NVZRDQZ
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Using discovery server https://discovery-v6-4.syncthing.net/v2/?id=LYXKCHX-VI3NYZR-ALCJBHF-WMZYSPK-QGEQ1A3-MPFYMSO-U56GTUK-NA2MIAW
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Completed initial scan (rw) of folder eds5j-za7vw
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Device F6ZVAAX-5EC3UBL-FGWKRAI-4Q66B4K-E27LFXG-KEIEDSF-FN5DSOL-COVHPAL is "Computer1" at [dynamic]
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Device N3NR5IH-32TD7WK-S35GX56-IBEUJCV-GCDTTNG-X2GH3CW-BRAQHR3-2UUW5QD is "Tower" at [dynamic]
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Starting usage reporting
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: GUI and API listening on
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL:
2016/11/20 21:05:47 Supervisor connections.Service: connections.Service: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (1.000000 failures of 5.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
2016/11/20 21:05:47 Supervisor connections.Service: connections.Service: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (1.997534 failures of 5.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
2016/11/20 21:05:47 Supervisor connections.Service: connections.Service: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (2.992563 failures of 5.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
2016/11/20 21:05:47 Supervisor connections.Service: connections.Service: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (3.984105 failures of 5.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
2016/11/20 21:05:47 Supervisor connections.Service: connections.Service: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (4.974418 failures of 5.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
2016/11/20 21:05:47 Supervisor connections.Service: Entering the backoff state.
2016/11/20 21:05:47 Supervisor connections.Service: connections.Service: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (5.961885 failures of 5.000000), restarting: false, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]
[N3NR5] 21:05:47 INFO: Completed initial scan (rw) of folder efjk3-qmhgk
[N3NR5] 21:05:50 INFO: Established secure connection to F6ZVAAX-5EC3UBL-FGWKRAI-4Q66B4K-E27LFXG-KEIEDSF-FN5DSOL-COVHPAL at (Relay (Client))
[N3NR5] 21:05:50 INFO: Device F6ZVAAX-5EC3UBL-FGWKRAI-4Q66B4K-E27LFXG-KEIEDSF-FN5DSOL-COVHPAL client is "syncthing v0.14.11" named "Computer1"
[N3NR5] 21:05:53 INFO: Connected to myself (N3NR5IH-22TD7WK-S35GX56-IBIUJCV-GCDTTNG-X2GHSCW-BRAQHR3-2UUW5QD) - should not happen
[N3NR5] 21:05:53 INFO: Connected to myself (N3NR5IH-22TD7WK-S35GX56-IBIUJCV-GCDTTNG-X2GHSCW-BRAQHR3-2UUW5QD) - should not happen
[N3NR5] 21:05:57 INFO: Connected to myself (N3NR5IH-22TD7WK-S35GX56-IBIUJCV-GCDTTNG-X2GHSCW-BRAQHR3-2UUW5QD) - should not happen
[N3NR5] 21:05:57 INFO: Connected to myself (N3NR5IH-22TD7WK-S35GX56-IBIUJCV-GCDTTNG-X2GHSCW-BRAQHR3-2UUW5QD) - should not happen
[N3NR5] 21:05:58 INFO: Detected 0 NAT devices


The log is spammed with following mesages:

2016/11/20 21:20:46 Supervisor connections.Service: Exiting backoff state.
2016/11/20 21:20:46 Supervisor connections.Service: connections.Service: Failed service 'dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint' (1.000000 failures of 5.000000), restarting: true, error: "{dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint dynamic+https://relays.syncthing.net/endpoint} returned unexpectedly", stacktrace: [unknown stack trace]

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having an issue. I'm trying to use syncthing to backup my media folder on my phone(android) and I'm just wanting to do this when it's connected to my local network. I had it up and running then after turning off global discovery I lose connection. I setup my desktop with snyncthing real quick to see if it may be a droid issue and it appeared to do the same thing (i will verify this later today). I'm new to unraid so its very possible I missed something easy. Does anyone have any suggestions at what to look at?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I installed syncthing and it worked like a charm... until I started to tinker with it.


I would really like the versions to be put on another share instead of mixed in with the existing dir tree.


I went to the https://docs.syncthing.net/users/versioning.html page tried to follow the instructions (for linux) word for word modifying the version path (to the Share I want) in the sh script and in the command "box" (from syncthing webgui -> folders -> edit button on folder I made -> advanced settings -> file versioning -> external file versioning -> Command) I put the path, in my case /root/bin/onlylatest.sh


The problem is, under folders its saying "Out of sync" and showing (in my case) 7 failed items, when I click on that it shows the items and each one shows an error "balloon" "fork/exec /root/bin/onlylatest.sh: permission denied"


I was thinking maybe it was execute pemissions but I dbl checked and its

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 376 Mar  1 02:51 onlylatest.sh*

So I figure its executable, I thought maybe ownership might be an issue since in the syncthing page the example showed the person using the "Users/jb/bin" (I would have thought it would be /home but maybe other distros do it other ways). Ownership is just a bit over my head, I know its chown but down know the different users on the system, i just used root (horrible opsec I know).




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3 hours ago, gaikokujinkyofusho said:

I installed syncthing and it worked like a charm... until I started to tinker with it.


I would really like the versions to be put on another share instead of mixed in with the existing dir tree.


I went to the https://docs.syncthing.net/users/versioning.html page tried to follow the instructions (for linux) word for word modifying the version path (to the Share I want) in the sh script and in the command "box" (from syncthing webgui -> folders -> edit button on folder I made -> advanced settings -> file versioning -> external file versioning -> Command) I put the path, in my case /root/bin/onlylatest.sh


The problem is, under folders its saying "Out of sync" and showing (in my case) 7 failed items, when I click on that it shows the items and each one shows an error "balloon" "fork/exec /root/bin/onlylatest.sh: permission denied"


I was thinking maybe it was execute pemissions but I dbl checked and its

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 376 Mar  1 02:51 onlylatest.sh*

So I figure its executable, I thought maybe ownership might be an issue since in the syncthing page the example showed the person using the "Users/jb/bin" (I would have thought it would be /home but maybe other distros do it other ways). Ownership is just a bit over my head, I know its chown but down know the different users on the system, i just used root (horrible opsec I know).





Syncthing is run as the nobody user and therefore doesn't have permission to run the script. Move the script to the /config folder (inside the container)/on unraid that will be your syncthing appdata folder. Then chown it like this.

chown nobody:users /path/to/your/script


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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest dranani

I have syncthing set up with my work pc and my server. I have all my documents backed up to my server in case of failure or if I need a file while at home. 

I have encountered an issue recently where my files on the server are in read only mode when opened. 


I don't know if this is a syncthing issue or unraid user privileged issue because Windows 10 has always been a pain in the ass for me when it comes to connecting to my server in explorer. 


in unraid under shares it shows that I have read/write access. 


Anyone know what is going on? If you need more info i will gladly get it to you. 


I've also just noticed that it is saying that some or all files might not be protecting when it comes to said share and it has an option in the share's settings to "clone destinations". What's that about? I don't remember seeing that before.

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7 minutes ago, local.bin said:

I've tried fully removing and installing from scratch and I'm am still on v0.14.25, Linux (64 bit) "Dysprosium Dragonfly", while github is showing v0.14.26 as being available?




Not urgent, just wondered if others had gotten the update already?


As usual with our containers, image refreshes are done on Friday night and will have whatever new version you just must have. 

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On 02/11/2016 at 5:19 PM, sparklyballs said:

switched to building from source now using the latest release tag from syncthing github, pull the new update just released.

this should let us track updates now and keep the benefits of alpine's smaller image sizes.


1 hour ago, saarg said:


As usual with our containers, image refreshes are done on Friday night


Didn't know that, as I thought it was building from github latest release tags.


1 hour ago, saarg said:

and will have whatever new version you just must have. 


1 hour ago, local.bin said:

Not urgent, just wondered if others had gotten the update already?


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This feels like a basic question but I haven't managed to answer it myself after reading. If I want to use syncthing on different shares does that mean I have to add a container for each share? I tried setting up one container with

Host Path 1: as /


Host Path 2: /mnt/user/

(and within that the Container Path: as /)


That didn't seem to work? Any details I am missing? I would love to have one container and then list all the shares I want to sync as folders via the syncthing webUI




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On 06/04/2017 at 7:16 AM, gaikokujinkyofusho said:

This feels like a basic question but I haven't managed to answer it myself after reading. If I want to use syncthing on different shares does that mean I have to add a container for each share? I tried setting up one container with

Host Path 1: as /


Host Path 2: /mnt/user/

(and within that the Container Path: as /)


That didn't seem to work? Any details I am missing? I would love to have one container and then list all the shares I want to sync as folders via the syncthing webUI




You're close, in Syncthing you use the volume mapping name (Container path) when starting the "Folder Path" within Syncthing.


For example if your "Host Path 1" container path is /sync (the default of Syncthing) and you've set it to /mnt/user/ then...


In Syncthing when adding a folder, you'd start "Folder path" with /sync and it'll display what is available at /mnt/user/

Edited by scytherbladez
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply, I just back from a trip and have time to try this out.


Another question though. How can I change the "File Versionings Directory" location?

That is, I would like syncthing to keep track of everything in:


But have all older versions of files put in an identical (recreated) dir tree under


Is that possible? having the older versions in the same tree as the newer versions was not ideal for my work flow so if I could have the older versions put in a different location that would be perfect! I was reading the "External File Versioning" on the syncthing site, I think that is what I need, but there are quite a few things I am not getting:

  1.     I couldn't figure where to put the script it gave? I tried putting the script in /mnt/user/appdata/syncthing# but nothing seems to happen?
  2.     I am wholly unconfident about editing the script
  3.     and, for this scenario would I have to run the script every time I wanted the versions of a file put in this alternate location?

Sorry but the paths part of dockers confuses me to no end, and now I am thinking I know even less about scripts than I originally thought :(




Edited by gaikokujinkyofusho
learned more
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Thanks for the example. I don't suppose your setup allows you to write the versions to an alternate location? (It doesn't seem like it from the paths you listed but... I am not sure about much lately when it comes to setting up syncthing).


I am totally open to *not* using the script, I just got the impression that it was the way one had to go to specify an alternate location for the versions to be written, I'd be happy(er) if I didn't have to bother with the script and could just specify the alternate paths via the gui?

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12 minutes ago, gaikokujinkyofusho said:

Thanks for the example. I don't suppose your setup allows you to write the versions to an alternate location? (It doesn't seem like it from the paths you listed but... I am not sure about much lately when it comes to setting up syncthing).


I am totally open to *not* using the script, I just got the impression that it was the way one had to go to specify an alternate location for the versions to be written, I'd be happy(er) if I didn't have to bother with the script and could just specify the alternate paths via the gui?

Can you post the link to the script stuff mate?

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  • 4 weeks later...

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