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On 4/29/2018 at 2:29 PM, L0rdRaiden said:

Sonnar have been adding epsiodes to ruTorrent (those are added in stop mode but I can live with this) when the download finished sonnar says "eppisode missing from disk" but the files are there.

This was working in the past with other series, so now I don't understand why it doesn't work.




18-4-29 15:24:54.2|Info|SceneMappingService|Updating Scene mappings
18-4-29 15:24:55.3|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for XXXXX
18-4-29 15:24:55.3|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [296762][XXXXX]
18-4-29 15:24:55.3|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Finished episode refresh for series: [296762][XXXXX].
18-4-29 15:24:55.3|Info|DiskScanService|Scanning disk for XXXXX
18-4-29 15:24:55.3|Info|DiskScanService|Completed scanning disk for XXXXX
18-4-29 15:24:55.5|Info|MetadataService|Series folder does not exist, skipping metadata creation

XXXXX= hide on purpose


I may be wrong but I had similar issues when the files weren't named with their extension in the name e.g. .mkv or whatever the media type is

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On 5/4/2018 at 5:29 PM, Indy1204 said:

Hey. I ran the "Fix Common Problems" plugin for the first time today and it informed me of several repos being depreciated, this being one of them. I noticed THIS link early in the thread but the link is dead. Is this posted anywhere with a different URL? I'd like to switch over to this repo, but I would really prefer not to have to start it over from scratch. I've been using it for years and it would take forever. Is there a way to switch over without losing everything?



Why not just make a backup / copy of the existing appdata folder for safety sake, then install the lsio version and point it at the existing appdata folder and see what happens.  Odds on there will be no problems

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I've got some troubles post processing my downloads. Sonarr does send the request to my SABnzbd, but then after sabnzbd finishes downloading, sonarr doesn't move the file to my series folder, and updates plex.  When I select manual import at activity, it sais ' No video files were found in the selected folder', but when i check the folder itself, there is a file in there.

I got my sabnzbd set up to download to a folder called ' incomplete' and afterwards move it to a folder series in the complete folder. Sonarr also looks at the data/complete/series folder. Where do i need to start looking for trouble shooting? I got my radarr set up the same way, which is working fine.

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On 5/6/2018 at 7:25 PM, Connor Moloney said:

I may be wrong but I had similar issues when the files weren't named with their extension in the name e.g. .mkv or whatever the media type is

In case someone has the same problem an run Tool->New permisions and now it works

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56 minutes ago, L0rdRaiden said:

run Tool->New permisions

Don't do that...  If you run the tool against all drives / all shares, the Appdata share gets changed which may or may not have adverse effects on the apps.  Use Tools - Docker Safe New Permissions which won't touch anything in appdata.

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1 hour ago, mdoom said:

I was curious how to go about upgrading the version of Mono in this docker?


There has been a bug with Mono 3.10 that is preventing nzb's from successfully being grabbed.  details found at: https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/xmlexception-syntax-error/18599/11


So far the solution of upgrading Mono has been working for others.  I'm just not sure what to do for the docker version.


Are you sure our container use mono 3.10? 

I just checked the code, and it doesn't say to install 3.10. That means we install the latest available stable in the mono repository. 

I don't have access to a computer now, so can't install it to check. 


Edit: I have checked and we use version 5.10, so the issue is not the same as you linked to. 

Edited by saarg
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45 minutes ago, saarg said:


Are you sure our container use mono 3.10? 

I just checked the code, and it doesn't say to install 3.10. That means we install the latest available stable in the mono repository. 

I don't have access to a computer now, so can't install it to check. 


Good question.  I guess I don't know for sure, but I know mine currently has 3.10.   I'm away from home currently, but I will try a clean install of the container to see what happens.  It may just be that since it pulls the latest when its installed, that then it never gets updated over time without an explicit update in the container.  

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Just now, mdoom said:


Good question.  I guess I don't know for sure, but I know mine currently has 3.10.   I'm away from home currently, but I will try a clean install of the container to see what happens.  It may just be that since it pulls the latest when its installed, that then it never gets updated over time without an explicit update in the container.  


See my edit in my previous post for which version that is in our image. 

The mono version will be whatever version is in the update of the container.

When you do an update, the old container is deleted and the new image is downloaded. So no chance the mono version survived. 

Could it be that you haven't updated the container? 

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9 minutes ago, saarg said:


See my edit in my previous post for which version that is in our image. 

The mono version will be whatever version is in the update of the container.

When you do an update, the old container is deleted and the new image is downloaded. So no chance the mono version survived. 

Could it be that you haven't updated the container? 


Thats good to know, I did do a "check for updates" this morning before I left home and said no updates for the container at all.  I'll just purge my image tonight after work and grab a fresh copy.  I'm re-assured that you said it'll pull latest version.  The odd part is I know I have re-setup Sonarr before (new container) many times since 3.10 Mono has been out, but oh well.  Hopefully if anyone else having same problem they can be helped by this too!

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13 hours ago, mdoom said:


Thats good to know, I did do a "check for updates" this morning before I left home and said no updates for the container at all.  I'll just purge my image tonight after work and grab a fresh copy.  I'm re-assured that you said it'll pull latest version.  The odd part is I know I have re-setup Sonarr before (new container) many times since 3.10 Mono has been out, but oh well.  Hopefully if anyone else having same problem they can be helped by this too!


So, now that I'm home and able to better play with it.. I wanted to provide an update.

First and foremost, I apologize, turns out, I wasn't even using linuxserver container.  I thought I had switched everything to linuxserver, however i still was running a version by needo, which apparently hasn't been updated in a very long time.


I switched to linuxserver, mono is on 5.10 and all is well!

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Having a few issues with this container it has been working for ages then 7 days ago it stopped working, its still running but none of the automated tasks are running, it doesn't send requests to look for new episodes, it isn't recognising when new episodes are added to the array and also the log file hasn't been updated in 7 days. Any thoughts?


So in the log shown in the docker window this is repeated god knows how many times:

[v2.0.0.5163] System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException (0x80004005): attempt to write a readonly database
attempt to write a readonly database
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Reset (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x00083] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.Step (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteStatement stmt) [0x0003c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader.NextResult () [0x0016b] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand cmd, System.Data.CommandBehavior behave) [0x00090] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataReader..ctor(System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand,System.Data.CommandBehavior)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteReader (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x0000c] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteScalar (System.Data.CommandBehavior behavior) [0x00006] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteCommand.ExecuteScalar () [0x00006] in <61a20cde294d4a3eb43b9d9f6284613b>:0
at Marr.Data.QGen.InsertQueryBuilder`1[T].Execute () [0x00046] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\Marr.Data\QGen\InsertQueryBuilder.cs:140
at Marr.Data.DataMapper.Insert[T] (T entity) [0x0005d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\Marr.Data\DataMapper.cs:728
at NzbDrone.Core.Datastore.BasicRepository`1[TModel].Insert (TModel model) [0x0002d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Datastore\BasicRepository.cs:111
at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandQueueManager.Push[TCommand] (TCommand command, NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandPriority priority, NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandTrigger trigger) [0x0013d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Messaging\Commands\CommandQueueManager.cs:82
at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object.CallSite.Target(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandQueueManager,object,NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandPriority,NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandTrigger)
at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandQueueManager.Push (System.String commandName, System.Nullable`1[T] lastExecutionTime, NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandPriority priority, NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Commands.CommandTrigger trigger) [0x000b7] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Messaging\Commands\CommandQueueManager.cs:95
at NzbDrone.Core.Jobs.Scheduler.ExecuteCommands () [0x00043] in M:\BuildAgent\work\b69c1fe19bfc2c38\src\NzbDrone.Core\Jobs\Scheduler.cs:42
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x0000f] in <71d8ad678db34313b7f718a414dfcb25>:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute () [0x00010] in <71d8ad678db34313b7f718a414dfcb25>:0

[Error] TaskExtensions: Task Error


But in the log section in the actual docker it shows it not having been updated for 7 days?

Edited by Connor Moloney
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7 hours ago, CHBMB said:

Docker run commands please, you're the only two reports of this that we've seen, nothing in Discord or Github about it.

Stopping container: sonarr

Successfully stopped container 'sonarr'


Removing container: sonarr

Successfully removed container 'sonarr'


Command:root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='sonarr' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8989:8989/tcp' -v '/dev/rtc':'/dev/rtc':'ro' -v '/mnt/user/Media/TV Shows/':'/tv':'rw' -v '/mnt/disks/':'/downloads':'rw,slave' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/sonarr':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/sonarr' 


The command finished successfully!

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57 minutes ago, Connor Moloney said:

Stopping container: sonarr

Successfully stopped container 'sonarr'


Removing container: sonarr

Successfully removed container 'sonarr'


Command:root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='sonarr' --net='bridge' -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -p '8989:8989/tcp' -v '/dev/rtc':'/dev/rtc':'ro' -v '/mnt/user/Media/TV Shows/':'/tv':'rw' -v '/mnt/disks/':'/downloads':'rw,slave' -v '/mnt/cache/appdata/sonarr':'/config':'rw' 'linuxserver/sonarr' 


The command finished successfully!


Have you tried to use unraid for completed storage? 

Edited by saarg
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21 minutes ago, Connor Moloney said:

When I first started using this docker I had the download client on my unraid server so yes I have done that in the past but now I download using my desktop (vpn) so the location is on that computer now


Can you test to download to unraid, to rule out that the smb share is the issue? 

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Okay so after trying to reconfigure sonarr to work with deluge (container i used to use for downloads) I would set it all up correctly click test it would work got the notification in the corner popping up saying it had succeeded. So i press save and wait for the spinny circle to disappear then press the 'x' in the top right and deluge isn't there in the download clients. Like I said earlier it's almost as if sonarr just isn't responding, I have tried restarting the container, turning docker on and off but don't know what else to try?

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My gut feeling looking at those logs is some sort of database corruption tbh.  SQLite is readonly which is a problem.


You may want to grab some debug logs and post over at the Sonarr forums, I'm not as convinced as @saarg that the remote mount is the issue, although it's a possibility.  Be interesting to see @hayleraid's logs etc because until we see them, to assume it's the same problem is a little too speculative for my liking.

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6 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

My gut feeling looking at those logs is some sort of database corruption tbh.  SQLite is readonly which is a problem.


You may want to grab some debug logs and post over at the Sonarr forums, I'm not as convinced as @saarg that the remote mount is the issue, although it's a possibility.  Be interesting to see @hayleraid's logs etc because until we see them, to assume it's the same problem is a little too speculative for my liking.

I just tried turning sonarr log mode to debug and it said "failed to save general settings"

I think you are right with the database corruption as all it says in the log table is stuff about the database and errors, how can I fix that?


Edited by Connor Moloney
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4 minutes ago, Connor Moloney said:

I just tried turning sonarr log mode to debug and it said "failed to save general settings"

I think you are right with the database corruption as all it says in the log table is stuff about the database and errors, how can I fix that?



Have you run "New Perms" or changed permissions on your Unraid box at all?  Just a hunch.


Try running these two commands and posting the output of the second one.


docker exec -it sonarr bash

ls -la /config


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18 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

My gut feeling looking at those logs is some sort of database corruption tbh.  SQLite is readonly which is a problem.


You may want to grab some debug logs and post over at the Sonarr forums, I'm not as convinced as @saarg that the remote mount is the issue, although it's a possibility.  Be interesting to see @hayleraid's logs etc because until we see them, to assume it's the same problem is a little too speculative for my liking.


Oh I was not convinced, but the only thing I noticed from looking at the docker run command. 

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