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[Support] Linuxserver.io - Sonarr

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Sonarr keeps just crashing (have to restart to get it to work again) and I see the following error -->


at <unknown> <0xffffffff>
at (wrapper managed-to-native) object.__icall_wrapper_mono_gc_alloc_vector (intptr,intptr,intptr) [0x00009] in <77c9551943624fd18301ba6f78a841e5>:0
at (wrapper alloc) object.AllocVector (intptr,intptr) [0x000bf] in <77c9551943624fd18301ba6f78a841e5>:0
at System.Xml.XmlEncodedRawTextWriter..ctor (System.IO.TextWriter,System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings) [0x00036] in <d94dcfabccbf4e35a08e6fe5b3f74a7e>:0
at System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings.CreateWriter (System.IO.TextWriter) [0x00041] in <d94dcfabccbf4e35a08e6fe5b3f74a7e>:0
at System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create (System.Text.StringBuilder,System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings) [0x00024] in <d94dcfabccbf4e35a08e6fe5b3f74a7e>:0
at NzbDrone.Core.Extras.Metadata.Consumers.Xbmc.XbmcMetadata.EpisodeMetadata (NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Series,NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFile) [0x0006d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Extras\Metadata\Consumers\Xbmc\XbmcMetadata.cs:210
at NzbDrone.Core.Extras.Metadata.MetadataService.ProcessEpisodeMetadata (NzbDrone.Core.Extras.Metadata.IMetadata,NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Series,NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFile,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NzbDrone.Core.Extras.Metadata.Files.MetadataFile>) [0x0000d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Extras\Metadata\MetadataService.cs:229
at NzbDrone.Core.Extras.Metadata.MetadataService.CreateAfterSeriesScan (NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Series,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.EpisodeFile>) [0x000b8] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Extras\Metadata\MetadataService.cs:75
at NzbDrone.Core.Extras.ExtraService.Handle (NzbDrone.Core.MediaCover.MediaCoversUpdatedEvent) [0x00029] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Extras\ExtraService.cs:112
at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events.EventAggregator.PublishEvent<TEvent_REF> (TEvent_REF) [0x000c3] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Messaging\Events\EventAggregator.cs:56
at NzbDrone.Core.MediaCover.MediaCoverService.HandleAsync (NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Events.SeriesUpdatedEvent) [0x0000c] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\MediaCover\MediaCoverService.cs:169
at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events.EventAggregator/<>c__DisplayClass4_2`1<TEvent_REF>.<PublishEvent>b__1 () [0x00035] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Messaging\Events\EventAggregator.cs:83

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Hey there,


I'm a brand new user to unraid, as well as sonarr.  I've managed to get my unraid server up and running, installed (and configured) deluge, jackett, and sonarr, and everything seems to be going the right way...


Right until the files have finished downloading.  Sonarr can see that the files are complete (displays 100.0% and a full progress bar), but the files never get transferred to my /tv/ directory.


The only movement in the right direction is that Series Folders in /tv/ are getting created... but no files are getting moved.


I changed Sonarr's logging to capture debug info, and I don't see any notification of failed imports, or file copy errors.  I'd expect that I have something set up incorrectly, but I can't really see any switches that look like they control it. 


What can I do?

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2 minutes ago, ReidLinden said:

Hey there,


I'm a brand new user to unraid, as well as sonarr.  I've managed to get my unraid server up and running, installed (and configured) deluge, jackett, and sonarr, and everything seems to be going the right way...


Right until the files have finished downloading.  Sonarr can see that the files are complete (displays 100.0% and a full progress bar), but the files never get transferred to my /tv/ directory.


The only movement in the right direction is that Series Folders in /tv/ are getting created... but no files are getting moved.


I changed Sonarr's logging to capture debug info, and I don't see any notification of failed imports, or file copy errors.  I'd expect that I have something set up incorrectly, but I can't really see any switches that look like they control it. 


What can I do?


I'll take a stab before the experts show up.


Sonarr > Settings > Download Client > Completed Download Handling > Is that enabled?


Typically if Sonarr is not importing downloads in a new setup, it's because your download client is depositing finished downloads in one folder and Sonarr is looking for them in the wrong folder.


Did you configure your Sonarr docker correctly? Sonarr's container path for /downloads should match your download client's container path for /downloads.


Sabnzbd is my download client:



My Sonarr:


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Thanks @vurt..  yes, `completed download handling` is enabled, and both the downloader and sonarr are configured to see '/downloads/' as /mnt/user/downloads


It looks to me like THAT part is working, Sonarr correctly gets download status info from deluge, (at least as far as getting the completion percentage).


If I manually copy the files from /downloads/ to /tv/seriesname/, Sonarr correctly picks up fromthere, and I successfully renamed the files, and saw plex pick up and start grabbing metadata for the show.


So, it seems like its just the file transfer from /downloads/ to /tv/ that isn't happening...  it seems like I should be able to find info in the logs about it, but nothing is jumping out at me.

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Thanks [mention=71477]vurt[/mention]..  yes, `completed download handling` is enabled, and both the downloader and sonarr are configured to see '/downloads/' as /mnt/user/downloads
It looks to me like THAT part is working, Sonarr correctly gets download status info from deluge, (at least as far as getting the completion percentage).
If I manually copy the files from /downloads/ to /tv/seriesname/, Sonarr correctly picks up fromthere, and I successfully renamed the files, and saw plex pick up and start grabbing metadata for the show.
So, it seems like its just the file transfer from /downloads/ to /tv/ that isn't happening...  it seems like I should be able to find info in the logs about it, but nothing is jumping out at me.
Is the file still in use? ie is it seeding?
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yes the files are still seeding... it looked from what I was reading, that it would try a hardlink first (if enabled), and failing that,  would fall back to a full copy... then with delete the file, only if not still seeding.
No idea. Haven't touched a torrent in years, but seems to me if the file is still In use then it can't be moved.

Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk

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Hello, I've had this small problem for quite some time but never tried to figure it out. When Sonarr creates a directory in my TV share i am unable to delete or add anything to it. I can delete if i go into MC and use that to delete stuff. But say tonight i wanted to drag season 3 of The Walking Dead into the The Walking Dead.. i cannot because Sonarr originally created that folder. Any ideas?

Edited by superderpbro
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I know this is a super stupid problem but I searched the forum and can't figure out the exact answer.


I just set up Sonarr and sabnzbd and have them working on a fresh new share on my server. They talk to each other and it downloads files, no problem. The issue is that the files that it gets have incorrect permissions: I can't rename, delete, or move anything because they are owned by SERVER\nobody.  I can copy or execute.


When i run the tool to fix permissions, they are OK. However every subsequent download has the same issue.


Did I screw up the share (which is new), the docker permissions for sabnzbd or sonarr or what?  The share's SMB security is set to "public".  In the docker paths for both sab and sonarr, they are all read\write. Neither of them is set to privileged. 


So there is some box I didn't check or fill out and I'm not sure which one it is. 












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I haven't had a chance to test this out yet, but I'm remembering that I had to 'blank out' the label field in my downloader setup in sonarr...  I was reading some last night about 'completed download handling, and it seems like it might not be 'optional' as the UI indicates...


I'm also going to try using 'transmission' instead, and see if that makes any difference... perhaps later tonight I can report back in with success

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1 hour ago, Ouze said:

I know this is a super stupid problem but I searched the forum and can't figure out the exact answer.


I just set up Sonarr and sabnzbd and have them working on a fresh new share on my server. They talk to each other and it downloads files, no problem. The issue is that the files that it gets have incorrect permissions: I can't rename, delete, or move anything because they are owned by SERVER\nobody.  I can copy or execute.


When i run the tool to fix permissions, they are OK. However every subsequent download has the same issue.


Did I screw up the share (which is new), the docker permissions for sabnzbd or sonarr or what?  The share's SMB security is set to "public".  In the docker paths for both sab and sonarr, they are all read\write. Neither of them is set to privileged. 


So there is some box I didn't check or fill out and I'm not sure which one it is. 












On your last pic, flip over the setting to "Set Permissions"

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9 hours ago, superderpbro said:

Hello, I've had this small problem for quite some time but never tried to figure it out. When Sonarr creates a directory in my TV share i am unable to delete or add anything to it. I can delete if i go into MC and use that to delete stuff. But say tonight i wanted to drag season 3 of The Walking Dead into the The Walking Dead.. i cannot because Sonarr originally created that folder. Any ideas?


Same answer as Squid above.  Tell Sonarr to set permissions on files and directories

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57 minutes ago, superderpbro said:

So, all i do it flip that switch and touch nothing else below it? Will that solve the problem for the hundreds of directorys already made or only the new ones after i switch it?


I have no idea what the numbers below it are





It will fix new files. You have to fix the old stuff manually or using the new permissions script.


I believe unRAID uses 0666 for files and 0777 for folders as the default.



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File permissions crash course :)

To understand the numbers, add these to give specific results:



execute=1 (execute permissions on a directory means you can access it)

7=4+2+1, all rights

6=4+2, all rights for a "normal" file

There are 3 numbers, the first one is the permission for the owner, the second is for the group and the third is for everyone.  


You can update all your current file permissions like so:


Putty server and CD to your TV directory :

cd /mnt/user/TV

change attribute to all your files, recursively in all directories: 

"chmod -R 666 *"

666 means everyone can read and write the file

This will affect your directories too but you can fix it by changing attributes to all your *first level* directories:

"chmod 777 *"

777 means everyone can read, write and get in the directory.


If you use season subdirectories, you'll have to fix them manually...


"ls -al" will list all files with their permissions

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3 minutes ago, superderpbro said:

Thanks. What is the 0 in the numbers (in my pic) used for? Also, I have my shares set up so only one user (Me) can write to any my shares. Everyone else can only read. Will doing what you said affect that?


That 0 is for the "special" flag.  You can safely let it to 0.


Sorry, I'm not very fluent on sharing permissions.  Now that I think about it with the kids growing up I may need to address this... 


Anyway, pick a file that works as you want, "ls -al" on it and that will give you the pattern you need to configure in the permission window of Sonarr.  Don't forget to set "chown user" and "chown group".  644 and 755 are probably the right bet.

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There is a space in your path, the cd command doesn't like it.  


You need to "escape" the weird character with a "\" but autocomplete can fix that for you. 


if you type "cd /mnt/user/TV" and hit the tab key, it should fill in "/mnt/user/TV\ Shows". 



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