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I dunno what you've done, but you've changed permissions on some pretty important files there.


run this then restart the container.


chown -R abc:users /config


You need to work out what the hell changed those perms to www-data and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Edited by CHBMB
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4 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

I'm gonna guess you've followed some tutorial on a webserver blindly as www-data is commonly used in that context.  Either that or migrated data from somewhere else.

I don't think I have done either, only thing I have done recently which could remotely be connected to this is set up a dns for my openvpn and that's about it? So how do you think it's happened then?

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10 minutes ago, CHBMB said:

I dunno what you've done, but you've changed permissions on some pretty important files there.


run this then restart the container.


chown -R abc:users /config


You need to work out what the hell changed those perms to www-data and make sure it doesn't happen again.

Okay so I ran this, restarted the docker then afterwards re-ran the commands you gave me earlier to get this output now:


is this normal?

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2 minutes ago, Connor Moloney said:

Okay so I ran this, restarted the docker then afterwards re-ran the commands you gave me earlier to get this output now:


is this normal?


Yes.  abc = nobody which is the default user on Unraid.  That should work now.  If not remove the container and reinstall.  Just in case perms are borked in other folders in the container.

Edited by CHBMB
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2 minutes ago, Connor Moloney said:

How strange, I must have clicked something by accident :(


I'm not sure you could accomplish that with a click.......

Generally takes the command line to do something like that.  You always used our container?  Or migrated from somebody elses version?

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You didn't follow this guy's advice did you?


Not that it would explain where www-data comes from but in general it can break docker containers, although I would expect this particular container to be ok, but stil NEVER do this, bad advice unless you really really really understand what you're doing.


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2 minutes ago, CHBMB said:


I'm not sure you could accomplish that with a click.......

Generally takes the command line to do something like that.  You always used our container?  Or migrated from somebody elses version?

Yeah I have always used your sonarr version have recently transferred to your plex media server and tautulli builds as well, in the process of trying to configure them exactly as I had them previously but then I noticed that hundreds of my films had disappeared :( so using radarr to get them back and then will finish configuring the server

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unRaid 6.5.2

Hi all,


So i've been having an issue for a while with Sonarr (v. not automatically importing/moving downloaded files (using DelugeVPN) from the 'completed' folder to the Media folder for Plex to pick up.

I've read various threads about setting up Remote Path Mapping, which I have done. My downloads folder is /mnt/user/Downloads/. DelugeVPN sees this folder as /data/, Sonarr sees it as /downloads/.

I've set up deluge to initially download to data/incomplete, then move to /data/completed when finished as per SpaceInvaderOne's vids.

However when I automatically download a TV episode, the episode is not imported from /completed and moved, where I have both paths mapped to.

As a side note, I have Radarr installed with the exact same permissions, remote path mappings and settings, and Radarr imports and moves the file from /completed fine.

Also, manual importing works fine too.

This is doing my head in. HELP!



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36 minutes ago, Boo-urns said:

/mnt/user/Downloads/. DelugeVPN sees this folder as /data/, Sonarr sees it as /downloads/.

I've set up deluge to initially download to data/incomplete, then move to /data/completed when finished as per SpaceInvaderOne's vids.

When deluge is finished, it's telling Sonarr that the file is stored in /data/completed/..., but you don't have /data/completed mapped to /downloads/completed on sonarr or radar  Add that mapping, and it'll work.


38 minutes ago, Boo-urns said:

Radarr imports and moves the file from /completed fine.

No its not.  What you've done is set up a "blackhole" to look for downloads in /downloads which it then imports.  Blackholes aren't the recommended way of doing things, and is in the process of being deprecated by sonarr / radarr


Watch the vid again, and also check this out  https://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/57181-real-docker-faq/?page=2#comment-566086


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4 hours ago, Squid said:

but you don't have /data/completed mapped to /downloads/completed on sonarr

Isn't that exactly what i've got within Sonarr itself here? Being within Sonarr > Settings > Download Client > Advanced > Remote Path Mappings


5 hours ago, Boo-urns said:


Or do I have to have these mappings set as Volume mappings in unraid, as I've now included below. If so, does the container path need to be data/completed or can it match DelugeVPN as just /data?. As far as I can understand, all 3 dockers should see /data as the same place, with /data/completed being within that.


Apologies for beating a dead horse/topic, I just am having a hard time trying to figure out how what you're describing is different from what I already have.

Thanks again Squid for the quick reply.

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OK, so I have managed to get the files importing now, however now I am faced with another issue.

Sonarr is not deleting the leftover files after importing.

I have "Completed Download Handling" set to 'Remove' imported files. I also have hardlinking enabled.

For testing purposes, i have set Deluge to the below, so it stops seeding shortly after completing:


Sonarr imports the file, renames it and copies it to my 'Media' folder.

However once the seeding stops, the torrents is deleted from Deluge but the files remain in the 'completed' folder.

Any help?

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Proper setup.  Not sure how to search this thread so sorry if repeated. 

How do I setup sonar to work properly?   I realized I think I had it set up wrong.  I had sonar set to path = /tv/ (tv is ported to docker and is Media/tv share on unraid)

I noticed in the Media/tv folder I had a subfolder created for eg: /ncis/season1/.  BUT the actual files were NOT being copied to that.  In the root /Media/tv folder there were all the files listed there, NOT actually in the season subfolder.  


I did some reading and it sounds like I should have a folder in my /download/series folder.  My understanding is

Sonar will send request to NZBGET.   Nzbget will download the file and save file per its categories settings. (I have Series category now set to /download/complete/series). THEN when the d/l is finished.   Sonarr will scan that folder and move the files to the PATH set in sonarr.  Which is /media/tv.    


I made these changes.  Now the files are in the /download/complete/series folder.  But NOT being copied to /media/tv folder.    


What is the best way to setup this.   

Using NZBGET and sonarr and radarr.   

Addon: I believe radarr is a fork of sonarr.  So I am guessing workflow should be the same?  Please advise

Addon:  is there a way to rescan a my drive in sonarr (and radarr) to move the files into the correct folders and rename files appropriately?


Thanks in advance!

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1 hour ago, bphillips330 said:

Proper setup.  Not sure how to search this thread so sorry if repeated. 

How do I setup sonar to work properly?   I realized I think I had it set up wrong.  I had sonar set to path = /tv/ (tv is ported to docker and is Media/tv share on unraid)

I noticed in the Media/tv folder I had a subfolder created for eg: /ncis/season1/.  BUT the actual files were NOT being copied to that.  In the root /Media/tv folder there were all the files listed there, NOT actually in the season subfolder.  


I did some reading and it sounds like I should have a folder in my /download/series folder.  My understanding is

Sonar will send request to NZBGET.   Nzbget will download the file and save file per its categories settings. (I have Series category now set to /download/complete/series). THEN when the d/l is finished.   Sonarr will scan that folder and move the files to the PATH set in sonarr.  Which is /media/tv.    


I made these changes.  Now the files are in the /download/complete/series folder.  But NOT being copied to /media/tv folder.    


What is the best way to setup this.   

Using NZBGET and sonarr and radarr.   

Addon: I believe radarr is a fork of sonarr.  So I am guessing workflow should be the same?  Please advise

Addon:  is there a way to rescan a my drive in sonarr (and radarr) to move the files into the correct folders and rename files appropriately?


Thanks in advance!


/Media/tv and /media/tv are not the same. Linux is case sensitive.

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20 hours ago, trurl said:


/Media/tv and /media/tv are not the same. Linux is case sensitive.

Yeah.  I know that.   Simple typo on here.  I have been running Arch linux for years.  New to unraid and sonarr.   Like what sonarr can do vs simple script and nzbget by it self.  Just can't get it setup right.  

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  • 5 weeks later...

On the System -> Status tab, i dont see the free space within the share, i see the space that is available in the docker vDisk:


/ 14.3 GB 25.0 GB
/etc/resolv.conf 14.3 GB 25.0 GB
/etc/hostname 14.3 GB 25.0 GB
/etc/hosts 14.3 GB 25.0 GB


My tv series are stored in /tv/<series>, which is in the template as read/write, and points to a folder within a share on the array.


Is this an issue with Sonarr, the docker container, or my configuration?


I opened a bug report in the sonarr git, and was told that its probably a permissions issue?



Edited by jj_uk
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5 minutes ago, jj_uk said:

Is this an issue with Sonarr, the docker container, or my configuration?

None of the above, or all of the above. Here is how mine looks, and my actual docker mappings are /config /downloads /media.

I'm not really sure where sonarr scrapes its list of relevant paths, 'cause it sure isn't very relevant.

Pretty sure it's related to the original build environment, because I use binhex's version and he likes to reference /data, which I remove and change to /downloads.

Point is, sonarr's status tab doesn't reflect the actual paths in use for us.

Location Free Space Total Space
/ 14.1 GB 30.0 GB
/config 182.1 GB 446.9 GB
/data 14.1 GB 30.0 GB
/etc/resolv.conf 14.1 GB 30.0 GB
/etc/hostname 14.1 GB 30.0 GB
/etc/hosts 14.1 GB 30.0 GB
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I'm trying to add SimplyNZBs as an indexer but I'm getting an error: 


System.Net.WebException: Error getting response stream (ReadDoneAsync2): ReceiveFailure: 'https://simplynzbs.com/api?t=caps&apikey=(removed)' ---> System.Net.WebException: Error getting response stream (ReadDoneAsync2): ReceiveFailure

I've attached the full error in a file.


I've got 6 other indexers all working fine so it appears it could be Simply but I've come across other threads saying it could be the version of mono in the docker? This same issue happens with Linuxserverio's Radarr docker as well.


The docker is running mono version


Any clues?



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